PROGRESS EDITION The Canadian Statesman, March 2, 197 Delta Faucet Plans Major Expansion A major expansion program 'ncluding a staff increase, expansion of present facilities and the manufacture of addi- tional product uines is being planned for Delta Faucet of ' Canada Limited at Bowman-, ville Ontario. This is the f irst phase of their plant expansion and it is expected to be completed by the end of the year. G.D. Thompson, general manager of Delta Faucet of Canada said that the immediate plans envisage higher volume, through the manufacture withln the plant of parts now purchased outside a long with market increase for existing products and the development 4 of new product uines. In this phase, employment potential wili increase by about 50 per cent - f rom 60 plant employees to 90. Delta Faucet of Canada Limited's plant was officialiy opened in November of 1976. Total investment at the time of the opening was $2 million, company officiais said. Locat- ed on a nine-acre parcel of land near Highway 401 in the Bowmanville Industriai Park, the Delta plant has a total f loor area of 43,000 square feet of which 40,000 square feet are for plant operations. The present land area and its design of the structure allows for a four-to-five fold expani- sion based on a one-floor operation. At the November opening, Norman Chapman, president of Delta Faucet of Canada and Emco Limited told local press and dignitaries that "plans were already underway for immediate expansion to take on additional product lines!'" At present, the Bowmanviiile plant manufactures the Delta single-handle uîne of washer- less faucets and the new Delex uine of two-handle washerless faucets. The plant also makes copper fittings for Emico~. The Two-handle Washerless Faucet The new two-handie washer- less Delex faucet, developed by Delta Faucet Company U.S.A., was introduced in Canada early in 1976. Comp- any officiais clairned this faucet was virtually mainten- ance-free, trouble-free and drip-free. The design is based on a recently developed rotary cylinder valve sysemn that totally eliminates the com- pression washer used in 90 per cent of faucets on the market. The rotary cylinder is an adaption of the washerless bail valve principle used in the Delta single-handle faucet which was f irst introduced in the market 20 yearsýago. The Delex two-handle faucet, while basîcaily con- forming to the traditional 'look', is a major innovation in the standard two-handle faucet. Using modern 'space age' materials, including Tef- Ion for friction-f ree çnove- ment, the Delex rotary cylind- er does away with metal to metal contact and, because it works without compression or compression washers, there are no stem threads to wear out, and no wvashers to crush, tear, and replace. The Emco-Masco Connection Delta Faucet of Canada Lîmited, now a wholly owned subsidiary of Emco Limited of London, Ontario was launched as a joint venture of Emco and Masco Corporation of Taylor, Michigan, to market the Delta single-handie faucet with manufacturing support fromn Emco. Part of the product uine was manufactured by Emnco's London Factory and the rest came f rom. Delta Faucet 77 25 Company in Greensburg, Indiana, U.S.A., a wholly owned Masco subsidiary. This was the beginning of a partnership that has since extended. Three years ago, Masco acquired Emco shares and became Emco's largest sharehoider. Subsequently, Emco was ailowed to pur- Chase ail of Masco's shares in Delta of Canada. Accent dn Canadian Manufacture Richard Manoogien, presi- dent of Masco and chairman of Emco Limited said at the olâeing ceremoniles of the new Bowmanville plant, 'We at Masco would rather see more products made in Canada than imported from the U.S.A." This is part of Masco's commitmentto-Emco Limited in London, Ontario, a Comp- any with a long and establish- ed reputation in the manu- facture and marketing of plumbing products in Canada. Durham Region's develop- ment division has been in- volved with the Delta project since the summer of 1975. Robert Nichol, director of development for the Durham Region and the Bowmanville Development Committee, chaîred by Newcastle Mayor Garnet 'Rickard, worked closelywith company off iciais to facil1itate the location of the plant in Bowmanvi;le. At the plant opening, Mayor Rickard said that "the new plant is a highlight for Bowmanville. We can now witness the fruition of many long months of effort." He added that he was not only happy about new 'industry from an employment and fînancial point of view, but also that an industry of such high quality as Delta would better the standard of living for everyone. A Company spokesmnan pointed ou t that- Bowmianville was chosen on the basis of availability of local labor as well as the l0w cost of industrial land. C. Norman Chapman said that expansion plans will New Plant in Ontario For a Revoluntionary Line of Faucets Plans for a total initial investment of $2 million in a venture for the manufacture of a newrevolutionary uine of two-handle washerless faucets were announced in 1976, by officiais of Delta Faucet of Canada Limited. The new plant, located in Bowmanville, Ontario, went into production in May. The announcement was tied with the marketing launch in Canada of a new line of faucets called Delex.. The Delex faucet, it was- claimed, is virtually trouble- free, maîntenance-free and drip-free. it is based on a recently developed rotary cylinder valve system that totally eliminates the comn- pression washer, used in about 90 per cent of the faucets'in the market. The rotary cylinder system is an adaptation of the principle used in Delta single- handle faucets. Using an innovative design principle and incorporating 'space age' materiais, includ- inq glass-f illed polymers and Tef Ion, metal-to-metal contact has been elimînated and, because the faucet works wîthout compression or com- pression washers, there are no, stem threads to wear out or gali and no washers to crush, tear and replace. SA totali departure from conventional faucets, the Delex line represents the f irst major innovation since the- compression washer which has been around since before the turn of the century when indoor plumbirig became a reality. Essentiaily, the Delex designi principle is an adapta- tion 0f the Delta single-handie bail valve system which was benefit the economics of the Bowmianville and Durham region as weii as being advantageous to the company and the national economy. introduced about 20 years ago. C. Norman Chapman, presi- dent of Emco Limited and its subsidiary, Delta Faucet of Canada, said, "There is- a definite need for a quality, reliable, medium-priced, two- handle faucet with the new design. We are confidlent*that we have the answer to~ this need with our new Delex faucet." ln the fîrst phase of the new project ln Bowmanville, the plant employed 50 peopte. The building covers a f loor area of 43,000 sq. ft. on an 81/4 acre parcel of land, just off Highway 401, and houses the plant and offices. Mr. Chapman said that the design of the building and the lot size ailowi for further expansion. Delta Faucet of Canada was iaunched as a joint venture of Emco Limited, London, On- tario, and Masco Corporation of Taylor, Michigan, to market Delta single-handie taucets in Canada with manu- facturing support f rom Emco. Masco is the nucleus of a group of comp anies of whîch Delta Faucet Company of Greensburg, Indiana, and now, Emco, are major com- ponients. Masco purchased shares in Emco two years ago. Delta's investment in the new operation, Mr. Chapman said, demonstrated Masco's firm commitment to the principie of providing signifi- cant benefits to Canada as an Emco shareholder. Masco owns 46 per cent of Emnco's common shares. Delta Faucet of Canada has now become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Emco, a London, Ontario based company with a long and established reputa- tion in the manufacture and marketing of plumbing pro- ducts in Canada. This comp- any manufactures a wi de range of plumbing, heatîng and industrial piping products including faucets. The marketing operations of Emnco and Delta Faucet of Canada, Mr. Chapman said, would remnain separate and independenit 0f each other and Emco's major contributi 'on to Delta would be in the area of manufacturing technology. Dennison - Continued from page 24 was intiated. The establish- ment of the warehouse and distribtution operation for the vast Dennison statîonery pro- duct line was successfully completed by early April. The Bowmanvîlle warehouse serves a wide variety of retail and wholesale outlets ail over Ontario. In December 1976, the Industrial Division and Sta- tionery Products' Division Sales Groups were relocated from the Toronto office to the Bowmanville office. For 'Ontario, the Identifi- cation Systems Group Region- aI Sales Manager is J.F. King, and the Stationery Products Division Regional Sales Man- ager is, J.L. Delaney. Head- quartered in Bowmanville as well, it is the National Sales Manager for the Packaging Systems Group, J.R. Nixon. You'II score ~~ e v er when you are a RD CROSS BloodDonor ONLY. DELTA DELEX OFFERS A COMPLETELU NE 0F QUALITY SINGLE. LEVER &TWOcHANDLE WASHERLESS. FAUCETS Towork as good as they look DELTA FAUCET OF' CANADA LTD. 230 Base Line Rd., Bowmanvitle