Now that Christmas is as lar away as ever we look forwar to the New Year 1977 and las of the Christmas festivities are entered into our Book o Memories. Of these we men tion briefly the School Christ mas Concert held in the Schoo Auditorium on Tuesday evening, Dec. 21 when it's walls literally bulged with th large audience who enjoyed an excellent program. It opened with a welcome by little Trisha and Dwayne Lush and Principal Bruce Lush. A choir with two part singing of <ade 5 and 6 pupils sang fiv igs. The Kindergarten wor tuge red bow ties as they recited and sang with actions four numbers. A play, "Santa Claus in Mother Goose Land' by Grade 1 and 2 was a super >duction supported by a air from Grade 6 and Santa as jolly as acted by Brian l'aspell. A Rhythm Band by Grade 3 and 4 could easily vie for top placing with any orchestra, as they played three selections. The Special Education Class pupils were clever magicians in their magic tricks. An old favourite poem, "The Night before Christmas" was pic- torially projected on the screen and commentated by Grade 2 and 3 with visual effects controlled by Andrea Robson. Grade 5 and 6 choir sang again four familiar songs. The closing number was a chorus by all grades in two carols and "Thank You" by Dianne Cornall. Athough space has permit- ted mention of only a few fine names we will add that artists .who designed the cover of the ,programs were Carrie David- son, Dwayne Traviss, Tom 'Holmes and Christopher Clif- ton. Much credit is due the Staff for a superlative entertain- ment and they are Bruce Lush (Principal), Dennis Barry, Bert Perry, Larry Rogers, Gary Robinson, Eileen Bur- gess, Margaret Snowden, Vera Drew, Pat Balsam, Helen Varga, Douglas Dewell (Accompanist), Ruth Nielsen (Custodian), Reva Kinsman (Secretary). Then came the Christmas Carolling on the eve of Dec. 22 and 23 by the Youth Group "Guys and Dolls" who wish to say thank you to the folks for the generous offerings they g'ave for the financial support of planned projects. Christmas Eve service was fairly well attended but unfor- tunatley had small represen- tation from us as other committments claimed so many. We were the losers as a r- nificent service was given i yrone Church with it's thinne "Christmas according to Peanuts", Christmas Carols and two Folk Songs, Bible Readings, Choir An- thems, 'O Holy Night" and Hey, Hey Anybody Listen- i ?" The Parable of Peanuts introducedand given in SEpisodes by Linus, Char- lie Brown, Lucy, Sparky and Snoopy. Rev. Kempling led in the order of service and sing songs. Christmas Day and Eve saw mnany family gatherings as there is "No Christmas like a home Christmas." Sunday (Boxing Day' had a good attendance at both morning services, to worship together FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Look for this seal. It's your guarantee of permanence T STAFFORD -. BROS. LTD. Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMIED 318 Dundas St. E. -Whitby Phofle Whitby 668-3552 r un tne 1976 Vesper Sunday. d The New Year will be t ushered in by New Year's Eve s parties and New Year's Day. f family gatherings and Church - centred activities such as: 1. - Sun., Jan. 2, 1977 New Year's 1 Commmunion will be cele- y brated at the regular service s times. 2. Sun., Jan 9th concert e by G.M. Choir in School d Auditorium which is spon- sored by our Stewards, please y reserve your seat now. 3. Sunday, Jan. 9th is the target date for annual reports. 4. f Sunday, Jan. 16th, 8 p.m. e Enniskillen Congregation will e hold it's annual meeting in the y Church. 5. May the local s Church auditor have Trea- surer's books of all organiza- tions between Jan. 10-20, 1977. r 6. Monday Jan. 24th 8 p.m. The Official Board will Ineet in Enniskillen United Church. Our community was deeply shocked by the terrible news from Switzerland received by Mr. and Mrs. R. Stenger of a serious accident which hap- pened to their 15-year-old grandson (Cordula's son) in a bicycle and car collision. He is d in intensive care with brain damage. Our sincerest wish is a speedy and complete recov- ery for him. Sara Jones accompanied David Dalton of New York city to spend the holiday week with David's aunt and uncle Mar- garet and Orville Ashton and all enjoyed family parties on Christmas Eve and Day with Lois and Keith Worden, Rich- ard and Elisabeth and Boxing Day with Karen and Charles Ashton and Tara. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dittburn- ie, Ottawa, spent the Christ- mas holiday week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. Trewin and accompanied Mrs. C.E. Horn, Miss Dee Fegan, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin and Donald to spend Christmas Day with Mrs. Fred Trewin and family, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Lang- maid, Solina, were with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stain- ton, Misses Elva and La Verne Orchard were Christmas guests with Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Dickey and Miss Vel- ma Dickey, Bowmanville. Mrs. Gertie Lyons, spent Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Pollard. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott and family spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Read and sons and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Piggott, all of Bow- manville. Master Andy Piggott is spending holidays with grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Piggott, Bowmanville. The E.A. Werry family Christmas party was enjoyed at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Clark Werry, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wonna- maker, Seagrave, were Thurs- day evening visitors with Mr. Adam Sharp. Mr. and rs. Bob Dittburn- er. Ottawa in company with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin were Sunday guests of Mrs. C.E. Horn, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. George Lead- beater, Lori and Mark, Miss Candy Clark, Oshawa, were Christmas Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McGill and family, Mississauga, Mr. and Mrs. Garth McGill and family, Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue, Judy and Laurie were Christmas Day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGill, and all joined to celebrate with the Virtues on Sunday. Mr. andMrs, David Stainton and family, Cobourg, Mrs. Keith Cryderman and family, Zion, R. Hall and girls, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hockin and family, Elmvale, celebrated Christ'- mas with Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton and grandma Mrs. E. Stainton. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Shemon, Susan and Fred, Haydon, Mr'. and Mrs. Bob Dittburner, Ottawa were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Newcastle Nursery School Holds Christmas Concert This band of angels and shepherds is made up of children three to five years of age who attend the Newcastle Nursery school in Newcastle Village. The children performed a Christmas concert last week for their parents and when this picture was taken, the children were getting ready for the concert with a dress rehearsal. The children a iso re-enacted nursery rhymes such as Little Jack Horner and Humpty Dumpty. Remembrance Day Winners Presented with Awards On Thursday evening at the Bowmanville Royal Canadian Legion branch hall on Queen Street, the area winners of the Remembrance Day Poem and Essay competition received their awards. The ceremony was in charge of Community Program Chairman Bob Brown with Branch President Stan Dunn making the presentations. The winners are pictured here, front row, left to right, Paul Lane, Paul Quantrill, Paul Barnett, Rhonda Peterson, Brenda McIntyre, Denise Marie Kemp, Pamela Frank, Michael Gallagher Lisa Cancilla; back row, Chairman Bob Brown, Marilyn Haas, Andrea Dalrymple, Cynthia Ball and Brian McGill; absent, Gwen Howarth. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rekker and family, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorland, were Christmas Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery. Mrs. Emily Collacutt, Bow- manville, Miss Lynne Naylor, Dale Griffin, Oshawa, Mrs. Lu Griffin were Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Griffin and Miss Heather Griffin. Mn. H. McCalum and friend, Oshawawere Monday callers at Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater's. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue and girls were Friday evening callers at Mr. A. Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald and Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton, Beth, Barbara, Allen and Grant, Haydon, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Strenge and David, Mississauga, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ashton, Oshawa, Mr. J.R. Ormiston, Mr. Adam Sharp, were with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp's for Christmas. UUEDCAR CAR of the WEEK: 1974 Pinto Squire Automatic, Equipped with Radio and Luggage Rack Lic. LDR-522 $2488 219 KING STREET EAST 623-4481 BOWMANVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb celebrated Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Don Lamb's, Bailieboro and also with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skin- ner, Bowmanville, Mr. Adam Sharp were Christmas dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sharp and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wray, Orono. Mrs. Reta Muller, Colborne, spent the Christmas week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Muller, and joined the Wright families on Sunday to celebrate Christ- mas at Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright's and also celebrated baby Jeffrey Wright's first birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty were Saturday evening supper guests with the Jim Muller's. Mrs. Norma Bradford, Miss Marguerite Wright, Oshawa, were Sunday tea guests with Edgar and Annie Wright, Keith Moore was a caller and Brooke Clemens of Hampton spent the week-end with his gnandiparents. Mr. and Mrs: Ray Van Meer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Piper and family, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Haass and family, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill were Christ- mas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill and family. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ashton and Paul, Bowmanville were Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton and Mr. S. Kersey. Mr. and Mrs. R. Howe and family were Sunday visitors with relatives at Beaverton. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Potts, Charlene and Christopher, Haydon, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. McGill. Recent visitors with Mr. S. Kerseyfand Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton, were Mr. and Mrs. Reg Kersey, Gimli Manitoba, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pooler, Mrs. Janet Hines, Mrs. A. McCune and Cathy, Mn. and Mrs. Ray Bunns, Oshawa and Mn. and Mrs. Len Player and boys of Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Howe and family, Whitby, Mn. Earl Howe and Jody, Cannington were Monday evening guests Bl1a ckstock Mrs. Willaim Durkee, Yar- mouth, Nova Scotia, is spend- ind Christmas Holidays with her daughter Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fudge. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Graham and family, Mrs. C. Graham, Mrs. Reg Boundy were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Howe. Mr. and Mrs. M. Pollard and family were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Art Pollard, Brougham. Mrs. Jack Herod, Weston, Mrs. Walter Rahm, Tyrone were recent callers at Mrs. Russell Griffin's. A Christmas party was held on Monday at Mn. and Mrs. Donald Taylors Solina for the Taylor family. Rev. and Mrs. Robert Sherwin and Nancy, Picton were overnight guests with he father Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor. of Mr. and ivIrs. Gerald Kelly and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hoskin and family, Mr. ahd Mrs. Bob Fletcher and family spent Christmas day with Mn. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Graham and family joined the family for evening dinnen. Mn. and Mrs. Bob Fudge and family and Mrs. Willaim Durkee visited her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Boud- reau of Trenton. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorrell entertained their family op Christmas Eve, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dickson, Burlingtoh Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wills, Kenora, Heather, Chatham, and Jan- ice, Ottawa.. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Marlow and family had as guests on Christmas Day Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wnright, Mr. and Mrs. Say "CHEESE" for a variety of DECEMBER IS tasty.teats.. PARTY MONTH Cheese offers the greatest variety in flavorful food from creamy, mild farmer s cheese to the sharpest cheddar and rouquefort cheese. Eat it with crackers, bread, fruit or vegetables. Cheese making is an ancient art and we offer you the finest selection of domesticand imported varieties. ENNISKILLEN The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 29, 1976 15 Bill Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wills, Heather andJanice Dorreil. The winners at the weekly Senior Citizen card party with 25 tables were; 1st-Anne Taylor 89, 2nd-Belle Werry 85, Lorna Richards 84, 4th-Jim Latimer 82, 5th-Yeoman Luke 82, 6th-Pearl Day 81, Low-El- wood Tripp. During the even- ing the High School Choral Singers entertained with a few carols. The hall was nicely decorated including a Christ- mas tree and special prizes were given. Many thanks to those who donated the prizes. Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson Sam- ells were Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Samells and Wendy, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rogers and baby, Peterborough and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Archer, Bowmanville. Christmas Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harris were Mr. Alex Flett, Fenelon Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chapman, Linda and Lori, Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Birkett, Judy and Joanne, Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Edgerton, Anne and Lisa, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Magill and Brian, Columbus, Jim Harris, Toron- to, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mahaffy, Grant McLaughlin, Lynn Bar- ter, Neil McLaughlin and Kathy Gunter. Thursday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Graham and family were Mr. and Mrs. Keith VanCamp, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Merill VanCamp, Mr., and Mrs. Bob Holliday, Mrs. Marilyn Cochrane and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fletcher. Sunday and Monday visitors of Rev. and Mrs. Victor, Parsons and family were Rev. and Mrs. Leciester Bigby and family of Welland, formerly of Enniskillen. The Christmas Eve service at Blackstock United Church was filled to capacity. The evening consisted of a Christ- mas Carol Medley led by Glenn Larmer, The Dorell sisters singing "Christmas Day", Janet and Marlene Parson singing a duet "Little Lamb." Louise VanCamp and Caro- lyn Carnaghan a duet "Mary had a baby". Readings through out the scripture by the Peter Van Der Huel family. Special Men's Choir sang "In a Manger" and "Jubilate", Glady's Thomp- Sson gave a reading. Readinis eby Rev. Victor Parsons and other Congregational carols. Y There were flowers in Mem- ory of Mrs. Alma Fowler given by her daughter Helen and family. On 'uesday, Dec. 21st, the Junior and Intermediate pu- pils presented a concert for their parents and grades 7 and 8 students. There were a number of varied Christmas celebrations within the-school. Mr. and Mrs. John Dowson, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Van Camp, Robert, Bill and Paul were Wednesday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Camp to celebrate Donna's December birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thomp- son, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dowson and Andrew, Miss Susan Thompson and Miss Ruth Marlow enjoyed Christ- mas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Camp were Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Van Camp and family. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Say- well and Miss Barbara Riding were Monday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kemp and Jeffery and Mr. Jack Van Camp. Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Toms were Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon, Susan and Fred, Haydon, Mr. and Mrs. Harold McLaughlin, Janis and Kelly, Bill St. John, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bradburn, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Van Camp and family. Roy Werry spent a few days at Christmas with his brother Dr. and Mrs. Murray Werry and girls of Deep River. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Larmer and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gibson and Patricia, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lindquist (Marlene), Sasktachewan; Mr. and Mrs. Don Larmer and family, Peterboro; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gibson, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lar- mer and family, Barrie; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Larmer and family, Pickering; Mr. and Mrs. Lyn Pascoe and Rhonda, Calgary and Miss Edna Lar- mer. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright, Elaine and Eleanor, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wright and family were Christmas day dinner guests of Miss l ay without lessons? JANIUARY SALE ON ALL ORGANS GREAT PRICES SOME USED ORGANS Also HEINTZMAN PIANOS NEW and USED -Corne in Today!ý HAMMOND ORGANS fMusical Fun! Oshawa Organ Centre Ltd. HAMMOND ORGAN STUDIOS Free Lessons - Expert Prompt Service - Easy Credit 16 Simcoe St. North at King, Oshawa Phone 728.1675 Open Monday throuqh Friday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. Closed Dykstra's Delicatessen Food Market 73 - 77 King St. W. 623-3541 Bowmanvlll, Hazel Wright and Mr. Garnet Wright of Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Larmer and family were Sunday afternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Larmer. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wright, Miss Hazel Wright and Mr. Garnet Wright were Monday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Lyn Pascoe and Rhonda of Calgary are spending two weeks with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Larmer and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pascoe, Solina. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Toms and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Van Camp went to Peterboro on Sunday to pay their respects to Mrs. Tom's cousin, the late Mr. Grant Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Atkinson enjoyed a few days over Christmas with their sons, Peter and Patric, Brampton. Mrs. C. Toaze of Oshawa spent Christmas day with her daughter Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wheeler and family. Mike Wheeler left for Alber- ta on Sunday. We wish him a safe journey. Mr. and Mrs. Bil Harper and John of Port Perry and Mrs. Lillian Wilson of Man- chester were Christmas din- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leach and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Holt, Whitby were Christmas Eve dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fletcher and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and girls held the Kelly Christmas gathering on Mon- day. Those who enjoyed the day with them were Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly, Bobcay- geon, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kelly, Leigh and Scott, Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Bert McMenemy, Christine, Steve and Paul, Oshawa, Mark Cummings, Buckhorn and Mrs. Courtney Graham. Congratulations to Debbie McLaughlin and Peter Kris- tensen on their wonderful placing in the Legion Literary contest. Debbie's poem and Peter's essay placed first in the Zone and then proceeded to the District and on to the Provincial contest. Congratu- lations to Laurie Bailey on winningest on her poem in the Zone. Once again the Cart- wright young peoplenhave BowmanvIlle