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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1977, Section 2, p. 2

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2 The Canadian Statesman- BoWmanvillp * anuarv 19. 1977 Section Two O n Wednesday, Jan. 12, the Solina Women's Institute began the New Year by asking their husbands to the meeting. The meeting was planned and looked after by the east group, under the leadership of Mrs. Vi Ashton and Mrs. M. Broome. The opening and business were conducted by our Presi- dent, 'Mrs. F. Watson, and Secretary-treasurer Mrs. H. Milîson. There were many 'Thank You' letters from those Who had been remembered at Christmas and some of our newlyweds. Mrs. Watson announced that we should planr who was to be delegate to the Officer's Conference at Waterloo in May. Registration must be in by March lst, There is a cushion top competition open to anvone interested. Tt will B YAM' PLUMBING & HEATING and AI R CONDITION ING TYRONE, ONTARIOr Phone 263-2650W first be taken to our District Annual. Our adopted daugh- ter, Lao Ching, sent a letter of thanks for our gift of $20.o Summary Day for our Short Course on Dairy Foods will be on January 24th. Members going, are tQ meet at the Hall at 12:30 p.m. Leaders for, the next 4-H Course 'The Cereal Shelf' will' bc Mrs. R. Best and Mrs. B. Drake. Plans were completed on our 'Happy Daze Revue'. to be put on by St. Paul's Church, Bowmianville. There are a few more Institute Tea Towels that are marking the area 75th Anni- versary. We also began the plan for our Casserole Luncheon and Fashion Show for March. Mrs. R. Rowsell with Mrs. Hilîs reported on purchasing gifts for shut-ins at Christmas and visiting each taking the gift. She also announced that there is to be a Participation House built in Bowmanville. This will be a home for handicapped adults. A, meet- ing in regard to this will be held at the Holiday Inn, late in January. Anyone 'interested, will be welcome to accompany her to the meeting. 1Mrs. Wm. Ashton took the Most recent Consumer Maga- zine to report on in February. Mrs. W. Hilîs read a letter of appreciation from Mr. and Mrs. A. Rowsell, for the gift of chairs and table set. There will be a wedding anniversary reception and dinner to cater for in Febru- ary The Roll Caîl-An Old Pro- verb, we can apply in modern living. The responses surely recalled many we had long since forgotten. such as.i SOLINA WvI. Bank- of Commerce Building, Branch On New Corner SeparateSchool Teochers Plan to Take Strike Vote -Spare the Rod ând Spoil the Child." Mrs. Win. Ashton took charge for the program wel- cQming the husbands espec- ially. She opened with a poemi on the New Year. Then, Mrs. Ashton referred to their groups last meeting, when Pastor Erb took the, topic on pornographie Literature. To follow thjs up, letters are to be written to important people in Ottawa and will be signed by ail our members. Copies of these will be sent to our members for each govern- ment. This way, it is hoped to get attention from those in a position to help stop the amount of literature, of this sort, which is so easily obtained. Mrs. B. Tink gave the motto on "Refleet on your present blessings-not your past mis- fortunes". She said we should think each day on the best way to live the day-The conclusion was that the best way was to live it with guidance from God. That is sufficient. Mrs. C. Langmaid, as ac- companist and Mrs. R. Fra- ser, as Star, a humorous, musical skit was given. Among my Souvenirs, Mrs. Fraser was costumed similar to the 30's period. (We-had some queer ideas then too!) She took several articles of clothing from an old travelling bag including the unmiention- ables, while singing the song. Photographs and an old rose were among hier Souvenirs. Then, Mrs. Fraser read ar- ticles from, a scrap book on important happenings in the 20's, 30's, 40's and 50's. We ail could recaîl some of these events-At least most of us could. Mrs. R. Best was in charge of showing a film on Amelia Earhart, the famous woman air pilot who won famne in the 30's for,_her pioneering in aviation. The film was most Soper Creek Nursery School - LICENSED- 98 Concession St. East Bowmanville To Open January, 3, 1977 Two ha If day Sessions Monday to f riday 9 a.m. to 1l:30a.m. or1 p.M. to 3:30 p.m. Full or Part-time Registration now Available, Cail supervisor Carol Anderson 623-3613 The uanacuan Imperial Bank of Con.mmeêrce is working on plans to relocate its maini branch to the northeast corner of t he King St. and Templ^erance St. intersection in Bow manville. The bank has occupied the building on the southwest block of thé four corners for over 40 years. No final plans on the future of the building shown above presently used by the branch have been made yet. Below, the future site of a one storey building planned as the bank's main branch is shown. The site on the northeast corner is now the -location of four of the town's businesses. Nt binding arbitration, a teach-, ers' spokesman said Tlhe board has ofiered an eight per cent pay increase but the teachers have turned down that offer. There are 385 teachers with the Durham Separate Shool Board. They are members 'of the Ontamio English Catholie Teachers Association eco.opeîâtors The demand for elec- tricity in Ontario reaches its peak early in the evening on cold winter weekdays. Be'-twcen 4 and 7, everyone's asking for dcc- tricity M0any factories, stores and offices arestill open. Street lights are on.The kids are home from sehool, parents home from work, evening. meals are being prepared. And the heating system has to work harder. It ail adds up. Demnands for electric- ity have been increasing at a pace that can no longer be met. The rate of growth must be reduced. You can help by avoid- ing the big jobs like baking, washing and drying between 4 and "/. Make sure that unused ights, TVs and appliances are off. Take it easy on the hot water. 111Please do ail you can to save electricity, Conserve energy. 9" The future depends on it. 23 Bond Str'eet iEast, Oshawa 0 728-1261 interesting, aknd miade us reaTize the bmavemy-,, and eni- thusiasmi shown by Miss Éarhart (Mrs. George Put- namn). t is sad to think she disappeared on a flight around the world in 1937. Her achieve- ments must have been a guide to nîl women in aviation. Her flights, across the Atlantic, from Hawaii f0 Califomnia as well as shorter ones brought hier great fame and inispired men and women thmoughout the wold. Mrs, Ashton read-a humourous pièce on "How a Married Man Sews on a button." Mrs. Langmaid and Mms. Fraser'conducting. The selec- tions were familiar to us-popu- lar when we were young-White Cliffs of Dover, Mares Eat Oats, Doe Eat Oats, Meet me in St. Louis, Louis -and others. Mrs. L. Broome expressed the thanks to each one who helped with the program. The whole group served a lunch of sandwiches, tea and relishes., This evening was most enjoyable after the snow storm of Monday. The monthly meeting of the Hampton Women's Institute was held on Tuesday, January 4th in the C.E. Wing., The Institute Ode was sung and the Mary Stewart Collect epeat- ed in unison. Mrs. Bryant read a poem- Things Will Be Better. The Roll Call-A New Year's Resol- ution'was well answered. Min- utes were read and approved. King Qptéca( OMPANY A Committee of Mrs. Kan- tor, Mrs. Allun, Mrs. Mountjoy and Mrs. Bryant was put in to arrange for the District An- nual which is to, be held on May lOth at Hampton. Mrs. Slemon took the chair and called on Mrs. Kantor for the Motto- "Home is the head- quarters for building a better world". Mr. Walter Beath, Chair- man of Durham Region, was our guest speaker and spoke on Durham Region which consists of 1,000 square miles and a quarter of a million people where there used to the 21 municipalities, the Region now consists of 8; Mrs. Macklin thanked Mr. Beath for coming ouf fo speak to us-Mrs. Grace Smith favoured us with a lovely piano solo.- The meeting closed by repeating the Lord's Prayer. A lunch of sandwiches and tea was served by the lunch committee-Mrs. ýChant and Mrs. Clemens. ELIZABETH VILLE The Women's Institute held their January meeting at Mr. and Mrs. Ken Trew's home. A good number attended. The president Mrs. H. Thickson. presided. The roîllcaîl was, "A line in the Mary Stewart Collect and what if means to you". The minutes were reaci and a fînancial report, dis- cussed. We plan to finance our Foster child another year. Mrs. C. Elliott brought us a report from the executive meeting. Mrs. H. White had an excellent talk on the work done in Port Hope on historiai buildings by students. She had sides of homes in:Port Hôpe and explained the ages by the style and trim of the homes. LuInch was served. HOSPITAL BOWINLIýN G Ladies high single-Barb, lngram 288, high triple Barb Ingram 679, high average- Barb Hanc 202. Men's high' single-John Besso 282, hîgh triple-Bihl Humber 719,, high average- Wm. Vanstone 213. Team stan dings-Team 1-10 points, Team 2-10,,Team 5-9, SV41 Team3-7, Team 6-6i Team 4-0. Team 1-high pins 3558. These are ijust two of -ou r Representatives who can take care of a Il your Insurance Needs LIFE - FIRE -AUTO- R.R.S.P. Give usa cati or Drop in to see us :ASTMAL.L 600 KI NG ST,. E. 728-1661 c muIJ iome 6,TyORAPIAINN The restoration of historical buildings, the COnlSîruLc tion of a frre hall, the replacement of an outdaied water system. If you stop and think about it ther e aire probably many good pi ojects that COulJd ci eate jobs and be of 'gi eat beriefil ta YOLII tomm111unity. This year, i new job t, recatron pi ogiarn calied Canada 'Nor ks will help fiogbt uricmjloyierit 'ypi oviding fiînds to pi orapsandI or parir/aitiorincludrng private busiosst, orw1hvtl'illc oriiiiunnty pr ojects. If you liivt' J pi tJt't that (ari provide a minimum tiI five jbusý loi- iwit rijloycd people in your area, sub- mit yourii)l)î li(,atioii IoC. inada 'vorks. tînt do il iiov. 1lIie dtîadlîne for applications is 1 'î ia> 4tlî. -Riglit riow, your Cainada Manpower Centre has nîlipp itioiiforrus id ia CanadaWVorks "Gu ide to Ap)pliçants" that describ5es the programn and bow Io iýijlY. Vîsit your Canada Manpower Centre toda>'. 'aaddWor ks: Make il work in xour comrîuunity. S This summerYoung Canada Works will help'reduce student unemployment by crealing jobs in your community.The students wilI work on projects cf çom- munit>' benefit that wiIl enable them to test their career aspirations. An>' establishedorganization can submit an applica- tion toYoung Canada Works.. Your proposai should provide a minimum cf three student jobs for six consecutive weeks. Projects can operate for up to 14 weeks between May and, September.Your local CMC bas aYoung CanadlaWorks 'Guide" and application form. Submit your application now.Thedeadline forYoung Canada Works is Februar>' 4th. Young Canada Works for students inyour communit>'. Manpawer- and Immigration Bud Cullen Minister Ministre IT'S GOING m ORK ~R YOUR COMMUNIW. Main-d'Seuvre et Immigration Sud Cullen T'eaciiers with the Durham Separate, School Board will take a strike vote this Friday, January 2lst. The teachers made their decision after a meeting last Wednesday when negotiations fur the separate school board rejected a 12 per cent pay hike requested by the teachers. Board negotiators also me- fused a request that the The most important time of ail to Save

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