Ont.- Cripple'd, Children's Society, Needs More Support from Citizens Through Easter Seal Contributilons Organizers for this year's Easter Seal Campaign are calling' for strong support from the public as the fund-raising drive is set to start in this area once again. 1Greater participation from the public is required to meet the need of a growing handi- capped, population, Ontario Society for Crippled Children representative, John Butler told local Rotary Club mem- bers last week. Mr. Butler, supervisor of service club relations for the organization said they have come to a point where much more responsibility is placed gw Phone 623-7312 UNIS EX Tricho-Analysis Facials and Make.up Redken Hair and Skin Products Bowmanvlle ù,Cleauners on the public to respond to their caîl for help. Crucial Stage The Increasing demand on the public purse is the result of a deficit ia the society's budget which has been stead- ily increasing recently be- cause of inflating costs, Mr. Butler said. With a forecasted deficit of $600,000 in 1977, the organiza- tion has reached a crisis point in their existance, because incoming funds are lower than outgoing payments, hie added., Part of the reason for higher costs is from improvements made in equipment for handi- capped children. While research has pro- duced far better equipment to help the handicapped cope with their inabilities, it has brought greater expense to the society along with it. The cumbersome and often grotesque equipment of the past is giving way to technic- ally superior devices that are sometimes almost indisting- uisbable from the human mechanism they attempt to replace, hie told the Rotarians. Artificial lîmbs at one time required great -strength to operate but now need little effort at all to control, hie said. The difference la costs, how- ever, has widened too, with some of the new mechanisms jumping to prices as high as $1800 for an artîfîcial arm., But not all improvements have been accompanied by sky-rocketing costs, hie point- ed out.. The great strides made in upgradiag leg braces have brought about a decrease in costs instead of the usual rising expense spiral. Besides economizing through the advances in research, the children have a ligbt weight piece of equip- ment which is much less awkward than previous makes. Government Intervenes Since the society was first formed in 1922, the most effective fund-raising method has been througb the annual Easter Seal campaign. Another area of concera is the need for more support from the governmeat for their various projects. Several years ago the government promised to pro- vide more funding to offset the cost of building treatment centres around the province. When cutbacks ln spendiag were ordered, however, the goverment withdrew the pro- gram to subsidize 80 per cent of the costs of construction on treatment centres. With the paring of govera- ment expenses came a drop in the whole effort to bulld more treatment centres around the province. even though they were urgently required. Mr. Butler cited the cost of $25,000 for a northern Ontario clinic to transport childrea la their care to the Toronto treatment. centre, as evidence of the need for more of the faCilities. Even with contributions comiag from the 234 various service clubs giving 'to the Easter Seal drive, the pro- gram has been forced to discontinue. Some goverament spon- sored grants are still coming in but only alon g termis already outlined. One such grant for $400,000, donated strictly for use la cystic fibrosis research, costs them approximately $110,000 t by Ruth ARIES [Mar.21.Apr.20] Your head is in the clouds, Aries. Pleasures outweigh disappointments and, you shiow it. A good time to -enjoy company, especially somneone special. TAURUS [Apr.21-May 201 Errors can make you -somewhat unsure of yourself. Expose that spirit of optimism. Plan a week-end of fun with your famifly. GEMINI [May 21 - June 211 Homne based problems seem to come to no end. It will seem futile to comne to some agreement. Calm discussion can improve this situation. CANCER [June 22-JuIy 221 Cancer,' you're letting those little, inconvenient jobs pile up on, you. Better get them out of the way. Other than that you are quite optimistic. LEO [July 23 - Aug.23] A mixture of feelings and moods possess you. Sort out the good from the bad and use your best qualities to keep your mood stable. VIRGO [Aug.24-Sept.221 Do not write letters in haste, Virgo, business or otherwise. If possible wait for a later date, 'or have your work carefully verified. - runsting The brides a ttendants were Sue Kort of Bowmanville, and Wilma Feyer of Chatham. The flower girl was Sarah Nien- huis. The groom was attended by Doug Evans, and Jimmy Vandergaast, a cousin of the groom. For the reception held at the Warm. Friend Inn, Holland, Michigan, the bride's mother received the guests in a formai, blue gown and cor- sage of yellow and red roses, assisted by the groom's mother, who wore a formal. gown of piak and a corsage of white roses. Following a honeymoon in Quebec City, Mr. and Mrs. Vandergaast took up resi- dence at R.R.4 Bowmanville. movie-The Silver Sreak before spending the night at Bloor St. United Church. On Sunday morning after an early break- fast they ail attended morning worship there with lunch at MacDonald's and they arrived home at 4 ýp.m. The young people thorough- ly enjoyed this outing. Gord Barrie and Sam Turn- er accompanied Doug Walker of Newcastle to visit Reg Brock at St. Michael's Hos- pital on Sunday. The men were well pleased with Reg's cheery conversation. While there, Gail and Don Rickard also called in to see Reg. IDES-BEEF 69Êdb. FRONT QUARTERS 59C lb.6e t HIND QUARTERS 99C lb. DIAMOND "A" BACON 16 Lb. Box $11.171 DE KOKER'S MEATS Corner of Taunton Rd. :4nd îHwy. 115 Orono 983-5445 Dodier LIBRA [Sept.23-Oct.231 Knowing, and doing the right things come naturally to you. Timing, is what brings resuits. Don't let routine jobs get you dowa. SCORPIO [Oct.24-Nov.221_ You caa only blame yourself if others pass you by. Be patient and keep out of conflicting situations, stay behind the scenes. SAGITIARIUS [Nov.23 - Dec.21] Shyaess may keep you from accomplishing some of your plans. t is not necessary to be the "life of the party." Listeaiag can be beneficial. CAPRICORN [Dec.22 Jan.201 While striving to obtain that ultimate goal, you could lose a lot of ground. Your attitude towards others bas much to be desired, Capricora. AQUARIUS [Jan.21- Feb.19] Your ambitieus drive is only hampered by a rough, sternanad impatient outer surface. Use some control, think before you speak. PISCES [Feb.20-Mar.201 Someone is not telling alI. use care to uncover the real truth. Don't neglect your health, Pisces, more rest is needed. administer, he said. Organ- izers are now approaching the province to ask if they will also cover administration costs for the grant to keep it at $400,000. Parent Relief Program In addition to their many other projects, the society has also introduced a aumber of new programs including one to help the parents of handi- capped children. The project set up recently to allow mothers to take some time for errands or other activities offers themn profes- sional care for their childrea at a day nursery, Even as the organization tighteas its budget during the curreat period of restraint, however, the Ontario Society for Crippled Chilcrea has one of the best progams in the would for rehabilitating the handicapped., Only the public support through the Easter Seal campaiga, co-ordiaated withi the assistance of service clubs, such as Rotary, main- tains it at this level. SAW' Paul, and. Lynda Crago, Baltirnore, were last Sunday supper guests with Tom and Sally Barrie. James and Barbara Lane, Honour and Rosslyn, Rich- mond Hill spent last weekend with bis parents, Ross and Thelma Lane. Sunday evening guests with Calvin and Dorothy Crago were Mark and Evelyn Mar- chant of Maple Grove. Heather Barrie spent last weekend with ber parents during a readiag week from the University of Waterloo. Shaw's Annual Card Party last Friday evening was good' fun and sociability when there were 5 tables of Euchre and 6 tables of 500 played. The school room was pile'a- sant, decorated by the Nurs- ery School teachers and the new drapes added to the cosy atmosphere. Gordon Barrie, as convenor, welcomed those present and Ross Lane acted as treasurer, Jim Rickard and Phyllis Price were la charge of tables and tallies with Doreen and Heather Barrie, Thelma Lane, Phyl Price and Romona Rickard assisting with the serving of a bountiful and deliclous lunch. The high lady la 500 was 'Mrs. Aileen Turner and high man was Mrs. F. Northcutt, playing as a man. Most 8 hearts prize was won by Les Coombes with Alne Ayre and Ross Lane receiving the low prizes. The high lady la Euchre was Don Rickard (some lady!> and high man was Calvin Crago. Terry Price had the most lone hands and Mrs. Farr and Doug Woods re- ceived the prizes for low score. Keith Barrie, Bruce and Janet Brown, Kevin Crago, Gregory Wight, Kevin and Stephen ýWood left Saturday miorning with the rest of the Trinity Communicant class for Toronto. They toured the United Church headquarters, did some shopping at the new Eatons Centre and then went on to tour the C.N. Tower. In the eveningthey aIl went to a CR~NI NG Bo m n ile 8Cleaners Ltd. 8King St. W. 623-5520 "We Specialize in Shirt is Launderingý". UNBELIEVABLE SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER ON THE NEW 1977 TOYOTA "CANADIAN" Now you can afford a terrific new car for as littie as $1 30.00 down (If You Qualify> $9 2.00 per inonth.for 48 months at bank rate of 13.5% FULL PRICE $3,51 869 Includes: Ontario Sales Tax, Licence plates, Tranisportation, Pre-Delivery, 12 MTS. or 12,500 mile warranty. THE TOYOTA CANADIAN ... TERRIFICTISCONTY SALES SERVICE PARTS MOT ORS ftNGVAR LIMI'TED King St. E. Oshawa (1 mile East of Harmony Rd.) 723-1176 ~I2 -'<o c, Hwy. No. 2 n = o, = c, 401I Wednesday, March 2 2:30 Parent Activity Day in the Durham Regional Schools 4:30 Soleil, with the French Canadian Club of Oshawa 5: 00 To Be Announced 5:30 Durham Dialogue 6: '00 Evening Report 6:30 Talk About, with the University Women's Club, 7:00 Music -30-, with Local Musicians 7:30 Education Scene, with George Pearce 8:00 Hotline to Heaven 8:30 Whitby Then .& Now, with Brian Winter & Jim Quail 9:00 Rescue, with Host: Terry McComb 10:00,Siga Off Thursday, March 3 2:30 W.B.M.H.A. Minor Midget Play-Offs 4:30 Hatha Yoga 5:00 Education Scene 5:30 Talk About 6:00 Evening Report 6:30 Rescue 7:30 Soleil 8:00 The 3R's, with Separate School Activities 8:30 Parent Activîty Day Highlights featuring Abbey Hoffman K.W.' Munroe, Durham Board of Education Director and a presentation of School Volunteers Program 11:00 Siga Off Friday, March 4 1:00 Parent Activity Day Highlights 4:00 What Does the Bible Say? 4:30 Whitby Then & Now 5:00 Vita Italiana 6: 00 Whitby Report, with Mike- Burgess & Steve Porter 6:30 The 3R's 7: 00 Sign Off Saturday, March 5 Cablecast 6 is beginning a new phone-in request programn fea- turing all your favourite recording artists. George Russell is your host for "GET LT ON" starting at 7:00 p.m. CALL: 579-2235. Sunday, March 6 il1:00 Vita Italiana, with Ercple Foresta 12:00 Rescue, with Topical Interviews, 1:00 Hotline to Heaven, wîth Today's Religious Issues 1: 30 Consumers! "Best Beef Buys"11 2:30 What Does the Bible Say? with Bob Kfrkland 3:00 Siga Off Monday, March i 4:00 Expression, with a Variety of Topics 4:30 "The Ancient Art of Apiculture" with Charles Sharpe 5:30 M.J.'s Place, with Muriel Jane Weber 6:00 Evening Report, with Dave Stewart 6:30 McLaughlin Art Gallery Presents: Robert Stacey 7:00 Counterpoint, "Courtice Development" with Guest: Mrs. Ana Cowman ,7:30 Whitby '9311', a Fire Preveation Series 8:00 Parent Actîvity Day Highlights with Guests: Neil Davis, Participat- ing Parents and School Tour B with School Board Trustee Lucy Bateson 11:00 Siga Off Tuesday, March 8 2:00 Newcastle Councîl Meeting Coverage 5:00 Expression, with a Variety of Topics 5:30 M.J.'s Place 6:00 Evening Report 6:30 Vita Italiana 7:30 To Be Announced 8:00 Durham Dialogue with host: Jim Kirk Connell and Guest: Joy Dell 8:30 Hatha Yoga, with Jan Hewlett 9:00 Hotline to Heaven, with Host: Bill McAlphine 9:30 "What About G.R.S." 1with local Guests 10: 00 Sign Off NOTE: Ahl Programs are subject to change without notice. Two Local Athietes Run in Toron to Race, When track and field events corne out of winter hibernation and begin once again, it's a sign that spring is on the way. Two local long-distance runners who have already started their spring training competed in the Toronto Road Runner Club's first race of the season earlîer ln the month. The two students, David Taylor of Hampton and Bill Allison from Maple Grove were among 54 athletes who ran in the 9.3 mile race. In the 27th position was David Taylor with a time of 57 minutes, 35 seconds. Bill Allison ran 34th, finishing the race in 59 minutes, 46 seconds. Cablecast Listings OnIy $3,99 Dozon Cash and Carry VAN BELLE EAST HighWay No. 2 Belween Oshawa and BowmanvilIe 623-4441 VAN BELLE WEST 292 King St. W., Oshawa 579-1118 VAN BELLE NORTH 1124 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa 728-3159 VAN BELLE ..Uooe tilgg ahe whought bg agf tkailtt[gwoftQd dheanm ot' . ... join with other Christian worshippers on Friday, Marck 4th at 2:00 p.m. at the Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church, in celebrating WORLD DAY 0F FRAYER. RICKABY'S LJMITED ~ BOWMANVILLE The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 2, 1977 3 g WAN EtLEk V.andergaast Reverend J. Blankespoor united la marriage on Novem- ber 27tb, 1976, la Beaverdam Christian Reformed Church, Beaverdam, Michigan, U.S.A.. Marsha Brunsting and Gary Vandergaast. The or- ganist wVas Cindy Post'and the soloist Don Braken. Their parents are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vandergaast, R.R.l Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. John Brunsting, Hudsonville, Michigan, U.S.A. Given la marriage by her father, the bride wore a formai white A line designed gown with puffed sleeves. A beaded headpiece held a waist-lengtb veil and she carried a bouquet of red roses and dried flowers. 30 KING ST. WEST Miss -G. ZIEGLER BOWMANVILLE DISPENSING OPTICIANS PHONE 623-4477 Z- A 111 1 1 1 1- - i-,ý% eý 1 - - 1 - - 1 - i TU YU T A 7 "