The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 2, 1977 15 Best Cub Six Chosen at Hillcrest Heights Banquet Only five of the Best Six Cubs were present-a t the Hillcrest Heights Father and Son banquet on Saturday night, but it's obvious that these Cubs are delighted to have been selected for the honor. They are, from Ieft to right, Brian Johnston, Robert Spiers, Eckhard Vandenberg, David Black and David Kinghorn. Dan Chappell was absent, On February 14, 1977, Step- hen Lewis, leader of the Ontario New Democratic Party, announced changes in the portfolio assignments of the NDP caucus. My portfolio is now the Energy critic for the NDP. I am looking forward with a great deal of interest in working in this area because it is apparent that energy along with environ- ment issues will determine what kind of life-style we will have in the future. Abuse of those two has resulted in their workplace or in their living 'area. I think the recent energy crisis in the United States is indicative of what could hap- pen here given extreme cold temperatures and the result- ant overloading' of energy systems. Massive unemploy- ment, unheated homes, and food line-ups do not make for an attractive or useful way of lie. The energy portfolio in- cludes hydro, energy re- sources, the development of alternate sources, such as solar energy, and the develop- ment of systems which will minimize harm to the environ- ment, as well as tighter control of existing systems by eliminating wasteful practices that cause pollution and over- loading of the environment. I think in the Region of Durham we have ample proof of how energy affects our lives. The proposed Darling- ton Generating Station, the development of a nuclear waste disposal unit at Port Granby, the development of a refinery by Eldorado Nuclear at Port Granby, transmission corridors through agricultural land, are some of the main MOTHER MOD' ANNOUNCES A SPECIAL DISCOUNT POLICY FOR MARCH ON ALL FABRICS Linings and Drapery Excluded Discounts to 50% and More off our Tagged Prices COME IN AND SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! 34B King St.W. 623-2826 Bowmanville s Park issues. Presently high hydro rates, the cost of insulating materials and the lack of insulation in homes, bulk metering in apartments instead of individual meters, are also ways in which we are affected. In fact, all of this sounds overwhelming. However, I feel that with proper public input into the decisions which affect the building or main- tainance of such things in our area and elsewhere, then we can have control over expo- sure to harmful materials, control over how mauch we pay for these developments, both short-term and long-term in money and health. It is still possible to do all this and maintain a good quality of life which includes full employment. I would also like to remind you that if you want any information feel free to call either Queen's Park or the Bowmanville office. ENNISKILLEN NEWS The first Sunday of Lent, though somewhat dreary in the weather department, yet over 50 folks including some visitors attended the Church service and heard the Church bell tolling its welcome to them. Meta Read at the Organ led her choir in a delightful musical message by the Anthem "Halleluyah". We understand Meta has acquired wings to fly away to Florida for a month's well-earned vacation with one of her Sethe., MCROWAV E VN with two dial timers 'no A representative ifrom Am anawill [be on hand to demonstrate this Imodern high speed method of cooking. 623-3482 brothers, Fred Ashton and his wife. A brief appreciation and "Bon Voyage" was extended to Meta by Edgar Wright who also welcomed Ray Ashton's return to the duty of organist and choir director. Jr. Church was in the care of two Y.G. "Dolls" Susan Niel- sen and Beverley -Stainton. Our Minister was most ex- plicit in answering his Child- ren's Story question "Lent- What's That?" as he said it means Lengthening of days but really is a time of 40 days and nights of fasting like Jesus did. In this Lenten period of 6 Sundays Rev. Kempling's sermons will centre around the literature in the book, "Justice Not Charity" which he knows will complement the U.C.W.'s study of the same book. Sunday's sermon topic- The Way Things Are-stressed the need to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor and the realization that re- sponsibility accompanies the ownership we hold in trust. The Installation of Church Officers was conducted by Rev. H. Kempling. Visitors in the Congregation were guests of Ella and Wilfrid Bowman, i.e. the Tamblyn's from Stoney Creek and Toronto, guests from Peterboro Bern- ice and Garnet Towns and Ted Buttery's from Bowmanville. The U.C.W. Executive meet- ing at Margaret Ashton's last Wednesday morning com- pleted the arrangements for the World Day of Prayer Service also attended to some other urgent items of concern. Events this week are Mon- day 7:30 p.m. the first of a series of 3 Workshop's for Sunday School teachers and oficers held in Trinity United Church Hall, Bowmanville, put on by Oshawa Presbytery Christian Development Com- mittee. The second and third are to be in Oshawa and Whitby. Tuesday 7:30 p.m. A youth World Day of Prayer Service held in St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church, Bowmanville. Coming Events are Friday 1:30 p.m. Our World Day of Prayer Service for both con- gregations will be held in Enniskillen U. Church. Next Sunday, members will be received by letter of Transfer. All those wishing to transfer their membership to this congregation please contact the minister promptly. Sun- day 7:30 The Youth Girls will hold another "Fun Night" in the school gym. Thise date marks the end of the Heart Fund canvas in which the Youth Group are participating. We trust you will receive them warmly and give generously. Advance Notices are Con- firmation Class-Those wishing to prepare to join the church on Profession of Faith please contact the Minister prompt- ly. Wednesday March 9th 7 p.m. The Youth Group will meet in the home of Judy Virtue. Saturday March 12th 8:00 p.m. A Euchre and Crokinole Party will be held in the Community Hall by the Youth Group. All welcome. Wednesday March 16 our U.C.W. will hold a pot luck supper in the Church Hall, after which Bruce Taylor will give an illustrated talk on his trip to China. S.S. Session was opened by Teacher Gladys Ashton in the absence of Joyce Virtue whose infection detained ber at hoihe. Get well wishes for Joyce, The Theme was 'Temptation". Pennies were received for our adopted daughter Tanya. Next Sunday February birthday money wilI be dropped in Birtnlay Box. A donation was voted for Cementmen Eliminate Lindsay By Jim Cryderman In the third game of their best of five series, St. Marys Cement Juveniles overcame a two goal deficit and went on to defeat Lindsay by a 6-4 score to eliminate them from fur- ther playoff action. At the end of the first period, it appeared as though there might be a fourth game as Lindsay led 3-1. Lindsay took advantage of the disorganized play by the Bowmanville squad. expenses of Y.G. delegates at Five Oaks Meeting in Winter Break week. We have learned from the March issue of the U.C. Observer and other personal sources that a former minister and his wife viz: Walter and Dorothy Logan of St. John's U.C., Regina are in one of the 4 services, in the next 2 months, on March 27, Sunday morning on CBC Television's "meeting Place". More details in the T.V. Guide. Do try to turn on your set. Time and space are not available here to mention several other names of friends and acquaintances who are sufficiently famous to be in the head lines. The Youth Group had its regular meeting in the S.S. room last Thursday evening with Pres. Linda Sharp in charge and reading the open- ing meditation. Minutes and Roll Call by Sec. Susan Werry were read and approved with a slight correction. Plans were set up for the March and April programs i.e. March 6 Fun Night at School Gym, Heart Fund Canvas completed March 5, March 9th. Regular meeting at Judy Virtue's, March 12 Euchre and Crokin- ole Party at Community Hall, Film March 16 at the Church, March 26, St. Patrick's Dance at Community Hall, March break week, Delegate Kelly Simpson to Five Oaks Young People's Conference. By the way we anticipate hearing a report at our churches from Kelly and Susan Pleasance again as we enjoyed the one by them of Cedar Glen week. April schedule includes guest speaker Inspector J. Powell. Easter Sunrise service, also Church service participation. Exchange visits with Youth Group and Concert practices. The 4H Junior girls held their second meeting at 7 p.m. on Feb. 15th at the home of Mrs. Ulah Chambers. Judy Virtue opened the meeting with the 4H pledge and roll call. Tracey Pollard read the minutes, each one received binders also pamphlets from the St. Lawrence Starch Co. and Lancia Bravo. Tracey Pollard and Beverley Stain- ton, are bringing foocffor next meeting. Joyce Chambers demonstrated how to make a "hot cereal". Judy Virtue and Gail Lamb demonstrated how to make "dogwoods" and we also had onion rice. The third and fourth meet- ing of 4H girls was held at 7 p.m. on Feb. 22nd at the home of Mrs. Chambers. Judy Virtue opened the meeting with the 4H pledge and roll call. Laura Buttery read the minutes. We received folders from Robin Hood and Kel- logg's. We discussed about different kinds of grains and flours. Mrs. Chambers demon- strated how to make cornmeal muffins. Tracey Pollard and Beverley Stainton demon- strated on how to make cherry bran squares. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGill and grandaughters Judy and Laurie Virtue, wère guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe McGill, and family, Mississauga on Satur- day Feb. 26th and attended "The Dream" an ice carnival, presented by the Mississauga Skating Club which was held at the Dixie Arena. Approxi- mately 200 skaters ranging from three year olds to their most accomplished skaters, including competitors from Ontario Winter Games, and the recent Championships held in Calgary. Shaun Me- Gill, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. H. McGill, and Kay Thompson were partners in "The Dream- ers," This super production was accomplished through direcor-Mr. Bruce Lennie, a professional staff and many dedicated parents and local citizens of that area. Unfort- unately, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue were unable to attend, but provided transportation for their parents and family which was very much apprec- iated. Mr. and Mrs. N. Leadbeat- er, Mr. K. Leadbeater, Toron- to, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Anger, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs.EF McNair, Mr. and Mrs. R. Lamb and Lesley, Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright, Enniskillen, Miss Janet Parsons, Black- stock, Mr. and Mrs. R. Clark, Miss Candy Clark, Oshawa, were Sunday guests with The A. Leadbeater's and family. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dick- son, Bewdley, Joe Popitco, Zion, Miss Pam Abbott, New- castle had Sunday supper with Mr. and Mrs. R. Howe, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott and family were last Sunday tea guests with Mr. and Mrs. Clark Piggott, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. David Cec- chetto, Sudbury, were week- end guests with parents Mr. from Playoffs This type of play continued his hat trick performance. until mid-way through the Congratulations Pete! Ralph second period when Bowman- Cryderman with 1 goal and 2 ville scored their second goal assists also had a 3 point night of the game. The pace picked as did Rick Cross with 3 up and Bowmanville took assists. Mark Lavigne and command as they scored three Jerry Leddy each scored once more before the end of the and assisted once. Steve period for a 5-3 lead. Hogarth had 2 assists and In the third period, each Mark Starkey and Rick Scott team scored once to make the each earned 1 assist. final score 6-4. Ron Clapdorp and Dan Peter Sero, who worked Wilcox came up with many hard all game, led in scoring saves throughout the contest with a goal in each period for to aid in the victory. and Mrs. T. Werry. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright, Miss Betty Wright, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spry and families, Rochester N.Y. Mrs. Verna Forsyth, Toron- to, spent a week with her brother Mr. Russell Ormiston. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ashton and Paul, Bowmanville were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton, Mr. S. Kersey and Mr. and Mrs. A.Nielsen's. Dr. and Mrs. Clark Werry and John, Etobicoke were Sunday callers at parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Werry. Also called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorland. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, Susan and Fred Haydon, Mrs. Earl Trewin were with Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence stainton ana tam11y were Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bothwell, Bowmanville. Enniskillen Highland Help- ers Social Club will meet Tuesday March 8th at 1:30. Anyone over 50 welcome. Margaret Ashton and Lois Wordep were among the many guests attending the 40th wedding anniversary party of Mr. and Mrs. L. Kozak at their home in Hampton. Margaret and Orville Ash- ton were Sunday visitors with Lois and Keith Worden and children, Bowmanville R.R.2. local subdivision. We are glad to hear that Gordon Strong is feeling better after several weeks of poor health. Several local couples at- tended a joint birthday cele- bration for Mrs. George Van Dam and for Mrs. Gordon Smith at the Smith home in Bethany on Friday night. Prize winners at the card party in Ballyduff on Friday night were Grace Fallis, Dorothy Gilbank, Mrs. Stan- ley Beggs, Meredith Preston, Clifford Fallis and Sid (Icha- bod) Powers. In Pontypool on Wednesday night, winners were Marjorie Powers, Karen Richardson, Debbie Robert- son, Rick Woods and Ralph Kellett. Mr. and Mrs. VanMunster moved out of their home in the village on Friday and new occupants moved in on Satur- day. This house was the former residence of the late Lily Richardson. The Community Centre was filled again on Saturday night for the monthly arena dance. Foor receipts went to the Manvers Arena and Commun- ity Centre Fund. A successful Teen Dance was held the previous night. See Coming Events for particulars for this Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Rich- ardson and Harry flew to Florida on Friday for a brief holiday. Congratulations to a local boy, Ian Waldie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ian S. Waldie of R.R. Pontypool, wxho recently was awarded the J.P. Bickell Scholarship for success at- tained during recent examina- tions. Ian is a first year Mining Technology student at Haileybury School of Minesc- campus of Northern College. The Cliff Fallis family and Miss Michelle Halfyard were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Brian Morton and Michelle in Blackstock. The occasion was Michelle's second birthday. Congratulations to Miss Mickey Burns of R.R.1 Ponty- pool who participated recently in a Public Speaking Contest in Millbrook. Her speech on "'Soap Operas" won her 2nd place in the Senior Division. Other prize winners from Grandview were Lana Mal- colm and Dianne Vivian. The contest was sponsored by Millbrook Legion. Report From Queei by DOUG MOFFATT M.P.P Oshawa Monument Co. Family Memorials - Markers Ail Design ad Lettering Done by Us on Premises MYLffS :TV 44 King St West Bowmanville