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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1977, p. 13

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EVe 1 to an theirs riks to Dr ses an( nd Karen astie, are Sthe- arni- ,bert John t Oshawa February ndpa rents, le. yDavis n Harness e. Great Ars. Edith t and Mr. o, Orona. Tother is :'rt Hope. -enderson staff of 9-1 HENDERSON - Peter and Donna (nee Woodward) are happy t announce the arrivai Of t h eir daug hter, Deane Kelly, 7 ibs. 23/4 ozs. an February 8, a sister for Stephanie. Praud grand- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Abert Woodward, Bowman- ville and Mr, and Mrs. Fred Henderson, Newtonville. Special thanks, ta Dr. West- g arth and maternity staff, Memorial Hospital. A The famiiy of Lueila %and Carence Graham invite relatives,' neighbars and friends ta an open house on Sunday, March 6, i - 4 p.m. in honor of their parents Soth Wedding Anniversary at the Odd Fellow.ýs Hall in Port Porry. Best wishes Dnty. 8-2 ABBOTT -- Clive W. E. At Oshawa General Hospital on Sunday, Fobruary 27, 1977, Clive W. E. Abbott, in) his 75th yoar. Husband of t-he late Catherine Jane Noble, father of Warren, Windsor and the late Ronald. Brother of Ace of Oshawa, Thomas of Con- secon; Howard of Blackstock; Albert of Gore's Landing; Mrs. Lea Moffatt (Margaret) of Oshiawa and the late Mrs. R,sseti Cochrane (Mabel); S A. V. Robb (Ora); Mrs. y Oavîdson (Elsie) and i>4 L. McKeena (Joanne). RTeed athfle Nclntosh- Anderson Funieral home, 152 King Street East, Oshawa. Service was heid in the chapel, Tusday, March 1, 1977 ai1:30 p.m. lrntermnent Mount Lawn Cemetery, Whitby. In lieu of f lowers, mnioiildonations may be made in his memory ta the Canadian Cancer Socety through the Funeral Homne. 9-i HOOPER - May Brodhe. Passedl away at her late residence, Orllia, on Wednes- day,,February 23, '1977. May Carke wife of the late Victor Albert Hooper, in her 8th year. Dear mother of Helen (r.Douglas Hasbrouck) of Hudson, Ohio. Grandmother of four grandchiIdren. Fu- neral services were heid at The Mundeli Funeral Home, Orillia on Sunday, February - 27t. Cremation. 9-1 SAUNDERS - Suddenly at Trenton, Thursday, February 24, 1977. Hîarry G. Saundcers, formerly of Bowmnanvilie, in his 6Oth year. Beloved hus- band of Jean Saunders, dear father af George, Bri!an, Jennifer and Michael. Service was heîd in the Marris Funeral Chapel, Bawmanville on Saturday afternaan. Cre- mation. 9-1 RUELLAND - Baby Boy. At Oshawa General Hospital on Wednesday, February 23, 1977. Baby Boy Rueliand, infant son of Jerry and Karen Ruelland of R. R. 2, New- castle. Rested at the Northcutt Eîliitt Funeral Home. A private funerai service was heid on Thursday morning. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 9-1 VANDERMOLEN - Vic and Nancy thank God for the safe arrivai of a daughter on February 21, 1977, Melanee Dawn. A welcome sîster for Rick, Gooff and Danny. Sixth randchild for Mr. and Mrs. Vandermolen of St. Catha- rines and eleventh for Mr. and' Mrs. G. Geerts of Hamilton. Special thanks ta Dr. SylIves- ter and maternîty staff of Memorial Hospital. 9-1 The family of Mr. and Mrs. Irwvin Piper (Dub) invite friends and relatives toaa reception in honour of their 5Oth wedding annivorsary on Saturda y, March 5 at Me- marial Park Cîubhause, 2 - 4 p.m. Best wishes oiy. 7-3 WARNER - ln loving me- mary of my dear husband, Harold, who passed away February 21, 1976. - Ever remembered by wvife, Virtue. 9-1 S'SSON - Isabel Logan. At the Civic Hospital, Peter- borough, on -Thursda y, Fe- bruary 24, 1977. Isa bel Kerr of R. R. 1 Bethany in her 9th Sear. Beloved wife of Aiban B. isson. Dear mother of Robert of R. R. 1, Bethany, Isabel (Mrs., Donald Hamm) of Orono and Clair of Lakefield. Also oneson John predeceas- ed. Loving grarndmother of ten grandchildren and one great granddaughter and prede- eased by four sisters and two rothers. The complete Tuneral service was conducted ~from *the Mackey Furierat Home, LindJsay on Saturday, Fobruary 26th at 2p.m. npring interment St. Mary's Cme- tery, Lifford.- 9-1 FLOWERS BY JACKMAN 162 King St. E. Bowmanville, Ont. 623-3365 PROMPT, SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR FLORAL NE EDS. 6-tf "F lowers Say it Best" DAI LY Delivery to ... Oshawa,- BowmanviIIe Area Phone 63- 4 -t Durham County's Oldest Funeral Service MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Night Servi ng this district for 96 years. t Funeral Home THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN - SERVICE (>-,icern for the demands UPOfl you ... our f irst consideration. To ensure you the helpfLlness you need. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668l SIMPSON M >EMORIALS 885-6434 49 Lavinia Street Port Hope Monuments - Markers - inscriptions -- Wrought ron FIlower Stands - Homne Appointments GIadIy Arranged RUTTERGRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Established 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street ~. Part Hope, Ontario WORK MANSIiP -QUALITY Li A MW Hgh Quaity at L Reasonable Pices Phono 885-5216 IJ Home 88-5222 24 tt mi__= CAMERON - In loving me- mary of my husband Fred, who died March 7, 1976. Rest in peace, your labor encied, Neyer more wiii grief or pain, Bow your head or cause you heartache, You are safe where God doth reign. - Sadîy missed by his wife Flossie. 9-1 COOKSON -In lovlng me- mary of a doar wife and mother Florrie who passed away March 8, 1963. You neyer failed ta do your best Your heart was warm and tender You lived your lifo for those you loved And those you loved remem- ber. -Lovîngly remombered by r husband, James and amil1y. 9-1 DARRACH - In lovîng me- mary of a dear father and grandfather John Colin who passedi away February 20, 1974. God iooked around his garden and found an empty space, He then Iooked down upon th is earth'and saw your tired face. He put his arm around you and lifted you ta rest, God' s garden must be beauti- fui cause he anly takes the best. He knew that you were weary, And he knew that you were in pain, Ho knew that you would nover be well on earth again. Ho saw the ground was getting rougli And the huis were hard ta climb, Sa ho closed yaur weary eyelids, And whisperedi "Peace be thine". - Lavingiy remombered by the Darrach famiiy. 9-1ix ELLIQIT - In memory of George John Eliiott who passed away February 28, 1966. fAs time uinfolds another year Memories koep you ever near Sulent thoughts of times ta- giether tHoId memories that wili iast forover. -Sadiy missed by wife Margaret, daughtors June, Geçorgina andi 4ackolyn, 9-1 x FORREST - In loving me- mary of my dear son Stan loy Forrest who passed away March 4th, 1974. His'memory is as dear today As in the hour ho passed away. We otten sit and think of hlm .When we are ail alone For memory is the only friend That grief can cati ifs awn. - Aiways remembered by his mothor Mrs. John Skinner, sisters Beverley, Edna, Wanda and brother Vaut. 9-ix FRY - John.' In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather who passed away March ,1976. Whenover i think of yau,ý Andof aithethings you knew, Everything f rom sofas ta kings, i shahl remember and nover forget, Our littie taiks together, To chat about people, pets and ail things, From pyramids, stars, ta the weather, And now, I hope you have found and mare, Ail, everyono is searching for. - Aiways remembered, daughter, Barbara, Jim and grandchiidron. 9-1 FRY - In ioving memory of my dear husband Bort, wha p assed away March 1, 1976. it is sad ta walk the raad alone, lnstead of side by side, But ta ail thoro cames a moment, When the ways'of life divide, You gave me- years of hap- piness, Thon came sarrow and tears, fBut you left me beautiful memories, 1 i wîll treasuro, through the years. -Sadly missed by wife, Elsie. 9-1 R EID - In memory of a dear friend Joan, who passed away March 7, 1974. Happy memories, fond and true From us who thought the worîd af yau. -Always 'remembored by Jack, June and family. 9-1 TURNER In laving me- mary of a dear father and grandfather who died Fe- ruary 27th, 1976. We miss your smile Your happy face But we knaw that With Jesus you've Found your place. - Sadly missed by Helen, Bruce, Cathy, Heather and Joffrey. , 9-1 I would like ta thank wonderfuî family and friE for their visits, gifts and ci during my stay in Oshý Hospital. Special thanks tc D. Luck, Dr.* G. Luck anc R. Cummings andnurseý 6F. Ruth Bertrim m asfl 1 would like ta thank aur relatives and friends for visits, cards and f lowers whi le 1 was in hospital, also the Royal Canadian Legion for the iovel baskets of fruit and Drs. Sngal and Mc Kenzie and nurses and staff of 3rd floor. Herbie Gibson 9-i 1 would like ta thank my family, friends and neighbors for cards, gifts and fruits and visits ta the haspital. Special thanks ta Dr. H .S. RundIe and Dr. Long, also special thanks ta ail the nurses and staff of Bowmanville hospital, on the first floar. Ronald Crago 9-1 1 wish ta thank friends and relatives for flawers, gifts and cards, also the staff at Memorial -Hospital for their kindness. Shirley Severn 9-1 1 would like ta thank my relatives, friends and neigh- bars for kindnesses shown, visits, flowers and cards during my stay in Memorial Hospital. Speçial thanks ta Drs. J. Rundle, H. Rundle, hong, nurses and staff on lst floor.1 Tom Harness îill-lm -.m___ 9, 6th Annual Cammunity Fair, Saturday, March 12th at 2 p.m. in Bowmanville High Schaol. There will be a Tea Roam and over 25 booths. 9-2 St. Joseph's Catholic Women's League Announcing the date of aur FALL BAZAAR to be held on Sati ,Oct. 29th, 1977 9-1 ""GY PSY" Opens This Week "Lot Us Entertain You"ý COURTICE SECONDARY SCHOOL DRAMA CLUB presents ""GY PSY" March 3,4 and 5 at B. H.S. Auditoriu m Cu rta in at 8 p. m. sha rp. Tickets $2 student, $3 aduît. For tickets write: CSS Ticket Dept., R. R. 3, Bowmanville, LIC 3K4 or phono 728-5146. C.S.S. School Band wiII play 1from 7:3to8p.m. ALL SEATS RESERVED Tickets may be purchased at the door. 9-i TOU RS WASHINGTON CHERRY B LOSSOM Easter Weekend Price per persan $130 twin No overnight travel Escarted April1 lth - 1lOth MIDTERM MARCH BREAK DAYTONA BEACH FLORIDA. Escorted March l7th - 24th (10 Days) SKI QUEBEC MARCH BREAK Escorted March 2th - 25th COLONIAL VIRGINIA CIRCLE TOUR Escorted April 25th - 3th (6 Days) BERMUDA CRUISE via Cunard Princess May i3th -22nd For information phono or write Sunshine Party Tours, 36 King St., Cobourg - 372-9961 or Lent Travel Agency, Port Hope - 885-2453. 9-4 WILLY & BOB We're Back Piaying at Tyrone Hall Sat., March Sth COUNTRY and WESTERN Everyane Weicome 9-1 Remember, Worîd Day of Prayer! Ta bo heid in Reho- bath Christian Reformed Church, Fiday, March 4 at 2 p.m. aonly. Babysitting, pro- vidied. 9-i Dance in Kendai Orange Hall, Saturday, March th, sponsored by Orange Ladge. Music by Audrey Gilmour's Orchestra. Everyone wel- camne. 8-2 ADULT COU NS ELLING IS AVAILABLE AT BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL ON MARCH 3, AND 10 (Final two night!ýfor this term> for people who have discontinued thoir formai education and are thinking of retraining or resuming their formai education. No appointment necessary. No charge. For further information Contact Miss Hughes or Mr. Schwalm a tthe High School. The Durham East Red Cross Branch wilt hast an "Open House and Awards Nih-on Wednesday, March Park. Ail welcome. 9-1 DANCE St. Josephý's Hall Sat., Mar. 5th Music by "THE FUGUTIVES" $5,.O per couple -9 - 1 p.m. Everybody weIcome. 8-2 Durham , Federation of Agriculture wiil hold a meet- ing in the Municipal Hall, Hampton on Thursday, March 3 at 8 p.m. ta outiine ta praperty owners pracedures that Hydra-wiii foi iow to have the transmission uine built. Rae CunniVgham, speaker. 8-2 MONSTER BINGO New Starting Time THURSDAY - 7:30 p.m. Spansored by Oshawa Minor Saftbalî JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHAWA 48-tf DANCE Sat., March 5 LIONS COMMUNITY CENTRE Bowmanville Dancing f rom 9 p.m. -l1a.m. Proceecfs tai Lions Convention Comittee RECORDED MUSIC Adýmission ...$5 per couple Ticketsavailableat th, door. 8-2 APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel NEWCASTLE WHITE LINE Friday - Saturday March4-5 Dancing 9 - 1 "Tulips and Heather" Ca baret and Dance with B & H Sound, Friday, March Il at 8 p.m. - Poiish Veterans Centre, Stevenson Rd. North, Oshawa. Proceeds Oshawa Festival Singers. $5 per per- san. 9-1 BOWMANVILLE DRAMA WOR KSHOP presents ""LADIES IN RETIREMENT" March 10, 11, 12,13 1 a t8:15 p. m. in B.H.S. Theatre Admission - Aduits $2.50 Students $1 .50 Tickets available at Bowmanville Travel Centre 623-3182 ?r any B. D.W, member. Senior Citizens are invited ta dress rehearsai March 9th. 7-3 Hause of Amber invites you ta aur "Spring Tierra Tea", March 25th and 26th from 9 a.,mý. ta 9 p.m. Everyone welcome. Shap located north end Hampton Village. Phone 263-2981. 9-4 Rebekah Lodge rummage and home baking sale, Friday, March 11, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Centennial 'Temple, Queen Street. 9-2x AFTERNOON BINGO Brownsda le Community Centre Wed.,j Marc h 9th 1 p.m. 9-1 St. Paul's United Church wiil hold their annual Oppar- tunity Sple on April l4th and 1Sth. Particulars later. 9-1 SPRING CARD NIGHT Wednesday, March 30th 8: 00 P. m. Lions Centre, Bowmanville SPONSORED BY THE VISUAL ARTS CENTRE. Door prizes by local artists. Advance tickets onIy. Cali: 623-5819, 623-4950, 623-2196 MCOME ONE, COM% L JOIN THE FUN My Eeyn ecm ends Eeyn ecm ards FREE PANCAKES awa Served 11a.m. - 5p.m. cDr. Friday, March 4 JDr. at ýS on Robinson & Kitchon Farm Equipment Limited "Your International Harvoster Farm Machinery Dealer" 1/2 mile east junction of 7 and 35 Highways, soufh of Lindsay. 9 lx 9- K insmen of Bowmanviile Annual Fertilizer Drive, March 19 ta March 26. The Kinsmon Club of Bowmanvilie will be phonin9 you. Lend us a serving hand in seiling aur 40 IL bags of 10-6-4 fertilizer and Weed and Feed. We wili be deiiverlng ta your homes on Saturday, March 20. If you have not received a cail by March 20,, telephone Mr. Sebben -. 623-4368 or Mr. Evans -987-4378. 9-3 F lorida March Break 10 day Daytona Beach Tour March 17 -27 3 Efficiency units at Ramada Inn,family rates. Ski Quebec March Break Orford - Sutton - J. Peak March-20 -25 INCLUSIVE PACKAGE $159 PER PERSON. SUNSHItN ONE whil, bed compi( tress and Phono 623- DOG house buildor. As 6 p.m. 623-9 ONE smc table, 4 ft. Cali 623-31z '75 HONDA or best offi Lots of in Sto Lowrey Mei OSHAY CI 16 SiMC F R EEZE R, 8 cu. ft,, excel lent condition. Phone 623-5142. 9-1 Snow Removal 1Equipment C lea ra nce Sa le (Lim ited offer) -Free Snow Thrower with AIlis Chalmers 610, 10 h.11. tractor purchased with 42" mawer. Package deal $1600 (retail value $2195) Rotary Tiller $300 extra. -Used Allis Chaimers 8 h.p. tractor with mower and snaw thrower $995. - Used A.C. 7 h.p. tractar with mower and snow thrawer $795. - Slightly used International 10 h.p. walk behind snow thrower with guarantee $650. TREWIN FARM EQU IPMENT B la ckstock 986-4283 9-1 ________SIMPLICITY supertwin lE PARTY TOURS washer spin dryer, harvest 6King St. W. goîd, excellent condition, $100. Cobourg Phono 623-4193. 9-1ix 416-372-9961 7-4 OAK dining room suite, refi- Snished, $950. Dining room table, $75. 4 chairs, $30 each. Poster beds, china cabinet, bedroam furniture. Phono 723-7200. Dusty Corner An- tiques, Bond Tawers Mail, o, wooden, single Oshawa.9- lete with goad mat- I springs. $35.00. TACK Shop - The Equestrian 5068. 9-if Pif Ltd. - Engiish and western, alsa crafts and gifts. lst Lino amade by do g house Darlington - south of Hwy. 2 at king $20. Ca il atter Hwy. 401. 623-4558. 9-tf 9445. 9-lx SAIL boat, Sirocco 15, fibre- oked glass caf f0 glass sloop, like new. Also x 20 in. Asking $40. bay's 21" two wheeler with 47 after 4:30. coaster brakes. Phono 9-i 623-5174. 9-i A. 360, 1li k new, $950 HAY, gaod quality, ha s been or. Phono 623-3154. stared insido. Phono 263-8245 9-i af ter 6p. m. 9-i TENT trailer with mattress, UsedPians seeps four, $300. 1971 Sno ýck, Organs trailer, $475. Phone 623-7853. Tnnî 9-i rHammond, ýintzman VVA ORGAN ENTRE coe N. (at King) 728-1675 APPLES HELP YOU KEEP FIT We have a big selection. Cider and Honey Free glass of hot cider with $5 purchase. FRED'S FRUIT MARKET S. Orono, HWY.115 6-4 Pineridge Tire Sales TIRESANDWHEELS To fit your car or truck. Phone 623-4866 BOWMAN VILLE PORTABLE typewriter $25, Hoover washer $15, small Magnus Chord organ $10, '73 Funk &Wagnalls encyclo- pedia set with year books $35. Phone 263-8460. '9-lx RADAR DETECTORS Drive safely and contrai vour, speed. "MICRO-EYE" by Bel Canadian made and fùîîy guaranteed $69.95 Magwood's for Drýivers 88 Queen St. 623-2570 9-1 CONSOLE TV, 6 new tubes, $75 and portable TV, $50. Walnut bodroom suite, triple dresser, new mattress plus leather swivei chair $400. Man's TNT Ski Doa suit (large), $30, large picnic table $20. P hone 623-2165. 9-1x SIDES of beef. 69c lb. cut, wrapped and f rozen. Cali 1-983-5445 or after 5 cali 623-5540. 9-tf ADDING machine, chrome set, beds, dressers, wash- stand, chairs, smali tables, jardinieres, carnival, depros- s ion glass, etc. 623-7490. SARAH Coventr y Jowelory is available in Bawmanville. Please caîl 623-6413. 9-1 USED Furnituro and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre, 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf 5,000 BALES top quality horse hay, nover rained on. 85c depending on quantity. Phono 987-4865. 18-3 KENDAL His Antiques and Book Naok. Cailadiana furni- ture, dishes, glass, capper, etc. In aur Book Nook we have a fine selectian of Canadian books and magazines. Open daily 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday 12 - 4; (Ciased Tuosday) f Highway. 115 at Kirby. 983-5476. 9-1 GOOD quaiity mixed hay. Phono 623-7968. 9-i SEED GRAIN *Oats and Bar ley Wesley J. Yel lowlees 263-2023 PADDY'S Market now has new furniture, appliances, T.V.s and stereos and aiso used furniture and applilances. Will accepttfrade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 133-tf CARPETS of ail kinds, customn made drapes and sheers, hard-surface fiooring, profes- sianally installed. Freesti- mates. Your one-stop shop- ping. F. A. Kramp, 37-41 King St. E., Bowmanviiie. Furni-' ture, Carpet and Drapes. 13-tf Pure Pine Shavings Ba led, Dust-f ree Phone 723-6660 29-tf VACUUM cleaners and polishers repaired at Reid's !mail Appliance Repair Ser- vice, 164 Base Lino Raad East, Unit 7, Bowmanville. Phono 623-6244. 7-tf ALL kinds of machinery. Sales and rentais. Ace Ma- chiner y 859 Nelson St., Osh- awa. Phono 723-0933. i-_tf SECOND Ma c apples, $2.50 bushel. Phone Feddema Orchards 263'-2074. Please came Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. No Sunday sales. 8-10 T.V. TOW ERS Towers,,UHF,VHF Aerials, Rotors& Repairs Apartment & Homes Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guarantee Phone 576-5606 30 tl LIMITED ANNUAL WINTER DISCOUNT We respectfuily wisb ta announco a SP 'ECIAL REDUCTION on aI1l cemnetery Memorials and Markers ordered and paid for betweefl now and Apnil 1sf for Spring erectian. This affer is made annuaîIy. Wo have an excellent selectian of, domestuc and foreigfi granites in many colours and designs tram which ta choose your Monument or Marker. If we can be of service fa yau in any way, please do not hesitate ta visit Our indoor dispiay at 73 Ontario Street, Port Hope, or te lephone us a t 885-5216. 7-5 COLD STORAGE Spy, Delicious, Apples. $2.50 bushel Bring own containers. 2nds Spy, Delicious and Mac 1Frank Hiemstra, R. R. 1, Enniskiilen, 263-2260 9-tf 6000 BALES of hay. Newton- vil le 786-2927. 3-tf 2500 BALES of straw 70c. Phone 1-655-3450. 9-2x TRAILER sale, save up ta $1100. Need space. Newcastle Trailer Park and Sales. No. 2 highway. 987-5131. 9-tf GOOD quality mixed hay. Oat straw. One set of bob sieighs, goad condition. Phone 263-2082. 7-3 1 1973 MONTE Caria Landau, excellent condition, laaded, rustproofed, snow tires. Phone 987-4363. 9-1 x 1975 MONTE Caria Landau, Bonde-Coated, fuîly equipped, 20,000 miles. Phone 983-5117. 9-1 '76 ON E ton pickup Fard, crew cab, 360 automatic, pawer steering, power brakes, rust- praofing, sliding rear window, AM FMA8-trac k sterea, rear step bumper. Phone 623-6540. 9-1 '71 DODGE Demon, 340 4 speed. Silver grey with black trim. Phone 623-6510. Best offer. 9-1 1969 DODGE 1/2 ton, Lic. E84 940, V-8, automatic, dlean truck; 1967 Ford 1/2 ton, Lic. D75 408, V-8, standard trans- mission, dlean; '69 Chev., 1 ton, 6 cylinder, 4 speed, long wheel base, dual whéees; 1971 Matador,, Lic. APD 352, 6 cylinder, automnatlc, 2 door hardtop, power steering, ori- ginal. Winch Braden front end, a pproximate 6 ton capa- city. Phone 263-8172. 9-1 J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-f 'ViTALIZINGI Phone 723-1155 for Rustproofin g on new or used vehicles. Written war- ranty. Durham Vitalizing, phone 723-1155. 47-t '65 CHEV. 1/2 ton truck. Best reasonable offer. Phone 263-2971. 9-1 '70 PLYMOUTH Satelite 2 dr. hardtop, V-8, 53000 miles, A-i mechanically. $500. Newton- ville 786-2243. 9-ix '69 PLYMOUTH Fury Ill 318, automatic, 68,000 miles, intenior and exterior In good condition. $950' certified. Phono 623-6618 after 5 p.m. 9-i f 1972 PONTIlAC LeMans sta- tion wagon, good condition, 350 automatic, certif ied. Best offer. Newtonville 786-2609. 9-tf '65 PONTIAC, automatic, power steering and brakes, runs good, very littie rust. Best offer. Phone 987-4823. 9-1 1973 MGB, like new, 28,000 miles, radiais. $3,000 certified. Phone after 5: 30 p.m. 725-4045. 9-1 1976 CAMARO, V-8, p.s. and p.b., radio, 17,000 miles. Asking $4,750. Phone 263-2538. 9-1 1971 FORD Maverick, good running condition, some rust, best offer. 725-6309. 9-1 '76 CHEV. Impala sedan, excellent condition, vinyl roof, radio, many other extras. Best af fer. Phone 725-2681. 9-1 PAIR Rosi gnol skiis, Bethany Ski Club, Tuesda y, Februa ry 22, Bowmanviiie Hig h School ski trip. Phono 623-6233.,91 ROOM for rent. Phono 623-7750 before 2 p.m. 9-2 CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE Tender:, Sealed tenders clearly mark- ed as ta contents wilI be received by t he undersigned until Tuesday, March 15, 1977, 5: 00 p.m., local time for One tractor camplete' with 6-foot mower and loader. Ail tenders must be submitted on forms supplied by the Town which may be obtained tram the undersigned. Late tenders flot accepted. Lowest or any tender not necessar il1y a ccepted. J. Dunham Director Public Works Department ian, Bowmanville, March 2, 1977 13 DEADLINE! FOR CLASSIFUE Tues., 12 noon 2nd and 3rd MORTGAG E MONEY AVAILABLE - 5 year term - Open Mortgages - No payments for three months - No bonuses - No Credit Checks - No inquiry fram neighbars - Confidentiai arrangements made in ý 'ir home - Barrow as Iow as $1,600 -Fast service Cali Mr. WîIks Mortgages boug ht and solId (Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax) 683-2611 EAR PIERCING SERVICE Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. Regular Price $12.00 NOW$10.00withstuds Special 10 per cent reduction on first purchase of earrings with the release form. Phone 623-5747 For Appointment 5t ANN BRADLEY Permanent Hair Removal 136 Simncoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 37-tf Roberta McCann, C. E. Per- manent hair removaI. Free consultations. Phone 623-6214. 19 Burk Court, Bowmanville. 45-tf Senior Ciizens 10 per cent off ail-hair services, Monday, Tuesda y, Wednesday only. Kut'n' Kuri Beauty S'hap, 71 King St. E., Bawmanviile. Cal 623-5019 (open 6 days a week). 9-3 MINISTRY 0F NATURAL R ESOUC ES <Division of Mines) Form 5 ThePits and Quarries Contrai Act, 1971' NOTICE 0F APPLICATION 1, Oshawa Sand and Gravel, P.O. Box 97, Oshawa, Ontario herby gve notice that applica- tion has been made f or a licence ta open, estabiish or operate a pit an the, lands diescrilbed as foliows: Pt. lot 11, Concession 1, Township of Manvers, County of Victoria consisting of 20 acres, mare or less. The estimated amount of sand and gravel ta be extracted annually is 500,000 tons. The operation will be a permanent operation with a portable plant installation. The last day upon which written objections may be filed with the Minister of Natural Resources is April 15, 1977, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontaria,,M7A 1W3., H. Van Drunen (Signature of owner) Dated this 28th day of Fe- bruary, 1977. 9-2 NOW OPEN Base Lune Auto 1Body (Using the very iatest in equipment.) Specializing in Collision Work and Re.finishing Telephone 623-9131 164 BASE LINE RD. E 9-tf Harry Voerman I nsura nce 181 Church St., BowmanviIIe, Ont. Phone 623-4428 Res. 623-7597 AUTOMOBILE AND FIRE INSU RANC E 28-tf The Sparting Gesture, 67 King St. W., will be clased Monday, Tuesday,,andl Wed- nesday, March lth, 8th, and 9th.9- Information Rape Centre, A crisis centre for rape or sexuai assault victîmns. GuaranteeId confideti'a i. 24 IKour AnswerinG srie Valunteers over 18 needed. 623-7273 or 623-RAPE. ý 1 1 1=8 M Imm~t

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