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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jan 1977, p. 11

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Firemen CaIIed to Three Chimney Fires Last Week No damage w as reported in yîesterday, that there were past but with fireplaces and spite of a chiminey fire that chimney-fires in a home on stoves in many of today's occurred at this bouse near Simpson Avenue and on Hunt bouses, chimney fin-es can still Burketon Saturday. The fire- Street in Bowmanvîlle but happen. was dne of three blazes that there were no damages at They are caused by a broke out in chimineys over the eitber location, mixture of soot and creosote weekend.. The fire chief said chimney igniting inside the chimney, Fire Chipf Jim tlHayman said, fin-es used to be common in the Chief Hayman explained. H1e I 1dito Saturday and supper and Herb and Mr-s. Corona, De Mi'. and MV den of Asai Mrýs. Daisy ville and M: Starkville. Mr'. Howî Rudy .,St. Clinton Bur' Memnorial E Mi'. Har Toronto on, attended a Board Meet eveming Mr were in C Grand Masi 1On Sunda: Mrs., Harry guests of M~ Glover, Osh Mr.- and spent Sunde Friclay viQ Mrs. GeorE Mr. and Mr Port Hopee Vance Coop Mr, and lN and Colleen weekend v and Mrs. A Fred, Lake Misses Cý Linda Will were week-, Mr'. and Mr: Last TueE Garrod an Supp thelb FORIý CCU 153 King S G added that the homeownen- can help' prevent such fin-es by keeping a dlean chimney. Chef Hayman said that they can be cleaned by lowering a chain into the cbimney and usîng the chain to knock down accumulations of soot. The Newcastle Independent rs: Jackand.Hazel Crago Telephone 987- new home of Mrs. Charlotte NEWCASTLE CC Hendn-y. The Haldenbys will BOWLING Abe moving into the Rectory the you"' 125 an( cÀf~ ccig.Vebeginning of February when L. ost 134, J. e the Recton- will commence Luke 129, J. Wii I < .ï IItaking services on February Chard 132, T. Braz, ) ~ ~ i CtW Wg'-~Oici th. B. Shetler 127, M.' Mn-s. Pat Bernard, Fleshen-- C. McLuhan, A. St afternoon visitors Sok okabrha lunch- ton was a Thunsday visiton- S. Stere 135, C. Op( guets it Eda on sto the a bre'tton's with lber mothen-, Mn-s. Nellie R. Hoogkamp 158, Paeen swere Mi'. bon on-hof Mn-s.Britton's in spencer. Mn-. and Mn-s. Ray 142, P. Willems 16, HayPaeden , bi r hnur rtha . rto' 85th Bennett, Omemee, wen-e Sun- 139-205, S. ReichE Have Ma' afon, bMn-. and-. CitnB- day visiton-s with bier mother. Donnelly 159, G. Mý lare ain a- Mr.enjyd Thrsday lnch Brwnh Birthday greetings f0 Kevin Rahme 151-152, Ný rs.ClrnePe noe hrdylnhwt Wade Mn-s. Karen Lee Wright R. McKenna 137-1 da,' Michigan and thein- daugliter, Dorothy and and îsorl Mei.î120 A Rw Paedeni Bowman- soi-ilaw, Jim Gi4niçt, Port Mn-s. On-ena Megit 145 20,,oi 5,À 9, r. Lorne Pâèden of Hope. Olad toc hear that G1 irpr htou'Jhsn1519 Dorohy i proressng eîîneghbour, Mn-s. Alecia Spen- 142-157, B. Pollock ardAlinandMi. ffrthen- r esrg e en- bas netunned home from McPhee 151-156, ýadAanand M-.Mr. s. It r e en Burey Bw-Memorial Hospital, Bowman- 159-181, T. Dobb eAreptt nmanvi and Mr. Ms r n-. uRoss Bown, ville. Quinlan 138, T. Mcr ,leyarepatent in manilleandMr.Ros Brwn, Miss Heather Hoar, Faculfy xind 148-188. Kospifal, Bowman- Newtonville, wen-e recent ofEducation, Tor-onto, was Ladies 200 arn Wae asin visitom-s wif h Mn-. and Mns. home for the week-end with 1. Patton 237, A ýry aewsi Clinton r.27,A ln24,. Saturday wherehe On the week-end, Mi'. and hranpHartn. adMns B27 . MAllin 245,I. iLodge Advisom-y Mn-s. Joseph Sforey and Cal- TFerndayDsB.ctMercer1923 223, Ist ting. On Safurday vin, Innismore visited wifh he Lidsastenfrict Tn-ap- 21-23 , . Fst rand Mns. Wade lber mothe-, Mn-s. Gladys ape rs' CounlbSeeno .one G n-es1222,GL '1o1umbus for the Pacey and the Hooey family. iand Mn-. Ke eth S2epenson, A..Jo es 25,I ter's Official Visit. Mn-. and Mrs. Albert Pacey, is ecayeasre n-. 209 cso23, E. Pen PtroogWr dy Fifteen members of the Sanden-cock 208-21( Wade were dinner visitors with hîs mother, Mn-s. Newcastle Lionettes met at '229, B. Major2 W. and Mn-s. Jack Pacey. the home of Mrs. Nell Brawley Major 219, M. Gar hawa. Mn-. and Mns. Harold Wood, on Thursday evening, Jan. Couch 204-204, M. Mrs. R.B. Rickard Oshawa were Sunday visitors 2Ofh. Plans were finalized fon- Men 200 and ay in London. with his parents, Mr-. and Mi's. the Valentine Parfy in Febru- G. Kimbaîl 209, sitoi'5 with Mi'. and, Wilfred Wood.,an-y. Funther won-k on the 215, E. Taylor- 252, ge Kimbaîl were Mn-s. Florence Ferguson Lioneffe's 25th anniven-san-y in 210, B. Farrow 279 s. Melville Samis, enten-fained the Lades' Euchre March was planned. An elecf- 243, R. Sutcliff and Mn-. and Mn-s. Club lasf Wednesday. ion of officers was held. These Graham 261, T. E er, Oshawa. The Rev. Allan Haldenby, officers will be insfalled in 212, S. Powell 216, vr.Ralph Murray the new Rector of St. Geor'ge's February. 200, F. Stapleton nFrankfom-d, wr Anglican hr adisWf Senior Ctzn'etn Schultz 267. isitors with Mr. wen-e in the Village on Satur- On Thursday evening, Jn Thurs. Mixed 200 ithur Bedwin and day. While the Rector met 2th, the Senior Citizens held L. Schmid 208, Shore. wifh the Wardens, Mi' î Hal- thein- finst i'egular meeting of 202-238, M. Lewiý 'andy Sforks and denby, Mrs. Neli Yiates and the New Vear. Due to illness Glanville 236, E. Sti liams, Rexdale, the Wandens' wives, Mi'5. and holidays, the attendance Bob Foi'get 209, B. end visifors with Gloria Gray, Mi's. Bey Chi'is- was smaller'than lusual. One R. Forget 283-204. -s. William Sforks. omalis and Mi's. Margaret visiton- and two neWv members, Friday Mixed 200 ýsday, Mns. Mary Brerefon were enterfained Mn-. and Mrs. George Kimbaîl, R. Burley 233, d Mn-s. Pauline with an aften-noon fea at the were welcomed. The evening 209-218, R., Sinou was enjoyed playing euchre Munro 218, R. Go, and prizes -were awarded to Kenfnen- 261-226, fhe winners, affer whidll lunch 209, J. Holmes was seî-ved and enjoyed, even MacDonald 215, M.' by the losers. A. Pearce- 208, H. ~.44Anglican Churcli News 23-217-206, L. Peai LN ~~31.' ~On Sunday, Jan. 23rd, Rev. Caîl 229-219, N. Mai Grant Schwartz conducted the Gufhrie 220, B. Gît regulan- services af Sf. M. Vogels 212-207,1 Geor'ge's Anglican Chun-ch. 224, H. McEwen 21 Flowers were placed by Mn-. 253, J. Stere 23 andMn-s. Maskell in loving Dickson 205, W. Di, memory of lier sister, Pat, and brother-in-law, Ron Houghton. 'Hockey Nev --United Church News Newcasfle Luii On Sunday Jan. 23rd at Bewdley 2. This n Newcasfle Unifed Church, been an excifing fi Rev. David Spivey delivered game as Newcast )îe of the Iuargest another sermon on the series were scored in the "Great Questions of the minutes of the thil oc I nsof M a ra eBibe," this one asking Who Ken DeJong, assisfi ieel Barr led the congre- The second goal was 'lies Un tne arec . 0 ut gation' in singing. before-the Kevin Jenkins, a cbildren went to Sunday Owen Johnstona owt est possible3 prices t School classes. 3tfi Mackey. Mike Mac] Sunday, January 0hte the final goal, as annual meeting will be held. Kevin Jenkins. Pot luck supper will be The Editors'N1 EXAMPLE: enjoyed at 5:30 p.m. with the Jack is on strike-1 business meeting stan-fing at CUPE. Hazel, is r( 7 p.M. legs yet but is not i Oum The Hi-C met Sunday night week. i'on- a nighf of work on the Pit irauft Yarn under the direction of Jack e tth ýAvaibl1e in 12 colors) and Don-chIa Chard. a te oti Approx. 195 feet - Reg. $1.19 Th'e Prayen- for this week-; is Dean-Mn-. Edifor: Dean- Lord,,help me today to I am wrifing as 4% ~keep my motives in view, and concerned about f] Now nly 8 9 to keep thecm Christ centred. hýanging fnom thi _________________________ Amen. tnougbs of stores a U.C.w. Street. These pose More than 29 Macrame Th'e Social Functions comn hazan-d to al passei mittee of the U.C.W. met hast yen-y possible thaf ttern books to choose f rom! week at the home of Mn-s. Kay gence may result in tiiPowell. Plans -were made for injun-y f0 someone. QQ0ne 1upoming banquets,'Men's Perhaps action wil E.Canadian Club Febn-uary 2nd, ifother citizens exp P i Orono Credif Union Febn-uary concern about this1 P.t. Newcastle 21sf. and assisting witb Cub inely, ;iFT WARE- CRAFT SUPPLIES and Scouf dinnen- Saturday K. Tro'r m Februan-y 26th. Park La ne Cit -42101 )MMUNITY iOver Boyd 184, W. nd 154, D. zeau 144-136, Nesbitt 131, kei'e 168-139, poka 175-129, 8W. Couch 5, D. Burns ild 130, B. lantin 142, K. ý.Lake 134, [70, T. Oke ve 126, P. ý,S. Wyïeb b k187-202, M. 1M. Zegil bie 155, S. ,Nabb 178, T. iOver %.Langstaff .Brown 228, H. Coun-oux er 200, D. Kelleher 215, L.Crockett in 218, B. artin 209, B. 0, E. Kidd 206-221, M. 'rod 202, R.- Bun-ley 209. Over ýG. Calder 2,L., Taylor 9,M. Henn-y; 248-212, J. Embley 202- S. Glanville 237-203, J. and Over 1F. Lewis is 230, B. tephens 203, Forget 261, and Over M. Henry 1204, H. M. ood 293, B. J. Holmes i207, M. Burley 231, Nickolson n-ce 211, B. adill 202, A. lnville 211, L. Willems 14, E. Kidd M0-203, B. dckson 218. ierman 3 nust have fiaie to a ;tle's goals ie last few Jrd period. ted by Jim first goal.. n scored by tsisted by and Mike ýkey scored isisted by NJews, Local 1206 resting her in bed this sa citizen the icicles he eaves- along King Sa serious crsby. It'is this negli- in needless, ll be taken press thein- pn-oblem. us ircIe Blackstock bas bilt le news with C.F.R.B. radio station, Toronto over the week-end. John Bradshaw told of' the upcoming meeting of' the Blackstock, Agricultural Society in the Rec. Centre on Thursday evening, January 27th. Johin Bradshaw, well known Radio and TV. Broad- caster will be the guest speaker. Everyone is hoping for a fine crowd at this special meeting. Mrs. Arnold Taylor visited ber Aunt, Mrs., Cook of Keswick on Sunday- who is very ill. Mrs. Reg Boundy spent one day last week with Mi'. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and girls. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jeffers on the arrival of their baby son. Joy Werry enjoyed the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Rob Mairs and Steven. O.N.O. Meeting The January meeting of the ONO. Club was beld at the home ot Elaine Bailey with 22 members and 4 visitors pre- sent. Following the readinig of the December minutes a nd the Treasurers report for 1976 the meeting was turned over toÉ the new President, Tena Van Ryswyk. Among items of business discussed was the Hard Times Dance in March witb Ross, Jackman Disc Jockey. A motion was carried that the ONO. Club make a long range Master Plan for tennis court and creatîve playground at Cartwright Central Scboiol to be started this Springwith 2 to 4 play areas from Master Plan. Tbe meeting concluded with roll caîl-' Tell something tunny that bappened at a wedding." Elaine and her group served a delicious lunch. The General U.C.W. meet- i mg 'as hel d in t he C . E. I oom on Janîua ny H . LI nch was served by t he aftternoon uni t l>)resi(]lemit .Jeamn iAdamns qpened thc meeting wit h a poein. ltuby and Norma Van (amnp gave a New Year'sW<sp service. 11ev. V. Plarsons; gavec a talk on being individuals and presided f'or the installation ofi the new officers forý 1977-Past President-Mn-s. Carl Adams. Presidènt-Mrs. Richard Van Camp, lst Vice President- Mrs. Harold Martyn, Secre- tary-Mrs., Neil Werry, Trea- surer-Mrs. Roy McLaughlin, Convenors-Christian Mission- ary Education and Steward- ship and Vocations-Mrs. L. Wright, Citizenship and Social Action and Community Friendsbip and visiting-Mrs. L. Schryburt, Program-Mrs. Glenn Larmer and Mrs. Wal- ter Wright, Literature-Mrs. Victor Parsons, Supply Mrs. Ivan Mountjoy and Mrs. Ralph Larmer, Representa- tives to-Manse Committee- Mrs. Ivan Tbumpson, Mrs. Neil Malcolm, CE. Commit- tee-lVrs.' David Kyte, Bd. of Stewards-Mn-s. Harold Mc- Laughlîn, Flowers-Mrs, J. Carnagban, Archives-Mrs. Wm. Ferguson, Pianist-Mrs. Gladys Thompson-Nomina- tions-Mrs. C. Adams and Mrs. ,Gladys Thompson, Cards- Mrs. Wm. Mahaffy, Unit Leaders-Morning-Mrs. Harold McLaughlin, Afternoon-Mrs. Harold Martyn, Evening-Mrs. Ray Essery. Correspondence consisted of tbanks from several people remembered at Christmas, Jean Adams thanked ever- one for their co-operation during the last two years and welcomed the new President, Ruby VanCamp. Peggy Lai'- mer and Edith McLaughlin pi-esented Jean with a hife membership pin. Plans were Ml'e Canadian Stalesman, liowmnanviile, Jarîuary 2(;, 1977 nmade for the Presbytery di nner to be beld in oui' Cburch on Janua ry lBtb . We will serve lunch aiter the Mason's (h urcb services bere on iApril 2th ]TheU C W. is spling tod trîr the saturday ýevenling rneat at the !Beacock Reunion on July 23rd. Peggy Larmer announced that we would-iave wVool to knit for Cansave next montb. Ruby Par-sons gave aý literature flash. Meeting closed witb the benediction. ' Winners at the Senior Citi- zen weekly card-party with 10 tables wen-e. lst-Doug Brock 85,, 2nd Olive Gimblett 83, 3rd-Mrs. Ried Cook 83, 4tb- Susie Han-ris, 79, 5th-Hazel Ormiston 78, 6th-Harold Swain 74, Low-Freeman McCul- lough. OBITUARIES ARTHUR A. DRUMIMOND A noted water-colour paint- er who has resided in Orono since 1925, died in the Bow- manville Memorial Hospital on Jan. 8, 1977. In May 1975 a special garden party was held at the Clarke. Museum in Oronio to honor Mr. Drummond, wbo hadi been associated with sucli famious artists asA.J. Casson, J.E.H1. MacDonald and Arthur Lis- mer during bis career. Born in Toronto in 1891, Arthur Drumimond-,was the son of A.A. Drummond. From 1902 until 1909 Arthur Drum- mond attended Upper Canada College. He bêcame a banker with the Standard Bank of Canada, wbich laten- became known as the Canadian Bank of Commerce. He moved to Orono in 1925 and marn-îed the former Luella Buchanan in 1931. Their -$On, Alex, was born in 1935. Blackstock News As wkell as being an accomn plislied painter. Mr'. lrurrî rnond was also a musician. 1 le piayed violin with the 'loronto ('onservat>ry Orchestra until 192:3 and alter moving Ir> Orono, was first violinist with the General Motors Symphony Orchestra in Oshawa. lus wife, Lella, was a singer and for many years, Mr-. Drum- mond accompanied her in recitals. Mr. Drummond's paintings wore first exhibited in 1918 with the Ontario Society of Artistsý, the Royal Canadian Academy and the Art Associa- tion of Montreal. Later he showed at the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition and, the American Water-colour Society. Recently, Mi'. Drummond's paintings were exhibited at the Robert Mcbaughlin Gal- lery in Oshawa, the Clan-ke Public Library and the Bow- manville 'Public Library. Mr. Drummond is survived by his wife, bis son, Alex, his sisten- Ethel and brother Kenneth. He rested at the Barlow Funeral Home, Orono. Orono United Church and interment was at Orono Ceme- tery. Reporter GERTRUDE ELIZABETH BROOKS A resildent at 69 Scugog Street,;- Bowmanville for 33 years, Gertrude Elizabeth Brooks, aged 83, passed away, Monday, January 17tb, 1977, in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, following a five months illness the resuit of a stroke. The former Gertrude Elliott was born and educated in Verulam Township. On March 6th, 1913 she was marrîed to Elmer Leslie Brooks who passed away eight months ago. She had also resided in Tyrone. Mrs. Brooks' 1ntéeresvtson- MARTY'S Auto Repair 3 Queen St., Bowmanville 623-3896> 1< ~ ar u n1 erihome anîd A urrnher ofT Irîrîîtv United ('hurch, she- was also a rnernber of t he L.O. BA. 1244 <'lyrone. /Survivors are bher daughters .Myrtie <Mrs. Robert- Bland) West 111h, Win>ona Mrs. Edward McWatters) Scarbor- ough, and sons William G. Brooks, Coîborne and, Glenn E. Brooks, Ottawa, Reverend Arthur: Amacher, presided at the funeral ser- vices held on Wednesday at the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home. Pall-bearers were Messrs. Alvin Boyd, Floyd Beckett, George Evers, Russell Brown, Herbert Powell and James Bedford. Floral tokens were received in her memory from L.O.B.A. 1244, Loblaws Staff, Loblawis Ltd., and contributions made to the R.B.P. à98 Tyrone, L.O.L. Tyrone and from friends and neighbours in her memory. Interment Bowman- ville Cemetery. PSA/NG,- T//EIFF, STA TEME

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