The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 23, 1977 7 A TIE Ni '- U Miles ton e for Bowmcinville Baptist Church Many local citizens were surprised when tbey opened their copy of -the recent Sunday Sun and saw a glamorous picture of a former Bowmanville resident, Bridg- itte Kitney. She is the 19-year- old daugter of former Chief of Police and Mrs. Bernard Kitney. Fans in this area of the Bay City Rollers may bc in for a treat. A spokesman for Con- cert Production bas confirmed that an effort is being made to bring the group to Oshawa Civic Centre on Wednesday verse doings, He would not leave on earth a If interested - Box 36, Bowmanville. Parkwood Estates, the former home of the late R.S. McLaughlin opened once again t0 the public on Wednes- day, March l6tb. The spring schedule of being open Wed- nesday and Sundays from 1: 30 to 4 is now if effect. Duplicate Bridge winners on Tuesday, March 15th were (1) Nell Goddard and Aileen Osborne. (2) Marion James and Lillian Dippell. Miss Florence Gardiner would like ber friends to know that she is now a permanent resident at Marnwood. TODAYS BIBLE Then said Peter to Him, and said, Lord, inow o?'! snai my riroTner sin against me, and i, forgive nimTTII seven times? Jesus saith unto him, i sa not unto thee, until seven timnes: but until seventy timies seven. ST. MATHEW 18:21-22 Please write Box 111 Biackstock. St. Paul's United Church Min ister: Rev. N. E. Schanierhorn, B.A., M. Div. Organist: Gerald K. Burgess SUN DAY, MARCH 27,1977, 11:00 a.m. Words Beneath the Cross ""TRULY THIS MANWAS A SON 0F GODF" 9:45 Senior Sunday School (9 yrs. and up) 1:00 a.m. Junior Sunday School children wilI lattend f irs? part of Church Service with their parents) Parents are invited to bring their children to our modern Play and Learn Nursery while they worship. Sunday School Classes for Ali Agas 10 a.m. - 9years and up and Treasure Hunt Club il a.m. - Toddlers and Nursery Care ,1: 15 a.m. - 4to 8-year-olds lia.m.-WORSHIP SERVICE - Sermon - "FACES ABOUT THE CROSS" No. 4- Two Thieves 1 p.m. - Last meeting of Confirmation Class A Warm Welcome for Everyone April 30-Jack &JIII Spaghetti Supper 0 st. John's Anglican Church (Temperance at Queen) "LET US KEEP A HOLY LENT" Hol Communon -9:30 .m Lenten Study Group.- 10: 15 a.m. THURSDAYS Family Supper -6:00 p.m. Lenten Study Group - 7:30 p.m. SUNDA'Y, MARCH 27 8:00 M. - HoIy CoîmmiiiiQn 11: 00 am. - HoIy Baptism 7:30 p.m. - Youth Service The Robert McLaughlin Gallery will open the Dennis Burton Retrospective Exhibi- tion on Wednesday, March 30th. Ten years ago Sharlene Cain and Connie Bradley averaged over 200 per game to win the Youth Bowling Canadian Senior Girls' double champ- ionship this week at Toronto's Aprile Lanes. They won by 150 pins over runner-up Northern Ontario, with British Colum- bia, third. Sonya Feddema, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Feddema, has been named to the Dean's List at Trinity Christian College, Palos Heights, Illinois for the Fal Semester where she is a member of the Senior class. To earn this honor, a student must achieve a 3.5 or better average, based on a 4.0 scale. The next Wintario draw will be beld in Toronto on March 31st. On Sun( handed L program. Postmaster General Jean- to be situ. Jacques Biais recently an- excavatioi nounced the îssuing of a new Delaneyc 12 cent stamp to higlight one summer. of Canada's endangered ani-- mals, the eastern cougar. the lowest IE Congratulations to Stan 1964, acec Froats and W. Adams on the figures rele completion of 30 years Of iveness of th service witb Goodyear Can- with a redu ada at the Bowmanville Plant 16.1 per ceni and to J. Evers and W. in 1976 total] Crossey on completing 15 1,800 in 197, years service. Tbe Ontario Humane Morei Society moved to new offices at 8064 Yonge Street, Tbornhill T o as of January lst, 1977 and T a may be reacbed at 416-226- The majo 9555. always bai house but Canada's fastest growing could tell folk village, Black Creek about it thai Pioneer Village, officially calories. Tr opened for tbe season, on calories in Monday, Marcb 21st. butter. But, specialistsa The Town of Newcastle will Council, Mi be host to one of the luncheons ture and for the national association of several othE Kinsmen clubs convention about buttei scheduled in Oshawa from For exan June 29 to July 2nd. The butter sold Convention agenda includes strictly regi tbe appointment of the associ- grade and ation's vice-president Don grading st Masterson,, a Blackstock mined by th resident, to tbe presidency. ment of Agr The cost of Newcastle's lunch that thcle gr will be $200. shown on tht - wrapper an Saying if with flowers bas' the butteri long been a favorite custom. desirable ai The Plant Show, which will be found grai held April 7-11 at the Toronto Canada Fir International Centre bas up- as Canada dâted the language. Did you must havea know that Pink Geranium waxy textui means - you'd better bave a moîsture ai good explanation; Mint means of a desirai - Find someone your own age; containedi Sunflower - You're ail talk; package. T Yellow Rose - I've found under the g someone else. -Pink Carnation flavor. - Yes. Ivy - 1 want you more The coli than anything; White Pansy - dependent You're always on my mmnd; pigments il] Petunia - Stay with me; the amoun Balsam - I can't wait to see during chu you. Yellow Chrysanthemum - on the tim( There's someone else; Corn- kind of feei flower - Take it easy; 1 don't color may like to be rusbed; Lily-of-the- added. If thý Valley - Let's just be friends; natural p White Phlox - Tell me ail about cream, natt yourself; Cineraria-You seem are added like lots of fun; Pink Campion color. - I'd like to get to know you; At home, White Hyacinth - I've got a stored in it crusb on you; Jonquil - Please in the co], answer soon; White Poppy - I fridge, am can't decide; Goldenrod - I smelling foi need time to think; Love-mn-a- much buttg Mist - What do you mean? immediate What bouquets have your compartmn received lately? erature thei in other pe The Robert McLaughlin Stored proi Gallery is organizing an keep for se exhibition entitled "An Intro- Butter cai duction to News Pbotog- several ir raphers of the Durham Region evaporatior in July. " with the Theme: ioration wl People and categories of 1. moisture Spot News, 2. Personal, 3. such as freý People. Ail work submitted for aluminum each category must deal with the region and must consist of a maximum of twelve prints Let and a minimum of six prints e t per category, dealing with the theme, totalling eighteen Th prints for selection by the jury T q of a photographic curator a professional photographer and a member of the public. People of ti The date, for submission of Newcastle- prints will be Monday May 2nd 1977 addressed to the gallery. You have Please send by registered Council n mail only. For further inform- Nulear G ation contact Terry Boyle witbin our 728-1582. without ai Assessment Piyab Chapter of Hadassah- We shoi Wizo Oshawa. is sponsoring its resigniation first major Art Auction. We a candidat are sbowing original Canadian hearings w( works of art in all media from counclîlor1 artists of Durham Region on pass the li Sunday, April 24th,U1977 at tbe Genosha Hotel in Oâhawa. The Have we1 preview is from 1:00 p.m. to ation on. 7: 00 p.m. and is free of charge, effects? Wý with the Auction beginning at hearing by 7:30 p.m. Hadassah-Wizo is a tion, our cc, non-profit charitable organ- need one. ization with a11 proceeds going We the iday, March 20, Mrs. Ulla Swanberg, Bond R-ecording Secretary, -averne Souch the first bond sold in connection with the building In the background is a picture of the planned new building which is iated on the 3rd line just west of Liberty Street. It is expected that an will commence during the next few days, by contractor G.M. of Oshawa and the building should be-ready some time during the lvel recorded since ording to latest eased on the effect- 'e use of seat belts, .ction in deaths of nt. Deaths recorded Iled 1,511 as against 75, f0 Butter Calories )rity of Canadians ive butter in the probably very f ew you much more an that it is high in ,ue. There are 100 aa tablespoon of Laccording to food at the Ontario Food linistry of Agricul- Food, there are ir interesting facts er. iple, all creamery Id in Canada is rlated according to 1composition. The 3tandards, deter- ,e Federal Depart- riutrstipulate -de mark must be e main panel of the nd carton in wbich is sold. The most td most commonly de of butter is rst Grade. To rate iFirst, the butter a dlean flavor, firm ire, well distributed td saît, even color able shade and be in a d cean, neat [he major empbasis grade system is on or of butter is ton the natural i a cow's feed and nt of color added irning. Depending e of year and the ed given to a cow, yor may not be here are insufficient pigments in the tral vegetable dyes f0t improve the Bbutter should be ,original package dest part of the vay from strong ods. Keep only as ter as needed for Suse in the butter [nt since the femp- ere is not as cold as )arts of the fridge. operly, butter will everal. weeks. an also be frozen for nonths. To avoid )n and flavor deter- ben frozen, wrap in proof packaging ezer bags or heavy foil. er to Ecditr 73 Alonna Street Bowmanville the Town of ýbeen sold ouf! noved f0 accept a Generating Station, rtowns boundary in Environmental it Hearing. )uld demand the nof a councillor, as te he said public iere necessary, as a he moved f0, by- å. had enough inform- ifs environmental e are entitled fo a yprovincial legisla- ouncil says we don't epeople should hearing. When the iilt, possibly doing our environment if alate. othe editor, your your M.P.P. This Council Shelves Referendum n on' Darl'ington Plant Councils decision on the Darlington Generating station , He also remarked that has cancelled earlier deci- "there's a public response no sions by the fown to hold a matter what you do.', public referendum. on the Mayor Rickard said that construction of the Darlington negofiations witb Hydro bad f0 facilîties. be held bebind closed doors Prior to approving its agree- beas fneestHe ment with Ontario Hydro last one u ht the presblnf i ndf week, Newcastle council re- tme ens ae oft vie scinded an earîier resolution metnso. h federal and wbich stated that a referenid- provincial caucus and hie said umi would be required. the council meetings f0 nego- That resolution was passed tiate with Hydro were a November 4, 1974. If sfafed similar, situation. that council "can lend no He also stated that any support to the proposai until elected representative who Hydro and the provincial 'couldn't be trusted in discus- government have presented sions behind closed doors the proposal and its implica- couldn't be trusted in public. tions to the public and unfil a Phil Levine, a consultant referendumn by the fown's who worked for the townr in the cfizehs demnonstrates the Hydre negotiations said that pubi's acceptanice of 'the there was "nofhing done that pro osal. o would pre-empt public in- T resolution o 1974 also volvement in the implement- said that, "there is consider- ation of the agreement. able apprehension in this The town's solicitor, John community about the proposal Willmis poinfed ouf that f0 establish a nuclear gener- 1council perceived that they ating station near Bowman- did not have any mandate ville. from citizens f0 get into the Commenting on how the gut issues of nuclear power." public may respond to the agreement wifh Hydro on the Darlington plant, Mayor Rick- ard said in a press conference * Thursday that "fhere is an overwhelming majority of people in support of the route we've taken." Recreation Hockey, Bantam First game March 15 Franks Variefy - 5 - Randy Hanthorn 2, Jeff Edmondson, Ted Witherspoon, Brian Col- well, Attersley Tire - 1 - Terry DeLuca. Novice B Championship Saturday, Marcb 19 Orange Crush - 0- Consumners Gas -0 - Shutout f0 Phil Bird and Teddy Groves. Orange Crush wins the Novice B Champion- ship with two ties and one victory.' Atom-Saturday, Marcb 19 Kinsmen - 4- Bobby Gill 3, Ian McKay 1. Grahams I.G.A. -3 - David West 2, Danny Player. Atoms, Safurday, March 19 Orange Crush - 3 - Mike Vanderwouden, Clinton- Brohm, Tracy Stephens. Den- nisons Mf g. - 0 Shutout f0 Mike Richards. Larry's Sports 7 - Dana Rupa 4, Andrew Davey 2, Doug Brown 1. Grape Crush - 4 - Stephen Smith 2, Tim Henning, Kevin Flowler. Pee Wee, Saturday, March 19 Hires Root Beer - 3 - Todd Stephens, Paul Canfield, Don Frayer. Cornation Cafe - 2 - Mike Dell, Tony Wind. Rot ary Kings - 4 - Glen Eeuwes 2, Mike Cancilla, Marty Erwin. Franks Variefy - 1 - John Klompmaker. Bob Beers Plumbing - 3 - Jeff Logan, Scott Erwin, Russ Hogg Cable T.V. - 2- Scott Legros, Allan Hickey. Nichols Mot ors - 4- Pat Burke, John Vanderweer, Tima Child, Hughes Francis; Hut- ton Transport - 3 - David Bedore, Sheldon Hollister, David Ward. Bantam, Saturday, March 19 Attcrsley Tire - 4 - Derek Lamont 3, Dan McMullen; Franks Variety - 2 - Jeff Edmondson, Ted Wither- spoon. RED CROSS%à helpsyou tu help others.- OBITUARY ETHEL MI. THOMPSON After 3 months in Ajax-Pick- ering Hospital, Ethel Tbomp- son passed away peacefully on Wednesday, March 9th, 1977. She was born in Epsom, Reach Township, youngest daughter of Ann Acknev and Richard Gibson of English decent. She married the-late Robert George Thompson and they farmed the family home- stead east of Cadmus, coming to Bowmanville in the early 1920's. Her quiet and gentie nature endeared her to ail who knew ber. Her main interest was in her home and family - ardent in her needlework and gardening. In later years she was a member of the Senior Citizens as long as she was able to be in ber home on Temperance St. and has since made ber home wîth her daughters Eileen, Mrs. R. J. Rackham of Pickering and Mary, Mrs. W,13. Syer of Town, wborn she leaves to mourn her loss. As well she leaves 5 grandchildren, and 4 great grandchildren. F~uneral and Committal Services were held at the Northcott & Elliott Funeral Home on Friday, with interment in Cadmus Union Cemetery in the spring. A memorial service was held on the following Sunday in King St. United Church, Pickering. "Life is-a Faith to live by-a self to live with and a purpose to live for." stop Bedwetting See Page 5 623-4473 Bowmanville, Newcastle, Orono and surrounding area. Bev's Floral Art is in its second year of successful business and Bey and AI would like to say "Thank You" to ali our cus- tomers. We have met many new friends and renewed aid acquain- tances. In answer to the over- whelming support you have shown, we wouid like ta show our appreciation in some small way.. Bev'sý ý DuiqMarch and April, we are going to putall aur weekly domestic and hospital1 orders together and each Friday we wiII draw three orders. These custamers wiII receive their order FREE. If paid for, a credit wilI be put on file for future use in the amount of the order up ta a maximum of $15.00 for each order dra wn. The names of the winners wiII be posted in aur windaw. Sundays and Haidays (Emergencies OnIy> Jean - Tel. 725-7871 Bey. i1-983-5811i 133 Church St. 623-3377 Bowmanville FRESH, SILK AND DRIED FLOWERS FOR WEDDINGS, HOME, HOSPITAL, FUNE RAIS or more f rom Houbigant' s sensuous Musk collection' Soft-Cuddly -Washable Easter Candy Easter Toys Noveltiles $44 9 McGre--gor, I.D.AO Drugs 623-5792 Bewmanivi.le- Items of Interest Phone 623-3303 Poîtrick G. Deegan D.T. DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC formerly known as BOWMANVILLE DENTURE CLINIC has moved to a new location 36 KING, ST. W. BOWMAN VILLE B ownviIIe Peguntecostal Church, 75 LIBERTY STREET SOUTH Sunday Services 9:55**Sunday School 11: 00 a. m.......*'Worship Service 7: 00 p. m.. Evangelistic Service Mid Weok Tuesdlay, 7:30 p.m. Youth Meeting Wed nesda Y, 7: 30 p. m. Bible Study A Welcome for You i n a Friendly Church '4 Cet this travel-duo bonus with any' purchase of $5.00 5 King Street West .-dàb. ,à] Bown