Trhe (anadian Sttema, owmanville]Fbua,6,1771 Dunwoody Llmlted Trustee in Bankruptcy q 146 Sii Phone 576-3430 REALTORO LRE»AL ESTATE LIAMITED ONLY 3 THOUSANDDOWI p urchaser of this beautiful 4 finished rec room. Full pricg Bowmanville., NEWTONVILLE - A solid br on a large fenced corner lot. 41 room for expansion. Oni', 70 ACRE FARM - Compi renovated 3 bedroom hom, broadloom throughout. Moderi stream., 55 acres of good woi with $30,000.0( LAKE SCUGOG - 2 yr. oh 3 bedrooms,-rmain floor, andi re bedroomns, basement level. $! D. Prager (705) 277. DWMAN VILLE 623-3393 imcoe St. N., Oshawa 1P.O. Box 516 World Traveller Ben Wicks Vis its Bowmanville 623-4428 181 Church Street Bowmanvitle NI ta the qualified Ibedroomn sidesplit with ýe $46,900.00. North end Act fast! nlick former schoolhouse bedrooms, firepl ace and 5 45,900.00 or o f fer. letely modernized and e, 2 washrooms and n barn 160 x40. Pond andi )rkable land. $109,000.00 )down. Id bungalow, fireplace, c raam, extra kitc hen, 2 44,800.00. Cali office or F-2861 col lect. The brief mild speli of weather which arrived last week brought hoDe for some that Spring was finally on its way, including cartoonist Ben Wicks. A world travelier, cartoonist Mr. Wicks cropped into town for a visit after returning from Paris, France where perhaps the weather was better suited for safari jackets and Bermuda shorts. On his next trip to Bowmanville, he will probably want to wear something a littie warmer but nobody would criticize him this time for anticipating some warmer weather. ORONO 983-9547 BOWMANVILLE ,Must seil thfis attractive 3 bedroom brick bungalow. Comnpletely finished basement. Cedar lined closet. Profession-ally treed and landscaped. Extra large lot. Only $56,000, Terms. Cali Phyllis McRobbie. N EWCASTLE 3 bedroom briýck and aluminum backsplit. Attractive family room 20' x Il' with open fireplace. $52,900 with terms. Contact Pat Yeo for inspection. ANTIQUE COLLECTOR'S DELIGHT - ORONO This beautiful, century, brick home is hi ghlighted by red pine and oak floors, 4 bedrooms. Famiiy room with fireplace. Carniage house converted into garag e. New stormrs and screens. Spaclous living room and dining room. Situated on treed lot 132' x 200'. A pleasure to show. Askîng only $79,900. Terms. Cali Charlie Reid. ORONO 3 bedroom home situated on 90' x 130' lot. Home is spotless throughout. New carpet, living room, dining room and famhily room. Must be be a ppreciated. Asking $49,500. Terms. Cali Charlie Reid. N EWCASTLE For the indfividual who wants the choice of lot and design. We have available for Spring building 5 lots 100' x 150'. Homnes to be built by Halminen Homes Ltd. Known as quality builders. For more information cail: Jan Oudshoorn. NEWCASTLE VILLAGE Beautiful sidesplit home with fireplace and family roomn. Large-bright kitchen. Separate dining room. Attached garage. 3 bedrooms. 16' x 32' pool on lot 60' x 174'. Ail for $61,900. Terms. Cali Bill Turansky. Coast to Coast Real Estate Service pO NypOO Among those returning Mr. and Mrsz. Gordon Britton, home from Florida this'past Donald Challice and Winston week were Margaret Wright, Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Murphy ?Y% Mý COvUNTRY LIVING.. HOMES TO SUI' from YOUNG FJ COME & SEE FOR YOURSELF ...Pc.ryo.. Visit us this weekend! 1 -4 p.m./\U '> -' NO0. 2 SCUGOG REAL1Y LTD. Port Perry 985-3292 Toronto 293-3764 R ENTERS You cou Id own you rOWN home! Deposit Moves you in;. $LÀÀr~non-repayable $6,0/VVgovernment grant OnIly 6 Leff I Sales Office 623-2535 Toronto 236-2616 IN PONTYPOOL FOR f44,97O and up IT YOUR LIFE STYLE A.MILIES to RETIRED F12j BURKETON Mr. Alfred Olsen, Owen Sound district, and Mr. Cam- eron Olsen, Oshawa, called on Burketon friends on Saturday. Mrs. S. Grant and Alan, Zion, Mrs. P. Hart spent an evening with Mrs. R. Davey. Mr. and Ms. N. Glennie have a 'wee grandson who is a patient in Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto. We hope he will soon be better and home again. Mrs. M. Archibald is spend- ing some time visiting in Toronto. Little Miss Michelle Swain, Oshawa is visiting her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. AI Swain and family. Mr. George Rahm, Saint- tielci, spent three weeks in Florida. George was a long time resident of this area. PRIVATE SALE Bowmnanville V2 storey, brick home on quiet street, 3 bed- rooms, dining raom, finished rec room, 112 washrooms, .plaster walls, hardwood floors, carpeting and custom made drapes in living room. Private treed 50. by 155 lot, brick barbe- que, larg.e patio, utilîty shed, ail in excellent condition- $47,000. Çall 623-2358 after 3 p.m. lef t on the weekend for tw-o weeýks in Florida and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clark will be leaving later in the week. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rowett are spending the winter months near St. Petersburg. There were 8 tables at the Wednesday night euchre party in Pontypool wîth winners Karen Richardson, Sharon Bailey, Jim Propp and Horace Peck. The next card party will be on Wednesday Feb.,23rd. Eight tables of euchre were played in Baliyduff on Friday night. Winners were Mrs. Vicky Beggs, Doris Brown, Audrey Wood, Bruce McGill, Stan Wright and Bob Forrest. Several couples attended the Friday night Valentine dance in Milîbrook Legion and helped Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Gilbank celebrate their 35th weddîng anniversary. Con- gratulations Cliff and Thel- ma! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young-1 man spent the weekend with R.B "BUD 0Vir*tu 18King Street E-ast, Bowmanville 623-2967 1INCOME PLUS PRIVATELII* 3 bedroom, living room, kitÎchen and bthon rmaini floor, full basement. Second fý,loor has 3 separate rooms used as income with bathroom, small kitchen area. Asking only $47,500. Terms at 8 per cent. See if today, CAVAN TOWNSHIP 3 acre lot, mastly wooded with hardwaod trees. Between Millbrook and Garden Hill. Asking only $12,900. Buy today for tamorrow's future. COUNTRY LIVING On 10 acres with large 3 bedroom brick bungalow, separafe dining room, double attacheci garage, large, breezeway. About one third cleareci, balance in bush stream at rear. Only 15 minutes from Bowmanville. Asking 594,900. See iftodlay. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hethering- ton at their Lake Daîrymple home. Several area senior citizens travelled by bus, ta Peterbor- ' ough on Saturday ta attend the Ice Capades in the Memorial Centre, Roy Gaynor, Ralph Hoy and Jim Stanley and three friends left on Friday for a two week vacation in Florida........... I Bowmnanvîlle -623-3911 j3 new homes to choose from, caîl for more information. BOWMANVILLE -,,narth end area court, has 3 bedrooms, 11/2 baths, family room with fireplace and sliding doarsto the sundeck, AM FM intercom, central cleaning, cushion floor and broadloom throughout. BOWMANVILLE - Scugag St., close ta school andi church, has 3 bedroams, fireplace, cushian floor andi broadloom throughout. Well constructeci with plaster walls including garage. NEWCASTLE - 3 bedroams, Hollywood kitchen, electric heat, cushion floor and hroadlonm of your choice.1 COUNTRY LIVING In this three bedroom custom built home situated on two acres of land featuring two fireplaces, large double car garage. Priced at $89,900. BOWMANVILL E Lovely 4 bedroom, two storey homes, north end Bowmanville with two bathroomis, attached garage. Priced right at $58,500. BOWMANVILLE Three bedroom bungalow, large lot, separate dinfing area. Priced right at $36,000. Try an offer. 623-7461 - 623-2492 - 983-9645 'BANNR PASSAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED REALTOR 623-6121 BOWMANVILLE 2 year aid 4 bedroomn sidesplit, fam Lily room with fireplace, garage, beautiful ly decorated. $59,500.00. ORONO Immaculate 3 bedroomn brick and aluminumn bungalow, lot 75' x 104', fieldstone fireplace in the rec room. Asking $47,500.00. BOWMANVILL E 3 bedroom side-split, family room, fireplace, garage, large 9 per cent f irst mortgage. Vendors alreadY" bought. $59,500.00. BOWMANVILLE 3 bedroom 2 storey brick starter or retirement home, close to schools and shopping. $37,500.00. OSHAWA 3 bedroomn brick bungalow, Hollywood kitchen, finished rec roomn with gas fireplace, gara ge, lot 55' x 113' some appliances included. As king $56,900.00. COU RTI CE 10 acres with a 5.year old brick and stone bungalow, dining raom, firepiace in Th e famiiy room, smaii barn ideal for horses or beef cattie. OSHAWA 2 bedroom starter or retirement bungalow, lot 50' x 150', full basement, garage, aIl appliances lnciuded. $39,900.00. VILLAGEMLVING 2 year old brick and aluminumside-spltfàmily room with fireplace, dining room, 3 bedrooms, lo 105' x 151' with pool. Asking $56,000,00. FARMS 220 acres and 148 acres. One has approximnatel y 2000' of lake frontage and a ý2 storey bricekhouse,-bar,10M' x 30'; thie other is aDbeef operation. COUNTRY LIVING 3 bedroom brick and aluminum side-split, dining room with sliding glass doors to patio, family room, lot 100' x 150'. Asking $6 1,900.00. ACREAGE 40 acres, 55 acres, 70 acres, ail have excellent building sites, within a 10 mile radius of Bowmanville. BOWMANVILLE 12 year aid sidesplit, 4 bedrooms, family roomn with fireplace, sliding glass doors to patio, double car garage, lot 61' x 1101. REALTOR 147 King-St. E. Bowmanville, 2~3 King St. E. Bowmanfville I Phone 623-6622 Three bedrooms, large living room, family room, fire place, home makers dream kitchen. Asking $58,900.00. Cali Ed Jeans 623-7152 or 623-6622. HOME 0F THE WEEK North east Oshawa, four bedroom ;two storey with attached garage. Priced to buy andi move into lmmediately at $47,900.00. Cali Gord Barnes 655-4940 or 623-6622. ALL YOU'RE LOOKING FOR Large 75 x 200 ft. lot, dining room, walk outs, balcony, twotbthrooms, main floor laundryroom, finished rec room with log burning f ire P lace, garag e with entrance from the house, quality decor. Asking $64,900.00. Cali Mary Pike 623-6622 or 986-5355. -9 623-746.1