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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1977, p. 1

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Co-Presýidents Welcome MAP to C f C D e' o r orn Norhumerlnd urbm ne Inmgziewbicb Mr. "uevenuc rmprnOhrw ,w? holntth immagazines ini this cate- itself MP lanLweceds Lwec described as porno-rp graphicLabutncenotsin thei"b ard y may be approacbîng te saelogislate standards of gory show in, detailed ways force. crie te-onography trade coe-" tieitd ~s sze of-incomercevd rm oal(,"h akd.amotubelieveablly warped 14e s cateýi, . c col Cnee loan shrknË M. awew r1 Tw IPperverýsions.ville C aa na)tional probiem requir Aeianpbises$2 Mil- si. s rkiowen ase Ml> ho ing ntionl atention" in a loninprofits from sales in tsan d. "theisogrogfase vrimh ewolfo "oelrnepn ta y a ajuton speecýh to the Bowmanville Caaaîschnayohrsuc fcie(osid er magazi,,ne suicb as very rea epniiiy nm nee year. ncomein North America," be"Pyoyrtbidsqreo opinion, to legisiate the re-opno Chaberof omerc lat ros anua Caadianadded. bepornogaphie material." quired standards of moraiity, "o -snigbt ae ftésamne magazine ýrorY Snakngai hecbmbr s alc,ý iof,(li Mr. Lawrence, who is a Hie said that bie finds girlie hie stated o ce Spakngatth camers totaIIcu.ft)AOR 4!n , of Dalu annual dinner at the Flying Dutchman, the federal MP described bard core pornog- raphy as "sick and pervert- He also said that the pornography business is be- coming very profitable. Hle noted that most of the pornographie material enter- ing Canada comeb from the Los Angeles or New York areas and he said miuch of the source of such material is alreadycoïole by the element former Attorney-General for Ontario, told the audience of about 65 that there shouid be tougher laws ' to controül stand- ards of morality. "in the continuai strenuous effort required to prevent man from slipping back into bar- magazines and nudies per- sonally objectionable but he said that ini the trade they are referreýd to as iollipops. "I'm speaking of the rua] hiard core pornographic - mnateriai, Mr. Lawrence added. Hle said that books, But Mr. Lawrenice added: that laws are not the only way to, tackle the pornography problem. He pointed out thant the chrhhas a major role to play qind that public opinion their li publici materi. added. 1Mr. - saying our ef busineé phy has to be the ultirnate 4ated that the Bowman- 'amber of Commerce is e group that can use its st to hielp awaken public e to the probiem. )u can, endorse the stand gy or question themn on lack of stand. You can cize, sickniess of this al when you find it," he Lawrelnce conciuded by gthat "If ,we combine efforts, this type of éss can'be stopped." Volume 123 24 Pages BOW-MANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAYi, JANUARY 19, 1977 20c Per Copy School Cure takers Could Strike Fri'day annu-al dinner party of the. Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce last it týhe Flying Dutchman, Allan Lawrence, MP for Northumberland- i was the guest speaker. He is shown ab9ve warmnly welcomeed by nt Tony Brand, right, and his Co,-President, for this year, John Pogue. .wrence d'iscussed the increasing amnount of pornography that is SCanada and said the federal governmnent shouldb be doing something thle trend. A breakdown in negotiationsben school caretakers and the Northumberland d Newcastle Board of EMucation mray result irk a strike by midnight on Friday. If no agreemkent us reached befoTe then, the required waiting period wil enk per-mî,ttinrg a strike by the 160-member CUJPE Local 1206 representing maintenance saf custo- diains, cafeteria workers and four - s drivers. The Ministry of Labor issued a "no Iboard report" ogn thlenegotiations on January 6th, giving the local the right to strike at midnight on Friday. The union rejected an offer of seven per cent increase in wages by the board after askin3g for a settiement of 10 per cent. (Turn to Page TWO) Durhiam East ;NDP Plarn nn "oat Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education FH rCliff boasting and toa)sting, the Durham- East NDP R,ýidinig Association are sponsoring a CLIFF PILKEY R OAST!, to be beld on Saturday, March 26, 1977, at thý,e Kin1,smen Hall, Coîborn)e Street, Obw ava;Iabie late Ilast eese have bteen brisk -for what is sha,-Ping11P t oetof the gala e~ca vfentýýCoÇ tbis area in "Thle theme of thisspca dirner and .ro-ast is to )pay tribute to a man whoba served bis community fofir many years; in thetrd union movement, as a- former MPP for Oshawa, for mn years' service asa city aldermnan, and for bis receLnt election to the position as t'he President of the Ontario Federation of Labour.. .Cliff Pilkey bas served bis munity weii." Bar privileges commence at 6 p.m. witb a roast beef dinner foiiowing at 7:00. Dinner wîli be followed by a team of 'able ta'ff at Bowmianville Memnorial Hospital said goodbye to co-worker Doris y at a frelpatonFidaey afternoon. Mrs. Akey, form erly the ,al's aditn offier, 'etid this y ear after joining'the staff in 1957. ve, bordteasurerJohn Poueis shownprese tIn! rs.Akey with a rcaward in appreciato fher yemfsriei theBomnîe roasters' ali weiqaifeNd to tei the 'reai popyabout Ciff Piley. Tisti-bueMil wind up witb a dam~e endig at ?, withmui poiddby the Tw nterestng items conneed a% bthe coi maser camae up ths Mwek. The wfeoJo o 1W w ber husba"d ie he was Ver; cold e at ui VivaHancock Boad last TuesdKY n9Mt H-e iai"o, Istyeinide the brnnghousev." The other icdent hap- peneýPd Tuiesda.y imorning wvhen a concerned grand- miotheïr phoned lher daughi- ter-in-law to make sure she dressed her sehool aged chidren rml.The nine- year-old aughter ani- swered. Granma passed along th message that it was 20 below zerc.. The n-iine- yea-d querid "Fahrçn- heit or Cehss" iBITS & PIECES WE BLEW IT - A story camne in last week abouÎt some interesting speakers coming to Mitchell's Corners School, tonight to discuss what television programs should or should not be watched by chikiren. Unfortunately, the storywas left out last, week. So,. this is an apology and a last minute reminder that sadly will not reach folks in that area until after the event is over. It begins at 7:30 p.m.i SOIVEWHAT CHILLY - Something has defi- nitely gone wrong with our weather. Wýlhotever is looking after it can't be reading the Hlydro news releases about a shortage of power and certainly doesn't realize that this deep freeze is skyrocketing the où and gas hbis. It was 20 beiow zero this morning <Tuesday) and is likely to stay that cold for a day or two. That's chilly! HOLE-IN-ONE - Word came in on Monday that there are parts of the continent where it isn't so coýd, Down at the Belvedere Golf Course in Palm Beach, Florida, Mrs. Walter Rundle (Ivy) was playing golf and sank a hole-in-one on a 1441 yard par three hole, using her daughter Marilyni Kowal's clubs. Marilyn of Bowmanville Travel Centre is a bit annoyed because' the clubs neyer did that for her. Congratulations Ivy! YOUNG CANADA DAY - Hockey teams ini various categories and from a considerable distance wiII be converging on Bow-manville this Saturday for the annual Young Canada Day tournament for minor hockey pflayeýrs. The games b3eg'in at 9 a.m. and continue throughout the day and evening. Visitors w,ýil see some great hockiey, played by youngsters who give it everything they have Drop down and see for yourself. At the end of each game trophies are presented to winners and usually crests are also distributed as kesks TRUE- CANADIAN - GaryLutn of The Toronto Star h"ad an interesting column t',, ecently in which he mentioned how y ou coufld distinguish a true Canadian man. Just look at the cuiffs of hus trousers and you'll see a great ring of salft, especially on the ýright cuff where it drag--s on the wret floor of his car while driving. Ain t it tdhe truth? Our oldest son has a remnedy that wl save on cleaning bills. At night, soak th e cuff in cold water and suee out the saklt before haniginig up to dry. Therewnt be any crease lef t in thec morning, but the sait will ;have disappeared. year7 terxnIYIS o orce a ia ugurai mneeung iast i. îiurIsulay i; im.. I. 1"eituieils ruineLIV uuc; uiro Ulu AÇI right inelddé (front,ý row) E. M. Creighton, Vic-Cha-,irmnar W. H.R ara, Chiairmani. 1 C. Wilson, C. Vý johnson, cnr row) A. M. Thompson, M. S.bbo, D. J. Oliver, E. C. 'Parken, R.- L. Burke, G. Biythi S. D. Pa'rker, (back row,) zA. J. Werry, G. K. Humrphreys, S. T.Woen D. E.Gat and R. J. ~Wa1kei, SEAP WMIN Detoils ta Be Arranged Mv01eet Nex t Counci! ppovsNew Wednesdayçorîe &eStto TPhe SEA.P (rotin wll -he o r i e F e St i n holding 'an information meet- ing next Wednesday in the Newtonville public school. The meeting gets underway at 7:30 p. m. and SEAP reports that speakers from both the political and academfic worid have been invited to attend. "January 24th, 1977 is a likely date for th\e.A.E.C.B. to review the application by Eldorado Nulear Limited to extend their license to dump nulear wastes and residues in the Port Granby dump" according to John Veldhuis, chairman of SEAP (Save the Envîronment from Atomîc Pollution). Members of the SEAP group are concerned that they have to date not been invited to examine the background data (Turn to Page Two) After several years of dis- cussions, it would appear as though residents of the Cour- tîce area are one step dloser to having their own .ffre hall. The Town of Newcastle councîl bas given its approval in principle to the construction of a new fire station in Courtice. Council made the decisionr Monday afternoon with a unanimnous vote. Work Out Deta ils 'But, details on the projeet- idetails such as financing and New Democrafs Elect New Officers for '77 The Durham East NDP Elections for the 19771 Riding Associatilon held its tive wvere heid, wit Annual Meeting at the North following results: Pre, Oshawa Community Centre on Hlenry îKlaassen, -sï Jan. l6th, 1977. Finance Or g an.îizer« Guest speaker for the eventEnstKnelan was Evelyn Gigantes, ND Secretary-Cynthia Z2 Carleton-East, who spoke to ena; em rsp the gathering about h-ousing in Ontario. (Turn to Page Twi 7execu-, ith the hiawa;. CFO)- Orono; ander. SChair- wo) the location of the building, will be worked out at a latter (Turn to Page Two) Allan Lawrence on Televilsion Tonlghýttf7:530 Allan LwecMP forNotubradD - bain, wilI appear on CHEX.. TV's Pubicp Affairs pro- gram "Thbe Editorial Page", Wednesday Janiuary l9th, at 7:3 0 p.mi., on Channiel 12. Mr. Lawrence wilI be interviewed by the pro- gram's host, Prof. Bob Page of the Trentî University, about federal goverament and politicýal affairs. GIen Rae Dairy'Drivers Honored for Safe ty Record The Glen Rae Dairy--,as host for a dinner at theCrnto Restauirant last week for the many men who, drive milk trucks in the areaý for the co--àimy. Theocainmre the first year that the dairy firm has gone withoùt a siniele accident occurring. The mlen shown above received trophies as tokens of their completely safe driving record in l1976. Issue 3, a na, /'*>, 1 1 -

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