On Sunday one day ahead of Valentine Day, the weather man's chilly, snowy atmos- phere had not the slighest hint of loving warmth, yet 60 eager worshipper's enjoyed the warm and friendly fellowship at the morning services which began the pre-lenten period of "Ten Days for World Develop- ment". Meta Read, organist made a most appropriate choice with her choir gave a genuinemessage of love in their Anthem "God's Love Will Neyer Grow Old" with the ladies' section singing a lead- ing part. In the Children's story our minister stated that nothing is impossible and there is always a way and a right "Time to Art" with the support of God's power which was followed and emphasized by the Children's Hymn "He's Got the Whole Wyorld in His Hands." Rev. Kempling chose as the thpé-me for his sermon "Let The Hungry Feed Them- selves!" which he explained was cruel but he continued to say that there are myths about food which are responsible for people starving in the world of plenty, but it is God's plan for us to carry as much as possible. The opening worship of the S.S. was led by Joyce Virtue with a Valentine Story usîng a heart shaped candy box con- taining good and bad the same as in our hearts e.g. hate. generosity, forgiveness, greed, loyalty, unforgiveness, untruthfulness, hope, faith, dishonestv. -love. TIhis week's events are 1. Suda 7:30 p.m. Oshawa Prsyery Meeting in South- minster UC . Oshawa to induct its minister, the Rev. Bill Piercy. 2. Monday 8 p.m. The session Meeting in Tyrone United Church Hall. 3. Tuesday, 6:45 p.m. Osha- **bVe'oe the Cpegt ltu tgt lui OPTUCAL BOUIQUE 30 KING ST. WESTMISGZEG R BOWMANVI LLEMISGZELR PHONE 623-4477 DISPENSING OPTICIANS Phone 623-7312 UNISEX Tricho-Analysis Facials and Make-up Redken Hair and Skin Products ~D~yCQwefr~Càu(Q1 A Salesmnan who had a long run of bad luck iuddenly rushed into his home and began to tear the room upside down. "What have you lost, dear?" asked his wife. -'ve taken an ordertd " he revealed "and Ilve misplaced theaddressofmyfjrm' CLOTHES'CARE HINT: Curtains and drapes will disintegrate fromn atmospheric and acid deposits unless they are cleaned at Ieast once every six months. Courtice Secondary Sehool Drama Club wîil present "GY PSY" Ma rch 3,4,5, 9:00 p.m. at B.H.S, Auditorium DRY CLEANI Mb 84 leaersLtd. 84King St. W. 623-5520 ""We Specialize in Shirt Laundering"' ENNISKILLEN G GARMENTS 1 ~I I wa Presbytery meeting ii Ebenezer U.C. 4. Wednesday 1:30 p.m Enniskillen U.C.W. meeting a the Manse. Report next week Coming Events are 1. Satur day 6:,15 p.m. Oshawa Presby tery Men's Rally. will bie helc in St. Stephen's United Churci Hall. 2. Saturday 8 p.m. Youtt Groups Valentine Dance at thE Commnunity Hall "See lasi week's Coming Events" foi details. 3. Next Sunday, Feb. 20th is Baden Powell Sunday, the beginning of Youth week. WE will be pleased to welcome the Scouts and Guides and ahl the boys and girls of the mid-week groups parading to worship with us. Our Youth Group held its bi-weekly meeting at Susan and Scott Werry's home last Wednesday Pres-Linda Sharp had a brief opening medita- tion. Roll Caîl, reading of minutes by Sec. Susan Werry. Many plans were begun for a St. Patrick's Card Party, Secret Sr. Pals, Film in March, guest speaker in April etc. and final arrangements were made for the Valentine Dance on Saturday evening in the Community Hall when a warm invitation is for one and ahl to come and have fun. The full house at Eastdale Collegiate for the second night of the Oshawa Chapter Barber Shoppers Evening with the music of Irving Berlin had in its audience Judy Virtue and. Margaret Ashton who attend- ed with Anna Donn and Barry Bragg and they noticed sever- ai other neighbours also and "they say" ýsome others were there on Friday evening. Our ailing and indisposed folks are mostly ready to hail spring time with better health and among them is Wîlfred Bowman home again after his short holiday at Shouldice Hospital for a double wiring. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smith, Bowmanville were Saturday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp were evening cahiers. Rev. and Mrs. L. Bigby, Welland were Saturday cal- lers at Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Werrys. Michael Holmes, St. Cath- arines was weekend visitors with his grandmother and with other friends. Mr. Murray Marshall, Bar- ton R.R.i N.S. was weekend visitor with Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery and family before attending a hardware show in Toronto. Mr. George Rahm Green- bank was a visitor with Mr. Adam Sharp last Friday. Rev. and Mrs. Keempling were Sunday luncheon guests of Mrs. Gertie Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Shemon, Susan and Fred, Haydon, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor, occa- tion of Ruby Trewin's birth- iay. Congratulations. Mr.ý Vern Perigoe and iaughter Heather, Brooklin wvere with The Ted Werry's on Saturday and Miss Heather Eerigoe was Sunday dinner guest. Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Wearn, Peterboroug were Monday %lie inues Ail The former Eva Wilhelmina Samis, daughter of the late Norman and Mary Samis was united in Holy Matrimony to William James, son of the late George and Nancy Stapletoni by Rev. D. Munro in Toronto, February 21, 1912. visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ElA> Werry. Mr. acd Mrs. Mfilton, Stainton, Mrs. Ella Bowman, spent Wednesday afternoon with them. Mrs. R. Virtue had a short visit on Sunday. Mrs. Werry is gaining in strength each day but must be careful. Elisabeth Worden is visiting this week with hier maternai gandparents Orville and Mar- garet Ashton. On Wednesday eveaing, Mrs. Ted Werry and daughter Lee Anne picked grandmother Mrs. A. Perigoe at Caesarea and spent the evening with Mrs. Gregg Hewson. Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Mc- Gill, Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor spent Monday evening wîth Mrs. 'Gertie Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sander- son and family, Brooklin were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright and Betty. Timmy Howe in company with bis grandfather Mr. Thomas Dickson, Bewdley attended the auto show in Toronto on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ashton and Paul, Bowman- ville, were Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton. The meeting of the Enniskil- len Jr. 4-H Club was hehd at 7 p.m. on Feb. 8th in the Enniskiilen Church S.S. room. Officers were elected which was President Judy Virtue, Vice Pres. Cindy McGill, I'reasurer Gloria Ferguson, Press reporter Tracey Pol- lard; This unit is calhed "the cereal sheif" a cooking unit, each girl each week bas to nake a certain food at home *or their home assignments. Our club namne is the Enniskih- len Muffets. Next meeting Judy Virtue and Gail Lamb are bringing the food and demonstrating how to make Iog woods, at the last meeting Joyce Chambers demon- strated how to make frypan cookies, meeting closed at 9 p.m. Our sympathy is extended to the sorrowing neighbouringj famulies of the hate Mrs. W.W. VanCamp and the hate Alex Potter. Robert Shemon was home fr the weekend fromn Kings- ton. Sunday visitors with Mrs, essie Shemon and sister Mrs. [elen Milîson were Mr. and Mrs. Bihl Murphy, Mr. and Irs. Cecil Hyde, Toronto, Iiss Heather Milison, Beth- iny. Mr. and Mrs. R. Stenger,t :nniskiîîen R.R.1 MEA GAYBLADE Fitness. In vour hcýar you know its rigbt. present were Mr. and Ms. Lennox Vasey (Betty), Port MeNichol, Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stapleton, R.R.2 Newcastle, and daughters (Barbar'a) Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Donnelly, Darryl and Lori-Ann, Port Hope (Lois) Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morton, Kevin and Dwayne, Kendal, sons Gary and Neil were unable to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Staple- ton, Bowmanville and family (Marilyn) Mr. and Mrs. David Green, ýCraig and Corey, Bowmanville (Donna) Mr. and Mrs. -Junior Tennant and Gloria Stapleton both of Tor- onto (Pauline) Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Murphy and Tamara Bowmanville. Several guests called during the afternoon. Mr. Stapleton will be 91 on March lst and Mrs. Stapleton 88 on June 7th. Celebrcfe 65th Wedding Anniversary, IPhe Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 16, 1977 3 maniner with the hostess and and Mrs. George' Vandam. Mrs. R. Cameron serving a Pontypoo'. lovely lunch. March meeting tobe at Mrs. Bakers with Mrs. Kovacs and Mrs. Baker as convenors. Ms arilK- STAY vacs, Judy and Louise were ON TOP Sunday supper guests of Mr. BLACKSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright were Friday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, Dalton, Dorreil. Congratulations to, Mrs. Wright who was cele- brating her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Ahlyn Hoskin, Brett and Sherri of Bowman- ville and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hawkins of Coihingwood were Wednesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hoskin. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorreli were Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. William Dickson and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fisher ail of Burlington. Mrs. Beth Schryburt and children spent 2 days in Michigan attending the funer- ai of a close cousin. Mr. Patrie Atkinson of Brampton spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ross Atkinson. The Intermediate chass of Blackstock Sunday Sehool and their teacher, Beth Schryburt visited the Port Perry Nursing Home on Sunday to, present a Valentine concert to the patients. Janet Parsons. was the pianist and Eileen Me- Laughlin assîsted with the singing which the patients enjoyed very much. Red Carnations were made by some of the children and were distributed among the pa- tients. A supper party for the class of about 20 was enjoyed at the home of Beth and Larry Schryburt after retumning from the Nursing Home. The Public Speaking Con- test was held Friday February llth at Cartwright Centrai Public Sehool. The contest was judged by three, visiting educators. The winners for lst, 2nd and 3rd positions Were: Leanne VanCamp, Kevin Keiiow and Norma Arney. Best of luck to Leanne VanCamp who wilh be compet- ing with the family of schools on Tuesday evening, Febru- ary 25th at H.W. Knight in Cannington. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and girls were Friday evening dinner guests of Rev. and Mrs. J.C. Hill and Jonathon of Columbus. Mrs. Reg. Boundey of Port Perry spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and girls and Mrs. C. Graham. U.C.W. President Ruby Van Cýamp met with 15 members of the Afternoon Unit at the home of Elizabeth Skelding on February 8th.' Leader Dora Martyn opened. the meeting with a poem "Unto the Day". During Roll Cali a variety of poems were recited or read. Jean Ferguson led the devo- tional entitled "Serenity of the Soul." To deal with the problems and tensions in our daily lives we need inner serenity. Only wîth God's help can we know His peace which s the key to becoming calm, serene and gentie. One item of business dtiscusseai was the well received suggestion that we make a crib quilt this winter as we did hast year. Marion Larmer presented the theme and used 2 pînylets from the book "Please don't stand up in my canoe." These were humorous dialogues which portrayed quite -obvi- ously the need/o take a look at ourselves as Christians to examine our motives to see whether we measure up to the standards we set for others. Jean Ferguson ciosed the meeting with prayer. The Candace Unit of the U.C.W. met on Tuesday morn- ing at the home of Edith McLaughlin wîth 13 ladies and 3 children present. I CORID SERVICES, andIT TE QUALITY NAME IN AIR CONDITIONINGj WHAT, A COMBIN.ATION Il, .not when yo'a cee the spring flowers blooming among the new collection of "wicker accessorîes " in our Upst airs Slxop .....Steal a March on Spring at LVýBOWMANLLE ~AKE - a YO RK CHAMPION IV central air onditioning system, top it off with a YORK electronic a ir c lea ner a nd power hu mid ifier ... ADD TO THAT the quiet installations a nd prompt ependable maintenance performned by CORID SERVICES... iSUBTRACT your spring rebate of up to $27500 ... and end up with a total home comfort package that can't be beaten I ÇalI today for a complimentary brochure. In home visits made at no cost or obligation. HURRY.., REBATES EPR .URRY.MARCH.151 EXPIREJ N ÔAuthorized Consumers Gas Dea ler 161 Basieline Road East 623-6281 or 728-6890 24 Hours a Day a I Mr. and Mrs. William Sta- Mr. and Mrs. Stapleton pleton cehebrated their sixty- settled on a farm, one mile fifth wedding anniversary west of Newtonville where Sunday, February 6th, with a they lived for sixty-two years family party at Strathaven before leaving in September Nursing Home, King St. E., 1974, Bowmanville, where Mrs. Stapleton is a patient. Members of their familv ,Long Sault ~r. and Mrs: Harry Baker anl family. County Rd 57, Mr. anl Mrs. Keith Goble and boys, Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, and boys were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hall and Lisa, Janetville were Sunday evýning visitors of the G. Bakers. M r. and Mrs. F.O. Smith, Bowmanvilhe, were Sunday afternoon visitors of Miss G. Sm~ith. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk were Wednesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas Penwarden celebrating Mrs. Vanieyk's birthday. Messrs. Joh~n and Paul Vaneyk were WedJnesday evening visitors of their parents. Club 50 ladies met at the homne of Mrs. 'Stan Gobie Tuesday evening, Feb. ,8. Pres. Mrs. Kovacs opened the meeting and conducted the business. Plans were made to have a booth at the Darlington Spýrts Arena in June and also abqut dêatering for banquet in Apiil. Mrs, Leavens acted as auctioneer for our annual Valentine Sale with proceeds going to the Heart Fund. Meeting chosed in the usual "Som~ething that Make Me Happy". Knitting from the Canadian Save the Children was distributed to be knitted into warm woolies for needy children. Plans were made for sending a layette to Port Perýy Hospital. Joyce Taylor led in worship taking as hier theme "Self-Control". Ruby Parsons presented a most inte -esting programme "The Way Things Are." Ruby based hier talk on the first part of the bool: "Justice Not Charity" by Douglas Roche, pointing out to us how Canadians ive, where they put their priorities and then comparing our standard of living wîth the less fortun- ate people of our worhd. She concluded hier talk by asking the thought-provoking ques- tion "How concerned are we about the way things are?" Winners, at the Senior Citi- zen Çard Party with 17 tables were: lst. Laurena Bright791, 2nd ylmer Piowman 85, 3rd. Lorna Richards 81, 4th Rich- ard MVanns 81, sth Ida Samn- mel 78, 6th Agnes Prescott 78, Low Edna Larmer.