20O The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 23, 1977 CW o uncil Briefs I)ivert Streain A stream diver'sion prograîn f'or the southern part of Bowmanville wsas approved by council Mondas afternoon. Couîni's approx'al is on the condition Ihat funds for the project ean be accommodated ini the town's 1977 budget. Council was bold in a letter fro)m the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority that the project wouîd re-align the Soper Creek in the vicinity of Simpson Avenue. -The purpose of this work is to remove a meander in the wvatercourse and relocate it away from the'steep embank- m.ent at Simpson Avenue where severe erosion prob- lems are being encountered" said W.M. Campbell in his ltter to council. Mr. Campbell, who is gener- ai manager of CLOCA said that the total cost of the stream diversion would be $43,000. The town's share of this amount was estimated at $21, 500. i Bike-a-Thon A bike-a-thon to be spon- sored -by the Bowmanville Kinsmen, Club was given counil's approval this week. The bike-a-tbon is scheduled for Sunday, May 1 and the route for the bike-a-thon will take cyclists around the perimeter of Bowmanville. D.A. Moore,, the chairman of the Kinsmen projeet said in a letter to council that funds from the bike-a-thon would be used for the Kinsmen's community service projects. Sewer and Water Tentative dates for meet- ings on water and sewer bilings have been approved by council. The council has scheduled twýo meetings to be held in early April at Bowmanville and Newcastle. The Newcastle Village, -meeting bas been slated for April 6 in the Newcastle Community Hall at 7:30 and the Bowmanville meeting will likely be held in the Police and fiebuilding the following evening. Education Budget Bowmanville is responsible for $1,551,795 towards the Northumberland and New- castle Board, of Education budget. A letter fromn the board informed council that Darling- ton bas been slated to pay $1,439,956 this year wbile Clarke township and New- Castle Village will pay $992,214 .and $206,366 respectively. Counillor Jasper Hiolliday esimated that the 'board's requ isition for ahl of the Newcastle municipality is up 12.6 per cent tWis year. But the increase is considerably less than -last year's school board Iequisition of about 2612 per cent. SCouncil received the educa- tion budget figures and refer- red them to the 1977 budget. No Confliet Regional councillor Bruce Taylor said Monday that he bas no conflict of interest- related to negotiations, on the Darlington generating station. 1However, he pointed out that he does have a possible confliet of interest on matters relating to the Lennox-Osha- wa power corridor. In a statement prepared for ne mb e rs of Newcastle ecouLncil, Conillor Taylor said lie bas received a notice fintention from Hydo.Th notice states that Hydro intends to expropriate part of bis land for a bydro power corridor. "At any mneetings of council inciuding committee meetings where the matter of tbe Lennox-Osbawa corridor is the subject of consideration, I Spwencers By L. Burns Cowan Pontiac-Buick and Spencer Real Estate bad a long tougb semi-final round as Spencer's tied the series two wýeeks ago wben they defeated Cowan's 6 to 2. Spencer's goals were scored by Rob Donoghue with three, Terry Baker, Bob Howes and Rick Rademacher each with one. For Cowan's it was Paul Forsey and Jim MaýcD)onald. Tben, last weeks game was close and *fast hockey Finals start next Sunday at 10arn. ith last year's champs, W. Frank Real Estate meeting the new Cotvan Pontiac-Buick crowd. 3 QT. BAG OR JuùG PLUS 60e DEPOSIT iON THE JUG PA RII51 A ',SK 1 MSl1I 1) %- 2% MILK Z% m ne%,a rc h Flour ALL PURPOSE, PRE-SIFTED B LB. 7 Quik Kook Rice LONG GRAIN 5LB.1 PKG. The Manera family, jean,, Alex, Susan, Silvio and Sandro. "I don't pay any more, anx'more. Shopping for the best prices is very important when vou've got a familv. Dominilon makes it-easv, because 1 find the prnces are low, for the things my fa-ifly likes, everv week. I save at Domiýnion. Last week, I think it was just about Êd5 T119omato Soup HEINZ CONDENSED co 10 FL. OZ. TIN SKIM MILK POWDERR,'Î 19 QUIKKI EUI ( HFN GARBAGE BAGS k 55 FREEZER'QUTEEN SALISBURY STEAK ()R VEAL PARMIGAN ý).PG FROZEN ENTREES 5 9 HEAVY DUTY 1KG. PLASTIC, QUIKKI ~OF 0 GARBAGE 1.7 BAGS î7 YORK SMOOTHY ~ 2 LB.- JAR PEANUT BUTTER 15 PROM CONCENTRAITE MARTIN'S APPLE JUICE 48 FI,. OZ. G(RA\LIA'I'tIl) 2g A WRITE SUGAR 69C SI OR() FRO/FN 1 ).lKý 6 PACK -z~5 CHEESE PIZZA 019 176 FL. OZ. CONT. FABRIC 'OF Il \IR ~f FLEECY- m2.7 WINDOW CLEANER 53c AS, ki iRD (ý0 LRs 12 FT. ROLL PKGS. ,S'l r I 1H 0L1- SHELF PAPER 63 C 49 3 1,B PK(, SKIM MILK POWDER01.9 QUIKKI KII(HI N GARBAGE BAGS PK55Oc1 Imperial Margarine o COLOURED LY~350 ml 3LB. A N ATURALL K.A e LOVELY O ASSTF'D COLOURS SHAMPOO B______PL PLAYFE [RFO AR PKG 0F 214 w MIORNNI PADS 1.49 .uathroom ASSOR 'E ) VAR 1 E I F 500ml (CON 1I LANDER SHAMPOO CLII I6 5C LLIRBHF PASTE 1.29 p~7 MARY MI lIl'S RINDLESS, SICED 1 1,B. ( V I IR().M L\A)A I'K(1. (R.\1)'A'13111'. ON INI BREAKFASTflO LIMIT 0F 3 PKG..PER CUSTOMER ROA 5 6 (UT FROM CANAI)A GRADE'A'BFEF 1,B. BONE IN DOMINION TRIM STEAKS 1.38 CUT FROM CANADIA GRADEW"BEEF lB. T BONE & PORTERHOUSE LOIN 14 STEAKS l4 (UT FROM ( ANA)A GRADE A' BEFLB BONE INBLADF BONF RF MOS I'D Re SHORT RIB ROAST56 C UT FROM CANADA GRADEWABEF BONE IN CROSS RIB3 88 ROAST (LIIFROV1CANADA LB (,RADF A'BEEF CAP ON RIB STEAKS 1.22 MARY MILES 1 LB. PKG. SLICEDà-1 ]BOLOGNIA 69e BURNS' & MAPLE LEAF LB. '/2BONE INSVACUU.MPACK El HAMS 1.78 CUT FROM CANADA GRADEW"BEEF SHORT CUT LB. PRIME RIB ROAST 11 BURNS'& MARY MILES LB. BONELFSSý,,BFT'(EFN'p, LB. AVG. DINNERHAMMS 1.88 1 i. I KG MARY MILES WIENERS69 Dad's Cookies ASSORTED VARIETIES 4 ROLL ilK G. Tissue 7Qc CARTRIDGE 0F ý BLADES O7 Dminion DR11 HIIAI ) BK î îI 4 '/IIN ORAIR BIA R1(1111 15\K ijs3If 'Tomatoes DOG FOOD 110 CHOICE GRADE DO(MINIO3N FRO/ N 6 O.PI.. PES AROT 1.39 ASSORIFDS 'RIFI IFS 1 Z KG DAINTY RICE SPRAY ( LEANEIR 24 F-OZ N, 28FL. OZ. FANTASTIK 1. 25 TIN 3 1-IBBYS NS'XEETENII)48 FL 0/lIN K.O8 PRF GR>PFR lII OR c RI( HM I IO 6 c ORANGE JUICE 66 CINNAMON ROLLS cU 5O K 1I F11 I (3/ I IN PKG. BARIl FIT I1 %c0 - PEAR HALVES RICHMELLO SCONE OR 0F1 __DINNER eU Afle PALMOLIVE îîNT.ROL L S 4.7 LIQUID '109 DETERGENT19 \'lXI(:H'SFRO/FN R16FI OZ/ (ONI1 CO( N FRATEDI GRAPEJUICE 89.' INDIVIDUAI I 'XRAPPFI) I IINS 80/ I'PK(. DO MIN ION PRO( 155 (CHEIDAR CHEESE SLICES 77c RICHMELLO CRACKED WHEAT7-(/ O' OR 60 PER CENT WHOLE WHEAT BREAD M 8 '.O ONDER 1>01 FAIO SCONE LOAF ASSORTED VARIETIES SAVARIN FROZEN DINNERS ~49C il OZ. PKG. 69C VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 1977 IN BOWMANVILLE ONLY c 16 OZ. PKG. SOLID WHITE OR 0/ lI FLAKEDWMHITI On% HIGHLINER TUN ý 07 CANADA No. I WHITEL BILLY BEE LIQUID OR CREAMED HONEY 'I.6.COT .:::: % ' une: NOMS..... ............. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... .......... TROPICS 0 BANANAS 2 DIRECT FROM FLORIDA WATERCRESS MAPLE LEAF COOKED HAM MARY MILES SLICED MINCED HAM VARIETY LOAF MARY MILES 16 OZ. PKG. MAC &CHEESE CHICKEN LOAF 9 SCHNEIDERS 1z OZ- CTN, HEADCHEESE BOWLS 99e BURNS ZESTYLB .POLISH1 SAU SAGE 69e MARY MILES, BY THE PIECE LB. BOLOGNA29c SCHNII)I R'S FRO/FN MINI SIZZLERS 1.24 BITTNER'S SMIILINK BRFAKIFASSI BI FTNER'S RINGS BLOOD PUDDING 0299v SCHNEIDERS VACUUM PACKED PEPPERONI BITTNER'S SLICED 40Oz ERG GE7RMAN s r TVILE MORTADELLA 59e SHO(PSYS S 1IILD4 %2 G/ýP KG PA', iRA Ml OR C OPNED BEEF 13 Hjieinz B-eans IN TOMATO SAUCE, IN MOLASSES OR WITH PORK IN, TOMATO SAUCE 14 FLO. TIN L Z :3 DOMINION FROZEN 2 LB PKG. RHUBARB73 KRLAIY SI I( FI) WHITE BREAD 33c REGULAR OR D l)4%C PEPSI-COLA 2 (CANADA FANCY GRADE 3 LB. BAG LB., RED DELICIOUS APPLES PACKED 25'S 2/49e FLORIDA GROWN 6 OZ. BAGS RADISHES 2/29e- PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. PACKED 18'S ROMAINE LETTUCE2/9 PR ODUCE 0F U.S.A. 10 OZ. BAIG SPINACH ~2/77'e ONTARIO OR'NEW BRUSWICK 10 LB. BâAG CANADA NO. 1 GRADEb5-c POTATOES 6 THIS COUPON IS WORTH 25e OFF WITH THE PURCHASE OF AI 1 LB. PACKAGE "1BITTNERI'S iWIENERS u IlLIMIT ONE PACKAGE PER COUPONII COUPON VALID UNTIL TUESDAY, MARCH 2911,19177 --------------mm Wl RII RU1111RII ITl'O(1IMI I QUA NTIT111STIO NOR MAI, FAMII Y RIQIRI.\II.N FS.DOMINION STIORES LI.MITED. 6OZ. PKG. 1.19 16 OZ. PKG. 1.24 LB. C9 B.5 88e