BURTON - Eric and Jacque- lino (noo Shouldice) of Orono, Ontario happily announce ftho birth of thoir son, Androw, 71/2 ibs., Ap il 4,' 1977 around 5:30 p.m.any thanks to D. Krochmand staff who nom- formed the Caesaroan et the Toronto East Gonomai Hos- pifai. Pmoud grandparents are Jim and Cathie Bumton of Paisley, Scofland and Jack and Elioen Shouidice of Bow- manville,,Ontarlo. A long wait but evemyone is happy. 14-1 LINDQUIST - Keith and Mariene (noe Gibson) Centrai Butte, Saskatchewan, are hap- f to announce the arrivai of hoir son, Joshua Patrick, Tuesday, March 29, 1977, weighing 7 lbs. 4 ozs. The pnoud g randiparonfs are Mm. and Mms. Norman Gibson, Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Lindquist, Con- trai Butte, Saskatchewan. 14-1 McDONALD - Larry and Diane (nee Loa) are happy to announce the safo arrivai of their son Casey Christopher, 6 lbs. 2 ors., on Wednesday, Mamch 30, 1977. A brother for Troen. Pmoud grandiparents are Mm. and Mrs. Norman Lea of Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mc Donald of Oshawa. 14-1 MOORE - Bill and Sharon (neo Sturrock) are happy to announce the birth of thoir daughter Melanie Marie, born March 31, 1977 wighing 6 lbs, 14 ozs. in Ajax Hospital. Pmoud grand amonts are Mr. and Ls. ar'y Moore, Toronto and Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Sturrock, Bowmanville. Great granparents are Mn. and Mrs. Rupert By ors and Mm. and Mrs. A.H. Sturock ail of Bowmanville. I.. CUTLER - At Strathaven Nursing Home, Bowmanviile, Tuesda y March 29, 1977. Henry (Harry) Cutien agod 82 y eas. Belovod husband of Minnie Cutlor, dean father of Vera (Mrs. Ed. Barchard) Newcaste. 'Service was held ln the Mforris Funemel Chapol, Bowmariville on Friday aftem- noon. Informent St. George's Cemetery, Newcastle. 14-1 WILLIAMS - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvllle, Sun- day, Apnil 3rd, 1977. Doris Hib- bon, aged 67 yoars. Beioved wifeof Francis Williams, dean mother of Betty (Mrs. Robent Oliver), Coorado Springs, Shirley (Mrs. Frank Langton) Belleville,. Loved by four Srandchildren. Sister of Jack, t. Catharines, Harry, Han- over, and Harold Hibben, Bowmanville. Service was heîd ,in the Morris Funoral1 Cha 1eBowmanville, on Wod- nesday'affernoon. Interment Bowmanville Cometery. 14-1 The engagement is announc- ed of Carol Ann, daug hter of Mms. Harry (Buck) Hobbs and the late Mm. Hobbs of New- castle Village to Douglas Gordon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fenton of Etobicoke. The wedding to take place Saturday, June il, 1977, at 4:30 o'clock in St. George's Anglican Church, Newcaste. 14-1 Mm. and Mrs. Roland'Stiles of Orono wish to announce tho forthcoming marriages of their twin daughters, Sylvia Mae to Ron Titterton, son of Mm. and Mrs. Fred Titterton of Whitby, and Saily Stella to Don Shelley, son of Mm. and Mrs. Roy Shelley of Oshawa. Sylvia is to be married in JuIy and Saily in September. 14-1 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Duncan Fraser of Hampton are pleased -to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughtom Marnore Joan f0 Boyd Douglas Knox, son of Mm. and Mirs. Hammy Knox, Solina. The wedding wili take place in May. 14-1 Lynne Isabel, daug hter of Mm. and Mrs. T.A. Harrison and Walter Steven, son of Mm. and Mrs. Mi«ko Woreszczynski, ail of Bowmanviie are happy to announce their forthcominq marage to take place Satur-, day, ay28th, 1977, 4 p.m. St. JOhn's Anglican Church, Bow- manville. i .* The familles of Mm. and Mrs: Walter Woolley invite ail relatives and fmiends to the Trinity United Church Hall on' Saturday, April l6th from 2 - 5 p.m. on the occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary. Best wishes only . 14-2 The family of Clifford and Ethel Hudson wish f0 invite friends and relatives fo attend their 'parent!ss50 'th Wedding Anniversary. A dance will bo held at the Royai, Canadian Legion Hall, Miii brook, Satur- day, April l6th at 8:30 p.m. Best wishes oniy. 14-1 Tho family of Mm. and Mrs. Wesley Wood invite ail rola-, tives, friends and noighbours to the Orono Oddfeliows Hall on Sunday, April lOth, 2 - 5 p.m. on the occasion of their Golden Wedding Annivorsary. Best wi shos onl1y. 13-2x I.. WELSH - Marguerite Eloiso. Suddenl y et Haliburton Red Cross Hospital on Mamch 28, 1977. Marguerite in hon S7th year, beloved wife 0f Alvin (Paddy), dean mother - of Joann Sudsbury, Judy Bagg, Nancy, Dan ny and John. May intermmnf Wilborforce Ceme- tory. FLOWERS BY "FloersJACKMAN Say it 24 King St. E. Best" Bowmanvilîe, Ont. Bestl'623-3365 VAN BELLE PROMPT, COU RTEOU S, SERVICE FOR DAI LY Delivery f... AIL YOUR Oshawa - Bowmanviîie Area FLORAL Phone 6344 NEEDS. 14-tf T2ORthGU43tt L ft Funerai Home THOUGHTFULNESS -CONCERN -SERVJCE Concern for the demands upon you ... our f irst consideration. To ensure you the heipfuiness you need. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 Durham County's Oldest FUneral Service MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Night Serving this district for 96 years. t SIMPSONS MEMORIALS 885-6434- 49 Lavinia Street Port Hope Monuments . Markers - inscriptons - Wrought Iron Fîower Standsi- Home Appointments GIadiy Arranged RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Established 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street Port Hope, Ontario LiA 3W3 WORKMANSHIP Q UALITY High Quaîlityat Reasonable Prices Phone 885-5216 1 Home 885-5222 .- BROWN - In 1oinmeoy of a dear husband, ather and % ran dfather Howard John rown passed away April 9, 1967. There's a face that haunts us ever There's a voice we long to hea r A, smile we'll remember forever Though we try to forget every tear." There's sad but sweet remem- brance There's memory fond and true There's a token of affection dear And heartache stili for you. -Sdl missed and neyer frotn by wife Mary and family. 14-1 x LUXTON - In loving memory of my dear parents, Emma Elizabeth who passed away Apri1 lst, 1952 and Frederick James who passed away April 9th, 1959. Though their smiie has gone forever And their hands we cannot touch, Stili we have so many mem- ories of the ones we love so m uch. 1 So you who have parents, cherish them with care, Because you'Il neyer know the heartache, Until you see their empty chair. -Sadiy missed by daughter Dorcas, son-in-law Cecil and famiiy. ROBINSON - In ioving memory of a dear friend Nool who passed away April 10, 1976. -Alway s romombomed by Vicki, Ail an, Pam and fiends. 14-1 LUiXTON - ln ioving memory of a dear mother, Emma Elizabeth, who passed awey April 1, 1952, and a dear father Fmedeick James who passod away April 9, 1959. 1 miss you 50 much in many wNays, i miss the things you used to sav And wKen old times i do ecail 1 swhen I m iss you most of ail1. -Lovingly remembomed and sadiy missed by daughtor Ethel. PANAS - In ioving memory of a dear mother and grand mother, Mary, who passed away April13, 1967. Every day in some smail way, Memories of you come our way, Tho absent, you are ever near, Stili missed, ioved, aiways dear. - Lovingi y remembered by Helen and Dave, Bill and Bey and familles. 14-1 ROBINSON - In loving me- mory of a dean brother Nool, who was killed ln a car accident Apnil 10, 1976. fOne sad and loneiy year has Since our great sormow fell, The shock that we mecoived that day No one can ever fell. God ave us strength f0 moof And courage to boar the biow But what if moant to lose you Noel, No one wiIll vor know. lt's lonoly homo without y ou, We miss you more, each day For lite is not the same to us Since you wome caiied away. You bade no one a iast farewei i Nom even said goodibye, You were gone bofome we knew it. And oniy God knows why. - Dee ly loved and missed by sistor Ëianne and Don, sistor Gail and Randy, sister Beth and Morris, brother Milton. 14-1 x ROBINSON - In ioving me- mory of a dear son, C. Nool, who diod Apnil lOth, 1976. Wo miss thoo from our home, dear We miss thee from thy place. A shadow o'em our lite is cast, We miss the sunshine of thy face We miss thy kind and wiliing hand Thy fond and earnest came. Our home is damk withouf the We miss thee ovenywhone. - Sadiy missed and doeply momemberod. Dad and Mom. 14-1 x VENNING - ln Ioving me- momy of my doar husband Omm who passed away April il, 1976. God took you homo f0 bo his guost. You suffemed too much, youm pleasures were t ew. You nover desemved what you went thrqugh. You stood it woll, what you sutfemed no one cen tell. I was flot themo to see you die. To hold your hand and kiss I wilirememrbem our wholo lite through, The last words i had with you. -Sadly missod by wifo Edna. 14-1 ROBINSON - In loving me- mory of Nool Robinson who passed, away April 10, 1976. - Sadiy missed by Doug and Marg. 14-1 WELSH - Evemott. ln loving memory of e kind husband and fathom who pessed eway Apnil 10, 1975. Sadly missed along life's way, Quiotiy ememberedovery- day., No longer in our lives to sheme, But in our heemts he's always there. -Wife and family. 14.1 x We wouid like to thank friends, r elatives, neighbors and orqanizations for cards, f lowers and other gifts on the occasion of our 65fh weddingý annivemsar Rena and Sheldon Pethick 14-1 1 wouid liko to thank relatives, friends and neigh- bors, 1sf floor nurses, Women's Institute, 500 club, Drs. Mosienko, John Rundie, H.B. Rundie and a spedial thank you to Mrs. Maurice Prout. Helene Rundie 14-1 This is a gratoful "Thank you" to the many friends and organizations who sent me letters, beautiful cards and other messages of sympathy when my sister Lauma Virtue Price passed away mecently. Sarah E. Biloftt 14-1 The family of the lato Henry Cutior are very g rateful and wish to thank friends and neighbors, Newcastle veto- ransand Bowmanvilîo Legion for floral tributes and dona- tions to C.N.l.B. and cards received during their rodenyt bereavement. A very speciail thanks to the Reverend A. Haldenby and the nursing staff of Strathaven Nursing Homo. 14-1 We would like to thank our fmiends, neighbours and rela- tives for ail their support and help at our recent sale. A special thanks to Gord, Steve and Tom Barrie also Bill and Barry Bragg for their help with chores following Reg's accident. Reg and Joan Bmock 14-1 Mm. and Mrs. Porter wish to thank ail neighbours who helped so much, the day of the sale arnd the day wie moved. Special thanks to James Callan, Tom 'Callan and Mm. Hannan who were 50 very good t0 us the last two yeams. Many fhanks to ail. Porcy and Jean Porter 14-1 x I would like to thank overyone for their visits, cards, gifts, fruit and flowers during my Hllness in Memomial Hospital, Bowmanville. Spodial thanks to Dr. Sylves- ýter and Dr. Hubbard and nurses of the fimst floor. Audrey Evelyn Shirk Euchre pamty Newtonville Hall, Thursday, April lth at 8: 15 p.m. Ladies bming lunch. Evemybody weicomo. 14-1 Hard-timo Dance in Ponty- pool Community Centre on Saturday, April l6th. Music by Rick Johnston and The County IBoys. $3.00 couple. Lunch. Door prizes. 14-2 Fish and chips. Ail you can eat every Satumday, $1.69. Acres Restaurant, Taunton Road. Open Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. 14-2x MONSTER BINGO New Starting Time THURSDAY -7:30 p.m. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor SoftbalI JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHAWA 48-tf DANCE Sat., April 9, 1977 LIONS COMMUN ITY CENTRE Bowmanville Dancing f rom 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Proceeds to Lions Convention Comm ittee RECORDED MUSIC Admission.$5 per couple Tickets availab e at the door. 13-2 APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel NEWCASTLE THE RIDGERUNNERS featuring "MAMA and PAPA FERN" Saturday April19 Dancing 9- 1 14-1 Jack and Jili Club Spaghetti Supper Ail you can oat. Saturday, April 3th 5 -7 P.m. Trinify Uniled Church Hall Tickets $3.50 Unden 12 yrs. $1.25 Phono 623-5483, 623-2210, or 623-3138. Advance tickets only. BINGO N EWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Tues., April 12, 1977 Early Bird Games 7:30 Regular Bingo 8: 00 $400 in Prizes PLUS $500 JACKPOT Sponsored by NEWCASTLE LIONS 14-1 HADASSAH Fabric and Rum mage Sale Good suppîy of fabric. New Shipment of men's pants. AIl sizes $1.00 a pair. TUESDAY, APRIL 12 9 a.m. -9 p.m. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13 9 a.m.- 6p.m. 114 King Sf. E. Oshawa_ ST. JOHN'S MARTHA GROUP Spring Rummage Sa le ThUrS. , April l4th 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tea and Cookies 14-2x DANCE at Solina Hall April 9th, 1977 Ray Avery's Orchestra MAPLE GROVE UNITED CHURCH PANCAKE LUNCH 12:30 p. m., April 17, 1977 Voîuntary Offering 11-5 LAST MONTHLY LEGION DANCE 0F THE, YEAR (Easter Dance) Saturday, April 16, 1977 RICK BATTERSBY "Rhythm & Rhymne" $5 PER COUPLE DOOR PRIZE AND PRIZES. 14-2 "-MAGICAL MUSICAL MOMENTS" Bowmanville and Courtice Hi gh Schools are comblnlng f0 presenta musical extravaganza. SATURDAY, APRIL 30th 8: 00 p. m. at B.H.S. Auditorium $2.00 Adults $1.00 Students This programn features: The Bowmanville High Schooî Band Cou rtice Secondary Schooî Band Napanee and District High School Concert Band Lo-ÊElien Park Secondary School Band (Sudbury) M. J. Hobbs Senior Public Schooi Choir Tickets available at the door the night of performance. No advance sales. Thank you for your support! 14-1 You are invited to The Grand Opening' of the WOODEN SHOE ANTIQUES' on AprÎl18 - 15, 1977. At the residence of Dan & Gwen MacDonald (nee Geortje Hansman> 330 Churdh St., Newcastle 987-5205 European & Canadiana furnituro, china, glass, brass, copper, sîlver, paintings, prints, collectibles, etc. Opening week hours 10Oa.m. - 9p.m. thereaftem Tuesday - Saturday - 1 - 5 p.m. Closed Sunday - Monday. Newcastle and Pontypool M.T.C. Dance. Empîoyees and friends weicome. Pontypool Hall, April 15, 1977. 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. RUMMAGE SALE ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHU RCH THURS. EVENING APRIL 14,6:30to9:30 FR1. a.m. APRIL 15,9:SOto 12 Clothing, household articles, CoffeeavailabIe 14-1 TEAKWOOD and Rosewood Scandinavian furniture, bed- room suite complete - 8 Pc., diningroom suite - 9 pc., chesterfield and chair, wall unit, coffee, 2 end tables. All brand new, reasonable, 1-247-4377. 10O-tf SIDES of beef. 69c lb. cut, wrapped and trozen. Call 1-983-5445 or after 5 call 623-5540. 9-tf USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre, 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf PADDY'S Market now has now furniture, appliances, T.V.'s and storeos and also usod furniture and applilances. WiI11 accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phono 263- 2241. 33-fft. ALL kinds of machinery. Sales and rentais. Ace Ma- chinery, 859 Nelson St., Osh- awa. Phone 723-0933. 1-_tf CA R PETS of ail1 ki nds, custom made drapes and sheers, hard-surface fîooring, profes- sionally instalied. F ree esti- mates. Your one-stop shop- ping. F.A. Kramp, 37-41 King St. E., Bowmanville. Furni- ture, Carpet and Drapes. 13-tf 6000 BALES of hay. Newton- ville 786-2927. 3-tf VACUUM cleanors and polishers ropaired at Reid's Smal Appliance Ropair Ser- vice, 164 Base Lino Road East, Unit 7, Bowmanviiie. Phono 623-6244. 7-tf DIAMOND ring (solitaire with two shouldor stonos). Phone 623-2687 evenings. 14-lx HAY for- sale. 2nd cut, 900 bales. No ain. .65 a baie. Phone 987-4589 after 5 p.m. 14-1 JOHN Deere 140 gardop tractor with snow biower, moto tiller, rotary mower, trailor. Phone 987-4589 after 5 p.m. 14-1 GOOD quality cold storage Macs. Roy Orchards, phone 263-8430. 14-1 GEHL 9' haybine, one hay fluffer, DeLavel 2200 lb. bul cooler, ail in good working order. Don Metcalf 623-4607. 13-2x 1973 BELLEVUE Deluxe 8 hardtop, tont-trailer with canopy. Phone 623-2856. 14-1 '76, 19' PROWLER house trailer, threo-way fridge, four bumner stovo, oven, three pioce bath, furnaco, double sinks, double holding tanks, hot and coîd watem, mollu p awning, sieeps six, in excel- lent condition, $4600. Phone 623-4546. 14-1 TENT trailer, Road Knight, soft top, good condition, 2 new tires and spare, sloeps 4. Phone 623-7076. HORS E and cow hay, 50 cents and 75 cents. Phone, 623-7620. 14-1 WHITE'S -T.V. TOWERS Towers, UHF; V HF Aeri'als, Rotors& Repairs Apartment & Homes Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guarantee Phone 576-5606 E. WH ITE COU RTIC E 9 PlIECE wainut diing moom suite. Phone 623-5080. 14-1 5,000 BALES top quaility horse hay,- neyer rained on. 85c depending on quantity. Phone 987-4865. i 14-3 COCKSHUTT No. il seed drill, 600 bales of hay. Phone 623-5069. 14-ix '71 HON DA 50, 623-7032. 14-1 SPECIAL on 31/2 horse garden tillers to end of April, $189.95. Also garden tractors and lawn equipmnent, Pioneer chain saws. Sales and service. Phone 1-986-4971. 14-1ix 1974 HONDA XL, 350 Elsnor, good condition. As is. $800. Phone 623-3821. 14-1 HERTA seed barley, mixed 1seed grain, Rodney oats and Herta barley, also baled hay. Phone 263-2675. 14-1 1975 HONDA, Mini Motor- 1cycle, MR5O, good condition. 1Phone 623-3563. 14-1 Pineridge Tire Sales TIRES ANDWHEELS To fit your car or truck. Phone 623-4866 BOWMANVILLE 23-tf Lots of Used Pianos in Stock, Organs Too! Lowrey, Hammond, Heintzman OSHAWA ORGAN CENTRE 16 Simncoe N. (at King) 728-1675 3-tf CERTIFIED SEED GRAIN READY TO S0W Oats, Barley, Beans and Corn, CUSTOM CLEANING AND TREATING CERESMORE FARMS LTD. 623-3552 and 623-7233 10-13 ANTIQUE CLOCKS -REPAIRED-, Parts available for most an- tique dlocks, pocket watches and modern watches and dlocks. Our repairs are done with modemn up-to-date equipment and quaIified Swiss trained watchmaker. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 10O-tf BASEMENT SALE, ANTIQUES - Rockers, Odds and Ends, Glass. Somne House- hold Furniture, Coffee Table, Wash Stand. 6, Pi ne St. THURS., FR1., &SAT. APRIL 7,8,9 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. 14-ix Fresh 100 Per Cent Pure Ma pie Syrup just arrived from the Ottawa ValIley Also Spys, Mac Intosh and Deîicious App les GIBSON ORCHARDS LIMITED 623-3358 13-3 SEED GRAIN Oats and Barîey Wesl1ey J. Yellowlees 263-2023 13-2x 3,000 LARGE baies of good mixed hay. Neyer wet, easy loading convenience. Ted Whiting, Phone 723-1176 or 1- 666-1254. 14-1 SEED CORN 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT CASH & CARRY Proven Pioneer Varieties 3975, 3965, 3981, and 3977 in stock Also Stewarts,2501 John Baumchen Farms R. R. 1, Blackstock Concession 3 at Cartwright, one mile east of County Rd. 57. Phone 416-986-4774 14-5 COLONIAL STABLES EQUESTRIAN CENTRE "Leamn f0 Ride" Speciai Courses in Equitation, Jumping and Dressage. #Horsemanship" and "Showmanship" Opportunity f0 Compote in Shows. Horsos Supplied. Weil Schooled Horses For Sale. Hunters and Jumpers. Instructor: JACQUELINE WILLIAMS, B.H.S., F.B.R.S. Tel: 623-7336 llth Lino, R. R. 3, Rowmanville 13~- tf no LADY'S bicycle, G.E. f loor polisher and eIectric adding "machine. Phone 623-3265. 14-2 INGLIS Gas Dryer. Two years old in excellent condition and a Niagara Therma Cyclopad. Phone 623-7841. 14-1 8 HORS E electric start, 4 wheel tractor, with chains, snowblade, snow blower and homemade dump trailer. $600. Phone 786-2676. 14-1ix SECOND Mac apples, $2.50 bushel. Phone Feddema Orchards 263-2074. Please come Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. No Sunday sales. 8-10 TACK Shop - The Equestrian Pif Ltd. - EngIish and western, also crafts and gifts. lst LUne Darl ington - south of Hwy. 2 at Hwy. 401. 623-4558. 9-tf TRAVEL trailer, Golden Fal- con, 21' tandem wheels, fully equipped. Phone 987-5045. 13-8x PRIVATE one Massey- Fer guson tractor, 180 diesel, 63 h.*P., 1260 hours. P.S. - L.P. T.0. and rear hydrauIics, ooone Massey-Ferguson f.or furrow p 1w, three point 14" bottom. ge Ford 10' three point cultivator with larae wheels, like new. Phone 1 983-9117. 12-3 MALE German.Shepherd with -papers. 6 months oid, fuliy needied, cali 623-4789, after 5 p.m. and weekends., 10-1 SAMOYED, female, needs Fovi ng country home, one- year-oid, spayed, ail shots, very frien~di y. Phone 623-6337. 14-1 OSHAWA Obedience Associa- tion Spring Training Classes, Oshawa Novice Classes, April 27th, Tracking Course, April l7th. Advanced registration oniy. Cali 623-5686 or 623-7382. 14-3 GOLDEN retriever pupSI champion sired, 31/2 montl, lovely disposition, good hunt- ing strain. Phone Peterbor- ough 705-745-6008. 14-1 DOG GROOMING Big and SmalI We do them ail1. Phone 623-7764 10-tf Rimmam There wili be a _general meeting of the Durham Northumberland Liberal Association in Ontario (Fe- dorai), April l3th at the Club House, Memoriai Park, Bow- manvilie at 8 p.m. - to elect delegates to annuai1 meeting of the party in London, Ontario. 14-1 NOW OPEN Base Line Auto Body <Using the very latest in equipmnent.) Speciaîizing in Collision Work and Re-finishing. Telephone 623-9131 164 BASE LINE RD. E. - il-tf Bowmanvilîle Pine Ridge Hockey Tourna ment $500 Draw $300 WINNER R. Barkley, Oshawa $200 WINNER Mrs. Pat Knight of Bowmanville 14-ix Harry Voermnan i nsura nce 181 Church St., Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 623-4428 Res. 623-7597 AUTOMOBILE AND FIRE INSU RANC E 28-tf Information Rape Centre A crisis centre for rape or sexual assault victims. Guaranteed confidential. 24 Hour Answering Service. Volunteers over 18 needed. 623-7273 or 623-RAP E. CASH for gId, silver, coins, guns, docks, ijewollory, dish- os, furniture, crocks, paint- ings, sealers, appliances. F riendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 9-tf 1971 MATADOR, 2 door hard- top6cy. automatic, power st ee ringLc. APD 352. 1970 Ventura, 2 door hardtop, 6 cyl. automatic, radio, very dlean. Lic. AAW 898. 1971 Chev.,2' door hardtop, V-8, power- brakes and steering; roar; defogger, radio, extra dlean. condition. Lic. DWO 106. 1969 Chev. 1 ton, 4speed, 6cyl. dual wheels, long wheei base Lic,ý T68678. 1973 Ventura (Pon- flac), 2 door hardtop, 350-4 speed, smart car, Lic. EB U 846. Phono 263-8172. 141 1972 CHRYSLER New Yorke Brougham, 440, Tahaitialn, Gold, vinyl top, power every- fhing, can cerf ify. Phone 623-7664. 14-1 1974 PONTIAC Astre Hatch- back, aufomatic, 20,000 miles only, weil serviced and Ilke new, will certify. Phono after 5 p.m. weekdays 987-4883. 0 14-1 J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radiai centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. VITALIZING! Phono 723-1155 for Rustproofing on now or used vehicles. Wrltten wa r- anty. Durham Vltalizing, phono 723-1155. 47-tf tf USED Furnitme and Appli. ances. Paddy's Market, iýHampton 263-2241. 33-f WANTEDoId Bisque dolls and- doli carniages, fifty yoars and, older, for lady w ho really app reciates them. Please cal Mrs. Hope 576-7969. 14-i Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles -SnowmobiIes- For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756S Residence 623-7112 '68 BUICK LeSabre, hardtop,- radio, power steering, power brakes, in good condition. As is $200 firm. Phone 623-4571. 13-2 11974 VEGA hatchback, 4 speed stick-shift, excellent cond tion, new radiais. $1800 firm Phone 728-0791. 14-tf 1'72 BUICK Skyiark, V-8, aUto-, matic, powè-rsïeer[ng aWiU brakes, radio, $1995. Phonc 623-4885. 69 DODGE Dart,,340, excel- lent condition, certified. $180W or best offer. Phone 623-6924. 14-1 1969 FORD Galaxie 500, gocd condition, 94,000 miles, as is, asking $600. Phone 1-983-9517, after 6p.m. 14-1 '75 CZ 250 cc MOTOCRbSS, excellent condition, 2 ges tanks, 2 racing carbs, 2 shocks, and studs for ice. Complete with boots and accessories. Asking $1,000. Phone 1-983-9517 after 6 p.m.. 1976 CHEVELLE Malibu, Ciassic Sedan, weii equipped, 6,000 miles very dlean, asking $4200. Phone 623-2659. 14-1 1975 CAPRICE 4 door hard top, dark green, iight green vinyl roof, AM-FM tape deck, 350 2 barrel engine, excellent condition $4000. Phone 623- 5188. 14- ix 1973 PONTIAC Catalina, four door, hard top, 44,000 miles, excellent condition, AM-FM stereo, certified, $2600. Phone' 579-8069 or 983-5295. 14-1- 1969 PONTIAC Parisienne, 4 door sedan, fair condition,- $450 as is. Phone 623-3739. t' 14-l' '71 AMBASSADOR Brougham wagon, power S and B,-good condition, 43,000 miles, wi11 certify. $1200. Phone 723-6445. 14-V1 '72 OLDS CutIass S, 2 door, hard top, 350, automatic,' power S and B, vinyl roof, radio, many -more extras 34,000 original miles. $2,3Q04 certif ied. Phone 623-3622. 14-1 1968 VOLVO, as is, good. condition. $500. Phone 623_~ 7606. 14-1 1976 CHEV. Impala, 4 dloor sedan, virlyl roof, radio, many, other extras $4400. or best offer. Phone 725-2681. CERTIF IED'73 OIdsmobile. 8 cylinder automatic. Clean,, good condition, undercoated, new brakes, new exhaust' system, Iow mileage. $2000. or best offer. 623-5224. 14-ix 1976 CORVETTE, white, 350 aut. P.S. P.B. P.W., air condition, tilt steering, AM-,' FM radio, rear def. 7500 mi les, $8800. firm. (416) 342-5243.