Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 23, 1977 9 Bladle Bone Removed SHRT R1 IB OR Bt'"LADE ROASTS Limit 2 Per Famlly LB.'q Cut from Canada "GRADE A" Beef Pot or Oven CROSzS RIB ROASTS L BU4W R Cut from Canada "GRADE A" Beef The King of Roasis PRIME RIB ROASTS1 LB.1 Cut f rom Canada "GRADE A" Beef They've always been the place for low prices. And they have the lowest prioes right now. I know, because I just did somnecomparison shopping for Miracle. They told me to duplicate my shopping lisi ai one of their largest competitors, and gave me the money to do it. Sure enough, the bilI was lower ai. Miracle. Now 1 don't know about you, but ~that5s alil the proof i need! 6 oz. pkg. sllced (chicken, dutch, lunch chocse, pickle& pimner orparkloaf) Siena Regular Sliced MQirtadellà Product of Flnland Emmenthal Cheese en,i'eL Mac& UII LBiM129I LB.2U8D9LB. PRIME RIB STEAKS ILB.1 Cut f rom Canada "GRADE A" Beef 'P W ~1 ;7~ ~s~r~i [[~ ~ Mrs. Jenny Champagne - Burlington, Ontario Predressed Young Grade A, Ducklings B9 Bone-In Ful Cut RumpB Roasis f Cut from Canada - "GRADE A" Beof L1 1 Bonelese Bottom eut Round Steak Roasts1 8 Cul from Canada "GRADE A" Beef LB. M 8 lndlvldually Frozen Freshwater Whitefish Fillets In dividually Frozon À Freshwater 14 az. pkg. l1 iS Aloro 911 twln pack m Pepperoni Pizza 11 20 oz. pkg. Fresh Sho uder or Blade YOUNG VEAL CHOPS Fresh Young LOI 1N VEAL CHOPS @@.u.THEPf'LACE FOR LOPRICEI. From the Loin, SIR1 FLOIN supplement for a married couple, both pensioners, will increase to $89.35 each from $88.03. Added to the basic pension, this will give each married pensioner: $232.81 monthly, or a total of $465.62 for the couple., The Spouse's Allowance is paid to persons between 60 and 65 years of age who ,are married to Old Age Security pensioners and meet resi- dence requirements. Entitle- ment to a Spouse's Allowance, and amount paid, is based on Syearly income. The maximum Spouse's Allowance is made Up of an amount equivalent to the basic Old Age Seurity pen- sion and the maiximiumur l'- anteed Incomie Supplement at the married rate. LIMIT 4 PER FAMILY LB.M Oui from Canada "GRADE A" Beef T-Bone or PORTERHOUSE LOIN STEAKS Cut tram Canada "GRADE A" Beef Dcrease P n Moped Accidents No fatal accictents involving moped drivers were recorded during the last quarter of 1976 while deaths and injuries for the entire year decreased substantially, Minister of Transportation and Commun- ications James Sno.w an- nounced today. 'There were 269 fewer injuries and four fewer deaths in 1976 compared to 1975--a decrease of more than 50 per cent," hie said. "And the statistics are even more encouraging when it's taken into accounit that those -for 1976 cover a twelve-month period while those for 1975 covered only nine." Motor vehiçie accident reports did flot include moped drivers separately until April 1975. During the April-December 1975 period, there were nine fatalities. In 1976, five moped fatalitites were recorded, including one which occurred in December 1975 but was not reported until the end of January 1976. In two of the five fatalities, lack of experience contributed to the death of the moped driver. In one instance, ,a passenger car was passing a moped on a 50 mph provincial highway when the moped driver turned left into the car. Reports indicated the 16-year- old had only four days driving experience. The second victimi drove his - moped onto the shoulder of a 50 mph highway and lost control. "There has been criticism that the government has over-regulated the operation, of ,mopeds," said Mr. Snow. "But we couldn't stand by and C watch people drive what in effect is a motor vehicle, without any knowledge of the rules of the road. "A driver's licence or a Class M moped licence is now a must and so is an approved - helmet. 1 sincerely trust these C rulings will save precious lives and limbs in thefuture,' especially in light of the forecasts being made by the moped makers that sales Will increase in 1978,7 he added. Moped injuries through 1976 totalled 227, a decrease of 54.2 per cent as compared to 496 during nine months in 1975. In the 16 to 19 age group, moped drivers injured in 1976 numbered 68 against 193 the previous year--a 64.8 per cent; decrease. 1 Nine moped drivers in- volved in accidents 'in 1976 deceae f 0.1pe cntwhen coprdto 9 n'5 Thoe rquiingmedical !treatmnent at hospitals totalled 175 in 1976, compared to 351 in 1975. In ail 253 moped drivers were involved in reportable motor vehicle accidents, in 1976, a decrease of 53 per cent when compared to 538 in 1975. -OId Age Securityr Increases in the Old Age Security pension, Guaranteed Income Supplement and Spouse's Allowance, effective in April, 1977, were announced today by Health and Welfare Minister Marc Lalonde. Increases in Old Age Secur- ity pension and Guaranteed Income Supplement payments represent the fourteenth quar- terly escalation based on the cost of living, as provided for in the Old Age Security Act. The new monthly total at the single rate for persons receiv- ing1both-tebasic_ O ldAge _ By the Place Choice BooSFLB3 BoogaIB Mary Miles Skinless Weiners'U 1 lb. pkg. Famous for Qualif y Schneider's Luinch MeatÈ A oc 0 Fresh Young VEAL RIB CHOPS LB.1 Empire or Pioneer SLICED SIDE BACON 1 LB. PKG. Bone-In VEAL CUTLETS LB.1 Mary Miles SLICED COOKED HAM SLICED 6 OZ. PKG. c - 1 1 .