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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Feb 1977, p. 7

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Bowmanville High School Concert Feotures Saxophone Quart et ATTENJHU CH The followîng Cubs and ;couts assisted wi th the usher- hg at Trinity United Church n Sunday mnorniing; Kevin wderson, Kevin Anyan, Doug ýrown, Bruce Cooke, Brian lammond and Daany Peters. Rowmanville Nursery Sý,iool is holding a parents' Iht, on Thrsday, February ýý tteLions Club when t-eoe guest speakers wihl be ftured, Mrs. Mary Miller, Iexander Clinic, Oshawa, frs. Saady Magwood, Early 6iildhood Educator and Dr. hlrley Pitts, Uxbridge with a cestion and discussion period i fohbow the preseatations. lere is no charge, and an TODAYS BIBLE Wbfere- is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer cf tis ol? ahnet God made foalish the wis- dom of this world? For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdomn knew not God, it fleased Gad by the coolshness of preaching ta save tbem that believe. I Corinthians 1.20-21 Please write Box 111, Blackstock, Onta rie. invitation is corchally extead- ed to interested citizoas. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hoop- or of Hooper's Jowoller's returned ast week from a miost enjoyable two week's vacation -in Aruba. 1Reverend Alan Edward Haldenby was iatroduced to the Newcastle community and area ast week, takiag up bis new duties witb St. George's Church, Newcastle, and St. Saviors, Orono, replacing Reveread Hayne who was transferred to Western On- tario. It is rumored that Ana Cownïan, George Stephen, Ray Lunn,.and Ald. DeHart may seek the P.C. nomination at the Marcb meeting at m'tisran'sd" yt - Baha'u'llah - If interested - Box 36, Bowmanvi lie. Items -Af Inte rest Phone 623-3303 "LOVE- IN ACTION"# WORLD DAY 0F PRAYER SERVICES Aduit Service: Friday, March 4th - 2: 00 p.m. Speaker: Mrs. D. Los Reh-oboth Christian Rforned Church BABYSITTING AVAILABLE REFRESHMENTS SERVED Youth Service: Tuesday, Ma rch 1lSt -7:30 p. m. Speaker: Mr. B. Leslie St. Andrew's Presbyterian EVERYONE IS WELCOME Sponsored by Concern For Life Sunday School Classes for Ail Ages -lOa.n. - 9years and up 11 a.m. - Toddlers and Nursery Care Il: 15 a.m. - 4to 8-year-olds ila.m.-WORSHIP SERVICE Rev,.. Arthur Amacher wiII be preaching -Sermon - "TH E UNIQUE CHRIST" A Warm Welcome for Everyone St. Paul's United Chureh Minister: Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M. Div. Organist: Gerald K. Burgess Sunday, Fobruary 27, 1977 11:00 a. m. Worship Service "Words Beoeath the Cross" 9:45 Senior Sunday School (9 yrs. and u r> 11.00 a.m. Junior Stnday School (children wi lattend f irst part of Church Service with their parents) P1arents are invited ta bring their children ta our modemn Play and Learn Nursery while they worship. Pentecostal Church 75 Liberty St. S. SUNDAY,-FEBRUARY 20 9:55 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Morriing Service 7:00 p.m. - Evening Service STUDENTS FRQM EASTERN PENTECOSTAL BIBLE COLLEGE, PETERBOROUGH WILL BE SUPPLYING MUSIC AND MINISTRY IN ALL SERVICES. coime awd jotêm wàt ~ The Ontario UNICEF Com- mittee would like to take this opportunity to thank the public for their generous support of the United Nations Children's Fund in 1976. Once again, Ontario-ites have come tffrough with flying colors. The total revenue raised in Ontario, for our two mnajor programs Hallowe'enan Greeting Cards reached a total of $750,000. In addition we have received general dona- tions totalling $39,306 for a grand total of $789,306 for 1976. In the nine months ended December 31st las<t, the Feder- al Business Development Bank, authorized 1,980 loans for $82,898,000 to businesses in Ontario. In the same period a year ago, the bank and its predecessor the Industriai Development Bank, which FBDB succeeded onOctober 2nd, 1975, approved 2,013 boans for a total amount of $86,- 458,000. At -December 31st, FBDB had $331,259,000 out- standing in loans, investmnents and guarantees to 8,367 cus- tomers in Ontario. The Ontario Liberai party will hold its fîrst Annual Meeting and Policy Confer- ence March 4 and 5 at the Skyline Hotel, Dixon Road, Toronto. Dr. Stuart Smith, the Leader of the Ontario Liberal party, will make a major address to the convention on Saturday afternoon. The del- egates expected from ail across Ontario will meet, to discuss the policy resolutions passed at the Regionai Policy Conferences held by the On- tario Liberal Party in the fali of 1976. A buffet supper and dance was held Saturday evening, February 12th in the Officers' Mess at the Oshawa Armoury. It was the second annuai fund-raising affair sponsored by the Women's Volunteer Committee of the Oshawa Symphony Association, under the supervision of Mrs. Mauir- ea Smith. Guests wore re- ceived by Mr. and Mrs. James Milne. Mrs. Milne is preseatly Chairman of the Oshawa Symphony Board of Directors. In a room decorated in, a Valentine theme, guests had their photographs taken in an old-fasbioned loveseat sotting befitting the occasion. Prizes for spot dances were given out during the ovening, and eiim- ination dances contributed to the fun and frivolity. Pediar People Ltd, are considering a smallor, mod- ern manufacturing plant in Oshawa, witbin the next couple of years, according to owner and president Graeme Kirkiand, if the present build- ing on Simcoe Street is sohd. Mr. Kirkland stated the build- ing is too large for theirneeds. The 15th Annual Georal Motors Employeos Two-Day Bonspiel was beld hast week- end at the Oshawa Golf Club and Oshawa Curling Club with 70 rinks participating. It is reputed to be the largest spiel of its kind in Canada. Thunder Bay Twins of the Ontario Senior A Hockey league now hold down first place in the league with Whitby Warriors in third. Cambridge Hornets are in second spot. Peter Vipond of the Warriors won the Cowi award for the highest scoring Whitby player with 48 points, one point ahead of Charlie Convory who suffered a broken arm in Saturday's game. Phay-offs between tho Wbit- by Warriors and Orilhia Ter- riers are in progress, with the third game of the series in Wbitby, this Saturday nigbt at Iroquois Arena. Tonight Wednesday, the Oshawa Progressive Conserv- ative Party will honor Hon. Michael Starr, Dr. Charles Mcllveen and Albert Waiker at the Polish Veteran's Hall, for their long time public services. hast week included music from music director Elliott Trem- J.S. Bach, George Gershwin eer, Paul Brodie, soprano sax, and a variety of composers, John Salistian, tenor sax, both old and new. Mariono Galluzzo, alto. The Shown wîtb BHS music four musicians bave just director, Elliott Tremeer are returned from concerts in the following members of the Britain and France. Tbey quartet: John Price (left) have also taken their unique -baritone saxophone, BHS brand of music across Most of Canada. Last week's concert was the second in a series of four winter concerts sponsored by the Bowmanville Higb Scbool Band Parents Association. 1The next concert is April 3, featuring the BHS band and clarinetist James Campbell, 'COMEX 8' (Commonwealth Expedition No. 8) Enroute with Warren Lowes The channel coast near Dover was one of the maay lauaching bases for the inva- sion of Europe. Today an invasion of a very differeat order is la the making. The many contingents whicb make up Comex 8 have now arrived. Preparations for the 24,000 mile overlaaid trip to the, Middle East are la full swing. Last night at tlhe Royal Marines Traiinrg School at Deal, I stood in almost Anyone who thinks the saxophone belongs with the jazz bands of the 1930's or 40's should have been at the Bowmanville High School auditorium iast Wednesday evening., Guest artists were members of the Paul Brodie Saxophone Quartet and, the four music-, ians demnonstrated that the saxophone can be just as muchat home with classical music as with jazz and popular music. Selections on the program Eastway Lanes at 4:00 p.m. to raise money for community projects. Parkwood Rotarians will be asking friends, rela- tives and the general public for pledges to encourage themn in their new found talent. In fact, only two members of the Parkwood club have ever attempted bowling ten pin. Terry Giles, President of the Parkwood club hopes that ahl the cîizens of Oshawa ap- proached by the Rotarians would get behind the members 100 per cent in their latest community endeavour. OBITUARY FRED WILLIS The death of Fred Willis, aged 47 occurred suddenly on Thursday, February lOth, 1977 in Memoriai Hospital, Bow- manville. Son of James Willis, and the late Florence Labdoa Willis, he was bora la Pontypool and educated at Ballyduff, Enter-, prise and Pontypool. On July lSth, 1950 be was marriod to Gladys Anita Viola Hickey. A resident at R.R.5 Bow- manvilie sinco 1955, be had peiusly resided la Orono. A mmer of St. Paul's United Church, ho had been an employee of General Motors of Canada. Left to moura bis passing, are his wife, children Ray Frederick, Dale Heather Gladys, Wayne Anthony, Mur- ray James. Wendy Darlene. bis father 'James Willis, sis- ters and brothers Gwen (Mrs. Clifford Curtis), Joan (Mrs. Mei Sucee), Minnie (Mrs. Lloyd ýTaylor), Jamesi Dor- otby (Mrs. Earl Reader), Ralph, Bob, Patricia <MNrs. Don Bagneli), Audry (Ml-s. G.or-don Green.i Reverend E. Schamerhorn conducted the fumerai service at the Morris Funerai Chapel. Spring interment Ballyduffi Thp, C2nadian Statesman. Bowmanville, February 23, 1977 7 TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOHN MANUEL,) C.G.A. Income Tax a nd Related Accounting Services 67 King St. East - Suite 2 Bowmnanville, Ontario LiC lN4 LIii B~d The Commissioner, Guiders, Guides and Brownies: would like to extend a Sincere Thonks to everyone in the area w.ho has assisted and supported guiding during the post year. FLOWERS, I PLANTSI and THINGS.I l%î 1 disbelief as I watched officers dressed la their medals and braid mingle with the assem- bled racial componeats that have gatbered to make, up tbis goodwill mission. And to add more color to the ceermonies, a musical contingent (visit ing from Nigeria) eatertain,ýed la native costume. The Royal Marines estab- lishment at Deal prepares young recruits for ahi types of amphibian landings, aiso, for Iduty la northern clim ates and it provides the prelimrinary la the United Kingdom. But, so mucb for pomp and ceremony. Next morning at 6 o'clock the bugles blew and the Comex crowd was la the messhail with their tea mugs, platter plates and barracks cutbery - liaied up before the steaming vats of porridge, fried eggs,sa- ages and toast like ratings at any basic training camp. As Colonel Gregory re- marked la bis first briefing session two hours later, "Comex provides an oppor- tuaiy for the rank and file citizeas (as distinguished from the officialdoma of busi- ness and poiitics) to get together and leara to live together la a bond of friend- ship." That statement was borne out la a most practical sense when, eight hours later, a notice was posted detailing the personnel assigned to eacb bus of the silver train. There will be vebicles carrying sucb namos as "British' Columbia", "Siagapore", "Ontario', "The British Midlands", "Northern hreland" and others. But these are oaiy names on the buses. Lt is true that the bus marked, "Nortbern Ire- land" will carry a smahl contingent of fresh young men and women with the stamp of the Emeraid Isle markiag their every word. But you will be surprised, to find their ranks iafiltrated with people witb the almond-shaped eyes of the Orient, complexions as varied as the shades of make-up la your corner drug- store and you will bear stroag Dutch accents bleading with Slav dialects. The nursing Anglican Church 7th cub pack visited Strathaven Nursing Home hast Monday evening, with their leaders Jack Hart- well and Peter Goemans. Provîding musical enter- tainment, they presented table model games of crokin- ole, chess, checkers and darts to the residents in honor of Lord Baden Powell Week. Members of the Rotary Club of Oshawa-Parkwood wili be ten-pin bowling for dollars on Saturday, February 26th at MEMORIAL HOSPITAL BOWMANVILLE CORPORATION WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1977 8:00 P. M. Council Chambers 132 Church Street Bowmanville, Ontario FOR PURPOSES 0F: 1. Hearing Reports 2. Report of Hospital Auditors 3. Amendments to By-Laws Articles 201) (c); 2<2); 2<3); and 4<0) in order ta f roperly relate te recent changes in legisiation <change in fiscal year by Ministry of Health> 4. Election of Directors . Suppor of "The Memorial Hospital Foundation- ioSwmanville" REQUIREMENTS FOR CORPORATE MEMBERSH IP Article 2 - By-Laws (1) The fallowing persons shall be members (af the Corporation): (a> a person who bas donated or who donates Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) in any one year ta the Corporation shahl be a life member;,, <b) the Presîdent or Chief Off icer of an association ior corporation whicb pays the Corporation One Hundred Dollars <$100.00) in any year shail be ex aofficio a member of the Corporation for that year; (ri anlv those Persons 18 years of age and aver i residing in the Town of Newcast le wha purchase a Membership in the hospital Corporation and have aid the applicable membership fee of One Dollar (.00) or such other membership fee as the Board by resolution establishes shahl be issued a member- shi p card dated the day such payment is received and such persan shall be a member of the hospital Corporation until the end of the f irst annual general meeting of the hospital Corporation held fallowing the 31st day of Docember of the year for which the membership was purchased, and every member of the Auxiliary cf the Memarial Hospital, Bowmanville who holds a current valid and sub- sisting membership card in the Auxiliary shahl be a member of the Hospital Corporation; and (d) honorary members who have been elected by the Board and who shall nat be subject to fees:' (2) A membership year shahl commence with the first day of January in each year and shail terminate with the end cf the f irst annual General Meeting of the haspital Corporation held fallowing the 3lst day of December af the year for which membership is purchased. (3) Members eliaible ta vote ai Coraoration meetings shahl be those members who were members at any time between January ist and December 31st of the year immediately preceding the annual meeting plus any member wha has been a member thraugh- out the period af 30 days immediately preceding the arinual meeting. REQUIREMENTS FOR NOMINATIONS FOR ELECTION TO BOARD 0F DIRECTORS - Bona fide member of the Memarial Hospital Croation. - Elîpgirble for Board Membership. - Nominations must be submitted ta the Secretary of the Board in writing signed by two duly qualified members of the Coporation at least 30 days befare the date of the annual meeting. Nomination forms available ai the Hospital during business hours, Monday thru Friday. Rà. E. Elsion Secretary Board of Directors

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