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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1977, Section 2, p. 8

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8 The Canadian Statesmani, Bownianville. Jantiarv 19, 1977 Section Two OPP REPORT Canada Manpower The Ontario Provincial Police report a favourable change in crime, motor vehicle collisions. deaths and injuries. Commîssioner HI.H. Gra- ham of, the Ontario Provincial Police is pleased to report that for the first' time in 10 years the increase in crime within OPP jurisdiction was min- imal. The previous average of a 10 per cent increase per year for the past 10 years dropped to 0.7 per cent for 1976. In 1975, there were 61 murders and '32 attempted murders; in 1976, there were 43 murders and 18 attempted murclers; a decrease of 34 per cent. Nor was there any significant increaIse in specifie criminal categonies such as theft, break and enter, rob- bery and assault. The Comnmissioner believes that a meaningful reason for this change in trend is the co-operation we are receiving from the public and the mass media. More citizens are becoming involved in assisting with the prevention of crime. We are hopeful that this community effort will continue, enabling us to look forward to a very successful fight against crime in 1977. Traffic On the more than 70,000 miles of highway patrolled by the OPP, there was a decrease s ions Itîri i g 197;conipa red t o 1 97.5. 'l'lie resul was an estiniatetl15 tewer persons killed and 4,722 fewer persons injured during the same period. Motor vehicle colli- sions on Highway 401 were reduced by over 1,100 during 1976 compared to 19)75., The introduction of lower highway speed lîmits and the mandatory wearing of seat belts have been positive fact- ors related to the reduction of motor vehicle, collisions in Ontario. These new laws resulted ili 6,683 persbns receiving sumnmonses for not wearing their seat beits and a 50 per cent increase in summonses being issued by members of the OPP for, speeding offences. Employment activity showed a seasonal declirqe during the month of December at the C anada Manpower Centres in Oshawa, Whitby and Ajax. A total of 452 placements were made through the three offices, up from 275 placements in De- cember 1975. The December 1976 totals include 233 place- ments at the Oshawa Post Office. Figures for December 1975 did.not include the Post Office totals, as final figures were not available until Janu- ary 1976. A total of 7,591 people without employment were registered in the three Cen- tres, consisting of 3,919 male and 3,872 female registrants. This is down slightly from to IS' upgîaded to retain their At t he end ut I >cemt>er t here were 72 people rece vi ng aca<ieiiiic upgrading atlDur- ha ut ,('<il ege i n preparat ion to enter the vanious skill training courses. At present there are 194 students in these courses sponsored by the Canada Manpower Centre. There are currently two seats available in the machine shop course. To bc eligible, students must be at least 17, one year in the labour force and have a Grade 10 education level. Once again this month the greatest employment oppor- tunities remain in the skilled trade occupations. We cur- rently have openings for a tool and machine designer, motor vehîcle mechanics, with Class "A" licences, a repairperson for major appliances, a glass installer, a licenced plumber. an electrician, a fibreglass laminator and a spray painter of' motor vehicles. 'rhere are vacancies in the professional occupations for a project design engineer in sewage treatment, a detail programmer, a dental tech- nician, a recreat Inn leader, a financial services analyst, an acc<)untant and an electrical engi neer. The late fait and winter season are traditionally times of' lower employment activity in this area. While the employment pictyre remnains stable, hiring activity reaches its peak in springand summer in thîs community. Some area companies have laid off some production employees as a result of high inventories. However, den- eral Motors of Canada is maintaining a very high production level and local Bsoord Trustees Take Offiïce at 1977 Inaugural November figures when. 7,743 unemployed people were reg- isterd. In December there were 16 Canada-signed agreements approved under the Canada Manpower Industrial Training Program. As a result of these agreements, 64 people will benefit from both training and employmient within the vani- ous companies in our comn- munity. The Industnial Train- ing Program provides finan- cial incentives t0 employers in filling *-killed job openings by hiring the training staff. The Program also offers partial financial reimbursement of trainee wages when company operations expand and more employees are needed, or when present employees need as the boa'rd's chairman. The meeting introduced two new trustees f rom the Town of Newcastle to their duties on the 1977 board. Ward Two Trustees Bob Burke and Mýrgaret Ibbotson both representing ward three, were sworn in at the inaug- ural. The returning board rn- bers >from the town încluded A.J. Werry and S.T. Worden from Ward One and A.M. Thompson from Ward Two. The Expropriations Act NOTICE 0F, EXPROPRIATION TO: Queenie Tower Edward A. Gardner Albert Barker Catherine Thorogood William Simmonds Mary Wilson Albert Teece Florence Helsdowne Mary Matilda Truscott Maude Sarge Annie Hunsley Eva Hunsley Florence Taylor Samuel Hanna Thomas Buckley Elsie May Jamieson And to ail and any other persons1 noted herein. Agnes Hayes William Allen Walter Miller Walter W. Millet Louis Arbour Timothy Kenny E. Howard Baker James W. Ryan Henry Butler Lucy E. ReilIy Ruth Turner Grace Turner Herman A. Hartwig Christina Davies Charlotte Nolan wiîh inîerests in the property TAKE NOTICE THAT 1. The lands sbown on a plan registered in the Land Regisîry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) on the 6th day of Octobec 1975 as'Number 74,387 hase been expropriaîed and are now vested in the expropriaîing authority., 2. Thue name and address of the expropriaîing authority for service and furtber communication is: Ontario Hydro, Property Division, 700 Uni versity Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M5G îX6. 3. Attached hereto is a description of tbe expropriaîed land. 4. U'nder the Act 'oui ruaï' eleci, b>l nttice in wriîing secrved u pon the expropriaîing authorit> wuîhin iirt% da> s afier theý service of ibis notice upon yotî. <o hase the couripensation te) ssbicb votu are entitled assessed. (a) Where there bas been an inquiry, as of the date of notice of hearing before the inquiry officer was served. (b) as of the date of ibe regîsîration of the plan, or (c) as of the date onwhc you wvere served with ibis notice. And w,,here the elecion is not mnade witbin the prescribed time, you shail be deemned to have eîecLed to have the compensation assessed as of the date of the regisîration of the plan. 5. For your :otnvenience a copy of a Notice of Election is furnished herewitb. 6. Under the Act, the expropriating auîhority will1 be notifying you of the amount of compensation it is willing to payyou for your interest in the land. 7. If you are not saisfied wiîb the offer you are entitled to have the compensation negoîiated by the board of negotiation esîablished under the Act by apphying to the board ai 505 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Room ,22--5, M5G 1X4, or to have the compensa- tion deîermined by the Lanid Compensation Board, if an agreement wiîh respect to compensat;ýin cannot be reached by negotiation. 8. Notwiîhstanding paragraph 7, you may by agreement with the expropriating authoriîy dispense witb the negotiation procedures and refer the miaîter directiy to tbe Land Compensation Board ai 10) King Street East, ot, Ontario, MS C1C3 to have the compien- saion d1eîerinied by arbàtration, 9. For youýr informantion aýnd conveniencýe, certain provisions of the Act tat apply to, (a) negot.iation. and arbitration procedures; and (b) -,he paymnenî of your legal and appraisal cosîs, are set oui as foillows: 16. WVhere the sîatutory auîboriîy and the owner have not agreed uponi thel compensation payable under ibis Act and in the case of injurious affection, Section 22 bas been complied wiîb, or, in the case of expropriation, Section 25 has been complied wiîb or the time for complying îberewiîh bas expir ed, (a) the statuîo,,ry auîhoriîy or the owner may serve notice of negotiation upon the other of îhem and upon the board of negotiation sîaîiing that it or he, as the case may be, requires tbe compensation to be negoîiaîed under Section 27, or ()wbere the sîatutory auîhority and the owner bave agreed <o dispense with negotiation proceedings, the sîaîuîory auîhoriîy or the owner may serve notice of arbitration upon the otlter of hem and upon the Bouard <o have the compensation deîermined by arbitration. 33. (1) Wbere the amounit to wbich an owner is enîitled upon an expropriation or dlaim for injurious affection is deîermined by the board and the amount awarded by. the Board is 8 5 pet cent, or more, of the amount offered by the sîaîuîory auîhoriîy, tbe Board shali make an order directing the sîaîuîory auîhoriîy <o pay the reasonable legai, appraisal and other costs acîuaily incurred by the own'er for' the purposes of deîermining the compensation payable, and may fix the cosîs in a lump sum or mnay order <bat the determination of the amount of sucb costs be referred to a îaxing officer of the Supreme Court who shal tax and alhow tbe costs in accordance witb ibis subsection and the tariffs and rules prescribed under Clause (d) of Section 45. (2) Where the amount to wbicb an owner is enîiîled upon an expropriation or dlaim for injurious akciion is deîermined by the Board and the amount awarded Ly the Board is îess than 85 per cent of the amount offered by the sîaîuîory auîhoriîy, the board mnay make sucb order if any, for the payment of cosîs as it considers appropriate and may fix the cosus in a lump sumr or may order that the det 2rmination of the amount of sucb cowsslbe referred to a taxing officer of the Supreme Court who shall tax and allow the cosîs in accordance wiîb ibe order and, the tariffs and rules prescribed under Clause (d) of Section 45 in like m.anner to the taxation of ýosts awarded on a parîy and parîy basis, DATED ai Toronto ibis l7tb day of December 1976. ONTARIO HYDRO W.E. Raney Secretary This Noitice frsi puisbeýd on the 5îh day of january 1977. SCHEDULE, AIl rigbî, title and interesi in the following lands: IN THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE (formerly in the Township of Darlingion), 1,N THE 1RIGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM, IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO, BEING (1) Those portions of Lots I157 tu> 182 inclusive, Registered Plan 97, ing souîh ot the Soutberly liait of Minisîry of Transportation and Communicaions Plan No. P-2695-57-l3, whicb said plan is regisîered ig the Lar3d Registry Office for tbe lRegistry Division of Newcastle (No. 10)) as No. 10)36<); (2) AIl of Lots 183 <o 754 inclusive, Rýegistered Pllan 97; (3) Those portions of Lots 9)1 1 anti, 912, l{egisieredt Plan 97, Iying souîh -of the Souîherly ianit cf Ministry tof Transportation and Communications Plan No. 11-2695-574-C, wbich said plan is regisîered in the aforemenîuoned Land ltegistry Office as Ni>.ýo 10370); (4) Ail of Lots (i13 to 1741 inclusive, Registereti Plan 97. The Expropriations Act NOTICE 0F ELECTION TO: Ontario Hyïdro Property Division 70)0 UierîyAvenue Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X6 I/We heing the r egistereti wnr() f land expi-opriated by Ontuarit, Hydro) and descrîbed on a pa of expropriation rcgî%tertt tutn he 6îh day of OCtober, 1975 as No. 743 ý87 in the Land Regisiry Offiuc forî the 1Registry Division of Newcîtastîe (No. -1(')) bcreby ecî t> b ave the compensýýation ici wbicb I We ai areentitleti assessed, i (a) wbere there basbenanl inquiry, as of the date tbe notice mot 1hearing befiure thinq uirfficer was served, ( b) as of the dtte of (>itato f the plan;, or (c) as of thE date on wicb h ewas/were servedtiîh unotice tof expropriation (Cekappropriatbo>x) The Expropriations Act NOTICE 0F POSSESSION TO: Queenie Tower Agnes Hayes Edward A. Gardner William Allen Albert larker Walter Millet Catherine Thoroggod Water W. Millet William Simmonds Louis Arbour Mary Wilson Timothy Kenny Abert Teece E. Howard Baker Florence Heisdowne James W. Ryan Mary Matilda Truscott Henry Butler Maude Sarge Lucy E. Reilly Annie H-unsley Ruth Turner Eva Hunsley Grace Turner Florence Taylor Herman A. Hartwig Samuel Hanna Christina Davies Thomas Buckley Charlotte Nolan Elsie May Jamieson And to aIl and any other persons with interests -in the property noted hereun. TAKE NOTICE 1. That Ontario Hydro requires possession on the l9th day of April 1977 of the lands expropriaîed from you and defined on the plan of expropriation registered on the 6th day ut October, 1975 as No. 74387 in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Ne wcastle (No. 10). 2. That yotî or the exproprîating authority nay, uipon such 'notice as the judge directs, appiy tw a judge for an atljusient ofithe tdate of possession specifieti in this notice, anti the iudge, if be considers uhat Lintder ail the ci cunistances ube application shouilt be granîed, mnay order that the date for possessionshail be on sucb carlier or later date as is specified in the order.' DATED ai, Toronto this l7th day of Decenmber 1976. Ontario Hydro W. E. Raney Secretary 70)0 University Avenue Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X6 OFFERS 0F COMPENSATION UNDER SECTION 25 OF THE EXPROPRIATIONS ACT, R.S.O. 1970, CHAPTER 154. A Plan of Expropriation was registered by Ontario Hydro pursuant to Section 9 of The Expropriations Act, R.S.O. 1970), Chapter 154, n the Land Registry'Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10)) on the 6th day of October, 1975 as Plan Nitmber 74387 thereby vesting, together with other lands, the following lands sbown as Lots 442, 547, 548, 549, 550, 699, 1041, 1092, 1093, 1144, 1535, 1536, 1539, 1573, 1574,/ 1590, 1591, 1592, 1594, 1595, 1596, 1597, 1598, 1599, 1602, 1633, 1634, 1635, 1636, 1663, 1689, 169j3, 1694,'1695, 1697, 17t)3, 170)6,17(07, 170)9, 1710),1711, 1712, 1713, 1714, 1717, 1718, 1719, 1721, 1722, 1723, 1724, 1732, 1735, 1737, 1738 and 1740 on the said Plan No. 74u387.1 Tlhe following ofîfers are made pursuant to Section 25 of The Expro- pritios ctR.SO.19'70)and amni'idmenîs hereto. TOQUEETWF and thioseý claiming legally ibereuinder. RE 1: Ontario li-lydro Expropriation of Lot 442, Pl an 74387ý (21 3TD- 2273-,-Z) being al ut Lot 4,;2, Registeretl Plan 97, Township of Drntonow Town of Newycastle. 1. Ontaio( Hytîro hereby offers <o you as full comtpensation for yuur interest in the lands expropriaîed as indicated above the sum ot $7601.0)0, the said sumn being the total compensatioun offered for al interests in the said lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers tu pay you immediaiely the suni of $410.00 wbich is Ontario Hydrosestimate of 1(00 pet cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: EDWARD A. GARDNER and those claiming legally thereunder. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lots 547, 548, 549 and 550), Plan 74387 (2 13TD227 37Z) being aIýl of Lots 547, 548, 549 and 5 50, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1.Ontario Hydro bereby offers to you as full compensation for your iîîterest in the lands expropriated as indicaîed above the sum of $1,990.00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for aIl interests in the said lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to pay you imuniediaîely the suin of $1,640.00) which is Ontario Hydros estirnate of 100< pet cent o?~ the m1arket value of yout interest in tite lands. TO: ALBERT BARKER and those claiming legally thereunder. RE: Oiîario Hy dro Expropriation' of Lot 699, Plan 74387 (21 3TD-. 22737Z) beinig ail of Lot 699, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers <o you as full compensation for youîrinterest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sum of $760.00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for aIl interest in the said lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to pay1 you immediately the sum of $410.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100) pet cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: CATHERINE THOROGOOD and those claiming legally there- under. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lots 1041, 10)92, 1093 and 1144, Plan 74387 (213TD22737Z) being ail of Lots 1041, 109,2, j1o9 and 1144, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darling- ton, nowv.,'own of Newcastle. 1.On,,ario Hydro hereby offers <o you as full compensation for your interesi in the lands expropriated as indicated above the suai of 52,7 5 5.00), the said sum being the total compensation offered for al in.terests in the said lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to pay you immediately the suin of $2,405.00 which is Ontario Hydros estimate of 100) pet cent o the market value of your interesi in the lands. TO:- WILLIAM SIMMONDS and those claiming legallly ibereunder. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lots 1535 and 15 36 Plan 74387 (213TD22737Z) being ail of Lots 1535 and 1536, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlingion, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you as full compensamtion for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sutm of $1,22 5,00, the said sumn being the total compensation ctffered for ail interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to pay you immediately the suai of $875.00 which is Ontario I-ydro's estimate ot 100 per cent of the market value of your interesi in the lands. TO: MARY WILSON and those claiming legally thereunder. RF : Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1539 Plan 74,387 (2 13T1)- 22 7 3 7Z) bei ng ail of Lot 15 39, Regi sîered Pl an 9 7, 1Tîw n sh i p of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. O.(ntario> Hydro hereby offers tw you as full compensation for yomtr TO: FLORENCE HELSDOWNE and those claiming legally there- under.,f RE- Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1590 Plan 74387 (24 3TD- 22737Z) being ail of Lot 1590, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1.Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you as full compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sum of $760).00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for ail interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to pay you immediately the sumn of $410.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: MARY MATILDA TRUSCOTT and those claiming legally thereunder. RE: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1591 Plan 74387 (213TD- 22737Z) being alofLot 1591. Registered Plan 97, Tow'nship of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. i. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you as full compensation for your interest in the lands exprpiated as indicated above the sumf of $760.00, the said sum ben the total compensation offered for ail interests in the lands. 2.< Ontario Hydro hereby offers to pay you immediately the sum of $410.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent ofthe market value of your interest in the land. TO: MAUDE SARGE and those claiming legally thereunder. RZF: Ontario 1-ydro' Expropriation of Lots 1592, 1633, 1634, 1635 and 1636, Plan 74387 (21 31'227377,) being ail of Lots 1592, 1633, 1634, 1635 and 1636, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington. now Town of New'castle.' i. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you as fully compensation for your int erest in the lands expropriated as ndicated alýove the sum of $2,405.00 , the said sum being the total compensation offered for al'interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offersto pay you immediately the sumi of $2,055.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: ANNIE HUNSLEY and those claiming legally thereunder. RE: Ountario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1594 Plan 74387 (213TD- 22737Z) being ail of Lot 1594, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you as full compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as in.dicated above the sum of $760.00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for ail interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to pay you immediately the suim of $41000 which is Ontario Hydros estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: INA HUNSLEY and those claiming legally thereunder. RE: Ontario Hydro Expr opriation of Lot 1595 Plan 74387 (213TD- 227 37Z) being ail of Lot 1595, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Oraro Hdro hereby offers to you as fuUlcmesto for your interest in'the lands expropriate d as indicated above the sumn of $760.00, the said surn being thep total compensation offered for ail interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to pay you immediately the sum of $~410.0<0 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: FLORENCE TAYLOR and those claiming legally thereunder. RFE: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lots 1596 and 1597 Plan 74387 (213TD22737Z) being ail of Lots 1596 and 1597, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle.' t. Ontario Hydro hereby,offers to you as full compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sum of $~1,170.00, the said sum ben he total compensation offered for ail interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to pay you immediately the sum of $820.00 which is Ontario Hyd-ro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: SAMUEL HANNA andýc those claiming legally theretinder. RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lots 1598 and 1599 Plan 74387 (2 13TD22737Z) beintg ail of Lots 1598 and 1599, Registered, Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you; as full compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated ais indicated above the sum of $1,170.t)0, the said sum h)eing t he total compensation ofrdfor ail inïerests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro herehy offers to pýay you immediately the sum of $820.00 which is Ontario Hlydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your intereýt 'in the- land. TO: TH-OMAS BUCKLEY and t.hoseclaiing legally thereunder. RE: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1602 Plan 74387 (213TD- 22737Z) being ail of Lot 1602, R"egistered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offersto you as fil compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as inidicated above the sum of $760.00, the said sum being the to)tal compensation offered for ail interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro -hereby offers to pay you immediately the sum of $4 1.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: ELSIE MAY JAMIESON and those claiming legally thereunder. RE: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1663 Plan 74387 (213TD- 22 7 37Z) being ail of Lot 166 3, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1i. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you as full compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sum of $92 5.00, the said suma being the total compensation offered for ail interests in the lanuds. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to pay you imimediately the sum of $ 57 5.00 which is Ontario H.lydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: AGNES HAYES and those claiming legally thereunder. RE.- Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1689 Pla n 74387 (213TD- 22737Z) being ail of Lot 1689, Regisuiered Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Townof Newcastle. 1 . Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you as full compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sum of $760.00, the said sum beîng the total compensation offered for ail interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby î,ffers to pay you imimediately the sum of $4 10.0>0 which is Ontario 1 lydros estimate of 100 per cent of the market valuîe of your interest in the land. TO: Wl.IAMî ALI.FNad those claimiing legally thereunder. IZIF: Ontai o Iliydro Expropriaition of Lot 1693 Plan 74387, (21 3TD)- 2 27 37/Z) ci ng a'II1 (f Lot 169 3, Regisuiered Plan 97, Township of l)arlington, now Town of Newcastle. i. Ou.uioIëyuro-ecbvo-,s o -uasfill connensation for your TO: WALTER W. MILLER and those claiming legally thereuinder. RE- Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1695 Plan 74387 (2 i3TD- 22737Z) being ahl of Lot 1695, Registered Plan 97, owshpof Dariington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you as full compensation for your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated aboveý the surir of $1,170.00, the said sum beingthe total compensation offered for aIl interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to, pay you immjiediately the sumr of $820.00 whîch is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cn oftýhe market value of your interest in the land. TO: LOUIS ARBOUR and those claimi ng legally teerdr RE: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1697 Plan 74385ý,7 (2 1 3TD- 22737Z) being ahl of Lot 1697, RegisterePl( 1an 97, Twshpof Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydru hereby offers to you as fulll com-pensation) for yuur interest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sumii of $760.00, the said sum beiag the total compensation offer ed for al interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro, hereby offers to pay you immediately the suai of $410.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cent of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: TI /MOTHY KENNY and those claiming legally thereunder. RE: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1703 Plan 74387 (213ýTD- 22737Z) being ail of Lot 1703, Registered Plan 97, Township, of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario 1-ydro hereby offers to you as full comnpensation for yoeur interest in the lands expropriated as indicated ab(ove the sum ý1Of S 760.00, the said sum being the total compensation offered for ili i nterests un the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to pay you ummediately the .-sum of S4 10.00 which is Ontario Hydro's estimate of 100 per cenote market value of your intereat in the land. TO: E. HOWARD BAKER and those claiming legally thereunder7. RE: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lots 1706 and 1707 Plan74 3 87 (213TD22737Z) being ail of Lots 1706 and 1707, Rgsee Plan 97, Township of Darlington, now Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you as full compenisa-,tinfo)r your interest in the lands expropriated as indicated abovýe the sun: oCf' $ 1,170.00, the said sum being the total compensation offeýred fori alinterests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to pay yo u immediately t-he sui-iofc $820.00 which is Ontario Hydro's e$stimate of 100 per cent 1fthe market value of your interest in the hand. TO: JAMES W. RYAN and those claimuing legally thereunder-. RE: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lots 1709, 1710, 1711, 1 712, 1713,, and 1714 Plan 74387 (213TD2'2737Z) being ai;l f Lots 1709, 1710, 1711, 1712, 1713 and 1714, Registered Pan975 Township of D)ar!ington, now Town of Newýtcastle. 1. Ontarioro hereby offers to you as fuil cmesiofryour iteatin ýthir lands etripisda ni t4ao'~tnsusof $2,97 5.00, cthe said suiM being the to-tal comnpensation fftteedfor- aIl interests in the lands. 2. Ontaruo hereby offers to p-ay you mneiteyth-_aumof $2,62 5.00 which is Ontario !Hydro-'s estmateo00pet centof the market, value of your intueea in the land. TO: HENRY BUTLER and those claimningjg ealhythendr RF: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lots 1717, 178 ad :719 Plan 74387 (213TD22737Z) beinïg il of Lot 17 17, 1 718 and 1719, Registered Plan 97, Township ýf 1Darlington, now T 'own of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro liereby offers to you as fui cmenato for yo-ur interest in the lands, expropriîated ainiîdicafteabe thý e]sum of $1,57 5.00, the said smbeing the total opnsto ofrdfor ail interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers zto pay you irmmedi'ately oýhe sumn of $1,22 5.00 which is Ontario Hydroestimý;-;ate o 0, 0 )pet cen;t of the market value of your initerest 'In the land. TO: LUCY E, REILLY and those claiming legally thereunder,_ RE: Ontario Hydro Expropriaton ofLots 11721, 1722, 1 723 and 1724 Plan 74387 (213TD22737ý-Z) being all of Lots 1721,ý 1722, 1723 and 1724, Registered 'Plan 97, Township of Drîgonow Town of Newcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you as fui compensation for yOur interest in the lands expropriated as idctdabo;ve the sumr of $ 1,990.00, the said sum beinjg the total compensa'tionl offeýred foir al interests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydrohereby offers to pay you meitl the sum of $ 1,640.00 whîch is Ontario Hydro's estim-ate of 100 pýer cenit of the market value of your interest in thte land, TO: RUTH TURNER AND GTRACE TUTRlNER ndtîhose claîming legally thereunder. RE. Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lot 17372 Plan 7438S7 (213TD 227 37Z) being ail of Lot 173_i2, Registered Pian 97, Tnsip of Darlington, now Town of îNewcastle. 1. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to you as fuli compenisation for your interest in the lands expropriated as ind,'icatetlabv the c4o $760-00, the said sumn beïng the to)tal compensation offered for ail interests in the lns 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to pay yu] imeditethe SUm _of $4 10.00 wvhich i.s Ontario Hqydro's estimateof 1 00 plet rcent ofdthe mjarket valueý of your interest, in the land. TO: HETRMý,AN A. H1ARTWI'G and those ciing legally therfeundeVr, R:OtrioHyrExopitn of Lot 1735-o Plan 74387 (213D 2273ý7Z) being ail of Lot 1735, Registered Plan 97, Town1ship o f Drigonow Trown of TNewýcastie. 1. Oai ydro hereby offers to you a utcompýensation fot your unterest in the lands expropr4ated as iniîcated abve1te sum of S760.00, the said suml being thle total comp0ensat2ion offered for ail interests in, the lanids. 2. Ontario Hydro hereby offers to pay yYou irmmiately he suin of $4 10o.00 which is Ontario PHydro's estiima te of 100 Ptccenit Of the market value of your interest in the land. TO: CHRISTINA DAVIES and those claiminïg legzally thereunde. RE: Ontario Hydro Expropriation of Lots 173ý7-and 1'7 38 Plan 7-1387 (21 3'D22737z) being ail of Lots 1737 and 173ý8, Registered Plan 97, Township of Darlingtýrn, now Town of Nevcastle. i. Ontario Hydro hereby offers <o you as fuli cmesto for yoeur unerest in the lands expropriated as indicated above the sum ,of S 1,170.00, the said sum being the total comcpensation oýffered for ail înterests in the lands. 2. Ontario Hydro' hereby offers <o pay ypuimeaty the sum of 0 $820.00) which is Ontario H4ydro's estimate of -100 pcuen,,t of the market valtue of your intierest in the land. 10: CI IARLOTTE NOLAN and those claiming legally thereuinder. RZF: Ontaurio Hydro Expropriation of Lot 1740 Plan 74387/ (2 13T-ïD. 227 37Z) being aIl of Lot 1740, Registjered Plan 97, Town,!ship of Newcastle's Ward Twô trustee Bill Carman of Orono was elected vice-chairman of the Northumberland and New- castle Board of Education at its inaugural meeting last Thursday night. The Ward Three representa- tive was given the post following the election of Co- bourg trustee, Dr. Ian Wilson f eeder industries should con- tinue their production levels as well.

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