16 The Canadian Statesman, l3owmanville. January 19, 1977 KENDAL Mr. andi Mrs. Ruddi Willer- ding and daughter Susan, and Mrs. Wilerding's mother Mrs. Sallak of Scarborough spent the Wednesday between Christmas and New Year's with Miss Catherine Stewart. W7ith Mr. and Mrs. Don Hillis and family over the holiday week were Mr. and MUrs. Hillis Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Don Hamilton ail of Peterborough also their son Brad who was- home from university. Mrs. Margaretta Stevens spent the Christmas week in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hellebust and family. Mr. and, Mrs. 'R. Elliott spent New Year's Day with Misses Margaret and Clara, Seens. With Miss Catherine Stew- art on New Year's Were Mr. and Mrs. Garland Cathcart CUT FROM CA and Mr. Arthur Thompson. S Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Dunbar and family of London visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, R. Elliott also Hlarland Elliott. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Little of Fraserville and Mr. R.L. Hoy spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Downes and family. During thie Christmas weelk several groups of organiza-E tions journeyed to Mr. A. Downes' farm where he takes groups on sleigh riding par- ties. Mr. and Mrs. D. Skerratt left last week for a holiday in -Florida. For the first Suntlay of the New Year, Rev. A. Tizzard's mnessage was 'Holy Commun- ion' after which The Sacre- mient was served. Mr. Roy -?atton was greeting friends at the door.E Kendal United Chuirch Womnen met at the home of Mrs. Eleanor Foster'on Wed- nesday afternoon. Mrs. J. Stapleton our out-going pres- ident presided. The meeting opened with the hymn "For The Beauty of the Earth" CTF MC followed by repeaàting the Lord's Prayer. The minutes of the December meeting wereM R rea d and approved. The finan- cial report for the past year was given. The matter of where to hold the World Day of Prayer was discussed, anid the pot luck dinner for the Kenidal congregatiorn was announced for Sunday evening before the Hymn Sing. Thank you notes were read. The nominating committee was unable to corne up with a new president for the coming year. Mrs. î CTFO CA Stevens, Mrs. Tizzard, Mrs. CUT FROM FC Foster and Mliss Stewart are BNLS R to each take their turn as anM acting president for a three month perîod. The annuial reports of the standing co-m- myittees were thien fillied out ý !'eady te be sent te presbYteýr- aI. Mrs. G. Cathicart and Mrs. Foster were the hostesses. The February meeting is to be at the home of Mrs. R. Elliott. At the Card Party Friday evening, in Kendall Orange Hall, the prizes were as follows. High lady-Brenda CTFO AA Lowery and low lady-Colleen MEATY BEEF Moffat. High gent George BRAISING RI Elgear and low gent went to Roy MacDonald. The 50-50 CUT FROM CANADA GRAI draw was won by Mrs. Aleck BONELES Moffat. Next card party in twoST WB E week's time. At church onSunday Rev. A. Tizzard's sermon, was entitled BITTNER'S SLICEO, "Predictions". Mrs. A. Foster BOLOGNA, played the organ. Around 5 p.m. the Kendal congregation met again for a bounteouspo BITTNER'S POCISH luck supper having as their SAUSAG E guests the Wagar Family who were taking part in the Hymnýi Sing of the evening. Mr. Mark BITTNER S SKINLESS Wagar has four brothers and WIENERS one sister who were al present with their familles also present were Mr. and UNIVERSAL DELUXE Mrs. Wagar' Sr. from Nap- PIZZA PIES anee. Everyone present'from all three points on the charge MAPLEEF MAC &CHEE Friday evening. Ail children are welcomne. Severai fromn this district GAUAIDVH attended the Concert in Ennis- GAUAE killen School on Sunday night and enjoyed hearing the General Motors choir of Osh- awa. Beiated birthday wishes go out to Mrs. J. Smith who was OE4k A born in Scotland on Christ- mas Day. AIl the best for 1977 OnIy with this coup Gloria. purchase of a $10o Mr. and Mrs. Don Roberge (exclud ing cigarett and famnily went to Sher- UI brooke, Quebec, for the Christ- ONE BAG PER COUPON mas holiday to visit their"1 parents. "hscuo a New Year's guests with MUr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor we,(re Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bickel, Katie, Ann and Julie, Alice and John Kennedy and Dianne and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ashton. LB. ;ANADA GRADE-AIBEEF, BONE IN 11T RIB ROAST Mc NADA GRADE "ýA" BEEF )M THE BRISKET PLATE )Tý ROAST loc DA GRADE "A" IBS .0EWABEEF, -- UTCH ýHEON. 'ATS M NA MION BEEF s .UM VACUUM CRYOVAC 1/2'S AND 1/4'S BE EF, SPECIAL!, SP ECIAL I SPECIAL! PKG. 4 SPECIAL! LB. 1.28 SPECIAL! 250OZ.17 PKG. 1.1 f SPECIAL! PKoz394 SPECIAL! LB1 .39 6 OZ.004 PKG.f SIZE1.79 PK.794 BOX99 LB .1.68ý CUT FROM CANADA GRADEW"BEEF, CAP ON RIB STEAKS BR;AVO PlAIN SPAGHETTI SAUCE SPECiAiL; 28 1LO CREAM STYLE OR WHOLE KERNEL CORNsEIL PEAS, PEAS & GARROTS OR SEIL MIXEO VEGETABLES12FOZ3/ LIBBY'S VEGETlABLES 2LZ3/5 FROZEN PIZZA FAMOSA READY TO SÉRVE HABITANT VEGETABLE OR PEA SOUP SCOTT WRITE OR RAINBOW FAMILY NAPKINS VOORTMAN'S APPLE OATMEAL WINDMILL, DATE FILLED, RASPBERRY OR CHERRY COOKIES SANITARY NAF-KINS CONFIDETS STICK DEODORANT RIGHTIGUARD SCENTED OR UNSCENTEO FINAL NET NON AEROSOL HAIR SPRAY LAN DE R'S BABY SHAMPOO OVEN CLEANER EASY OFF ORANGE FLAVOUR SWING CRYSTALS ASSTD FLAVOURS ALLEN'S DRINKS SPEC lAI S2.59 SPECIAL! 14 FL. Oz3/10OO OF180 .- PK z2lf 08 z SP ECIAL I 650fmil CONT SPECIAL! 14 OZ AERO CONT I SPECIAL! 4 x31/40Z.89 PKGS. SPECIALI 48 FL. « oz. 1L TIN ASST'D VARIETIES SPAGHETTI AND MACARONI IANCIA PASTA FRAY BENTOS LEAN CORNED BEEF RED RiOSE ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGS TROPIC GEM REFRIGERATED ORANGE JUICE JOHNSON'S BLANCHED PEANUTS FABRIC SOFTENER KLEEN-BRITE GAINES DOG F00D PUPPY CHOICE CARNATION DOG F000 MIGHTY DOG 12 OZ.19 TIN SPECIAL' PKG. OF60 SPECIAL! 48 FL TL.69y SPECIAL! 16 OZ.89 F-KG.8 128 FLOZ 1A.4, CONT U~ U SPECIAL! PKG.1.59Z SPECIAL! 6 O25 WIN BTL '_ýI OURMETGETAWAY - - Rddy, Bittner's butcher says, 'You could win a return trip for two from Toronto to Frankfurt abpard Air Canada's non-stop 747 service and $1.000 cash spending money or one of 50 $10l G iftCertificates L'fomBterok for full contest rules and entry forms - fwm wherever Bittner's products are sold. ~'p'~Enter as often as you like. Contest closes 5 p.m. March 18, 1%77. DOMINO VANILLA OÎR NEAPOLITIAN ICE CREAM IMPERIAL SOFT COLOURED MARGARINE 16 OZ, TUIB FLORIDA'S FINEST INDIAN RIVER SIZE 48'S WHITE GRAPEFRUIT 10/694, ONTARIO GROWN CANADA FANCY GRADE DELICIQUS APPLES PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. RADISHES VEG ETABLE CRISCO OIL VALIAN TINSTANT CHOCOLATE PARTIALLY SKIMMED 2% MILK N TOMATO SAUCE, DOMINION BEANS WITH PORK 3 LB. 78 BAG1, 334 SPECIAL! 38 FL OZ. B-1L.5 30QT BAGOUR JUG PLUS 4 4 DEPOSIT M ON JUG *U SPECIAL! 28 FL. OZ ý c TIN M. VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING TIME TUES. JAN. 25,11977.- iITE > pon and-the o rde r tes) ~iid until Tuesday Jars 25, 1977". WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LUMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REOUIFIFMENTS DOMINION STORES LUIMITED oucan depeni on our pi-ces., ANADA GRADE 'ABEEF, 3HORT CUl 'RIME B ROAST * N . * A 2 LB. PKG. LB. . RE 2 LITRE CARTON CUT FROM CANADA GRADE ABE BONE IN PLATE BRISET ju am-lm MM= 3 1 ý 71 ( t -0 -c r.ý