18 The Canadian, Statesman, Bowmanville, Februarv 23, 1977 NE TONVILLE On Saturday Feb. 12 two local residents competed in the Pine Ridge Figure Skating Competition held at Darling- ton Sports Arena. Debbie Veldhuis placed 4th in the Preliminary Ladies, and Tim Gardner placed Bth in the Preliminary Men's. Both did very well, for their first competition. Newtonville Beavers: We enjoyed a Toboggan Party, two weeks ago in Brown's Hill, then went back to the church for hot chocolate. Danny Chrysier was presented with a green tail, moving him up to a new level of learning. Saturday, the annual Father and Son Banquet for Beavers Cubs' and Scouts was held in our church hall at-6:30 p.m. Newtonville Brownies: Feb. Bth Julie Ogden was enrolled as a Brownie and Patricia Frank received her, Golden Ladder. -Feb. l8th : lst Newtonville' Brownies together with their leaders Mrs. Marilyn Baker, Mrs. Jean Kimbaîl and Elaine Harrison went to the Robert McLaughlin Art Gallery, in Oshawa. Mrs. Shirley Staple- ton and Mrs. Peggy Frank also came with us and an interesting and f un tîme was had by ail. Two year service stars were presented to Annet- te Harness, Sherry Mclnnes and Vicki Kimbali. First y ear service stars were given to Maria Barnoski, 0</R HEA TING OIL REI6NS SUPREME 01/R SERVIE RMPI IrSHEA TS'A I*EAMV e Francis Tenna nt .Fuels R. R. i, Orono, Ont. 9835693 Kelly Powell, Tiffany1 Rowe, Lori Sharpe and Nadiné Sta- pleton, as well as the leaders, Mrs. Baker, and Mrs. Kim- bail. Badges w ere presented to Tiffany Rowe-Booklovers and Petkeepers. Nadine Stapleton- Bookiovers and Housekeep- ers, Artist-Sandra Zeitsma, Collectors-Sharon Stapleton, Housekeepers and Skiers- Maria Barnoski, Skaters- Juanita Patterson. Cooking Badges were presented to Jackie Stapieton, Maria Barn- oski,- Nadine Stapleton, Tif- fany Rowe and Vicki Kimbaîl. raft Badges were given to Vicki Kimbaîl, Tiffany Rowe, Susan Sutherland, Sandra Zeitsma and Jackie Stapleton. Toymaker Badges, were earned by Lori Sharpe, Susan Sutherland, Kelly Powell and, Sharon Stapieton. Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Jones and Mrs. Bea Jones were visitors with Mrs. Myrtie Moase in Milton Manor on Friday. 1Mrs. S. Lancaster and Mrs. Jack Chard were among those attending a kitchen shower for the former Sharon Werry, at the home of Mrs. Grant Herr'on, Courtice on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer were Saturday afternoon visit- ors with Mr. afld Mrs. AIf Graham, Newcastle. Mrs. Mary Wade, and Grant of Barrie, were weekend visitors with Mrs. Leone Lane. Mrs. Bill Stacey, Beverly and Donald spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Carlisle at Sterling. On Sun- day they were joined by Mr. Bill Stacey, Evelyn and Clare. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow, with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lancaster were Sat- urday evening dînner guests, wit¶i Mr. 'and Mrs. John Couley, Wlcome. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tompkins and family and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stapleton and famiiy returned home from their Florida holiday,, the end of the week. The Couples Club heid a dance in our Community Hall, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Stapie- was home from Hamilton over the weekend. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Agnes Burley included Mr. Patrick G. Deegan D.T. DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC formerly known as BOWMANVILLE DENTURE CLINIC has moved to a new location 36 KING ST. W. BOWMAN VILLE 623-4473 I Bowmcn ville Wins Legion Zone Trophy Elizabethville Church services were hehd as usual. Rev. Bartiett had an excellent sermon, "Keep your spirits up." He spoke of the winter binas and to keep our spirits up. The choir sang. Garden Hill will have the, World's Day of Prayer March 4th. Mr. and Mrs. G. Fowler, Toronto were home over the weekend. On Friday night a Weicome home and going away party was held at Mr. and Mrs. W. Casselton's for Mr. and Mrs. Tony Badder who were married in England and had recently returned home and were ieaving again for a new job down east near Dundas on Saturday. Severai gathered and presented them with a sum of money. A salad dnner was served topped off with a cake. 1Mr. and Mrs. E.'Elliott, Oshawia had supper with Mr. and Mrs. H. Quantrili, Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. A. Peacock and Janet, Bolton were with Mr. and Mrs. V. Peacock alsp Mr. and Mrs. B. Bell, Port Hope on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dekoker, Sunderland, were with Thick- son's Friday nîght. On Feb. lOth the second meeting of the Cereal Sheif unit, of the 4-H club met at Judi and Jacki Chamberlain's home. The meeting opened wfith the pledge foilowed with the minutes by Judi Chamber- lain. Mrs. Sheppard, one of the ladies cut a kernel of barley in Rsg .$8.95 sq. yd. SALE 6.95 sq. yd. haif as a discussion period and passed it around. Heather MacPherson and Judi Chamberlain demon- strated and made dogwoods which were served as lunch. Mrs. Chamberlain is the other leader. Mr. and Mrs. R. Quantrili, Trenton were with Mr. and Mrs. John Quantrili last Sunday. Mr. C. Beatty had a quilting the past week. Sympathies are extended to the relatives and friends of the late Adelaide Cann who's funeral was on Friday in Port Hope. Mr. O. Mercer attended the machine show at Milton, on Thursday. Mr. Jack Barkwell was 9' x 12' Room Size Reg. $1 07.40 SALE taken to Oshawa hospital from G.M. on, Monday. Haven't heard howhe is recently. Four from the area attended The Bible Society dinner i Cobourg on Wednesday. Mr, Ken Trew got home fromn the hospital last Friday,. The Muldrew famnily were at Sunnyside on the weekend. On Saturday at Liberty Bowl, this team from Bowmanville won the.Legion. Zone trophy for Ladies Auxiliaries.-'Another team from the local Legion Auxiliary came fourth. The winners, with a substitute trophy borrowed for the photo, were front row, left to right, Mary Gray and Joan Suteliffe; back row, Ann Plazek, Virginia- Fairey, Irene Whitney and Diane Howarth. and Mrs. E. McEwen of Peterborough and Douglas Burley and friend, Ricky Cavanaugh of Bridgenorth. Mrs._ Burley tells us that she received news of the birth of another great grandchild, namely Jaime Lee Johnston, on Feb. 18th, making a total, now of fourteen, in that class of relatives for her. Congratu- lations to ail! Miss Debbie Saman, of Port Hope, spent the weekend her with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. DeSmit. Local people among those attending the "Pancake Breakfast", in Newcastle, Sunday moxlning, included Mr. and Mrs. S. Lancaster, Mr. Reduced prices on stover-saving and haymaking equipment during John Deere's Roundup of Bargains Corne on in and reward yourself two ways during this imited time offer. You get the forage harvester or stack wagon you need to save your stover as a "second crop" . .. and you - get instant savings on that stover-saving machine. How much, discount? Check the chart below. - Then corne on in, because we're ready to deal on the equipment C4 ~ 1 p . you need. (if dealer inventory of aniy product is exhausted, it can be ordered.> DISCOUNT DISCOUNT UNTIL 1 MAR. 1977 - MAHNS28 FE8 1977 30OAPR. 4977 336 and 346 Balers; $195 $90 15A and 16A Choppers; 100 Stack Mover; 25 and 34 Forage Harvesters 1207, 1209, and 1214 $390 $195 MowerlÇonditioners; 800,and 830 Windrowers; 466 Bale; 35 and 3800 Forage Harvesters 100 Stack Wagon $520 $260 200 and 300 Stack Movers __ $650 $325 Hydrostatic Windrowers; $1.040 $520 200 and 300 Stack Wagons Seif-Propelled Forage $1î9ý0 $975 Harvesters 230 Stack Shredder/ $2,600 $2.600 Feeder Ask for detailIs about the specal f inance charge waiver under the John Deere Finance Plan for the equipment listed above'. Morgan B. Baker MorganNBakerLindsay, Ont. Wallace Boughen, Mrs. Bea Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Melville Jones. Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice O'Neill, were Mr. Lloyd Hallowell, Starkviile, and Mr. John Low and dâughter Cathy of Toron- to. Sunday afternoon visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer încluded Mr. and Mrs. P hil Gilmer, Kim and Ken and from Port Hope, Miss Karen Gilmer and friend Mr. Carm. Trezzlno. Janet Paeden and Jean Kimbaîl greeted our congre- gation atg the church door, Sunday morning, and Rev. Tizzard's message was based on the theme "A Promnised Freedom." The choir sang "Brighten The Corner Where You Are." Bulletins for, today were supplied by the Canadian Heart Fund, Clarke Township Chapter. Miss Carol Henderson is home for several days holi- days, from Kingston, this week. Thy Hymn-Sing in Shiloh Church, Sunday evening, was well attended and those attending from our area inciuded Mr. and Mrs. S. Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. L. Clysdale, Mr. and Mrs. W. Boughen, Mrs. Mary Vinkle, Mrs. M. Stacey, Mrs. Sandra Mclnnes, Mrs. Jean Ogden, Miss B. Milligan, Mrs. I. Farrow, Mr. and Mrs. M. Jones, Mrs. D. DeSmit, Mrs. Bea Jones, Mrs. V. Gilmer and Rev. Tizzard of course. All enjoyed singing the old familiar hymns as well as listening to, the solos, duets, etc. from each charge. Mrs. Suzanne Westheuser acting as M.C. for the occasion and Rev. Tizzard supplying the Scrip- ture reading and prayer. The for members of the "Barber Shop Harmony Group" fromn Port Hope put the finishing touches to a really enjoyable musical evening and we lookç forward to hearing some of their group at our next Hymn-Sing here in four weeks' time. Newtonville Women's Insti- tute met at the home of Mrs. Iva Farrow, Wednesday Feb. 16 and President Amelia Lancaster welcomed all and opened with the Institute Ode followed by the Mary Stewart Collect. Minutes of previous meeting were read by Secty.- Treas.- Madeline Buckley and approved. Plans were discus- sed for the coming Card Party. Bea Jones and Made- uine Buckley are to look after the tally cards and money at the door. The 50-50 draw is to ýbe in charge of Iva Farrow, May Burley will look after putting the ad in the Reporter while Bea Jones will make posters for the local store, and the hall. There will be seven prizes given, a door prize, and thiree for ladies, and three for men. The book, "A Place Called Solina" was taken by another member for reading. May Burley thanked the mem bers for the book given to her husband, while he was ill. The March meeting will be held, at the home of Mary Jones. Bernice Milligan asked for suggestions for the program f'or the District Annual. Quiît blocks for the Erland Lee Home quilt, are needed and Mrs. Dennis agreed to give sombe. A motion was passeid to iimpose a fine of ten cents on any member failing to res- pond to the officiai Roll Caîl. A Committee was named to arrange our summer bus trip, namely Mrs. Milligan, and Mrs. Buckley. The suggestion was made 1that the new Eaton Centre would be an interesting place to visit, and time, etc. is to be arranlged by the Commiîitee. A motion was passed that our slate of Officers go in by acclamation. Madeline Buckley said that she has held the office of Secty.-Treas. for four years and would be glad to have someone take her place, this year, rather than wait until ahl the officers are changed. Unit Leader Iva Farrow presented the program, with Bea Jones giving the Motto, "Think Canadian, Buy Cana- dian". This was very interest- ing as it included ail types of products, grown, mîned, etc. as well as the transportation needed for shipping some. A humorous reading was given by Gladys Wood, entîtled, "Incredible." Queenie Fletcher brought an assortment of pictures, "Flowers 0f The World" giving the official names and habits of each, which were passed around, for al to examine with interest. The Roll Call-"Name a product of each. province," was answered by ail mem- bers. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction and after repeating the Institute Grace, lunch was served to the twenty-one members and two visitors present. The usual appreciation was expressed to the hostess. OBITUARY WALLACE LAVERNE MASTERS Retired for eleven years, Wallace Laverne Masters, passed away Sunday, Febru- ary l3th, 1977, in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, following a lengthy ilness. He was ini his 75th year. Son of the late James and Martha Masters, he was born and educated in Pon 'typool. On August lst, 1953 he was married to Joyce Mawhinney. A machine operator with John Inglis, Toronto, he was a member of St. Pauls United Church, and of the Senate Club. A resident, of Bowmanville for nine years, he had pre- viously resided in Toronto. Surviving are his 'wife Joyce, a sister Mrs. Ethel Gray, Toronto, brothers El- wood of Oshawa, Howard and Archie of Bowmanville. He was predeceased by two brothers and one sister. Resting at the Northcutt EiotFuneral Home, the funeral services were con- ducted by Reverend E. Schamerhorn on Tuesday.ý Many floral tokens were received in his memory, tromn friends, relatives, and neigh- bours, with donations made to the Heart Foundation and Luing Association., Reg. $3.59 sq. yd. SALE 2e99 sq. yd. 9' x 12' Room Size Reg. $43.08 SALE 35.O Ceramic 111e Ceramic M1e 1"lxlit 41/4" x41/4" (Residential Line) SALE 5 sq. ft. SALE 69C s. t McGREGOR HARDWARE h I Home Hardware 95 Kiung St.1 ""Uncle Bnys SUBMARINE SANDWICHES Are Something Special 242 King St. E. 1 Bowmanville 11623-6434 (Next to Beaver Lumber) Ask about our discount for ail party' orders. THIE REDKEN EXPERIENCE Put on your Happy Face TE -and Come OnlIn ~ "YOuR PROFESSIONAL SALON" 37 King St. W. Bowmnanville WE WILL HELP YOU TO ACHIEVEZ OUR SPECIALTIES THE TOTAL LOOKm -Perms Colors in Hair and Skmn Fashion -Cuts - Blow Drying For appointment,'cail 623-5455m - Facials For consultation on any beauty - Hair Analysis problems, ask for Bey. P.S. Don't forget to visit our RETAI L C ENTRE .Hair and 5kinCars Productsý . Compîste lins ofPH Balance Make-up. Smtyletone Ozite Econotex Ozite wmanvi
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