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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1977, p. 1

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Gas Pump At Flying Dutchman Dama ged J!n~v L!1 nLý 711 Volume 1M 68 Pages BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2,1977 20e Per Copy The Newcastle council has agreed te form a n il member task force to check out the effects of developmýent in the Ceourtice cconuuity. Members cf the Courtice ~wptionfor P~rtiipato use will be exemnpt from- lot levy fees if a suggestion apýproived by the towu's finance comittee on Monday is cleared by council next week. A represen.tative of the Participation House project, wIchîsi ntended to provýide pa homne for about 214 handicap- ped aduIts, had requested an exemption at, a council meet- ing last week. Counicil was told that the nto-profit project planined for Concession St. 'in Bownanvýille woulId have to pay a $1,500 lot levy if it were treated as a regular residential develop- ment. and Area Citizens Association (CACA) had requested the task force after Newcastle council gave tentative ap- proval to an 1100 unit sub- division for the Courtice area. The newly-formed Courtice cîtizens group said it was concerned that more develop- ment in Courtice would be expensive for residents ai- ready l iving in the commun- ity. And after a one hour meeting late Friday evening, between members of New- castle council and members of CACA, the Courtice citizens group was promised a task farce. The establishmnent of the (Turu ta Page Twa) Miracle Food M-art Holds Open Ho use The above picture shows the entrance to Bowmanville Mail as it was evening when more than 2,000 people toured the attractive store following' Tuesday morning before the Miracle Food Mart store opening in the the opening ceremonies. Region Cails for Public Hearings -on Darlington Plant' Durham Region is calling Wednesday,' the regional for full public hearings into council members agreed with- the $3.5 billion Darlington out debate to recommenda- generating station proposed tions contained in reports for the lakeshore. west of from a trio of regional Bowmanville. departments. The regian's request is Finance, works and plan- being submitted ta the Minis- ning departments al agreed ter of Energy and the Minister on the necessity of public of the Envîroament. hearings. Meeting, in Whitby iast "A public hearing under the Moke Suggestions Disc..uss Bowman ville Parking Parking and traffic in Bow- manýville camre under the scrutiny of the town'5 finlance commnittee Manday. And while the main street will probably still be busy an Friday afternoons and even- ings, the committee agreed on a set of suggestions aimed at improving both parking and traffic prablems in the tawn. Hire Attendant' For one thing, t he commit- and Traffic tee recommencled- that the town ire its part time parking meter attendant for another eight hours per week. She'Il spend those hours patrolling Bowmanville. The attendant will check for empty parking meters and for infractions in other parking regulatians along with the full time 'attendant. "People are parking the right way an the wrong side of Hf llcrest Heights Cub Wins Memorial Award One of the year's highlights for Hilrest Heights Cubs is the presentation-of the Scott Stainton Memorial trophy for the Cub who is considered outstanding in his contribution to his pack. The award was made on Saturday at Zion United Church during the annual Father and Son banquet and was won by Cub Davîd Legere. He is shown here with his trophy, accompanied by Carole Zinck and Clark Stainton.> the street and the wrong way on the right side of the street, " commented Jasper Holliday. Counillar Holliday is a mem- ber of the tawn's sub commit- tee on traffic and parking. Members of the finance committee also agreed ta have the public works department conduct a study of the traffic flow la the streets of Bawmanr (Turn ta Page TW.o) Environvmental Assessment Act would provide, for exam- ple, the imears od enzuring aR cros-eamttt~i mf [Lle undeJïrtakiirg anddtemng the views of a broad cross (Tuiyrata oPage Two) THANK MER-CHANTS The No rthumberland- Newcastle Public School Men Teachers Feder- ation would like ta extend a hearty vote of thanks ta the merchants of Bowman- ville for their wonderful financial support in helping to uublish an advertisement publicizing, their upcom-ing hockey gante against the CFTO-TV Basse-tt Hounds. AlI proceeds go taO Cystic Fibrosis research. I BITS and PIECESJ MISSES A BIG ONE - ln last week's report on the Celebrity Bowling fiasco here on behaif of Big Brothers, a big conîtributor's name was omitted. Bill Reid of Kirby only bowled 153 but he had so many sponsors that the total amount of money raised was about $480. He is a member of the Pine Ridge Kinsmen Club and two other members Len Klawitter and' Tony Mitchell acted as his cheerleaders. Bill runs the store in Kirby and lined up all his suppliers as sponsors. Nice going! CORRECTION SHEET - A correction sheet has been prepared for that interesting book on the' history of Clarke Township entitled 'Out of the Mists'. It can be obtained at any of the Town of Newcastle ibraries -or by mail, if a self-addressed stamped envelope is 'sent to Mrs. Hlelen Schmid, Orono. Don't forget, it now takes 12e NOT 10c. BIGGEST EVER - This week's Canadian, States- man sets something of a record with the largest number of pages ever printed in one edition here. It includes a 32-page Progress supplement in tabloid size, a regular 32-page News edition plus an insert. Iii fact, it was so thick that it woldn't go through our mailing mnachine so the final section had to be labelled and then assembled with t 'he rest of the paper. Usually, the entire edition is putl together and then addressed. PUBLIC SPEAKING - Up coming young orators will be holding forth this Sunday after- noon at Legion headquarters on Queen Street and the general public is invited to come and hear them ini action. QUITE A COMPLEX - The new Bowmanville Maîl was opened last night with great fanfare with many dignitaries on hand for the ceremonies. Several thousand Bowmanville citizens toured the imposing structure that is something new for the town and is the first major commercial development to take place here in recent years. No doubt many from the surrounding area will also be coming to town this weekend to see what the new stores have to offer. Fred Davis who was here with the Jaycees and Wintario a couple of wýeeks ago was the Master of Ceremonies and must be feeling as though he is a citizen of the town. 90 Day Bis Mayor Garnet B.' Riekurd Opens For Water And i Sewer in 1977,Bwa il Miracle Food Mort Newcastle Regional Coun- cillor Bruce Taylor said Mon- day afternoon that the re- gions water and sewer cus- tomers will be billed every 90 days during, 1977. Pamphlets from the Dur-, ham Region finance depart- ment indicate that the billings wîll be an March 31, June 30 and September 30 and Decem- ber 31 for customners in Orono, (Turn ta Page Two) bis Worship Mayor Garnet B. Rickard presided over last night's (Tuesday, March 1, 1977) officiaI apening of the new Miracle Food Mart la- cated in the Bowmanville Mal at 243 King St. E. The inaugural ceremonies, attended by almost 2,000 Bowmanville residents were highlighted by, the official store ribbon cuttîng ceremony and the unveiling of a com- memorative mail plaque. In a speech rendered tor the occasion, Newcastle's Mayor Rickard congratulated bath Miracle Food Mart and the Bowmanville -Maîl for having given the Town ultra-modemn commercial establishments which will greatly improve shopping facilities. On behaîf of Miracle Food Mart, Mr. Norman Ausiander, Vice-President and General Manager, thanked the Council and the Town officers for their Region DlyByIwon Courtîce Sewer Pro fects A 0'O 1.9.*o R millnn l ivna u-]avw t ~ a t - u aItera f allow the construction of sewers in the Courtice-Osh'a- wa area was stalled by Durham Regional council last week. The by-law has been tabled until it has been studied further by the region's public works committee. STFEEL PHOTO EQUIP. Durham Regional Police are looking for thieves who stole approximately $3000 in photographie equipment from a vehicle in the Bow- manville Arena parking lot last Saturday night,,, The camera equipmnent belonging to 29 year-old Toronto resident, David Turner, was stolen at about 8 pm., police reported. delegation from the Courtice and Area Citîzens Association (CACA) appeared, before council last Wednesday. Because of concerns over the effects of extra develop- ment in the Courtice commun- (Turn ta Page Two) Wsood yard Says tha t Local Councillors Aren't Paiïd Enough Councîlior Ted Woodyard These councillors are paid toid members of Newcastle $5,000 per year for their work. council Mondlay afternoon that However, Councilior Wood- local council members are yard said Monday.that New- "grossiy underpaid for the castle council could not raise time and effort they put in." the pay of its three local Hie was referring ta the councillors without raising the three memrbers of the New- pay of the three regianal cast le council who are eiected counciliors and the mavor. ta serve at the local level only. (Turn ta Page Twa)- "This store," stated Mr. Ausiander, "has been de- signed and built to meet al food shopping needs of Bow- manville custome-rs, keeping in mind two. closely-linked objectives: ïmaximnum eus- tomer convenience and ease of operation." Management Team The new store, which ini- corporates the latest tech- niques in food retailing as well as a pleasant decor and il spaciaus shopping aisies, is under the directlioni of Mr. Bert Roberts, Store ManIcer, who L1~urn~t P _ge -1 RginWl Draw Plans For Solina Experts from the Durham Region planning departmnent will be working on a district plan for Solina this year. The plan will provide a general idea of where develop- ment ýin Sauna should tae place if the council of New- castile dec-ides to allow de- velopment in the hamlet. Regional council voted last week to allow the planning to get underway. It would be part of the planning department's work for 1977. 1 Mayor Rickard described the casts of the district plan as "lvery minimal". 'Council was told that the casts would amount to a week's salary for one regional employee. Hon-or Long Time Scout Leader with Award of Menit Don ileard, an Oshawa fireman anat a man who has made a tremendous contributionl to Scouting over many years in the Hillcrest Heights (Zion) area, was presented with an Award of Menit on Saturday during the Father and Son banquet at Zion United Church. He is shown here wi th his award along wi th the podmembers of his family, from lef t to right, Robyn Heard, Scott ileard, Don Heard, Jack Hartwell, representing the district, Donna Heard and Mrs. Ruby Heard. Issue 9 Study Development Un Courtice Area

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