The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, Anril 6. 1977 il i The.) Editors: Jack and LasI Monday, March 28, Mrs. Geonge Kimbaîl enter- taiaed the ladies of the Euchne Club. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce attended the Golden wedding anniversary neception of Mr. and Mrs. Percy West, Baltimore. Mn. Manjonie Paterson, Mns. Reta Embhey and Mrs. Howand Toms visiled on Wednesday aftennoon with Mrs. May Toms, Lindsay. Mn. and Mrs. Hanry Wade .rneturned home Sunday mornng from a two week Svacation in Hawaii. SMiss Cindy Garnod, Humber .College, was home for the Sweekead. Mr. and Mns. Alfred Ganrod and Mn. and Mns. mrv. ~McCullough visited on Sunday with _Dns. Teresa and Bey. :Breneton, Tetn -Glad to report that Mns. Charles Woo& bas neturned home fnom hospital. Miss Lilly Woo, Edmonton, is home visiting. Mn. Harry Cuthen passed away ast week at Sînathaven Nursing Home,- Bowmaaville. Sympalhy is exteaded to bis wife, who is a patient aI Strathaven, and tb bis daugb- 1er Mr. and Mns. Ed. Ban- chard and family. To celebrate Master Jeffrey Peance's finst bithday, Mn. and Mns. Lanny Pearce enter- taiaed their families on Sun- day. Guests included Mrs. Jean Varga, Peterbonough, Mn. and Mrs., Emil Varga, Julie, Leslie and Warren, Peterborough, Mns. May Scott, Bowmaaville, Mn. and Mns. Ted Wallon, -Brampton; Mr. aad Mns. Wayne Peance, Vicki and Kirk, Bethaay, Mn. and Mns. Rick Peance and Kevin and Mn. and Mrs. Albert Peance. Mr. and Mns. Ron Burley and Mn. and Mns. George ,Kimbal visited on Satunday night with Mn. and Mns. Melville Samis, Port Hope. Mn. and Mns. Talbot All- dnead have neturaed home 'fromn thein Flonida vacation. Sunday eveaiag visitons with Mn. and Mrs. George Kimbaîl wene Mn. and Mns. Charles Stapleton, Onono and Mn. and Mns. Vance Cooper, O)shawa. Thunsday aight suppen guesîs with Mn. and Mns. Albent Peance wene Mn. aad Mrs. Eanl Stephenson, Osh- awa, Mn. and Mrs. Albert Adams, Bowmanville, Mrs. 'Gertrude Adams, Bowmaai- ville, Mr. Heny Adams and Mrs. May Scott, Bowmanville. Congratulations 10 Mn. and Mrs. Fred Glanville on thein wveddiag aaniversary. Bithday greetîags 10 Mn. Robin Alldned, Mn. Verne Rowe, Mrs. Grace Couch, Eric Wicks, Robent Rowe, Marion i Allia, Janet Cnowtben, Coleen ' Powell, Pearl Rickard and 1 M ichael Riekard. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Graham and Jessica Rothesay, New Brunswick, have enjoyed a tea ýewcast1e Independent Hazel Crago Telephone 987- day holiday with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hodsoll, Ottawa, also visited ber parents., Mr. and Mrs. Norman Heard. Peterborough, were Sunday evening visitors with bis sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pye- Finch and Sheila, Scarbor- ough, were Sunday evening dinner guests of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wood. Mrs. Pat Bernard visited on Thursday with ber mother, Mrs. Nellie Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennett, Omemee, were Sunday dinner guesîs with ber mother, Mrs. Spen- cer. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Le Grow, Stephen and Lorie, Toronto, were Sunday cltnner guests of her grandmother, Mrs. Dorothy Harmer. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chanton Burley included Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Tomlinson, Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clysdale, Newtonville, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ketchapaw, Picton, The Ketchapaws also visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephenson and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jose. On Saturday evening, April 2nd, e enjoyed the Newcastle Village Figure Skating Club Carnival's portrayal of Sleep- ing Beauty. Although Mr. Denton Massie did a very capable job of Master of Ceremonies, the acoustics were poon and the story had 10 be recalled fnom our own memories. We trust that the new arena which is tb be built will have no flaws in sound or architecture. Tbe opening numben was presenteel by the Senior Skaters, Laurie Rogenson, Beverly Henderson, Wendy Couch, Susan Forth, Shelly Pickering, Diane Moir, Shelly Brown, Collette Pickering, Susan Wagar, Carol Selby, Lana Collier and Nancy Tis- .novsky., Following this number, Andrea Derby and Stan Tisnovsky fnom the Oshawa Skating Club, Who are East- ern Novice Pairs Champions, demonstrated thein skills. As the Sleeping Beauty story began, King Wendy Johnson and Queen Lisa Allin, penformed followed by their Lords, Shelby Brown, Carol Selby, Susan Wagar and Nancy Tisnovsky and their Ladies, Collette Pickering, -DianeMor Shelly Picékering and Irene Brereton. The Frog, Shawna Kelly .and Lady in waiting Debbie Veldhuis then penformed solos, followed by the Queen, Lisa Allia. The black-clad couiers arrived. They were Tim Gardner, Raymond Massie and soloist Daniel White. These were followed by beau- tiful little fainies Jody Jones, Sandy Jones, Stephanie Card, Jane Lowry, Beverly Hender- son, Susan Forth, Michelle White, Angela Johnson, Leslie -mFor Sale- 1973 Monte Carlo Equipped with V-8 engine, power steering, power brakes, automatic transmission, radio with rear seat speaker, rear window defogger, Michelin radial whtewall tires like new). Finished in yellow with brown vinyl landau roof. This pampered automo- bile was rustproofed when new and is in showroom condition inside and out. Lic. KTF 850. Telephone 623-7142 The winners of NeweIll's Free Draw are as follows: 1ST PRIZE: 12 Rolis Sunworthy Wall Coverings Mr. Bill Peeling, 6 Coleman St., Bowmanville 2ND PRIZE: 12 Rolls Birge Wa lcoverings Mrs. Green, 206 Simpson Ave., Bowmanville 3RD PRIZE: PhotowallMural Insta lied Free by Newel's Decorating Division H. Alexander, TruII's Rd. N. Bowma nvi lie 4TH PRIZE: Dinnerfor2at Steve's Steak House Doreen Cripps, 76 Roser Cres., Bowmanville Gardner, Merriday Stephen- son, Vieki Kimbaîl, Sherri McInnes and Shawna Kelly. Good Fairy Jody Jonesand Bad Fairy Sandy Jones each performed solos. Head Cook Susan Wagar and Servants Lana Collier, Evelyn Smith, Kim Carlson, Donna Nichol- son, Wendy Couch, Laurie Rogerson then skated through their figures witb Head Cook Susan Wagar performing a solo. Guest skater Gary Beacom from the Toronto Cricket, Skating and Curling Club, the 1977 Canadian Junior Men's Champion, then executed a dazzling performance with speed and grace. During intermission the draw for $500 was made, and was won by Mrs. Janet McCracken witb number 578. Beginnîng the second part of the programme were guest skaters Andrea 'Derby and Stanley Tisnovsky, once again giving a fine performance, followed by Magicians Daniel White, Raymond Massie, David Hole, Derek De Jong, Michael Van Drunen, Brian Souch, Blain Souch, Daynell Burke, Danin Hinschfield, Dwayae Martin, Todd Ped- well, Jeff Rickard and Tommy Hope. Wizard Tim Gardner then performed a solo. The common people Patti Kidd, Tara Molloy, Stephanie Oke, Tammy Farrow, Lorie Rowe, Téacey Kelleher, Andrea Johnson and Aimee Jo Brun- ton showed their talents. Guest skater Gary Beacomn then thrilled the audience with anothen beautiful perform- ance. Little Flowers then appeared on the ice.- They were Terri Lyna Alldread, Deanne Burke, Carol Dawson, Jody Farrow, Allyson West- beuser, Rhonda Bunke, Tnacey Kelly, 'Sherri Lynn Hinschfield, Marni Basic and Michelle Pedwell with Bey- erly Henderson performing the flower solo. After the Flowers came the Birds, Tina Basic, Janet Collinson, Carnie Clarke, Crystal Anderson, Tanya Brady, Christina Ferguson, Joanne Woodbeck, Michelle Hope and Laura Kozak. The Trees were portrayed by Connie Young, Tina Bosak, Phyllis, Knapp, Brenda Knapp, Enin Empey, Linda Kosak and Michelle White. As usual, the littie eilîdren in the second part of the programme were the at- tention getters. Princess Shelly Pickering ýand Prince Collette Pickering each per- formed a solo, followed by a pairs number. As the Finale approached, the nain, thunder and lightning came with it, makiag for great sound effects. The pro- gramme closed with the National Anthem, O Canada. Club Pros, the parents, skaters and the Skating Club Executive are to be congratu- lated on such a fine eveninig. Hockey News Winners of the Minor Hockey draw were lst prize Mn. L. Gaines. Newcastle, 2nd prize, Mary Tully, Peterbor- ough and 3rd prize, Mr. Del Moore, Newcastle. Anglican Chunch News On Sunday, April 3rd, Palm Crosses made by members of St. George's Altar Guild wene gîven out aI the Anglican Services. Rev. Allan Haldenby's service was on the subject, The Mmnd of Jesus. It said that Jesus, for love of man, gave up His Place in Heaven and came 10 earth and in humnility did those things which atoned ton man and would bring man 10 Heaven. Mr. Jack Meachin assisted at the service. The choir under the leader- ship of Mr. Warren Tait and Mrs. Joan Cashin, Organist, are preparing special music for Easter, Holy Week Ser- vices are planned for Thurs- day 7:30 p.m. in which we Stop in and well end your Easter greetings with this Ioving gift of tresh spring blossons in an embroidered, woven basket. Or erd an Easter LIly in the same basket, or one ofou rother ovely spring selectiors. g CARNATION FLOWER SHOP i3 Division St. 62347141 or 623-5577 FLOWERS BY JACKMAN New Bowmanville Mall 623-3365 '4201 we reiner Jesus' arrcst, trial n crucifixion. There will be lily Communion ai each Ser-vice Easter Day. There -are fifteen y<)ung people ini the Confirmation Class for St. George's and St. Saviour's. Ulnited Chiurcli News We congratulate Mrs. Marilyn Martin who was inducted as the President of Oshawa Presbyterial U.C.W. at the Annual Meeting last Wednesday, March 301h ai Simcoe St. United Church, Oshawa. About fifteen mem- bers of the Newcastle U.C.W. attended the meeting. At Newcastle United Church on Sunday, April 3rd, Palm Sunday was celebrated. The Sunday Sehool children and the choir entered 10 the Processional Hymn Ye Gates Life Up Your Heads. The chîldren were carrying palm branches. A group of children with their teacher, made a banner while Rev. Spivey reviewed the kinds of hais which he had shown for several Sundays. When the banner was com- plete, it showed the Crown of J. Forrester 234-224, B. Lewis 259, E. Tylor 235, L Taylor 251, J. Graham 268-225, T. Embley 2:34-237, S. Powell 202-227, S. Glanville 242, F. Stapleton 279, G. Kimbail 242, 1. Fanis 229-201, W. Flintoff 243. Thursday Mixed 200 and Over B. Glanville 220, Bob Forget 245-2:35-200, W. Forget 252-280, M, Lewis 211-211- J. Ritchie 205-231, B. Forget 216-213, R. Forget 217, A. Corvers 211, L. Schmid 212, F. Lewis 214, J. Forget 246-240. Friday Mixed 200 and Over B. Mandili 223-230, H. Guthrie 253, A. Guthrie 246- 210, R. Burley 227, T. Embley, 207, H.M. Munro 221, B. Glanville 240, S. Glanville 210, R. Pearce 258-204, S. Nichol- son 223, H. Nickolson 247-214, L. Pearce 2:32-202-227, E. Kidd- 217, G. Stere 224, W. Kickson 223, A. Vogels 248-269-215, M. MacDonald 231, M. Burley 230, A. P'earce 278~, R. Good 206-294-285, G. H-enry'204, G. Kentiner 200~ Beoa RED CROSS' volunteer ae' Indulge your home. Give it more breathing room, et it guide. When t s ail finished and you stand back to grow beautifully, comfort, -,Iv, practicaily and sen- admire your handiwork, you'Il be truiy proud! 11,11 be sibly. Give it the attention ves and your home like a new horme again. Everything wiII be bright and .,wiIi respond with extra 0f faithful servic 'e. fresh, shi mad cdean. Il s easy 10 make enough of a Pamper it with frpsh nev üoks and you'll be happier change to nake you forget about moving on;. A littie for it. ln otii\, woncds, ùve your home a whole new reno atm ' cn make it unnecessary to seil or move to lease on life. n inside out, from topt10bottom and sorniething bigger and better. Thanks 10 Buildail your et it ail begin aï Bu!cdall! Panelling ... paint ... waII- homne can get better to live in year after year. And with paper ... mirror ,'iles ... room dividers ... stucco each adder improvement cornes the Welcome feeling paint ... decorator brick ... there are rooms and of prîdein ajohwelI done. Buildaîl -making il easy 10 rooms of endless possibilities with Buildall as your live-%wýiih vv ýse, year after year. OPEN SATURD-AY aond MONDAYad People in the know are Iooking up., Those homeowners who know what to look for are looking up on their roof right now. Even though il's out of sight, your roof is the umbrella over your biggest invesiment, your home. In Canada. where the weather can have severe changes, your roof bas to be in good shape. If your roof is over 5 years old, it coulId be out0f shape - know what 10 look for and how 10 re-roof; the saving is great. Ask Buildaîl. We have the know-how 10 help you save on those big home maintenance jobs like roofing. Self-SeaulShingles S5AVE1O% M I, MONDAY Fonce Board Specaols Choose a vertical fence design from Buildal and save on boards during this special. 1",x6",x6',. WESTERN PLAIN S9 each WESTERN PRE-STAINED $I.9eaeh 21 0 lb. SPEC IAL$56 bundle Buildail Blacktop Sealer Makeyour driveway look like new again. Buildaldriveway blacktop F-17 sealer makes a winter- F worn driveway look fresh fm - and attractive again. Sim- ? rF piy pour itout- brush iton. Its that easy. Resists weather and wear. 5 gal- ions cover approximately 500 square feet. $7gal.can SPECIALS ON SALE SATURDAY and MONDAY ONLY,, APRIL 9 and il easier than you think No 704 $17- galion up Olympic Stain You finally finished your big enig projeat. Now, you're ready to stain it with Olympic Stain, just to be sure. Paint covers up wood's natural beauty. Olympic Stain brings out ils natural texture and beauty. It penetrates, protects, ai- lows the wood ta breathe s0 it will neyer crack, peel or blister. Olympic stain is so easy to apply even the kids can help. Available in do- zens of semi-transparent or solid colors. Creosote Wood Preservative Creosote protects wood Cod rsrai against rot, mildew and - - fungus without causing 4LST RSS dimensional changes in Q !'wood. It's economical, too! G34-allon Woodlilfe Clear Woodý Preservative that you can paint over. G8~allon OSHAWA 100 Bond St. West 728-1617 Mon. - Fri.,8:00-9:00 Sat. 8:00 -5 -30 The cmakerSheds Savp on 'i -, esheds and Iocker Satu'rday and Monday. FEasily erected prefinished steel buildings. 10x 9SHED fSPECIAL$240 8 x 7SHED SPECIAL$140 STORGELCKRSPECIAL $10 Polypropln pile and primary ba cking that ensures yer s of worry free use. 6'WIDE, TURF GF REEN $.95 SPECIA L J sq. yd. Lawn. Fo m--4ad Weed'n Feed 10-6-4 app lied now gives5youia ealthy Iawn. 40 IL.bag covers~ Up bo 4000 c- -are feet.' FERTI-,IZLR $3.9*5 b ag WEED' E 59 ba g zit cono Crpe 12' wide t- colours of Cinnamon, Gold, Orange, Green. sq. yd. WHITBY 223 Brock St. N. 668-6821 Mon. - Wed., 8:00 -6:00 Thurs., Fr1., 8: 00 -9:00 Sat. 8:00 -5:30 Betven Oshawa and --llaniIe 781611 Mo 1. 0-6:00 ihur , ,0 -9.00 Sat. 8:00 -5:30 Thorns and the nails, worn by Jesus, at bis crucifixion. The choir rendered the Anthem, God So Loved the World. Rev. David Spivey's sermon was 'I)nn't You Just Love Par- ades?"- After the service, Mr. New- ton Selby on behaif of the Stewards, presented a mes- sage Of concern about attend- ance and givings. NEWC'ASTFLE COMMUNITY BOWLING On the Tlhursday mixed lcaguc, the "Bullets" <utshot the Swingers, King Pins and Bombers. Congratulations champs Eileen Stephens. Violet Dunlop, Joyce Cowan, Bob Glanville, Julian Allard and Bobby Fol-get. Ladies 200 and Over B. Petherick 202, G. Keller- ber 222, L. Ellis 218, T. Langstaff 222-243, J. Pollard, 242, A. Langstaff 250, D. Gregg 244-202, P. Pacey 203, Y. Bentley 211, R. Couch 327-209, G. Henry 204, M. Burley 203-205-228, 1. Brown 315, M. Wade 243, B. Mercer 208, V. Watson 201, M. Major 216-215- 206, S. Williams, 228,, D. Tennant 225, E. Perrin 218, B. Dickson 224, C. Martin 278, B. Sandercock 202, E. Kidd 201, D. Mercer 210-221, D. Neal 256, H. Couroux 238, K. Mercer 274, S. Foster 263. Men 200 and Over M. Henry 212, R. Suteliffe 201, H. Clark 210, H. Dixon 325, TheToeu 4 Corners - Villageofe ate FAMILY HIR Toilephone 87, SEPARATE MEN'SB EROm OPENINGA Ii MARLENE JUR, Mnaers 1