8 The Canadian Statesman, Bownanville, March 30, 1977 * 623-33031I FLASHBACK - 25 YEARS AGO - The Brookdale Roses held their first meeting of the season at the home of Pres. AI. Osborne. Election of officers was held and the following elected. Pres. AI. Osborne, vice-pres. Mel Wight, 2nd vice, Norm. O'Rourke, Se'y-Treas. Bob, Kent, Ass't. Treas. Ken Luxton, Business Manager Jim Crombie. FLASHBACK- 10 YEARS AGO - Bow- manville Bantams defeated Georgetown 7 - 3 on five third period goals to win the series three games to two, and will now meet Tillsonburg for the Ontario titie. in the winning game, goal scorers, were Doug Crough, Tom Simpson, Mike Donoghue, Gary Preston and Paul Siemon. Robert Willoughby was in goal. ONTARIO FINALS - the Constitution Insurance Minor Midgets will play the first game in their 3 out of 5 series against Wallaceburg, in Wallaceburg on Friday, April lst, at 9 p.m. with the second game in Memorial Arena, Bowmanville, this Sunday, April 3rd at 4:45. Your attendance and support at the games will be very much appreciated by the players and coaches, as they represent our conmmunity in this entertaining brand of hockey. MEMORIAL RACE - on Saturday, March 26, a Memorial Race around Hamilton Bay was held, to honor Billy Sherring, Canada's Gold Medalist in the marathon race held in Athens, Greece on May lst, 1906. The race, sponsored bv Unit 153, Canadian Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans attracted 170 competitors The winner was Dave Northey of Waterloo County, with a time of 1 hour, 36 mins. and 54 seconds, 11/2 minutes faster than Jerome Dray- ton's time, last year. A local runner David Taylor of Hampton, finished in 3lst position with a time of 1 hour, 57 minutes and 45 se- conds. MILLBROOK - Lions Maple Syrup Festival goes thisyari the Kennedy sugar-bush on, Saturday and=Sna, April l6th and l7th. Lions Clu members run the festival' and cook the pancakes, while the Kennedy family taps the maple trees, boils the sap and produces the wonderful tasting syrup. This is the l2th year for the event which attracts tourists from ail over Ontario. CONGRATULATIONS - to the Port Darling- ton Marina and Hotel Red Eagles Jr. C-. hockey club on winining the quarter finals against Stoney Creek, to the Major Midgets, the Minor Midgets, and the Juvenile teams on reaching the Ontario Finals. Surely puts the town on the map. ORONO ARENA - the Town of Newcastle coun- cil has passed a motion approving the rezoning of the land containing the Orono arena, which will allow the Agriculture Society to rebuild the arena on its present site. EMPLOYEES - of the Lindsay branch of the, Ministry of Natural Resources have complet- ed t' he installation of a fish weir in Wilmot Creek and will be on duty for the next few monthsàý 24 hours a day monitoring the rainbow trout in the.creek, and will measure, weigh, determine sex, lamprey eel scars and age of the trout which will then be released upstream to spawn. Wilmot Creek is one of a haîf dozen fine trout streams'left in Ontario and is under the Ministry of Natural Resources or Gana. raska Authority control. LIBERTY BELLES BOWLING Team standings-Bragg 22725, 25,' Spear 22689, 23, Forsey 22486, 22, Bons 22086, 21 /, Dadson 21766, 19, Pearce 21675, 19, Chant 21443, 18, Roberts 22957, 17, Gibson 22263, 15, Coombes 21061, 15, Robinson 22190, 1112, Alldread 20840, 10., High single-R. Fice 301. High double-R. Fiee 504, (301, 203). Top averages-M. Pearce 212, J. Spear 209, P. Forsey St. Joseph's Knights of Columbus Win Bowling Championship Franks Win The St. Joseph's Knights of Columbus bowling team came back from a match in Port Hope on March l8th with their first championship trophy. The team which has been bowling in the Knights of Columbus league for five years defeated seven other teams to take this year's championship titie, Among the team members shown above from left to right are hi h single winner, Arnold Van Goor, Terry Molloy, Martin Molloy, Mr. W. Etzinger and Darryl Somersca es After Wiping Out Stoney Creek er'to n~mé ~a r ~Activities îGIRLS GYMNASTIC FUIE UUIIIE%0UEI JE. Ready for By Don Wilcox The Eagles now await the winner of the Huntsville-Al- liston series. Team maniage- ment hope to have this sertes underway by the time you read this report. in the second game of the Stoney Crcck series played in their home arena Marci 22, before a packed bouse, the Eagles startcd slow, falling beiind two to nothing but before the period ended, Humenick scored from Emard. The period ended 2 to 1 for Stoney Creek. In the second period, the Eagles scored thrce unan- swered goals. Dean Morgan from Sarginson and Van Scggelen, Brian Simpson and Cox. 4 to 2 for Bowmanville. The Eagles scored tiree more goals in the third perîod, Jerry Joinston from Simpson, Rory Gibbs from Knox and Cox and Gibbs with the final goal of the game from Cox and Tough Semi-Finals Knox. Final score, Eaglcs 7 to 2. Third was a penalty filled game witi the Red Eagles outshooting tieir opponents 53 to 27. ,Third Game The third game of this series was playcd at the Darlington Arena.. Marci 23 the Red Eagles again beating Stoney Creek 6 to 3. The goal scorers were Humcnick, Emard, Mor- gan, Gibbs, Simpson and Knox ahl witi singles, assists to Gibbs four, witi singles to Cox, Sarginson and Nemisz. The Red Eagles again outsiot Stoney Creek 56 to 19. The outstanding player of the game was the Stoney Creek goaltender. Fourti Gamne The fourth game was played in Stoney Crcek Marci 25ti. Tiey again opened the scoring for the third straigit game, but before the period ended Terry Sarginson scored unas- sisted, a short ianded goal, tien Joe Humenick from Cox and Emard, first period score- Engles 2 to 1. In the second period, Hum- enick scored anotier short handed, unassisted goal, tien Gary Cox from Ron Strike and AI Emard and Rory Gibbs from Humenickand Emard. End of the second, Eagles 5 to 2. The Red Eagles scored the only goal of the third period. Gibbs again from Steve Dunn and Sarginson. The game ended Red Eagles 6 to 1. This was the only game that Stoney Creek gave Len Chap- pel who tended goal in nîl the games in tuis series a serious waikout, shots on goal 40 to 38 for the Red Eaglcs. Watchis paper for the dates and times of tic semi-finals, tic Red Eagles against the nortiern repre- sentatives. Tiey are certain to be muci tougier opposition tian Stoney Creek. See you at the arena. Preston the Mover At oms Play 3 Exhibition Games Plus Kingston Tournamient Preston tic Mover Major Atom Toros playcd tire exhibition games recently and participated in a day tourna- ment in Kingston Township. Tic first of tic exhibition games was played against tic Oshawa Canadians wio were dcfeatcd by ticir hosts 4-2. Eaci team scored once in tic opening period but tic Toros scored twicc in tic middle wiile tic Canadians oniy put 1 marker past Bowmanville's goalie. Tic Toros scored their final goal late in tic game. Gordie Rogers, Scott Heard 2, and Wayne Mutton were tic Toros' marksmen witi Scott Masters, Kelly Mathews 2, Doug Brown 2 and Mutton getting assists. Two games were playcd agaînst Wexford witi Bow- manville dcfeating themn 2-1 here and 4-2 in Wexford., In tic first game in tic final period, 'penalties were tic, order of tic day as tic Toros wcre assessed 7 and Wexford 5. Bowmanville's goals were scored by Deryk Clark and Robert Geidlingcr and assist- ing wcre Ciuck Nash, Doug Brown and Scott Masters. In Wexford, tic Toros took a 2-0 lead wien Raymond Cummings, assisted by Chris Michelson and Robert Gcid- linger assistcd by Scott Mas- ters and Jay Swect hut tic mark. Wexford scorcd early in tic third pcriod but Ray Cummings and Danriy Weir put tic puck in tic net for Bowmanvilie. On Marci 22 tic Toros wcnt to Kingston and cnded up playing in tic consolation finals. They met one of thei r leagîîe rivais, Ajax, in their first game. Ajax werc ieading 2-1 at tic end of tic first period. Kelly Mvatticws assisted by Gordie Rogers and Danny Weir seored for the Toros. At the end of tic middle period tic scoreboard showed the game ticd at 3 goals each. Marksmen were Robert Geîd- linger and Deryk Clark who were assisted by Raymond Cummings, Wayne Mutton and Scott Masters. Ajax scored in the final frame and with tuis defeat tic Toros entered tic consolation series. Their second game saw them walk away from their opponents, Sutton, with 9 goals te, one. Kelly Mattiews scored twicc for tic locals and assisted once. Scott Heard, Ray Cummings, Danny Weir, Robert Geidlinger, Deryk Clark, Jay Sweet and Wayne Mutton also uit tic mark. Assists wcnt to Weir, Michel- son 2, Mutton 2, Cummings 2, Heard 1 and Nash. This win advanced tic Toros to tic Consolation Final wiich was playcd against Kingston Township. Kingston hmd a 2 goal lcad before tic Toros uit tic scoreboard twice in tic middle pcriod to, tic tic score. Robert Geidlinger seored an unassisted goal and Scott Heard assisted by Jay Swcet scorcd tic second markcr. Early in tic third frame Kingston scorcd but less than a minute later Chris Michel- son trappcd the puck at tic blue ine, dckcd 3 Kingston players and slippcd a biack- hander under tic goalies' pads. Witi 51 seconds lcft in tic game Danny Wcîr put tic Toros aiead whcen he reccivcd a pass from Seott Heard and Robert Geidlinger, This seemed to clinch the win but 6 seconds later Kingston, CL,4SSES The Girls Gymnastic Classes sponsored by the Recreation Department will be held on Wednesday evening from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Bowmanville High School starting Wednesday, Mardi 3th. There will be no Gym- nasties on Saturday, April 2nd, but will resume on Wednesday, April 6th from 6: 00 p. m. to 9: 00 p. m. Registration dates: April il to 15, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Bowmanville Town Hall. Fees: T Bail $2.00 per player, basebali $5.60 per player, girls softball $5.00 per player. Age Groups Boys and girls T baîl 5 years and under 8 years old as of December 31, 1976. Boys Tyke basebaîl 8 years and under il years old as of Decemnber 31, 1976. Boys Pee Wee basebaîl il years and under 13 years old as of December 31, 1976. Girls softball squirt 8 years and under il years old as of December 31, 1976. Girls softball Pee Wee il years and under 13 years old as of December 31, 1976. Soccer Registrations-April 6th and 7th 8:30 arn. to 5:00 p.m. Bowmanville Town Hall. Fee: $600 per player. Age groups: Atom flot over 10 years by Decem ber 31, 1976. Pee Wee flot over 14 years of December 31, 1976. LEGION LA DIES Gray 221/2 points, 34,500 pinfail, Bragg 22, 33,731, Suteliffe 20, 33,158, Fairey 19, 33,477, Dunn 13, 31,980, Plazek 11, 31,715. High single tonight-J. Sutcliffe 306. High single to date-J. Suteliffe 367. High triple tonight-J. Sut- cliff e 734, high triple to date-A. Plazek 810. J. Suteliffe 233, J. Baker 214, V. Fairey 210 (33, N. Welsh 206, A. Plazek 206, 1. Whitney 204, M. Gray 202, B. Partner 202, J. Bragg 201. CHARTERWAYS Ladies high single-D. Tra- viss 245. Ladies high triple-D. Traviss 651. Men's High single-John Geddes 250. Men's high triple- John Geddes 598. Top 10 averages-Wes Martin 195, Ken Sharpe 190, Barb Hall 188, Rose Vanesse 187, Stew Traviss 186, Dianna Traviss 183, Marg Geddes 181, John Geddes 181, Doris Quilliams 178, Madeline Martin 177. scored, forcing the game into overtime. A sudden death overtime period had to be played and a Kingston player had a clear eut breakaway fromis own blue line and went in and scored. This gave Kingston Township the win and consola- tion championship and lef t the Toros feeling very disap- pointed despite the fact that they played excellent hockey in all three games. Doubeheader Last Sunday the Commer- cial League Finals started with two games. The first at 10 a.m. and the second at 6 p.m. with W. Frank Real Estate victors in both over Cowan Pontiac-Buick. The first game was all Frank's as tiey scored the first, and the winner, early in- the second period fromn Laurie Gay witi Martin Goldberg assisting. Frank's scored tiree more in the second, one by Sandy Brown, unassisted, Don Rogers witi a nice goal from the blue line, witi John Colwell and Rîck Woolner assisting, and Sandy Brown with is second goal from Tim Prout and Terry Russell. Frank's also picked up a lone goal in the third from Tim Prout witi Sandy Brown and Steve Burns assîsting to make the final 5 to 0. The second game saw Frank's score first from Sandy Brown witi Bryan Hugies and Jim Burtch assist- ing. Cowans got on the board when Joe Caruana scored unassisted, and tien took the lead before the first ended wien Irv Gill tallied from Howie Pollard. The second saw Cowan's increase ticir lead wien Mike Cornell scored with Jim MacDonald assisti- ing. But Frank's came back with a goal from Don Rogers witi Steve Burns assisting and another from Wayne Paedon with Jim Burtch and Martin Goldberg getting the assists. Frank's tien pulled ahead before the second ended whcn Sandy Brown scored uis fourti goal of the finals with Jim Burtci and Bryan Hughes assisting. C'owans tied the match early in the third wien Mike Cornell scored his second goal unas- sisted,, but Frank's Steve, Burns scored the winne. shortly aftcr with Jim Burtch and Sandy Brown assisting, and tien Tim Prout got the insurance goal from Bryan Hughes to miake the final Frank's 6 Cowan's 4. Next Sunday the finals continue witi a game at 10 arn. and a fourti gamie, f necessary, Sunday nigit. ST. jOS'1,E P H 'S BOWLING Top ten averages-Roy Sand- ison 213, Bob Brown 211, Gary Conway 206, Lois Woocock 206, Bill White 199, Darryl Somer- scales 199, Les Hunt 198, Mary chisiolm 198, MargKing 195, Clayton Morgan 192. Team standings-Roy Sand- ison 63 points, Gary Conway 58, Les Hunt 51, Bob Brown 43, Doug White 42, Bill White 40, Clayton Morgan 37, Lois Woodcock 24. 208, H. Piper 203, S. Robinson 202, R. Fiee 201, C. Harrison 201, E. Bragg 198, C. Roberts 197, P. Lunn 196, H. Sheehan 196b, M. Gibson 192- SWIMMING POOL SACRIFICE! Leading Canadian manufacturer and distributor has aluminumn pools Ieft over froml976season. HALF PRICE! Guaranteed installation and terms. Cali collect days or evenings. 1-416-221-4840. LADIES LOBB BALL RECGISTR AT1ON NIGH T April l2th, 7:30 p.m., to 9:30 p.m. Bowmanville Town Hall or Orono Town Hall1 Forfurther information please contact Paulie Gilray - 983-9457 or Pat Armstrong - 623-3441 O AS CO VOLKSWAGEN LTD. Porscee + Audiý ",âThe Player of tho-à Weký" RORY GIBBS Rory had a big week for the Eag es. Last Wednesday, 'the Eag les defeated Stoney Creek 6 - 3 and Rory had 4 assists and 1 goal. On Friday, Bowmanville won 6 -1 and Rory scored twice. This year in the playoffs, Rory has a total of 49 points. IDid you know that Parts and Labour performed at Owasco are guaranteed for 6 months or 6,000 miles. 1425 Dundas 668-9383 whitby St. E. The '"77' 3"aOre floe "Myv ew Spring Collection will be making a lot of waves this season, You woni fîind un ordlnor lookng sut in the erdre wordrobe, Every one is designed to help ycu stand out frorn fthecrew Colors cre loold wfhouf being brosh, the cut and fit cire trim, and the fine maferials mocke each suif a pleosure fa weor,'rToke o obse look cf my new Spring Collection. 1 fhînk you'IL discover exoifly whot youve beer looking for" Also ... co-ordinoting shirts and ties Exclusively in Bowmanville at K en'iJs Men's eacr Next Door to the T-D Bank 35 Temporanco St. N. Bowmanvillo Corne in and see tihe com plete lins of Pontiacs-Builcks and G.M.C. Trucks for 1977 We have one of the finest Service and Body Shop Faclties là the area for your convenienice Corne in and talk to us about Daily Rentai andý Leasing We can give you the answers to your questions Phono or corne in today end see Weldon Brown-Stew Preston-Cedrie Russell or Cliff Moore The Home of OId-Fashioned Hospitality 166 King St. East 623-3396