The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvilie, Februany 16, 1977 CANADA FANCY, BRIGHTl'S ASS'i-D VAIRIETIES BOUTQUEPAPER 48 FL. OZ. TIN 6.50OZ. CHUNK LIGH T t ý ltTIN T UNA ASST'D COLOURS DELSEY 2PLY 2 ROLL PKG. 4 ROLL PKG. AYLMER CHOICE,,FREESTONE 10 FL. OZ. PEACH HALVES, BARTLETT TIN PEAR HALVES OR FRUIT 31100 COCTAI BRAVO0 PLAIN SPA GH1ETTI 14FL.( 1 lPl PKG. ASST'D VARIETIES READY TO SERVE 128 Fil. OZ VACM iHELPER ASS T'ID 'FRAGRANCES AIR DEOORIZER ASST'D COLOURS FAICIAL TIS SUE TWINKLE POWDER A S ST'D VARxiET'iESI TAME B EET STEW, BEEF CHUNKS 14 OZ. TIN OR LIVER CHUNKS, SOCIETY DOG FOOD 2 x 20 OZ. CONT. KRAFT SMOOTH OR 3 LB. JAR CRUNCHY 2, e PEANUT BUTT,. =ER M 5 OZ. CONT. PKG OF10 C GLAD PLASTIC U 79e ARBAGE BAwGS 1. ( PKG. 0F 100'REGjULAR OR BUTTERMILK AUNT JEMIMA BOOTH FROZEN 2. 9 SOLEFILT 8 FL. OZ. CONT. BUDGET ~l.09 WAX E DOUBLE PROTECTION OR 6 OZ. AERO. CONT. 100 mi JAROk 1- i-iTL"BE, HEAD & ,SHOULDERS t 1 59 TODDL1ER: DISPOSABýLE DIAPERS PAMPERS ORuEF CA ND JO0H NSS LQ UID) FURNITURE POLISH PLEDGE ASST'D VARIETIES DELMONTE PUDDIN)G CUPS GRANULATED KýREAMY 4'ýSLICED you had a freezer big enough to take advantage of afi these bargains! Some lucky Dominion shopper will. Right now is the best time ever to stock up on frozen food at your Domninion Store. You'll save on Domninion 's low overali prices. ASST'D VARIETIES il OZ. PKG. FROZEN QQ c CHUN KING DINNERS ý 88, CANADA FANCY 2 LB. PKG. C~rfltht ~1~H bye 16OZ. PI.,- 100 FT .ROLL PKG. 15 OZ. CONT, HONEY DEW FROZEN 162/3 FL. OZ.- CONT. CONCENTRATED _ DOMINION FROZEN '5 OZ. CANA DA FANCY PKG. KAM REGULAR, BACON & 12 OZ. TIN CHEESE OR SMOKEHOUSE BACON AVAILABLE O7NLY UNTIL SAT. FEB. 19T4 P KG.0 24 RICHMELLO c DOINE TTES - - - -,-5 RICHMELLO 1.6 RAISIN BREAD ___8 OZ. PKG PEPPERIDGE FARM 12 FL, TO , il ýri AUNT JEMIMA 2.19 TABLE SYRUP 4x 5OZ.!TINS O3- KRAFT PURE 16OZ. LOAF 16 OZ. LOAF 32 OZ. C1NTF. 9 FL. OZ.JAR 2 kg ORANGE FLAVOUR. 4x3'/2OZý PKGS. BAG TN RSAS 1 C PRE-COOKED 40 K MINUTE RICE 25 24 OZ. PKG. 0F 100 LOAF GLAD PLASTIC SANDWICH BAGS96 CFABRIC SOFTENER NU FLUFF 3 QT. BAG OR JUG PLUS 40V DEPOSIT PARTIALLY SKIMMED ON JUG 128 FL. OZ. CONT, FEBRUý ARY 16 TO MARCH 5 ORIOLE SOFT 16 OZ. CONT. COLOURED MARGARINE59 STRAINED EXCEPT MEAT -1 GERBER lae INFANT FOODS 4.5 FL. OZ. JAR 123ec 16OZ. PKG.1OZ NT ORANGE PEKOE 0F 120BORDENS INSTANT 1 Z OT 9 UM DROPS & 500 g PKG.I JRFRUIT S LICESI TEA BAGS e DOMINION CANDY 89 I L. SAVARIN il oz. PKG. FREEZER QUEEN FROZEN__ 2 LB. PK SALISBURY STEAK & GRAVY 1. 10 OZ. PK GAINSBOROUGH FROZEN PIE SHELLS a 5 GAINSBOROUGH FROZEN 9O.P TART SRELLS, 5lý5 DOMINION FROZEN 32 OZ. PKi CANADA FANCY BRPOCCOLI CUTS 2002 ALORO FROZE'N__P FROZEN, CANADA FANCY 2 LI FRENCH FRIE D ~ POTATOES McCAIN'S ~ 1602 RICH' FROEN ~CON] COFFEE RICH 2 Win an Adir*ai Freezer and $50 FFFree FFFrozen FFFood! You could win this beautiful white 15 cubic foot AdmiraI home freezer. dehivered to vour home. Plus $50. of frozen food to start stocking that new treasure chest of family meals. Enter as often as 'cou want. Pick up an cntrv forrn next time 'cou shop Dominion's fantastic 1 hope to win a 15 cubie foot ADIMIRAL HOME FnEZE (plus $50.00 Worth of Frozen Food Products) NAME__________________ ADDRESS______________ ___ CITY-___________ PROVINCE POSTAL CODE_______ TELEPHONE- DEPOSIT IN ENTRY BOX AT FRONT 0F STORE CONTEST ENTRY RULES t1, orpou foYeu dde'sandte"p' eanmnrroeasomiionFroenFoneSaeoetr 4nSletios wdon mae tonominiotngblee'rrrs rceFoodom oSalpet patng omî o blank avoui able rom cashiers at any participaing Dominion Store and deposit itn entry Store and sOeCted entrants must irst correntty ai swer a time-t mited, sc ti-tesirquqestion bon ai the tore. befote bein d decare a.'wirrer n lyoune prze perrm 2 Enter as Oten ah h0c mish. bot' eacn nt-y must lie nano prînted and net mechanîcatty re- 5.The contest ts oenon teil residents ot Canada encept employons and tSoir immedrate tamilies poducd To co olîgîhIaýenOtris mont b500posired in the orrrry boxnne ator than the contest et Dominion Stores Lethoer adeert 10 Opgel h aid the conrtst loOping ergani ation ctosirg dateý Match S, t977, Att entries Secorn She preperty et Dominion Stores, and non- witl be îeerned te entering, 3ý PRIZES: there wili ho 203 Admirt Orai çu ic i owsrded, CF 1576). Mnatueors entrants agron te abide bSte truies and autler on Domninon Stores Limrieta ann',-e and suggosted reta il itice $3490 00e rFreezor pins $50000 in Fr0001 Fone Products wîl Seaward- Pnbt sh their name and/or pbotograph in the ccant an entrant c declared o wîoner. Dec c ens ed ineach et 203 part cîpatîng Dominion Stores Freezer most Se occepted as owarded and is ot the Iodgns are t nu VOThecotest is succrto ail Fedoral, Procincial and Municipal Oms, 0otcronverrible te cash Contest closes Maic 5,1977; Daw wili take place Match 16, 1977, Wnners w!il Ie aerouncecfMarch 30 1977. VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING TUES. FEB. 22, 1977. WE RESERVE THE RIGH I TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. DOMINION STORES LIMI TED. man, 3rd Dave Hall, 4th Clarence Woodley, 5th Eanl Preçcott, Low Lady Sally Thompson, Low Gent Walten Murphy, 50-50 dnaw Doreen Par, .1 _ 1 , Ilth winnens were: lst Ella Venning, 2nd Leland Milîson, 3rd Agnes' Prescott, 4th Pauline Ail- dnead, 5th Alvin Spencer, Low lady Mollie Horstman, Low Gent Geo. Alldread, 50-50 Bessie Spencýer. Sorry t- Fred Part- u s spatient ln Meý,rnorial Hospital but glad to know Lionel Byamn is home again, aften a lengthy stay in hospîtal. LIQVUID 800 G. PKG. 2%' ILKt' - Congràtulations to Mr. and, Mrs. Henry Sokoljuk (the former Miss Carol Elizabeth Chatterton), on their marriage Saturday afternoon, Februar3M, l2th, 1977 in Orono Uniteg Church, Rev. Basil E. Long G.Th. officiated. The reception and wedding dancewas at the New Dutch Oven Restaurant. Mr. and Mrs. Sokoljuk will reside on Stone Street, Osha- wa. S Mrs. George Morton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morton. Mr. and Mrs. Les Hrebicek of Toronto spent the weekend with hier parents Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bail. Mr. D.S. Harness has re- turned home from, the Memor- ial Hospital, Bowmanvîlle. Mrs. A. Quinney of New- - castle recently visited her OZ. daughtêr and son-in-law Mr. ?Nand Mrs. Harvey Partner and Dr. and Mrs. Keith Taylor, Nancy and Bonnie of Bramp- Cton were among the out of town guests at the Sokoljuk- Chatterton wedding and spent the weekend with Mrs. Mar- shall Chatterton. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence 7ý Harris visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fulford, Kevin, Anita and Glen at Meaford on Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Mary Bail (Glanville) Manning, age 90 wife of the late Mr. Arthur Manning formerly of Orono passed away on Saturday February l2th at the Oshawa General Hospital after a long illness. Complete Funeral Service was on Tuesday afternoon from the Armstrong Funeral Home Oshawa, Spring inter- ment Orono Cemetery. Mr. William John Jordan. age 88, formerly of Orono and Aahusband of 'Barbara Lambert and the late Dora Altflea ade asdwy (Gary 11, 1977. eFuneral was from. the Me- Eachnie Funeral Home, Pick- - ering on Tuesday afternoon. K. Interment Mount Lawn Ceme- cMr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris visited his mother Mrs. A. Harris and spent the KG evening at the Valentine Party for the patients -at the Best C View Lodge, Oshawa on Fni- day. M. Haydon ,G. Mr.Russell Ormiston, Mrs. Ivan Sharp, Mrs. W. Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. H. McGiIl, Enniskillen called last week on Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton. Miss Mary Potts, Tornt petthe weekend at lher Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Black- B. burn and family, Orono, were G. Sunday super guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Blackburn and family. S Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, Enniskillen called on Mn. and Mrs. Doug Blackburn and Wendy on Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones and family were Satunday visitons )Z. at Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones. T. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sternit, Brampton spent the weekend with Mr. and Mns. Arthur ~ Trewin and Paul, Mn. andi Mns. Si Tnewin, Bowmanville called on Mr. and Mrs. Anthun Trewin on - Sunday. Allan Ashton spent the weekend'in Barrie with Cour- tice Secondany School Band, TYRIONE Senior Citizens The Tyrone Senior Citizens have completed their firs t successful year. In June, we enjoyed a bus trip to Black Creek Pioneer Village, as well as a day in November, at the Royal Winter Fair. In Decem- ber we enjoyed a banquet, served by Long Sault Club 50, and an evening of bingo and DOMINION FROZEN qe ma AffL