10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 23. 1977 NE WTON VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clys- dale, of Omemee were Mon- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. Clysdale. Local people among the Kendal busload, going to the Eaton's Centre, last Wednes- day, included Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stapleton, Mrs. Wm. Cluny, Mrs. Glen Farrow, Mr. and Ms. Wallace Boughen and Rev. and Mrs. Aubrey Tiz- zard. Sorry to hear of the passing of Mr. Sam Gilbert, whose funeral was held Tuesday, from the Porter and Turner Funeral Parlors, Toronto. Mrs. Lena Clysdale and Mrs. Doris Tompkins with friends from Hastings, were among those attending. Local people attending the musical evening put on by the Men's Group of the Canton United Church, Friday even- ing, included Mr. and Mrs. S. Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. M. Jones and Mr. and Mrs. C. Farrow. Mr. Frank Gilmer spent a couple days in Memorial Hospital, last week, for Fur- ther X-Rays and tests, return- ing home on Saturday after- noon. Dinner guests, Saturday at the Manse, were Mrs. Robert Townsend, Mrs. Douglas Robinson, her daughter and girl friend of Toronto. Among the guests at the Hoornweg-MacDonald wed- ding, in the Rehoboth Christ- ian Reformed Church, Bow- manville, Saturday afternoon were Bob Henderson, David Henderson and friend Eleanor Warren and Stephen Searle. Mr. Keith Burley, Waterloo, was a visitor with Mrs. Agnes Burley, Tuesday, and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley, Newcastle, were Sunday visitors. Visitors wath Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson, Saturday afternoon, were Mr. and Mrs. Brian Metcalf, and Barbara of Oshawa in the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Perrin of Cowanville, and over the weekend Mrs. Mary Wade of Barrie. With Mr. and Mrs. L. DeSmit, visitors the end of the week included Mrs. Ingrid Fowler, Debbie, Freddie, Steven and Sherri. Mrs. and Mrs. Bruce Green and Steven and Mrs. Larry Frost, Gary and David of Oshawa. Newcastle Pee Wees took part in the Hockey Tourna- ment at Keene, Saturday winning the first game and losing the second' Boys from this area on the team were Bobby Stiles, Donald Ogden and Ken Gilmer. Mrs. Jean Ogden with Mrs. Carolyn Gilmer attended the Tourna- ment. Mr. Neal Pope is spending some of the "School Break" in Kingston this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Low, of Willowdale, were overnight guests with Mr. and Mrs. M. O'Neill. Attending the Masonic Ladies Night in Port Hope, Saturday, were Mr. and Mrs. Art Robichaud, Mr. and Mrs. Ned MacInnis, Mr. and Mrs. Wally Kiers and Mr. and Mrs. M. O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Ton and family were supper guests, Saturday, with Mr. and Mrs. Authony Ton. Mr. Brian Strippe, of Orillia was a weekend visitor with Mr. and Mrs. E. Webster and Penny, in Port Granby. Jessie and Roy Best were the greeters at our church door, Sunday morning, and Rev. Tizzard's third Lenten message was entitled "As They Saw Him-The Sinners." Mrs. Rowena Tizzard sang a solo "Sweet Peace, The Gift of God's Love," which was enjoyed by ail present. Mrs. Mary Wade, of Barrie was a weekend visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson and Sunday afternoon, ail visited Mr. George Henderson in Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hender- son, Stephanie and Deane of Bowmanville were supper guests, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Henderson. The Pastoral Charge Hymn- Sing was held in Newtonville Church. Sunday night and in spite of the wintery weather conditions, there was a good crowd in attendance, includ- ing eighteen members of the Port Hdpe Barbershop Harm- ony Group, enjoyed by ail. Musical selections were also heard from Mr. and Mrs. George Kemp, Orono, har- monica and piano, Evelyn Stacey vocal solo. Vocal trio-Mrs. Mary Jones, Mrs. Myrtle Kloster, and Mrs. Rowena Tizzard, accompan- ied by Carol Gardner and vocal solo Mrs. Tizzard. We have been asked to include this item: The Web- ster property in Port Granby never has been for sale, and it is expected, never will be. Newtonville-Starkville Bowling League Team standings-Andrews 48, Supremes 44, Gold Diggers 39, Lennons 37. High single-Pat Millson 290, high triple-Peggy Millson 682. 200 games-Pat Millson 290, 208, Donna Morris 261, 201, Marlene Stacey 257, Blanche Jones 247, Bernice Henderson 243, Peggy Millson 236, 230, 216, Jean Arnold 233, 209, Sandra McInnes 222, 221, Olive Henderson 217, 216, Gail Millson 209, Mary Topple 207, Vi Patterson 200. The March meeting of Newtonville Women's Insti- tute was held at the home of Mrs. Mary Jones, on Wednes- day, March 16 and President Amielia Lancaster opened with the "Ode" followed by the Mary Stewart Collect, in unison. Minutes of previous meeting were read by Secty-Treas. Madeline Buckley and ap- proved, followed by the fin- ancial report. This included the account of the recent card party in Community Hall, which showed a net balance of about Fifty-one dollars. The Roll Call-"Name one way progress is changing our lives" was answered by ail except four or five, invoking the new law of a fine of ten cents for simply saying "Pre- sent." Bernice Milligan reported on the Executive meeting for the District, where plans were Bowmanville Store OnIy 15 King St. West 623-3155 Win Novice Recreation Championship Last week, ne nires Root Beer Novices defeated the Cable TV squad to win the Recreation hockey championship and the Police Association trophy. These three members of the Root Beer team accepted the trophy presented by Bud Perfect at rear. They are, from left to right, Dan Moriariti, Greg Martin and Joey Hennessey. made for the coming Annual Convention to be held in Hampton Church on Wednes- day, May 10th at 9:15 a.m. Dinner will be served later in the Christian Education Hall. Patchwork cushions are requested from each branch, to be shown in competition as the table cloths were last year. The names of Mrs. Adams, and Mrs. McCullough are to be submitted for the Memorial Service. "Pennies for Friends" are to be continued. Nestleton was the only branch not represent- ed, at this meeting. A card of thanks was read from Mrs. Ferguson, who had received a card of sympathy from the W. I. on the death of her sister. Progress in the past five years has been much more than it was in the past. Various things were under discussion. What about a Food Forum in 1977? A Short Course? A Tweedsmuir His- tory Day? A motion was passed ac- cepting an invitation from Mary Jones, to meet at her home, again, on Wednesday, April 20th for our Annual Meeting, starting, as usual, with a Pot Luck dinner at 12:30. Each member is to bring an article of food and give a donation of not less than 50 cents. A donation of five dollars was voted the Red Cross, from this Branch. Queenie Fletcher spoke on the subject of the S.E.A.P. organization, which we read so much about, in our local papers, these days. Unit Leader Mary Jones gave a reading "Let's Have Another Look At The Calmer Times", after which our guest speaker, Mrs. Annabelle Rickard was introduced and her topic was "The advantages and disad- vantages of Regional Govern- ment." Speaking as a private, tax-paying citizen, rather than as part of the mayorality, she certainly gave us plenty to think about. She stressed the fact, that in many cases, it was the result of no improvements having been made, in current condi- tions, over a long stretch of time, which made it necessary to spend double the expected amount to correct them. Putting off doing things at the proper time is a costly procedure, to rectify, later, as no one can deny truthfully. Thanks was expressed to the speaker, who received a gift of appreciation as well as a hearty clapping of hands. Mrs. Bea Jones conducted an Irish Contest, won by Madeline Buckley, after which lunch was served by the hostess and her group, to the twenty-four members and three visitors present. Mrs. Florence Ferguson held the lucky cup eO. RED CROSS PONTYPOOL Mrs. Grace Fairhurst Home on Monday at 2 p.m. passed away in "Green with interment in Riverside Acres" Nursing Home in Cemetery, Lindsay. Sym- Newmarket on Friday. The pathy is extended to ber son late Mrs. Fairhurst was in her Leslie, and other relatives. 78th year. Burial service is Mrs. Percy Beggs and Mrs. from the Mackey Funeral Ralph Porter-also Ralph Jr. spent a couple of days last week with the Jim Beggs' in Port Elgin. Wayne Fallis and Bryan MacKay of Owen Sound were home over the weekend. Mrs. Grace Fallis attended the funeral of her brother-in- law, the late Victor Pecorari, in Toronto on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. David Smales of Pinewood Estates left on Saturday with their family for Mississippi. Returning with them on the weekend will be Mr. Smales' grandmother from Hampton who has been visiting with relatives in the south for the past few months. Mrs. Ralph Hyland of Brockville spent the weekend with her family. Ralph is currently working in Edmon- ton. Paul Richardson and Stephen McGill of Bethany are holidaying this week in the Canary Islands. They are among several high school students enjoying this tour in the mid-term break. Sunday visitors with Larry Bradleys were Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Fee and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fee and family of Omemee. Local Kinsmen held a very successful dinner meeting last Thursday night with forty present. Election of officers was held with results-Pres. Vern Hamilton, Vice Pres.- Barry Pretty, Sec'y-John Hughes, Treas.-Doug Pingle, Bulletin Editor-Paul Vanhe- rrewegen, Directors-Terry Slack and David Smales, Registrar-John Barr. The next general meeting will be held on Thursday March 31st at 7:30 p.m. with all men from Manvers Twp. welcome. Anyone interested in attend- ing contact Doug Pingle at Pontypool General Store. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Britton (nee Anna Sinclair) who were married in Madoc on Satur- day, March 12th. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Webb were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Truax in Lindsay on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stirling and family of Hamilton are holidaying this week with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Curtis and other relatives. Committee for the dance on Saturday night were Mrs. Mangan, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Kish and Lawrence White. Celebrating his birthday that night was Cliff Fallis. A very congenial young lady baked a birthday cake with 39 candles and all the trimmings. Win- ners of spot dances were Bob and Carole Truax and Keith Cryderman and this Saturday night with door receipts going to the Manvers Arena and Community Centre Fund. On Monday morning at 9 a.m. the United Churches in Bethany, Janetville ano Pontypool were the starting points for a walk-a-thon with proceeds going to the Manvers Arena and Community Centre Fund. Each group walked six miles with stops at the half-way mark for a popsicle treat. Handing out popsicles were Mr. and Mrs. Cripps for Bethany, Adele Shea and Mrs. Little for Janetville and Mrs. Doug Murphy for Pontypool. The results were very reward- ing and those responsible are extremely pleased with the interest shown. Bethany had 44 walkers with $828.48 donat- ed-Janetville hàd 16 walkers for a total of $53800 and Pontypool 29 walking for the sum of $537.80. The total- $1,904.28. A great big thank you goes out to all the walkers and all their sponsors. When the walks were completed all taking part were treated to ice cream and pop. Mrs. Marjorie Farrow of St. Catharines is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Britton for a few weeks. Mrs. Gerald Fisk left on Saturday to spend a week with Nancy and Steve Angiers in Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Preston, with Mr. and Mrs. Will Capeling, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Riel, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ryley of Bethany and Mr. and Mrs. Terry Staples, Janetville, flew out of Toronto on Saturday for a week's holiday in the Bahamas. Tom Badluk, his father, Nick, and boys are holidaying in Florida. Mrs. Beatrice Muirhead of High School Addition Work Ending in March Lindsay was the guest of honour at a birthday party recently at the home of her grandson, Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Muirhead, in Pine- wood Estates. Sunday morning "A Service of Song" was held at 10 a.m. with many hymns from "The Hymnary "being used. During the service Mrs. Ian Waldie and Mrs. Grant Dunford read passages of scripture and Frank Stacey, the responsive reading. The choir sang the Negro spiritual "Do Lord". Rev. Ficko announced that on Good Friday, April 8th, a walk will be held froin Bethany to Pontypool with those partici- pating taking turns carrying a cross. This.is an annual event and a reminder of Jesus trudging with his own cross to Golgotha and His crucifixion. Several local hockey play- ers are participating in a little N.H.L. Tournament in Mill- brook this week. John Curtis, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Curtis is one of the guests at a Sunday Jamboree to be held in Nestleton in the near future. John is becoming quite a well-known vocalist in the area as he has performed with several groups that have played locally recently. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Fallis, Alan, Debbie and Davi4-were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Thompson, Bailieboro. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Morton and Michelle and Marion and Myrna Thompson were also guests. Mr. and Mrs. Robbie Porter, Michael and Kevin, were Sunday visitors with Perdy and Kay Beggs. Michael stayed for holidays with his grandparents. Construction on Clarke High School's new addition is ex- pected to be nearly completed by the end of March, a building report on the project bas indicated. Another $8000 is required, however, to cover the cost of installing double glazed win- dows throughout the newly constructed building. The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education voted Thursday, March il to wait for the release of a study now underway on costs on the facilities before deciding whether to have the windows installed. Classrooms in the new wing are almost complete, with those on the lower level approximately one week be- hînd construction on class- rooms on the second floor. Heat and ventilating units for the addition have been installed and are already operational, the report states. Work on the floors, ceilings and walls in the upper and lower level corridors is also almost finished according to the report. Renovations in the school's gymnasium have been com- pleted along with most altera- tions in the industrial arts wing as well.