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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1977, Section 2, p. 4

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4 Týhe Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvîlle, January 19, 1977S Eldorado Shows Pn"lans for- Port Granby- Refinery Eldorado Nuclear Lîmited announced its plans on Jan. 7th for a proposed $80 million nuclear refinery complex to be located near Port Granby. The crown, corporation stated that it bas assembled a 857 acre parcel of land bordering on the lakeshore, South 'of Newtonvîlle after spending one million dollars in research on 17 other possible locations.- The proposed refinery would employ 150 when in operation and Eldorado estim- ates that the payroll at the plant would be $3 million per year. It would manufacture a highly refined product called UF-6 (uranium bexoflouride) wich would be used to make fuel for foreign nuclear react- ors. "The project's effect on the environment will be insignifi- cant. And l it il be of substantial economnic benefit to this community and to nîl of Canada," said Gordon Col- borne, General Manager of Refinery Operations. SEAP Disagrees But not evervone agrees James Ins urance. Limited 24 King St. E. BowmanVille For alI your insurance needs Nesta Akey or Doug James at 623-44C I.m IFu ST( IPrompt, OL ple oeREAS( that a nuclear refinery is a good thing for Port Granby. "We have been comîng out very strongly against that sort of thing right from the beginning. We don't want it here," said John Veldhuis, the chairman of SEAP (Save the Environment from Atomie Pollution). Mr. Veldbuîs said that the membership of the citizens group bas been growing since Eldorado announced its Port Granby plans but he said he isn't sure how many new members are in the group. He said some of the new- comers are from as far away as Toronto and Pickering and even Florida. "They (Eldorado) have pre- sented one side of the coin.' We'd like to present the other," Mr. Veldhuis added. Pollution The SEAP chairman said that runoff from tife waste Award Winner Jack Sa bine In listing the names of award winners at the recent R.M. Hollingshead Corpora- tion Awards Nigbt banquet, the picture of the gentleman above appeared but bis name was omitted. Our apologies. He is Jack Sabine wbo won the award for being the Outstand- - ing Sales Manager for 1976. PREMIUM Dx QUALITY [EL OILI AD 0%'VgEO0IL Courteous Service. ut-of-town calîs, ease caîl collect. DNABLE PRICES M %&A ââh M-- x OIL l I.,c Ask us Comeaànd tell us what you're looking for in a job. Tell us what you are today and what you want to be tomorrow. Ask us if we can offer opportunities and challenges to match your needs. No obligations on either side. We'll be glad to talk. And we may have jLst what you're looking for. But you'Illneyer know until you ask. Visit aur Mobile Recruiting Unit Canada. Manpower Centre OSHAWA WEDNESDAY JANUARY 12 &26, 1977, THE CANIADIAN ARÉMED FORCES. Sect ion Two (l)SaifVitelil poliîîe Lake 1i 50 ~ acres of vllit;abie fail'iland (i wîIbc losi lai- land whchxiII be verx' imnportîant in the years l' coine. Waste dispo sai plans at Port Granby caîl for contaminated material to be buried in a special site north of the proposed refinery. This new site would be located about 100 yards north of the old waste disposai site on Lakeshore Road., Move Material Eldorado's proposai for Port Granby would evenutally mean the removal of contam- inated material from the lakeshore site to the more northerly location. Some of the material at the old site bas been,,stored there since 1955. But new material would also be stored at trenches under the Eldorado proposai This new material would be a by-product of refinery opera- tions. t contains low level radioactive solids, according to. information released by Eldorado. A layer of dlay called " bentonite" would seal off the contaminated material. In addition, Eldorado's plan for Port Granby proposes the removal, of the contamin- ated Port Hope landfill to Port Granby. "This landfill material is very low in radioactivity and would present no danger if moved to a controlled area, Eldorado reports. In the spring, Eldorado expects to have a full Environ- ment impact study on the Refinery avaîlable for the public . After the public has had a chance to review the state- ment, it is expected that public hearings will be held. Margarine has the same calo- rie content as butter. Business Directory Accou nta ncy WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowmanville Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B.,Comm. Chartered Accountant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 7215-6539 DV. SNODDON 212 Lberty St. North Bookkeeping and Tax Service Business: 623-7950 Residence: 623-7308 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 67 King St. East, Suite 2 623-6555 JOHN P. WINTERS Chartered Accountant 20 Col borne st. W. Oshawa,.Ontario Phone 579-5659 or 623-5828 Chiropractic, LAURENCE A. GREY Doctor of Chiropractic 270 King St. East Bowmanvîl le Phone 623-4004 G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chîropractor' Office: 15 Elgin Street Corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment Dental1 DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D. D.S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanvil1le (near Dominion Store) Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East Professional BIdg. Office Hours: Weekdays 9 - 5 Telephone 623-7412 If busy - 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT D. D.S. 222 King St. E., Suite 106 Professional Bidg. Bowmanville Telephone 623-7349 Office Hours: 8:30 -5: 0Weekdays Closed Friday Afternoons DR. W. M. RUDELL D. D.S. 75 King St. E., Bowmanville Office Hours: Mon. Tues., and Thurs., 9 'tii 5 Wednesday - 9 'tii 2 Friday - 9 'tii 4 Not open Satu rda y or Su nda y Off ice Phone 623-5790 PATRICK< G. DE EGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLIN IC 36 King St. W. Office Hours: Mon., Tues. , Thurs.,Fni. 8: 30'til 5: 00 Wednesday 8:30'tiI112: 00 Saturday - By a ppointment only Phone 623-4473 I Agri Sou it and(î-op I nîproveineiît Meibers eleet ollicers Weil over 100 farmers at- tended the Durham, County Soil and Crop Improvement Association Annual Meeting at Yelverton on Friday, January 7th. Glenn Larmer, a Black- stock farmer, was elected as the new president and in his comments, congratulated the previous president, Gerry Brown from Newcastle, the Secretary and the Board of Directors for the excellent programs and projects that had been carried out in the past two years, under Gerry Brown's guidance as presi- dent. Other officers elected were: Wes, Yellowlees of Enniskjllen as lst Vice-Presi- dent; Kari Heeringa of lFra- serville as 2nd Vic-President and A.O. Dalrymple, from the Ministry of Agriculture and Foodl in Bowmanville as Secretary-Treasurer. Under the Constitution of the County Soul and Crop Improvement Association, directors are elected, for a three, two and one year term for each of the Townships under the old Durham County setup. Those for Cavan are: Wm. Olan, Millbrook, John Fallis, Millbrook and Roger Hanbidge, Cavan. From Man- vers ' Georgi, Scot Jï net- ville; Ken PrePnyol Ralph Heaslip,Jaevle Cartwright b DJ n, s- tleton; aweceMLag lin, Nestilet on; Dal e Van CmBlacksýto)ck. Darlijng- to: on Riekafrd, Bowmian- ville; Tom Barrie, Bowman- ville; Stan Found, Bowmjjanj- ville. Clarke:, Clarence Nich- ols, Newcastle; Neil Allin, Orono; Wm. Tamblyn, Orono. Hope: John Currelly, Port Hope, Farley- Bickle, Port Hope and Morris Stapleton, Port Hope. The delegates to the Provincial Annual Meet- ing will be Glenn Larmer and Wes Yellowlees, with Karl Heerinr ga as an alternate, while the delegates to the. East Central Soi] and Crop Improvemient Association are Glenn Larmer, Gerald Brown and A.O. Dai,,rymple. Neil Moore, the Soul and Crop Specialist from Lindsay, discussed the projects that had been carried out in the 3-county areai during the past summer. New alfalfa plots have been placed on two farms and this will be a continuing projeet in future years. Anyone w,ýishingi a copy of, the Report that was given by Neil, may secuire the same from the Ministry of Agricul- ewsI ture and Food 'at 234 King St.E., Bowmanville, Bob Stone, the Agriculture Engin- eer, led in a detailed discus- Sion on the use, of the Agricultural Code of Practice, it 's implication to farmers and t o urban folk as well, who may wish to build housing. Prof. Ernie Reinbergs from the University of Guelph, was guest speaker in the after- noon, and discussed the vari- ous varieties of grain, proper fertilization, disease and in- sect problems in grain produc- tion. Following this. Lawrence Mcbaughlin fromn Nestleton, chaired a group of three speakers, namely: Don Rick- ard from Bowmanvil-le, who discussed their cash crop, grain and livestock operation. Terry Malcolm from Nestle- ton, who outlined their swine operation and the use of grain and corn as their only crop to produce feed for the swine. He also indîcated the benefits of making use of liquid manure, which is stored in four large tanks as weIl as in a special storage tank under, the one swine building. He stated that making use of this, did cut the cost of production. Don Welsh frorn Bowmanville and a dairy farmer, discussed their opera- tion where they do not grow Weather Stails Construction Wo;rk At High School > any iform of' cor-n, but place their emphasis on purchased grain corn, some grain, which provides straw as well as feed and rnaking use of high quality hay. The group dJid meet proý,mpt- ly at 10 ar. with unch being provided by' the Yelverton Ladies ait noon and went through till about 3:45 p.m. Approximately 100 farmers have joined the Association for 1977 and anyone who is interested in becoming a member and receiving the, mail-outs of Crop Grams, the' 1977 Guide to Chemical Weed Control and the 1977 Field Crop Recommendations, may join the A'ssoc-iation by send- ing $5.00, to the Secretary- Treasurer at the Ontario- Ministry of Agriculture and Food, 234 King Street East, Bowmanvîlle LiC 1P 5 or by contacting one of the above- named directors and having them send along the $5.00. The directors and officers of the Association will be meet- ing on Friday, February l8th at 10 arm. inthe boardroom of the Ontario Ministry of Agri- culture and Food at 234 King Street, East, Bowmanville. This will be their Planning Meeting for projects, pro- grams, including summer tours and other activities. Again, anyone having any suggestions for programs should pass the information along to the directors. your grocer treated you a special wayl. At IGA he stili does! FLAKEO LONEY'S, CHCKEN NOOOLE Paramnounit SoUp White Tuna TIN 13 Mix IGA, ROYAL GUESI iGA, CIIOICE CUT Intat s__ 9 Green or 14-F Coffee 'JAR Z _ 9 WaReàRpnsZ CHOCOLATE Nestlé's Quik SGA. CHOICF, RED Pitted Cherries MASTER, PREMIUM Dog Dinner ASSORTEO VARIETIES, PRENCW'S Hamburger Fixir 15 PIGS fl23e 9 .- .- - 8.0%0"g M - M mam- %L TIN99, Hot cross Buns F6.79C DAVIO, CALYPSO SUMPTY OUMPTY, REGULAR, RIPPLE, SALT & VINEGAR OR BARBECUE FLAVOAEO 9 BASSETTI' 7OZ8I'O 5e Licorice Allsorts PKG99'q REGULAR (30-S) OR SUPER ABSORBENT <ZOu) Babyscott Diapers PKG. $2.29 RUPERT. FROZEN PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS Red or White Grapefruit 0 SIZE PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. Sunkist es" 'c Navel Orange z.I ONTARIO GRDWN OTA(f RW CANADA FAP1CY GRADE 38 9 OeARAAI(O GRADE Mclntýosh A£ e "' Iccarots 218 3 ORC GINoBA CANIADA N 0 1 GRADE n tB.12eCookng Onions CANADA NO. 1GRADE Rutabagas ASSORTED COLORS Viva PaperRLI8 Towels P. PRICES EFFECTIVE WED.. JAN. 19 TO SAT, JAN. 22, 1917. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT flUANTITIES. 77 King, Street East BowmanvilIle Values, Effective a t BOWMANVILLE STOR-E v industrial arts, home econom- ies, business practice, a music room, library and various other classrooms. Weather conditions and a scarcity of workmen and materials have caused a delay in completion of construction at Clarke High School, a progress report bas indicated. The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educa- tion's newly-elected vice- chairman, Bill Carman, called for an immediate meeting with the building's arcbitect to urge for an early completioni of the work. The Most recent estimated date of completion for the work of renovations and on the school's new addition bas been set for mid-April at the latest, the report on construction states. The renovation work in- cludes alterations to the kitchen,. cafeteria, adminis- tration and guidance offices as well as science, home econom- ics and industrial arts class- rooms.,1 When completed the school's new wing wîll have a, gymnasium, and space for « -- ON THE PURCEIASE i3F AI 6OZ. AERO. CAS OF SCENTED. iHour After HourI9 Antiperspirant1 COUPON VALID UNTIL CLOSING k_ SAU ROAY, .IANUARY 221977 j Î WifH THiS COUPON I ONEPUR HASE OF A 1350 mi BTL 0F LEMON, HERBALI ISORMAL,EGG OR STRAWBERRY1I Suave Shampoo COUPON VALIO 05111 CLOSING ISATUROAY JANUARV 22,1977I OTEPCHASE OF A 100-ml TUBE 0F REGULARI OR WIINTERFRESH Colgate' Dental Creami SUDAAURY2.17COUPON VALIIO USTIL CLOSING 1 ON THE PURCHASE OF AI CARTRIOGE Blades COUPON VALIO UNTIL CLOSING ISAT[iRUtY JANUARY 22,1077 L.- ---__ 168.3381- HARVEY ORONO 983-5206 ESSO HOME HEAT SERVICE Money Saving coupons at IGA difi1THNSCOUPO ION THE PURCHASE OF AI I -B T I Beehive Corn Syruip1 I -COUPON VALID UNTIL CLOISING I ATUROAV, JANUAY2.17~ - IWITH THISCOPO ONE PURCHAE OF A I 32 - FL. OZ. eh F I I PURE VEGETAFILE I Romiana DU 1 COUPON VALIIO OSTIL CLosiNO I I W- WTH -TH 1 SC OU PON I4 ON i, PUR CHASEOF A H. Sauice ICOUPON VAIO 05711 CLOSiNG 1 SnURAY JIANUARY 22,1917 1jITH THIS COUPONI PKG OF 120I ORANGE IPEKOE Salada Tea- Bags 1 COUPON VALID UNTIi. CLOSING SATýUROAY, JANUARY 22, 1971I ON HE PURHASE OF A I 26-OZ BOX OF Snowy - Dry Bleach COUPON VALIO UNTIL CLOSING SATUROAY, JANUARY 22,1977 ON THE PURCHASE 0F A I5-Le BOX 0F POWDEREO ABC Deterg'ent 1COUPON VALIO UNTR CLUSING SATURDAY, JANUARY 22,1977 -- -- -- --j 7ge PKG- - -

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