iA Peter Sutherland Aîuminum Prod. Bowmanvillo Siding - Soff if Fasia - Trough Shutters - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 FOR FREE ESTIMATE. NOW HANDLING VINYL SIDING 3-tf C & C JAN ITOR SERVICE Carpet - Upholstery Professionally Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMAN VILLE D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes -- Renovating Rec Rooms Repairs of ail types. PHONE 623-2263 20-tf INSTALLING or renovatinga bathroom, kitchen, laundry roomn, etc. Pipes, valves and fittlngs from Harvey Partner. We service ail makes. Cal Orono 983-5206,or Zenith 14620. 36-tf M. Brooks CARPE NTRY REMODELLING CUPBOARDS - VANITIES GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 623-5566 10-tf WALL & FLOOR 1TILING Ceramic, vinyl ashestos, quarry, mosaic and slate. Custom and contract work. 623-3613 or 723-2788 9-4x DAY child care and or typing ln m y homne. References available, florth-end Bowman- ville. Phone 623-9294. 13-ix WILL do spring cleanup of basements, garages or your property and smail repairs. Cal i 623-3623 or 623-7382. 13-ix Ail kinds of BRICKWORK, CHIMNEYS P. LOUWS CONSTRUCTION 149 Scugog St. Bowmanvillie 623-2756 General Repairs Odd Jobs. Reasonable Rates,. FREE ESTIMATES. PHON E 623-7259 13-lx Anderson Insulation 579-2060 Blown Cellulose fibre. City and country homes. 1-ff OXFORD Brick layers and Stonemiasons (Our fireplaces do not smoke) 1-983-5606 25-tf Lloyd Barnes Pîumbing Carpentr y, Renovating AI IGeneral Repairs REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 27-tf .Jlu**3 QUU illr Iocated at Pet's Esso on Scugog. Paint and ropair, cars and trucks. 623-3122 39-ff DARLI NGTON MASON RY Brick, *Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLA CES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 623-7377.' - 11-3 ALLIN COLE'S MOBILE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE MECHANICAL REPAIRS (Tune-ups-Brakes-Etc.) Alil wrkdlone by Licensed Class "A" Mechanic At home or place et business. AIl1 parts and labor guananteed. 1lerms cash. PHON E 623-5045 BOWMANV ILLE 10-4x BOWMANVILLE -.two bed- room upstairs apartment, stove and fridge included, central location. Available May lst. Phone 263-8450. 13-1 35 ACRES good workable land at Blackstock on highway 57 (corn crop last year), $600 per season. Phone Brooklin 655-3326. 13-tf LARGE bed-sitting room in quiet home. 40 Parkway Crescent, Bowmanville. 13-1 x Durham Masonry COMME RCI AL plaza for rent, excellent location in down- Contractors Lt. town Bowmanville. Ideal for Bricks - Logs offices, resta urant-tavern, Field Stonowork bank, trust company etc. f rom Spcaiin nFrpae 500 te 5,000 square foot Specalizng irepcos available, ready by JuIy 1sf or Phone 839-2431 sonner. For detaîls phone 4.tft 723-0575 or 623-4172. 13-1 f WATER Wells bored, 30" file. -Ward's WeII Boring. Tele- g hn e 342-2030. Representat- ilve Harry L. Wade. Tole- phono 987-4531. 16-tf. INSTALL an Esso furnace, bolier, humidifier, hoater on air cleaner. Combination wood and oul. Financing avait- able. Furnaces cleano . Parts fand sprvice peiicy. Caîl Harvey Partner, your Esso service dealer. F ree. est!- mates. Orono 983-5206 or Zenith 14620. 24 heur service. 36-tf BiIl's, GLASS and MlRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanville Ontario. Phono 623-5187 Shoot and Float Glass Sealed Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - F loat Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Glazing. 17-tf TYRONE AUTO BODY Light collision and rust repairs, fibrogîass repairs, painting and body restorations. FREE ESTIMATES TYRONE.ONTARIO 263-8088 12-4 J. A. HAYES <SMOKEY) MEATS Custom Cutting FREEZER 0ORDERS 174 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa Phono 579-8011 or 623-7056 36-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS - FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 - Bowmanville 30-tf G. VAN LONDEN MASONRY BRICK, BLOCK, STONE AND FIREPLACES. Phone 623-5114 13-12x Ail-Type Paintjng& Roof î ng Flats, tar and gravol, metai' cold process, leaks, repairs, shing les, interior and exterior painting. Free estimatos. PHON E 623-5038 19-ff Ron's Floor Ca re Commercial and household cleaning. Dry foam rug and carpot shampýooing. Wax re- movai, wall washing. Ro n Turcotte 623-7966 33-tf LADY wiiI babysit in your home around Martin and Wavoley Rd. area. Phono 623-5715. 13-ix TYRONE Community Centre for. weddings, dances, ban- quets and meetings etc. Li- censed under L. C. B.0. For bookings cail Arlene Glaspeli 263-8010. 10-14 ONE bedroom a artment, fridge and stove, ad ults on ly. No pets. Available April lst. Phone 623-7360. 13-1 HOUSE for rent on 'Baseline Road, central. 3 bedrooms, centre hall plan, large lot. $350 ger month, net. (Includes one bedroom basement apart- ment. Cali 623-3373. 13-1 ON E bedroom apartment, $155 monthly, heat included. First and last month's rent requîred. Apply at 623-4387. 13-1 80 ACRES of pasture with barn suitable for horses and running water. Good fences. Phone 1-786-2512. 12-2 BOWMANVILLE -apart- ment, two bedrooms, living- room, kitchen and bath, rea- sonable rent. Available April îst, central location. Phone 0 23*iI 10-tf WANTED to rent, farm 25 to 125 acres, house and barn, water and power in barn. Phone 1-655-4126. 13-lx LARGE country home requir- ed to rent by respensible adults in business in Bowman- ville with two children, cat and dog. Option to buy ~referred. Phone 623-6282 eten9 and 6 week days. 13-1 GARAGE, south end of Bow- manville, for year round storage of old car. Phone 623-6884. 13-2x RELIABLE adults would like country house ta rent. Within commuting distance of Oshawa, 1-705-292-7121. 97 FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Look for this seal. 1t's your guaranteof DE *kpermanence. STAF FORD 'lE BROS. LTD. Stafford Brothers, Monuments 11E LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E. - Whitby Phono Whitby 668-3552 .e STARTER pullets, Swîss Red Hybnid brown eg layors, due to Iay in June. J. GoId 623-2730. 13-tf YEARLING, rogistered p une- bred Hereford bulîs. Phono 728-5574 or 263-8446. 11-3 RESULTS COUNT!. Multiple Listing Service Oshawa & District Real Estate Board tf FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CAL MARGWI LL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 30-tf Q Ontarjio Hydro GRASS MOWING Ontario Hydro invites contrac- tors to submit tenders for the grass mowinq of twenty-two locations within a boundary of fifteen miles east and west and twenty miles north of the town of Bowmanville. Work is to commence in May 1977 and end in October 1977. Tenders will be receîved up to 2 p.m. local time, Wednesday, April 20, 1977. Tendering documents may be obtained -From: 700 University Ave- nue, Toronto, l3th Floor Reception Desk OR Central Region Office Forest Section 5760 Vonge Street Willowdale, Ontario -Write: Ontario Hydro Attn: J. A. Tomlinson H13 E6 700 University Avenue Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X6 -Phone: (416) 592-3571 The lowest or any tender wilI not necessarily be accepted. 13-1 Auction Sale, Good Friday April1 Oth at 12 noon In Brougham Hall on Brock Road and number 7 highway. Sale of antiques, turniture, Î,lano, dlocks, glass and col- ecti'ble itemis. Furfher details next week. Terms cash. No reserve. John Annis, auc- tioneer, 1-985-3477. 13-1 Auction sale. Friday, April ath, of farm machinery includ- ing tractors, practîcally new John Deere corn planter sprayer, manure spreader, 610, Bob Cat loader, 169 international truck, corn picker, ploughs, cultivator, wagon, grain box, man y other articles. The property of Steve Wideman, in the north end of the village of Claremont. Terms cash. No reserve. Leaseoexpired. Sale at 12 noon. Good selection of used impIe- ments. Earl Gauslin and Norm Faulkner, auctioneers. 13-2 Estate Auction Sale Saturday, April 2nd at 11 a.m. Orange Hall, Cobourg For the ostate et George Tinney, Cobourg. 1971 Chevro- lot Nova, 7400 miles, 6 cylînder automatic with satety check, Mottat 30" range, Frigidaire netnig~erator, aid pine desk, -pine boxes, thnee wash stands, Elne chest et dnawens, 4 cane ottom chairs, smali cerner what-not, Windsor chair, rocker with cane back and seat, dressons, chost of dra- wens with old pulls, oval table, spol leg table, 2 old u phoîster- edchairs, gate leg drop beat table, wooden fleor lamp, antique desk, chest ot dra- wors, ice cream chair, blanket box, Ianrge wardrobe, chester- field, table Iamps, occasional and arn chairs, teilet, pitchor and pet, pino cuphoard, par- tial 12 piece service Limoges BridaI Rose, antique china and g assware, quantity et Wm. Roers and 1847 Roger Bros . silverware, silven icosad tins, pine bake bors eig h bouls, wooden rake, woodon planes, hay knite, milk and cream cans, cheese boxes, apple baskets, Beatty weoden washing ma- chine, pine tool box, pictures, braided eval nug, quantity et hand and gardon teois, roto- tiller, Iawn mewer, 30 ft. aluminum extension Iadder, kitchenware, insulatons and many more items. Terms cash. No reserve exce t on automobile. Lunch aval lble. Auctioneer's note: This sale offers man2yod items found in a long estab lished home. Paul Lean, auctioneer. Phono 416-352-2403. 13-1 . . . ... USED Funnituro and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 33-tf CASH for gold, silvor, coins, guns, dlocks, jewellery, dish- es, furniture, crocks, paint- ings, seaiers, appliancos. Fniendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 9-tf Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycies Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 45-tf Auction Sale Grist Mill Auction Barn Newtonville, April 2nd, Sat. 12:00 Noon, Selling an estate f rom Toronto including 3 pc. bed- room suite with credenza footboard, 3 pc. walnut bed- room suite, night tables, dressers, chests of drawers, matching Victorian lady's and gentleman's chairs, occa- sional chairs, oak china cabi- net (1907), buffet and hutch (87 in. high), mahogany liquor cabinet, maple buttet andi hutch 01 pece), small maple serving buffet 30 in. Moffat stove, fridge, chrome kitchen set, wringer washer, Sîmpli- city washer spin dryer (like new), 2 pc. chesterfield suite (good), small antique box stove, old vases, large school bell, odd chairs, plus quanti- ties of china and gift items, from the close out of a local retail shop. Terms, Cash: Auctioneers Stapleton Bro- thers. 7RA-2244. Weekly Livestock Sale Market demands require many dairy cows, veal1, stockers, beef cows, butcher cows, steers, calves, bulîs and heifers. We invite you to bring above livestock to our barn in Haydon (East of Enniskillen) each Wednesday before 4:00 p.m. and we will truck them to our Livestock Auction Centre in Peterborough, at no cost to you. Phone John or Steve Lipta y 263-2117. Sale at 8:00 p.m. Cheques mailed Thurs- day.ilf Livestoçk Auction-Notice et Change. Community Live- stock Exchange, Hoards Station. As et Apnil 5, 1977 the New Sale time wiiI be every Tuesday atternoon at 1:00 p.m. instead et Monday night. 3 rings in epenatien te serve yeu botter. Beet and Veal Ring, Swine Ring, Springer Ring. A large competitive market for ail your Iivestock requirements. Last Monday night sale on March 28th. Note-Saleevery Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. beginning April Sth. Roy Williams Auctioneer, Swine, Bob Sullivan Auction- eer, Springers, Carl Hickson Auctioneer, Beet andi Veal. Carl Hicksen Proprietor and Auctioneer Reaboro, Ont. 705- 324-99591 12-4 Saturday, Apnil l6th. Abso- iutely unneserved 2nd annual stock reduction -sale of new and used farm machinery. The property of Nixon Equip- ment Sales Ltd. (Bob Nixon, M.F. dealer), 2 miles east et Peterborough on Hwy. No. 7. 28 tractons. M.F. 1100 wath cab, M.F. 1080 with cab. M.F. 275 with cab 500hrs. M.F. 135 - 600 hrs., M.F.- 165, 2 - M.F. 150, 2 - M. F. 1080, 2 - M. F. 65, M. F. 60 gas with leader, A-C.B., 2 Int. M. 2 - M.F. 35, Case 430, David Brown 990. See sale posters for complote listing. 1975 M.F. 200 harvester with pick-up - harvosted approx. 100 acres. New Idea 279 - 9' Cut Ditioner Demonstrator - New warnanty. M.F. 52 pull type disc harrow, M.F. 78, 4 row cern planter, M.H grain and fertilizor drill on rubben, Oliver 2 now cern planter, M.F. No. 39-28 Plate disc harnow. Kongskilde 3 furnow plough, M. F. 130 manure spreaden, Int. 175 seit-propel- led swather, M.F. 124 balon, M.F. 12 baler, M.F. 9 baler, A.C.B. 208 gardon tracter, man y other pieces et fanm mac hineny. Tenms cash. No reserve. Salé at 12:30 p.m. sharp. Carl and Greg Hicksen, auctieneers, Reabone, Ont. 705-324-9959. 13-3 Wednesday, Apnil l3th. Auctien sale et farm machi- nery. The propenty et the late Grenville Cosh, Lot 18 Con. 9, Veruiam Twp. 1 mile-west et Bobcaygeon on Ceunty Road ,No. 8 and 1/2 mile nerth or 10 miles east et Fenelen FalIls and 1/2 mile nerth. 1972 M.F. 165 diesel tracter with Indus- trial leader, new tires. Int., model A gas tracter with front end blade, new tires - chains. M.F. 33 seed drill 15 disc like now. 1974 M.F. 36 self- pnoelled 10' swather with hay conditionen. M.F. 4-14's trip beam plough 3 pt. M.F. 110 manure spneador PTO - used 2 years, Triple K 27 tooth ctivator 3 pt., AilIied automa- tic baie stooker with motor, New Holland 268 baien PTO, John Deere snow blower, 3 pt., PTO, 12' chain harnows, tandem hay trailen, full une et machinery. Terms cash. No resonvo. Sale at 1: 00 p.m. Cari Hickson, auctioneer, Reabero, Ont. 705-324-9959. 13-2 2nd Annual Spning Stocker Sale at Lindsa y Cemmunity sale Barn, R. R. 2 Lindsay, Ontario, Wednesday, April 27th at 1:00 p.m. and Wednes- day, May llth at 1:00 p.m. Always good quality sales et local farmers' cattle. Stocker steers, hifers and calves sold in tnuckload lots or te your satifaction. Large Quantity- Good Quality for consign- monts or tunther information contact Carl Hickson pro- prieter and Auctioneer Rea- bore, Ont. 705-324-9959 or 324- 2774. Note-Our regular weekly sales are Mendays and Fridays at 1:00 p.m. j 12-5 Auctien sale at Pethicks auctiorj shed, Hayden, one mile east et Enniskillen, Saturday evening April 2nd at 7 p.m. A bunch et turniture frem two different homes. Practically new 9 piece dining roomn suite, tnidge (2 deor), other wonderful things. Ciift Pethick, auctioneer. exceflent auction that you wiII want te attend. Sale at 12:30. Ladies will provide lunch. Sale sold and managed by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd ., Ux- bridge, 416-852-3524. 12-2 Saturday, Ap nil 2nd. l2th Annual Stock Reduction Sale of New and Used Farm Machinery.The preperty of W.J. Lambert and Son Ltd. Massey Fenguson Dealer on the Beaventon By-Pass ai Beaverton. 13 miles north of Sunderland or 23 miles south of Onillia. New equipmont. 1976 Demonstrator MF 15, Grinder Mixer, 1976 Demon- strator MF 110. Manure spreader, 1976 MF 160 manuro spreader 1976 Burch 91/2' Disc Harrow, 1976' Century field sprayer, 1976 Vinon front mounted Windraw Turner, 1976 Smoker 36' elevaton, 1976 MF 16 Blade, 1977 Harris Blade, 1977 Woods Dixie Cutter, 1977 MF 253 Roto-Til- ion, 30 tractons, 1976 MF 255 disel tractor 8 speed, 1973 MF 1080 diesel tractor with cab and air pressurizer, 1200 hrs. MF 1100 tractor multi-power, MF 180 tractor muiti power MF 90, MF 175 4 MF 165's 2 with loaders. 2 MF 65's. MF 150, MF 135, MF 35 with loader, many othens. See Sale Bills for comp lote listing 1975 MF 160 cul tivator 18', 2 Kongskilde 34 tooth cultiva- tors, 2 MF 74 ploughs, Hydrien plough. Industrial M F 30 tractor with MF 200 loader and MF 222 backhoe Discs, 12, 13 and 16. 3 Corn Planters, 2 Seed Drills, Bnillion 8' seeder, MF 31 mower, 2 MF 10 Balers 1 with bale thrower, MF 12 Baler, John Deere 24T, Obair 55, 1HC 46, 2 Bale Stookers, 4-25' fielder racks with unden- carniage. GehI self unloading forage box and Bueller run- ning gear, Cochshutt 2 raw picker shelten. New Holland long- trouqh forage blower, 2 MF 51 soif unloadingforage boxes with running gear. 1976 MF 8 tracter and 710 mower, 1970 MF No. 7 tracteir and mower. Moto-Ski 12 H.P. Snowmobile, MF 35 self pro- pelled cembine 8' header, very large quantity et new and used farm machinery. See Sale Posters for detai Is. This is one et the outstanding machine sales cf the yean. Plan to attend. Terms Cash. Absolute- ly ne reserve. Sale at 11:.00 a.m. sharp. Financing may be anranged prier te sale. 10 per cent discount on ail MF parts day of sale. Carl and Greg Hickson Auctieneers, Rea- bore, Ontario, 705-324-9959. 12-2 Wednesday, Apil 1130 a.m. Farms Sold Machinery Auction sale for Douglas and Wm. Moore, R. R. 4, Cobourg, on Hwy. 2 1/2 way between Pont Hope and Co- bourg (opposite Gulf Service Station). Includling: John Deene 4000 Tractor (93 h.p.) 2100 hrs.; John Deere 430 tracter )35 h.p.); John Deere 1120 tractor with cab (2100ý hrs.);* I.H.C. W-6 tractor; J-D 4 f unnew 16"' plow semi-mount- ed; J-D 3 furnew 14" plow - 3 pt. hltch; J-D 4 furnow 12" plow - 3 pt. hitch; J-D No. 40 S.P. combine 10'; Triple K 14' cultivator; Dunham-Lehr tandèm disc Il'; Int. 8 ' cultivator on rubben; Int. 91 cultivaton on steel;ý Int. No. 10 16 run grnain and fentilizer drill on rubber; J-D 4 row No. 1240 plateless corn planton; J-D 'No. 24T Baler with bale thnowen; 2 baler thrower wagons 14' and 16'; N-H No. 469 haybine 9'; J-D No. 9 mower - 3 pt. hitch; J-D No,: 896 rake; hay elevator 30'; Calsa weed sprayer - 3 pt. hitch; J'-D No. 34 1 row corn harvester; 2 Dion self-unload- ing forage boxes, 3 beaten - 14' on 8 ton wagons; N-H self- unloading 3 beater 16' forage wagon on 8 ton N-H wagon; Dion forage blowen with 60' of pipes; 2 gravity grain boxes with wagons; 2 grain augers; Brady corn stalk shreddon; Badger silage distnibutor; Danusen post-hole auger; Bnady grader blade; chain harrows; 3, sets harrows; cement mixer; Pioneer chain saw, bale stooker; Woods eat roller; steel 3 drum relIer; hydnaulic cylinders; 32' exten.- sien Iadder; cattie oilers; Jackall jacks; ioad of smaîl items. Note: The fanms are sold and thîs is a closing out sale et top quality machineny - stored inside and in excellent order. Sale at 11:30 a.m., lunch available, Sale manag- Auction sale. Private estate p roperty of the estato of C. Dobrolicki, 250 Marquette St., Oshawa, f0 be heid at Stirte- vants Auction Hall, 27 Hall St., Oshawa, Thursday, March 3lst at 6 p.m. Chesterfield suite, coffee and end tables, two chromne suites, guitar, electric stove, 3 pieco bed- roomn suite, loveseat, round table with four chairs, stereo companent sot, nocking chair ineedlepoint seat), set of nesting tables, 9 piece dining room suite, brass hanging Iamp with ruby shade and prisms, 3 occasional chairs, bicycle, gramophone, Iamps, bed chesterfieldc, Simplicity washor, vanity and stool, electnical appliancos, bed- dling,-vacuum cleaner, rugs, Ishes, pots and pans, electric. heater, gardon fools, silver- ware, heat Iamp, plus many more articles toa numenous fo mention. This is a largo sale of ?ood f urnitune. Plan to attend. ale eveny Tuosday and jI1 ursday at 6. p.m. Torms Cash. Myles King auctioneer 725-5751. 13-1 Auction sale, Saturday, ApnilI 2nd at 1: 15 p.m. at Bannistens Auction Hall in Bewdley, consisting of: kitchen cabinets, chairs, tables, sideboard, oil Iamps, dishes, giassware, bicycles, Moffat heavy duty stove, 2 gas stoves, 2 traiI bikes (as is) and other items stili beîng consign- ed. Roger Bannister, auc- tioneer. 13-1 DEADLINE ýFOR CLASSU1FUED Tues., 1l2 n o on ()C 2: Saturday, April 9,1: 00 a.m. Farm Sold Closinq out farm auction for Leonard McGeei, R.. R. 2., Hastings, Ontario, Lot 23, Con. il, Percy Twp. - 1 mile south of Hastings to f irst Rd. east 31/2 miles to farmn. From Campbellford take Campbell- ford Hastings Rd. - 3 miles west - then 1 mile north and 1/2 mile west. Allis-Chalmers 175 diesel tractor (930 hours) equipped with AC 500 hydrau- lic loader; Gleaner E3 com- bine with cab, 12' head - excellent condition; M-F No. 50 gas tractor; Hydreine 4 furrow 14" mounted olow-auto reset; Konskilde 34 tooth cultivator wrth deot h wheels; N-H 479 haybine 9' ';« N-H 2 76 baler with thrower; 3 bale thrower wagons with 18' rack; N-I side ra ke; bale buncher; 20' hay elevator with motor; Case elevafor 28' on carniage- bales or grain - PTO or motor driven; N-H 510 manure spreader (3 beater); Int. 16 run seed drill on nubber; Fer guson 2 furrow plow - 3 pt. hitch; N-I snow blower; Fer- guson stiff tooth cultivator; chain harrows 91; Harvest handler elevator 20'; farm trailer; rubber tired wagon with fIat rack; air compres- sor; 2 nolis wire fence (new); pig teeders; feed cart; fan- ning milI with treating at- tach ment and bagger, many other pieces, wagon load of small items. TRUCK: 1974 Chevrolet 1 ton truck wifh 9' rack and hoist, only 5000 mi1les, certif ied excel lent con- dition). 4000 bales hay; qu. of baîed straw, 3 ton fertilizer 19-19-18, 10 ton wheat, 150 bu. Hindat oafs. Furniture and Antiques including: wall tele- phone, Antique wickor baby buggy, crocks, grain cradle, 2 was h stands, copper boiler, fiat irons, chairs, q uilts, Frigidaire clothes dryer, table, cupboards, etc., many other items. Furniture seils at il a.m., wagon load at 11:30 a.m. NO TE: thîs is an excellent farm sale. Mr. McGee is a fine caretaker, everything is in top condition. Lunch available. Sale manag- ed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 12-3 Monday, Apri1 412:00 noon Machinery Auction saleof modem farm machinery including 3 trac- tors, _ 3 trucks, combine, planter, etc. The property -of Paul Draper, Stouffville, R. R. 1, 640-1589. 1 mile east and 4 miles south of Sfouffville on Pickering, Markham Town- lune. Fromý Markham g o 21/2 mi les north on Hwy. 48 to llth Ave.-g o east 4 miles, farm at end of l7th Ave. Case 1070 tractor with cab, heater, radio, 108 h.p. only 500 hours; Case 1210 tractor 65 h.p. with H-D Quick-tack loader, (thisc tractor new, only 200 hrs.) M-F 510 combine with cab ou row narrow corn head and 12' f grain head, M-F 628, 6 rowr narrow corn planter with seed1 monitor, 1970 Ford -650" Truck with aluminum grainn body and hoist, 1967 Chev. C50 truck with new stock body,b 1967 Dodge D700 truck with 15'2 grain body and hoist. Masse yi 44 row _crop tractor (excel-f lent), J-D 5-16" furrow plow f auto-reset, Int. 17' double r disc, Glencôe 16' cultivator I with harrows, M-F 120 baler4 (new), J-D 1207, 7' Haybine, 2, new wagon gear with 16' f racks. AI lied auto-bale Stoo-F ker, 6 bale fork for loader,b manual stooker, Mulkey 30'0 elevator, 36' grain auger (6") t on carniage, 8 ton Horst wagonn wlth Kil bro gravîty box, c Hopper body for truck with r hyd. fert. auger, M-H 3 furrow t match plow, 3 pt. hitch spring tr tooth harrows, harrows, mo- C bile welding unit on fraîler, 5 farm trailer, 3 pt. blade, fuel n tanks wifh pumps, tires. SaleV at 12 noon. Big machinery S seils early. Lunch available. S Sale managed and sold bY a Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., d Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. ri 12-2 S Giardens Pee Wees Hampton Gardens Miner Pee Wees played two exciting games at the Collingwoed Tournament March 19th and 2th, winning one and losing one. Playing without two regular players our beys gave a good account of theinselves with Collingwood scoring- quickly while we had a man in the penalty box. Final score Collingwood 2 Toros 1. Every- one associated with the teain was proud of the way our boys behaved in this gaine. cm Rom ilTiT~-A e CUSTOM tnee remeoval. Free g ostimates. Cali 1-983-9648 atter 7 p.m.13-4x Ref rîgeration and Appl lance Service NEED a pressure systemn? Waten Sotteners? Repairs te Commercial and Domoestic ail makes. Harvey Partner, Refriaeration - MiIk Coo lors Orono 983-5206 or Zenith 14620. 1PHONE BERT SYER 36-f DBys .............. 623-5774 Nights............. 623-3177 Lander Hardware Aluminum Welding, and ELECTRIC Cast Iron, Engine Blocks and 2-tf Trailor Hitchos ________________ MOBILE EQUIPMENT DON MAYKEW SEWING and dressmnaking, WELDING alterations. Alice Hopson, 15 Phono Newcastle Nelson- St., Apt. 18. Phono 987-4906 A-1-1 Jlm--% 1501]V Nnnn Thursday, April 7 11:30 a.m. Machinery - Pigs - Truck Excellent auction of farmn machinery including Case 1070 tractpn (110 h.p.) com- plote with cab (hoater-blower- radio), power shift, power steening tilt steering wheel, front weights, colour white, only 580 hrs. - this tracter like now; Ceckshut 6 furrow piow 16" semi mounted - trip boam; Int. 20' vibra shank cultivator wîth wings and muichers, bush heg 12' new last fail; M-F 33 seed drill - 17 run (excellent); Case 600 self prepelled Combine; Case 660 S.P. Combine - both combines power equipped-clover attach- ments-stnaw spreaders- çilways stored inside and in excellent condition; Int. W 4 Super Tractor (good); J-D 3 furrow piow 12" 3 pt. hitch - trip beamn - like new; Glencoe chisel plow; 3 pt. hitch furrow leveler; 6 section harrows; Geo. White threshen with shredder- (good); Martin wagon with 16' rack; Case grain and hay elevator with carniage,; grain wagon on Int. c i aae; Century sprayor 3 pt hth; 12 volt grain and pfertili1zer auger, 3 dnumn rouler, Chatamn fanning miii and bagger; Brig gs and Stratton 4 cyl. air cooied engine with starter and pully; bale stoo- ker; bale bunchen; 2 hydraulic cylinders; heat houser for 830 Case; shop equipmont includ- ing Black & Docker val vo ne- facer and seating unit; air fine changer; piug cleaner; Beatty deep wili pump; steel shelv- ing; lumber; chains; endless bel t; Truck 1971 Ford 3/4 ton pick-up, 38,000 miles certified, camper sleeps 4. PIGS: 6 York & Landrace sows some with pigs; Landrace hogs, steel farrowing and feeder sections for 30 x 30 building; sow ties; pig teeders; hog dninkers;ý steel farmn gates; 2 relis 1/2" steel cable; outboard motor; pole implement shed; used steel siding and numerous ether articles. This is an excellent tarmn sale. Mn. Patton is a fine caretaker - this machinery always inside and everything in to condi- tion. The property o Harold Patton, 1 mile west of Milli- ken, 1/4 mile south of Steeles Ave, on Wanden Ave. Iust south of the Massey Ferguson Farm. From 401 take exit 58 (Warden Ave.) nonth to fanm. From Stouffville go 4 miles west to Con. 5 thon south 7 miles to farm. Sale at 11:30 a.m. Sale rnanaged,,and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Lfd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 12-2 Saturday, April 9th. Auction sale of 100 acre tarm. live- Stock, implements and house- hold furniture. The pro- C erty of Bill Wood, wosf aI Lot 12, Con. 7, Ops Twp., '/2 mile oast of iunction of Hwy 7 'and 35 at Lindsay. Turn seuth at international Dealer 11/2 miles. 100 acre farmn more or Iess, fully remodelled modern bungalow 1240 sq. ft., finished modern walkout basement, ou tfur- nace, 3 bathrooms. Barn 36' x 60', running water, adioining barn 24' x 50'. Implement shed 24' x 32'. 90 acres wonkable land, 10 acres bush, good fonces. Farn will be offered for sale at 3: 00 p.m. subject te resenve bid. 25 head eto Hereford and Charolais cattie. 4 Hereford heifers 1-yr.-old, 6 Hereford and Charalais hei- fers 1-yr.-oîd, 10ý mature Hereford cows with 5 calves b7 sido. Remainder due time, oïsale. 1970 M.F. diesel tractor, multi-pewer 1300 hns., new tires, romote centrol,' chains, with M.F. Industnial -nanure loader. Ferguson gas tra ctor, new tires, M. F. 4-12's ri p beamn plough. Triple K 10' :uI tivater, 1975 New Hoiiand 512 manune spneader PTO 1like new. Int. 46 baler PTO. Oliver 7' power mowen, 1973 fentilizer spreader PTO. Sod Master 6' sod cutter, hay elevator, grain auger, bale buncher, grain dryer, water troughs, feed racks, trailer with racks, 1973 Ski Whiz 22 h.p. geod, 1970 Pontiac 4 door automatic 8 cylinder car, 1973 G.M.C. 1/2 ton 8 cylinder truck, cedar posts, lumber, full lineofe nachineny. Hay, grain, 5 horses, registored quarter horse mare 12-yrs.-old. Apalossa gelding 3-yr.-old broke Western. Quarter herse m Livestock - Hereford Charolais - Beefalo Saturday, April 3Oth, auc- tion sale of livestock and implements. The property of Steve J. Peconi, 1 mile north of Peterborough city limits on Chemong Rd., ',/2 mile east to Hilliar St., south 1/4 mile, first farm east. 61 head of Hiere- ford, Charolais and Beefalo cattle. .1-8 rmature Hèeerd and Charolais cows bred Beefalo Sept. 15 to Dec. 10,. 1976. Bred f0 Georgia Pride H.B.l.-Paf's Pricie H.B.13- Kammie's Pride H.B.17, 4 mature Hereford and Charo- lais cows with 4 recordable Beefalo calves by side - born Sept. to Dec. f rom Joe's Prîde. An g us cow with Beefalo bull cal by side. Charolais Here- ford cow bred. Beefalo due Mar. 5. 8 Hereford- Cha rol ais cows, some with calves by side -,some open. 15 Charolais and Hereford steers and heifers 1-yr. .old, 1975 Zetar Crystal diesel tractor85 h.p complefe 360 hrs., M.F. 13 gas tractor with AIlied loader. M.F. No. 12 baler. New Nolland 327 manure spreader. 1975 Int. Vibre Shank cultiva- tor, 1975 Hydrien 4 - 16's plough, 1973 New -Holland mi x aIl grinder, 1976 AIIied' harrows, 2, new Ritchie auto- matic electric wafer bowls. Dion self unloading forage wagon, full line of modern power machinery. Terms cash. No resenve. Machine sale at 1:00 p.m., caffle at 3:00 p.m. commencing with Beefalo breeding. For turther inrormation- contact Carl Hickson, auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 13-5 Thunsday, Aprîl l4th. Farm sold. Auction sale of Iivestock and implements. The property of Jim Winterbottom, Lot 10 Con. 14, Mariposa Twp. 2 miles south of Woodville on Hwy. 46 and 2 miles east or 10 miles west of Lindsav on Hwy., No. 7. 4 miles north on Hwy. 46 and -2 miles easf. 5 head of Hereford cow - rebred - heifer' caîf by side. Purebred Here- ford heifer 1-yr.,-old. Grade Hereford cow - rebred - caîf by side. Oliver 77 gas fractor, ,1971 New Holland 469 hay bine 9' PTO. 3 Load Masters self-un loading forage wagons with roofs and 8 ton undercar- niage. New Holland 331 ma- nure spreader PTO. Int. 46 baler P TO, Int. No. 5 side rake. Int. 15 disc seed drill on steel. Int. haffimer milis, Case 24' hay and grain elevator, AIlied 8' cultivator 3 pt., Ford 4-12's trip beam pI ough, 2 David Bradley 4 ton wagons, Kewanee 14' 48 plate wheel disc, fulli une of farm machi- nery. Approx. 2000 bales çf welI saved mixed hay. Termas cash. No reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Carl Hickson, auc- tioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705- 324-9959. 13-3 Tuesday, April 12, 12 Noon Hoîstoins Complete Ganaraska Hol- stein Dispersai owned by Donald Budd, R. R. 1, Port Hope, selling at the farmn on Hwy. 106, 1 mile north of 401 between exits 80 and 81. 80 head, 1 Excellent, 3 Very Good, 16 Good Plus, and 1 Good. One of the top herds selîing this year. Features incl ude Ganara ska Lorna Very Good, her dam and grandam both Excellent. An outstandîng family. Gana- raska- Marie Very Good, another Very Good 2 yr. old milkinq up ta 70 lb. of 4 per cent mmik, a real show hei or. Fury Storm (Excellent) due in Sep tomber toi Northcroft Admirai Citation (Extra). Fury Virtue a show type senior -yearling by IlFury" with 5 genorations over, 20,000 lb., 4 of them "'Very Good". Whether you are Iooking for a show animal, a top pedigree, a foundation female, or a 4-H caîf, you can get ail at the Ganaraska Dispersai at 12 noon, Apnil 12. Lunch avail- able. Sale manag od and sold byLloyd Wilson Auctions Lt-d., Uxbr ldge. 416-852-3524. 13-2 and played somne of their best hockey of the year. In the first gaine of the tournamnent on Saturday, we were matched against Sait-