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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jan 1977, Section 2, p. 8

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8 Tbe Canadian Satesnian. Bowiarnville, Jaauarijv 2(;, 1977 Section Two SHAW'S We, in the Sbaw's commun- ity are indeed sorî'y 10 know about the bad fall which'bas sent our neighbour Reg. Brock to St. Michael's Hospitai in Toronto. Although bis reports are flot complete as yet, we fear he will be out of action for some time. We tbink he migbt appreciate any cards and notes of cbeer to help bim pass tbe time. Mlrs. Alice Allun, Newcastle and NMrs. MUarion Glkes, Town, were among tbose wbo attended tbe pbotographic exbibition "The Camnera and Dr. Barnardo" now showing at tbe Centennial Mluseuma in Peterborougb. Recent visitors at Kiiieen's include AI and Irenie Smitb, Randy, Joanne and Roger of Peterborough and Dave and Date Ferrier and Doreen of Bolfon. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan B3al recentiy retuned from an enjoyabie trip to South Amer- ica. Several local mien attended the Bowmanvile Lions Club meeting last week as guests of the Lions for Rural Night. It was an enjoyabie evening we understand, wb;en tbe speaker was from tbe Dept. of Agricul-, ture. Gladiolus and Dahlia Society Mleets The executive mieeting of the Durham Region Giadiolus and Dahlia Societv mret, last week at the home of Mn. and Mvrs. Archie Whitmee, New- castle, with tweive members present. Plans were made for tbe annual Bulb Auction wbicb wiii take placeon March 25tb at 8 p.m. in the Legion Lounge * Bowmanville., Besides tbe ,peciai new buibs which wili e auctioned tbe committee decided to take fthe advice of Mr. Wmn. Crowiey and offen Bargain gnab bags.of mixed giads at the price of $I.00 for new gnowens wbo wish to build up thein numbers. Ail of tbe executives wili assist to pro- vide nefreshments. Changes in tbe Annuai August Glad Sbow were dis- cussed. Thene wiii be several eHARVEY (s PARTNER ORONO 983-5206 ESSO HOME HEAT SERVICE lit\i cash ipri les ot trod t t s var r toit e Novijc( t ai grow~er. ThelwshowD a t e las been ebosen August 13, 1977 at th6e Meîioria I Park tClub- house. Mrs, Barnes suggested a Show Wor-ksbop which woul d assist new gardeners on proper procedures for select- ing and preparing blooms for a Sbow. Tbe executive agreed tbat it was a fine idea and set July 28tb for, tbe Show Worksbop to be beld at tbe home" of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Barnes, Baseline. Woi'ld famous auctioneer Stephen Lip tay bas been contacted for the sale of blooms following tbe showon August l3tb. Mr. and Mrs. Whitmee served a deiicious luncb when tbe featured beverages were tea and bot cbocolate. Ail readens are urged to mark Marcb 25tb for the Gladiolus Buib Auction in Bowmanvilie. St arkville Cburcb and Sunday Scbool was weii attended iast Sun- day, The Annual Meeting was held folowing tbe service. Ail reports were read and I understand tbe cbunch bad a successfui year. There wili be a Sing-Song on Feb. 2th at 7:.30 p.m. at Shilob for tbe 3 charges. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswel and family arnd Mr. and 'Mrs. Liew Haiioweil attended tbe 5tb Wedding Anniversary for Mr. and Mrs. Harold Casweli heid at the bome of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Casweii on Jan. l5th. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robin- son visited with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Samis, Port Hope recentiy. 1Miss Barbara Johnston, Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs. Layng and Dyan. Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls and Harvey were récent dinner guests witb Mr. and Mrs. Llew Haliuweii. Miss Norma Haiioweil, Bowmanvilie, Miss Dyana Layng, Miss Barbara Johns- ton, Maurice and Scott Hallo- weil and Miss Bey Casweii and friend were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Liew Hallowelli. <A numben of couples of Starkviiie enjoyed Tbursday evening at the CFTO-TV station for the taping of tbe Grand Oie Country' Show. The U.C.W. beid the lst meeting of the New Yean at the home of the Pres. Mrs. Mary Casweil. The meeting opened witb a hymn "Beauty of, 'the Earth". Mrs. Janet Lynn gave the scripture and devotional. The minutes, re- ports and Thiank-you notes were read. The business was discussed for the coming year. Mrs. Marilyn Martin of New- castle was the guest speaker and she gave an interesting talk on U.C.W. Work and Presbyterial meetings ahead. The President thanked Mrs. Martin for coming and giving an informative address. Miss Bey. Caswell gave 2 pian o solos and conducted a contest. FNotice of Public Hearin Ottawa, January 20, 1977., ISSUE NO. 1 OTTAWA, ONTARIO MARCH 1ST, 1977,9:00a.m. The Canadian Radia-Television and Telecommunica- fions Commission wil hold a public hearing beg inning on March lst, 1977 at the Government Conference Centre, 2 Rideau Street; Ottawa, Ontario to consider the following: Canadian Cablesystems <Ontarlo) Limited, carrying on business under the na me of PIN E RIDG E CAB8L E TV, 1353 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. 11H- 1S4. OSHAWA, W4ITBY & BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO (761154400) Application to amend its cable television broadcasting licence for Oshawa, Whjtby and Bowmanville, Ontario as follows: AUGMENTED CHANNEL SERVICE tof add the, distribution of local originations <digital information channel) on channel B; - f add the reception and distribution of CKQS-FM,' Oshawa, Ontario as background music on channel B. Location where the applic-ationmay be examined: 1353 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. GENERAL INFORMATION RULES OF PROCEDURE: Anyone wishing f0 make his views known f0 the Commission may refer to the Commission's Rules of Procedure wherein complaints and representations, interventions, service and filing, comments by community groups or individuals are defined. These Rules which also define how and where to submit such documentation are available for the'sum ,of 35 cents from: Publishing Centre, Printing and Publishing, Department of Supply and Services, 270 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario. DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT 0F INTERVENTIONS: February 14, 1977. TO BE SENT TO: Applicant and CRTC with proof of service. EXAMINATION 0F DOCUMENTS: At local address, Siven in this notice and at Commission, 100 Metcalf e treet, Room 1601L, Ottawa, Ontario. INFORMATION: Write CRTC or phone 613-996-2294 or 995-6957. Guy Lefebvre, Secretary General. CRTC - Public Notice - 1977-8 For Buautiful Panolling Plus-Everythieng To Mke Up Your Roc Room Take A LooR At s.aver *~ ç' ~ '~Noiwood Plank Panelling î Here's just what you've been waiting for ta panel your rec room, hallway or any roomn -Attractive Norwood panellirig. It iIIdrmatize your walls with Iasting warmnth and beauty in rich, re'al wood. Each pre-finished panel is ready to use 00 arid so easy to instali. Choose Olde M ill, Candlelight, Beachoomber, -or Mariner. 1" x 6" x 8' Panels Bundie of SAMPLES IN STOCK 32 sq. ft. OF SPECIAL ORDERS Demonstration Saturday, Jan. 29, 1977 V i Hours 'n :3-ca, m, toi1.3c, Decorative Z-Brick FehnUp your decor with good Norwood Wainscot Kit Pr-e-FI'nished looking Z-Brick - You'll be surpris- ed at the improvedi difference itil eun Canadian Pine decorator panels ta wake Up a watt mae -Brick is easy to put up and f or awhote raam. These satid 8" thîck planks simpty Pnli ng cornes in colours to suit your adfin ethcap thafomamstinstnt wkatts! The r eu ni ooga erduto decorating plans. Country Rustic andf ît captogeth rmwthaccosyin ithrtoc spahe rsbsmuld Z-Bic in Re, uff S oke& Ibeautifut reat wood panetting that witt enhance any raaom. panets n varaous patterns. Just Z-Brick n Red, -uff, Smoe & adc' iro' n o h c frer odio HabKit inctudes abave rnentioned items plus Dupant Mytar tape. afato ftecs fra od arour Grey.4'X8pnt Carto - F tt v , .~ 1795 Kit covers 4 lln.ft. of walI -42 h. 9e e sq. f t. - ~Light Honey Brown Hrtg yrs UFrost Elm noclmnHikr Samples iii stock. Special order onfly. Acadma Pecan Antique Cediar ~vtPj/f< ,-/ f.- Spruoe Lumber Visit Beaver's Lumber Dept. before yau start pour next building praject. 1lx2 x8' 1 x 3 x8' 2x 2x8' 2x3x8l MVIC 79c -ý ce 12"1 x 12" Cleiing Tlle Easy to instait, tangue and groove style ceiling tîtes for great Iokng ceiiings. 1197 64 sq 1. ft. Plain White 10??7 Duraifoam Sheets, Rîgid foam sheets that are ideal for insuiating basement walls. They're so easy ta instai! Keeps walls drier too. 4' x 8' x 3/4" panels, Gypsum Sheets A papular watI finishing material of da-it-yaursetfers. Easy ta apply. An excellent surface for painting or wall- papering,. 4' x 8' x 3/811. Canadian Rado-television and Telecom mun ications ICommission Conseil de la radiodiffusion etdes télécommunications canadiennes11 m 11 Umm

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