14 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, April 6, 1977 Antique A uction Sale - Over 300 items. Household antiques from a private home. Wide variety of antique furniture, antique kitchen-ware, and coliectibles. Auction sale to be heid in the large antique ? ailery, Liptay Antique Auc- fion Centre, Peterborough, Highway No. 7; 5 miles east of Highway No. 28. Saturday, Apni1 9, 1:00 p.m. Auctioneer StÎeve Liptay, Worid Cham- pion Auctioneer. 14-1 2nd Annuai Spring Stocker Sale at Lindsay Community Sale Barn, R.R. 2 Li ndsay, Ontario, Wednesday, April 27th at 1: 00 p. m. and Wednes- day, May llth at 1:00 p.m. Alwys good quality sales of local farmers' caff le. Stocker steers, heifers and calves sold in truckload lots or f0 your satifaction. Large Quanlity- Good Qualit~ for consign- ment$ or fur her information contact Cari Hickson pro- 9 rietor and Auctioneer Rea- ono, Ont. 705-324-9959 or 324-2774. Note-Our negular weekly sales are Mondays and Fridays at 1:00 p.m. 1- 9M 4 .- Auction Sa le Thursday, April 7 at 6:15 p.m. at Orange Hall1, Cobourg Old organ, 3 piece bedroom suite. two china cabinets, two antique waii telephones, ma- hogany drop leaf dinfing room table, walnut cottee fable (circular with scalloped edge), pair of mahogany end tables, Duncan Phyfe coffee table, 2 piece French Provin-> cial chesterfield suite, dres- sing table, (bench with cane seat), wooden home made rocker, oak desk, electric fireplace, good ru gs, chesf of drawers, swive I rocker, chrome dinette suite, Sanyo 8 track tape, Viking- washing machine, commode chair, fwo, lawnmowers, chairs, bed chesterfield, small tables, hammock, oil Ilamps, crocks, collectible botf les, dishes, giassware and numerous other items. Terms cash. No reserve. Lunch available. Paul Lean, auctioneer. Phone ' 416-352-2403. -14-1 Wednesday, April l3th. Auction sale of, farm machi- nery. The property of the late Grenville Cosh, Lot 18 Con. 9, Veruiamn Twp. 1 mile west of Bobcaygeon on County Road No. 8 and 1/2 mile north or 10 miles east of Fenelon Falls and 1/2 mile north. 1972 M.F. 165 diesel tractor with Indus- trial loader, new tires. Int. model A gas tractor with front end blade, new tires - chains. M.F. 33 seed drill 15 dlsc like new. 1974 M.F. 36 self- propeijled 1' swather with hay conditioner. M.F. 4-14's trip beam piough 3 pt. M.F. 110 manure spreader PTO - used 2 cyeart Triple K 27 tooth .utvafor 3 pt., Alied automna- tic bale stooker with motor, New Holland 268 baler PTO, John Deere snow biower, 3 pt., PTO, 12' chain harrows, tandem hay trailer, full line of machinery. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Carl Hickson, auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 13-2 EASTER FOOD VALUES a t Dykstra's Delicaitessen Food Market' Ma&ple Leaf TU RKEYS, e1 GEESE I ALSO * CAPONS *AND RABRITS Maple Leaf Dinner Ham Store Siiced or by the Piece $229 MILD CANADIAN EXTRA LEAN FRESH DEMPSTERS Cheddar Cheeso Ground Beef OId World Rolis $1 9lb. $ 19lb, 59C dz FRESH EUROPEAN STYLE PASTRIES SALADS BUTTER CREAM AND POTAO, MCARNI-BANBLACK FOREST CAKES POAOLE MACAOW BAEspecialIly decorafed for Easter FRESH PRODUCE SPECIALS CALIFORNIA NAVAL STALK LOCAL GROWN Oranges CeIery Apple$ Suze 113 Size 24 Macintosh Spy Made to, Order EASTER CANDIES CHOCOLATE EASTER EGGS' AND NOVELTIES Dykstra's Delictessen Food Market 73-77 KING ST. W., BOWMANVILLE, 623-3541 FREE CUSTOMER PARKING OFF QUEEN STREET MacDonald Ford's Cars of the Weekl 1974 Pinto Wagon Dark green, 4 cylinder engine, 4-Speed transmission, radio. Serial No. 4T12Y2805'14. SPECIAL950 0 1974 PInto Wagon Dark blue, 4 cylinder engine, automatic transmissioni, radio. Serial No. 4T12Y351624. SPECIAL $2100,9OO 1974 Pinto Squire Dark brown, 4 cylinder enginei automatic transmission, roof rack, radio. Serial No. 4T12Y137533. SPECIAL250O ffMRM Livestock - Hereford Charolais - Beefalo Saturday, April 3th, auc- tion sale of livestock and implements. The property of Steve J. Peconi, 1 mile north of Peterborough city limits on Chemong Rd., 1/2 mile east to Hiliar St., south 114 mile, first farm east. 61 head of Here- ford, Charolais and BeefaIg cattle. 1-8 mature Here6Fr and Charolais cows bred Beefalo Sept. 15 to Dec. 10, 1976. Bred to Georg la Pride H.B.. - Pat's Pride-H. B.3 - Kammie's Pride H.B.17. 4 mature Hereford and Charo- lais cows with 4 recordable Beefalo calves by side - born Sept. to Dec. f rom Joe's Pride. An g us cow with Beefalo bull cal by side. Charolais Here- ford cow bred. Beefalo due Mar. 5. 8 Hereford-Charolais cows, some with calves by side -some open. 15 Charolais and HerefoiFd steers and heifers 1-yr. .old, 1975 Zetar Crystal diesel tractor 85 h.p. com plefe 360 hrs., M.F. 135 as tractor with Allied loader. M.F. No. 12 baler. New Holland 327 manure spreader. 1975 Int. Vibre Shank cultiva- for, 1975 Hydrien 4 - 16's plough, 1973 New Holland mix ail ginder, 1976 Aied harrows, 2 new Ritchie aufo- matic electric water bowis. Dion self unioading forage wagon, full line of modern power machinery. Terms cash. No reserve. Machine sale at 1:00 p.m., caffie at 3:00 p.m. commencing with Beefaio breeding. For further information contact Carl Hickson, auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 13-5 Thursday, April l4th. Farm sold. Auction sale of livestock and implements. The property of Jim Winterbottom, Lot 10 Con. 14, Mariposa Twp. 2 miles south of Woodville on Hwy. 46 and 2 miles east or 10 miles west of Lindsayvon Hwv. No. 7. 4 miles north on Hwy. 46 and 2 miles east. 5 head of Hereford cow - rebred - heifer caîf by side. Purebred Here- ford heifer 1-yr.-old. Grade Hereford cow - rebred - caîf by side. Oliver 77 gas tractor, 1971 New Hol land 469 hay bine 9' PTO. 3 Load Masters self-unloading forage wagons with roofs and 8 ton u ndercar- niage. New Holiand 331 ma- nure sprader PTO. Int. 46 baler PTO, Int. No. 5 side rake. Int. 15 disc seed drill on steel. Int. hammer milîs. Case 24' hay and grain eievator, Aied 8' cuit ivator 3 pt., Ford 4-12's trip beam plough, 2 David Bradley 4 ton wagons, Kewanee 14' 48 plate wheel disc, fulll une of farm machi- ner y.Ao. 2000 baies of weli saved mixed hay. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Cari Hickson, auc- tioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705- 324-9959. 13-3, Safurday, April 9, Il Farm SoId Closing out farm at Leonard McGee,P Hastings, Ontario, Lo 11, Percy Twp. - 1 rr of Hastings to first 31/2 miles to fanr Campbelîford takeC ford Hastings Rd. west- then 1 mile nor mile west. Allis-Chal diesel tractor (93C equipped with AC 50( lic loader; Gleaner bine with cab, 12' excellent condition; 50 gas tractor; Hy furrow 14" mountedr reset; Konskilde. cultivator with denth N-H 479 haybine 9'. baler with throwerý thrower wagons with N-I side rake; bale1 20' hay elevator wiil Case elevator 28' oni bales or grain - PTC driven; N-H 510 spreader (3 beater), run seed 'drill on Fer guson 2 f urrow pl hitch; N-I snow bloî% guson stiff tooth ci chain harrows 9'; handîer -elevator 20 trailer; rubber tire( with fiat rack; air< son; 2 rols wire fenc, pig feeders; feed ci ning milI wifh trez tach ment and bagge other pieces, wagon small items. TRUC Chevrolet 1 ton trucý rack and hoisf, oc miles, certified (excel dition). 4000 bales ha baled straw-,-3 ton1 19-19-18, 10 ton wheai Hindat oats. Furnit Antiques indluding:Y p hone, Antique wick buggy, crocks, grain was h stands, coppei fiat irons, chairs, Frigi daire .clothes table, cupboards, et( other items. Furnituri il a.m., wagon boac a.m. NOTE: this excellent farm sa McGee is a fine cé evenything is in topc Lunch available. Sale ed and sold by Lloy( Auctions Ltd., U 416-852-35g4. FLOWEI DRIED FRESH *TROPICAL .GREEN PL 3 STORI Highway King St. Oshawa .Simicoe S W(UOshawa 1:00 a.m. uction for R. R. 2, .ot 23, Con. nile south 1Rd. east m. Fromf Campbell- - 3 miles rth and 1/2 imers 175 W hours) DO hydrau- E3 comn- head - M-F No. ydreine 4 oîow-auto 34 tooth hf wheeis; .;,N- H 276 r3 baie 1 18' rack; buncher; h motor; or moTor manure Umm= Auction Sale of implements and other articles on Satur- day, April l6th at 1 p.m. for William Polak and John Boychyn at BIl's farm, Lot 17, Concession 3, old Darlington township, 2 miles south of Hobb's School or one road west of 57 and 2 miles north of highway 2. The following articles are ail for sale. 1966 Plymouth, 1971 Dodge Polaro, 1969 International 1 ton pick- Up, 8 wheel 20' float, AC W.D'. 45 with 1/2 track attachment, Case VA with 2 f urrow plows, 2 row corn scufler, 2 AC 3 furrow plows, AC 7ff. hay mower, 7 ft. Cunnin gham Crimper AC disc. 8 ft. A C cul- tivator, 10 ft. ridged disc. 2 manure spreaders wheel driven, Case baler, 500 gai. gas tank, fertilizer sprea der, tiller, Barn beams, 100 fence posts, large quantity window sash, Bee hives boxes and frames, baskets, 35 pull type. combine with scSur dlean and power lift table (auger fed), Otaco ail steel rubber f ired wagon (wide wheel based), Turnco Gravity Grain Tank Model 165, 3 2 fine tooth Allied cultivator with following harrows 3 pt. Hitch., 16 run rubber tired International grain, small seed and fertil- izer, drill with power lift. 20 A H. Grain and fertilizer drill (13 run) 2 Row 3 pt H. Black Hawk corn planter, 2 row 3 pt. H.M. corn planter with fertilizer, set of 5 section Dia mond draq Hfarrows. MH 50 tractor wilh f ront end loader, 32 ft. bale and grain elevator, 8 MF 3 pt. H. Disc harrow, AIlied cultiva- for 3 pt. hitch. Terms cash. Lawrence Harris, clerk, Cliff Pethick, auctioneer. 14-2 RED CROSS 'V'OLU NTEEP Auction Sale April18, 1977 - 12 noon Sale fo be held in Brougham Hall on Brock Rd. at No. 7 Hwy. Sale of antiques, furni- ture, glass, and collectables including: Doherty Piano (good), ornate Uxbridge pump organ, brass plafed ice cream set, 2 gingerbread dlocks, round dlock, Vienna type dlock, wall and mantle dlocks, silver pockef watch, silver watch case, 21 jewel Waltham raiiroad pocket watch, drop leaf swing gate table, crad le telephone d res- sers, 4 wash stands, large wardrobe, Boston rocker, ox yoke, empire sofa, corner curlo cabinet, leaded glass china cabinet, trunks, buffet, set of 7 hoop back chairs, 4 Benitwood chairs, chests of drawers, crocks, mirrors, buggy wheels, wicker chairs, planters, beaver iar, 3 finger lamps, pr. Aladin lamps, bottles, Dea warmer, decoys, copper boiler, pewter, cran- berry water pitcher, carnival and depression glass, collec- tor's plates. ieaded glass, butter churn, bed, foot war- mers, corner what not, pine round pedestal and pine trestle tables p1ls numerous other articles. Terms c ash. No reserve. John Annis, auc- tioneer. 985-3477. 14-1 Nigîht IHawks High singles-Mabel Trimble 311. High triple-Peggy Whalen 733, Team standings-Alice Lor- usso 2657 pins, 36 points, Joyce Rowe 2634, 28 points, Peggy Whalen 2812, 27, Betty Smith 2551, 24, Gloria Vanson 2536, 24, Alice Burgess 2650, 19. Gamfes Over 200-M. Trimble 311, 210, 209, P. Whalen 280,240,213, G. Vanson 261, B. Wilbur 250, B. Smith 247, 243. I. Wright 244, A. Lorusso 239, M. Lavergne 227. P. Chard 225. M. Summers 216. M. Erwin 208. N. Mclntrye 220. cm Tuesday, April 19, 12:30 p.m. Machinery and Hoisteins Auction sale including 60 hoîsteins, 2 tractors and hay equipment for Russell Bax, R.R. 4, Cobourg. Farm is on the north side of Hwy. 401' between Port Hope and Co- bourg. Lot 29, Con. 2, Hamil- ton Trwp. From 401 take exit 81 or 82 north to Telephone Rd., farm is 3 miles east of Hwy. 28 on Telephone Rd. M-F 165 diesel t ractor (good); M-F mobile mixer mill (excellent), M-F 160 bu. manure spreader; N-H 67 baler; N-H 3 pt. hitch mower; A-C hay conditioner; J-D 4 furrow plow - 16"; J-D side rake; J-D 7' disc; Case D tractor; Case cultivator; Surgemilkingi machine; pails, strainer. 60 Hoîsteins - D.H.î.A. tested, 30 Registered, 30 Grade, large number of bred and open heifers both regstered and grade. An .eelenf opportunity to buy good heifers for pasture. Also several cows and heifers due now f0 mid summer. Sale at 12:30. Lunch available. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uix- bridge, 416-852-3524. 14-2 TELVEIRTO N N EWS Congratulations to Miss Lana Malcolm who won second place with her speech at the Zone 5" Finals at Lakefield this week. This included Hastings, Northum- berland and somehow Man- vers Grandview School. Lana receîved a trophy in recogni- tion of her prowess. Yelverton U.C.W. will meet this Thursday, April 7th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wilson for their April Meeting., Yelverton United Church observed Communion Service on Sunday with Rev. Joblin of Lindsay assisting. Mr. Ted Powers who in turn was assisted by Eiders Clarence Page and Terry Malcolm. Mr. Powers will soon be complet- ing his college years and anticipates being ordained into the Ministry on May l9th. The recent warm weather Fias induced an earlier than usual affect on Mother Na- ture's changes. This past week (March 27 and 28) we pre- viewed our first Frog Chorus this spring, a cacaphony heralding their Spring court- ship. Another tid-bit of Nature's love has come to our attention. Guess we humans aren't the only ones who suffer from mistaken identity. In this instance the inistake proved fatal. This week we found the remains of a once proud nocturnal predator-the Great Horned Owl. On dloser scruit- inv we found the bodv neatlv acupunctured with porcupine quilis-face, claws, and the interior of the wings. Ap- parently the owl has mistaken this clumsy lumberine ani- mated pin cushion for a quick for a quick Too bad this useless destroy- er of trees should eliminate one of our more effective hunters of rats and mice. Too bad he forgot to ask "Hoo, who" ? before grasping his' adversary. Mr. Quentin Robinson re- turned home this week from ont west after spendling the winter there. MiIk Chez'pe r Thon Cfe It's unbcîLevablehttu! On a per ounce hasis, I oî less to drink milkthni does to drink cotfe. Take one pound of priiiat label, ground coffee. Ï-t now- costs about $3.60 a poundý, and makes 50 to 60 cups.- Each cup of cotfee costs' you 6 to 7.2 cents per 6-ounce cup. That's just for coffeeý Sugar and cream are extra. Take a three quart ne- turnahie jug of 2 per cent rnilk. That's 120 ounces of- milk. It eosts $1.29. Ttiat'sý a littie over one cent an- ounce. Six ounces of milkc would then cost you slightIyI over six cents. It's unbelievable-but true!" You can drink milk, get alF that food value and on a: per ounce basis it costs less than for a cup of coffee.- Have you had your m.-il( t~oav? Ail Design end Lettoring Dons by Us on Promises -'NO SALESMEN INVOLVED - Please Telephone 728-3111 for Full Details ARE YOU Wallpapering this Weokend?. Over 5,000 RoUis MIn Stock -NO WAITING-il I;nt. 16 P . irubber; O low -'3 pt. ___ Ner; Fer- .ultivator; Harvest 0'ý; farm C.hoose f rom d wagon compres- ce (new); :art; fan- . ating at-w er, many W allp ip er C K: 1974 Ak with 9' înly 5000 ellent con- go '00 or lin yls i, 150 bu. iture and waiI tele- ker baby aia icradile, 2 er bolier, tc. many M oneyL re selîs at I at il: 30 ~ ý s an â ale. Mnr.v n ,anetaker, condition. le manag ý dWilson Ibridge, Primcesi ............. ~ Clearing over 1,000 RoIls of Wullcovering FROM 1 0 99 Single Roll is&Abernethy' ANTS Q Paint and Paper ES: E. 55 King St. W. 623-5431 SN., vs' lm L- e-Mma 1 IV m la