On Satunday evening March attend( 26th the twenty-fifth Wedding teial1 Anniversary of Mn. and Mrs. in Sii Allan Downes was celebnated Churcf in the Oddfellows Hall in theme Orono. The Couples' Club "Grow Orchestra provided music for speake dancing and card games were Ther enjoyed by some. 'I tables Abq11t eev-eýn o'ock Mn. panty Art'. Low the Master of on Fri Ceremonies called the hon- nersv oured couple to be seated in high-M front of the table adorned by a lady's beautifui.ly decorated wedding Gent': cake., Miss Catherine Stewart DownE nead the address while Mn. Fi membens of the committee was w( from both Pontypool and Thent Kendal made the preéentation panty of a set of table and eight The chairs, stainless steel cook- anothE ware, and a service for eight, urday stainless steel flatware. Other Music gifts were bnought in during Audre, the evening by individuals. Many Mr. and Mrs. Downes each attend made a thank you to all the ens'E friends and relatives for fhein Saturc gifts and all who made the Thei evening such a pleasant one. A new1 bounteous lunch was then stanti senved. Stolks Mn. and Mrs. R. Elliott build spent a few days last week punc] with Mn. and Mrs., Neil Elliott Mothe of Maple Leaf aften having Rev grandchildnen David and Sunda Christine Elliott visiting a sen during the winter break. Lent Mn. and Mrs. Alec, Little entitiE have returned home after Wome spending most of the past Leona three months in the Sunny friend south. Mn. and Mrs. Larry Foste< Egan of Rexdale visited them invita over the weekend. folk tc Mrs. Martin Foster visited Frida hier mother Mns. Awde of Newtc Jarvis recently and is glad to noon. report her mothen is feeling Mn. much better. mour There wene four ladies from Sunda Kendal, Mrs. E. Foster, Mrs. Mn. ai G. Cathcant, Mrs. M. Stevens, attenc and Mrs. R. Elliott who ied the Oshawa Pnesby- 1United Church Women .mcoe Street United eh on Wednesday. The ,for the meeting was w' in Grace". The guest en was.Mrs. Hilde TOI nre wene ten and one haîf ýof cards at the card in Kendal Orange Hall riday evening. The win- were as follows lady's Vins. Helen Couroux and 'low-Mrs. Pearl Clark. 's high went to 'Allan es while gent's low was 'red Yeo. The 50-50 draw won by Mrs. Geo. Dunlop. ýwill be anothen card yin two weeks time. ie Onangemen held .er successful dance Sat- y evening in Kendal Hall. ýwas provided by, the .y GIIiiour Ureflestra. yfrom the Kendal anea ided the Tobacco Grow- Dance in Port Hope on 'day evening. [foundation for another home in Kendal was Ad this past week. Mn. A. ýs of Leskand anea is ing it on the lot he ,has'ed from Mn. Pat iensill. w. A. Tizzard's Palm lay service was the sth of ries of sermons during :leading up to Easter, Jed 'How They.Saw Him- en and Chîldren.' Mr. iard Falls greeted the ids at the door and Mrs. A. ýr- played the ongan. An ition was given to Kendal to attend the special Good lay U.C.W. Service in onville next Friday after- Sat 2:30 -p.m. rand Mns. Victor Gil- iof Campbellcroft; were lay supper guests with and Mns. KÇeîth Wood aften nding the Orono Country Bowmanville Girl Guides Hold- Easter Bonnet Contes t Girl Guides from Bowmanville's third and fourth companies came up with this splendid collection of hats at the conclusion of the Guides' oaster bonnet contest last week. The abject of the contest was to make easter bonnets from everyday items such as paper, string and even egg cartons. The winners in the Third and Fourth companies were Leora Nelson, Lynn Sproatt and Caroline Barlow. Jamboree toDgether in the afternoon. Mr. Dan Keane and two children visited thein aunt Miss Catherine Stewart one day recently. Harland Elliott and Bey. Walton had Sunday dinner wîth Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott. Sympathy is extended to, Mrs. Eric Atkîns' family whose mother Mrs. Bray of Cobourg passed away ne- cently. Fitnes. in your heart you knwil's righL VAN BELLE The 7fkieiidpg Jýhqot" COME AND BROWSE IN OUR. Look what we have for.. EASTE R'7 DozenDaffodils OR OTHER SPRING FLOWERS,<OUR CHOICE) With any indoor plant purchase, picked up at aur stores over $10.00, yau may combine plants ta corne over $10.00 (no cut f lowers, na arrangements, no deliveries an the free f lowers). We want ta say hello! 1 1 So drop in at any or aur stores. AZALEA EASTER LILIES HDAG And, many, many, more ta choose from... DID YOU KNOW? 1. We have our own Telex Data machine... 2. We belong ta F.T.D. Wire Services...... 3. W. belong to U.V.C. Wire Services...... 4. We belong to Flowers Canada...... 5. We have our buyer at Europe Floral Auction ........ 6. We have our ownbuyer at Toronto Floral Auction .. 7. We deliver daily from Newcastle to Whitby....... 8. We have aur own nursery in B.C......... Plus the Friendly Service we are fa mous for. VAN BELLE EAST VAN BELLE EAST Highway No. 2 Between Oshawa and Bowmanville 623-4441 WEST VAN BELLE WEST 292 King St. W., Oshawa 579-1118 NORTH VAN BELLE NORTH 1124 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa 728-5159 Open 9 -6 Thursday night 9- 9 Open 'Good Friday 9 -6 PONTYPOOIL Mn. and Mns. Laverne Finney and family were guests necently at a gradua- tion party for Harvey Mc- Quoid at his home in Oshawa.- For the past yean, Haryey,,a former resident of Pontvnool. has been working straight nightshift and attending clas- ses in Durham College during the daytime. Fonty or so, attended the party in Mr. McQuoid's honoun. Pontypool U.C.W. held a bake sale on Saturday aften- noon realizing $140.00. Ahi ladies who helped in any way are thanked for their assist- ance. A special thank you goes to the ladies of Ballyduff who turned out in full fonce for the sale. Dean Joncas, president of the Pontypool and District Softball League, is holding a meeting on Wednesday, Apnil 27th in the Pontypool Com- munity Centre for managers, coaches and representatives of ail the teams 'in the area unden his jurisdîction. Wayne Fallis and Bryan McKay were home for the weekend and took part in a hockey gamne on Satunday morning when Goodyear of Bowmanville took on a team of Goodyear employees from Owen Sound. Now that the hockey season' Gould Photo Shop Lmited 78 King St. West - 623 -2404 Bowmanville',s Complets Custom-Framilng Centre Large stock of Frame Mou Idings L'and Mat Samples in Stock.n Work Dons on the PromisesI BsowmanivilleCleners presents.. by Ruth Dodier ARIES [Mar.21-Apr.201 Spirits are high. Your romantic hife is stimulated and dreams of extravagant outings cloud your head. Dreams are O.K., just don't Jet it get out of hand. TAURUS [Apr.21-May 201 Vour strong sense of sympathy is earnestly shown in your af- fections. Happy moments fill your days and a pleasant at- mosphere prevails. GEMINI [May 21 - June 211 A desire for travel is very strong. This would be a good tine to enjoy a week-end away from mental activities. CANCER [June 22-JuJy 22] Essential decisions 'mus, be made with a great deal of care. Misunderstandings can come easily and interfere with im- portant matters. LEO [JuIy 23. Aug.231 Although work seems to go quite slow you keep everything in. an organized manner. Knowledge gained now can show benefits in the future. VIRGO [Aug.24.Sept.22[ You are easily annoyed and may take it out on anyone. Be sure you understand what others are trying to tell you, before coming to any con- clusions. LIBRA lSept.23.Oct.231 Constructive ideas are used wisely in your pursuit of a hobby or new avocation. Dont over-do it, however, plenty of rest is necessary. SCORPIO [Oct. 24-Nov.221 Plans that you have been wôrking on could suddenly bear fruit. Unexpected changes can occur. now. Be prepared for anything. SAGITIARIUS [Nov.23 Dec.2 Il Strong -determination pushes you on toward your goals. You must keep a realistic outlook. Deception is everywhere. CAPRICORN [Dec.22- Jan.201 Although you fînd difficulty in getting a job done, you are taking the right direction. Be patient, and don't give up. AQUARJUS lJan.21- Feb.1Q] Vour desire for independence could have an unexpected effect, on your career. Possibly a new career will evolve. PISCES [Feb.20-Mar.20] Spiritual precepts are very important to you. A stnong sense of sympathy prevâils. Artistic endeavors are sought. DRY CLEANING Bo'WmanviIIe 8Cleaners Ltd. 8King St. W. 623-5520 "-We Specialize inShirt Laundering" is just about over, local sports enthusiasts are turning their attention to the coming bal season. On Satunday, Manie Finney wvas registering play- ens for the Junior Girls' tearn. Also on Saturday aftennoon a meeting of the men's team was held at the home of Wayne Hunt. The "Pontypool Generals" are going to be outfitted in new orange and black suits pur- chased by Doug Pingle, pro- pnietor of Pontypool Genenal Store. Coaches of team are Terny Slack and Keith Dewar with Doug Pingle manager. A bahl dance with Ron Law- rence, D.J. is planned. Tickets are being sold in advance. advance. On Good Friday morning the annual "Carrying The mKEN DA L The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 6, 1977 -5 Cross" walk leaves Bethany at 7:00 arn. for Pontypool where service will be held at approximately 11:00 ar.m* On Sunday, April ioth, an Easter Sunrise Service at 6:30 ar.. s being held by the Bethanv Youth GrouD. Break- fast to follow in church. Sacra- ment of Holy Communion will be held in Pontypool at 10 a.m.. and in Bethany at 11:30 a.m. Pontypool United Church has received money for reno- vations of church. A meeting has been called for Monday, April llth at 7:30 p.m. for members of Renovation Com- mittee. Ail interested persons are welcome. Hal and Elma Ellison have returned home from a three month vacation. Two months were spent in Mexico, north of Acapulco, and the third month tourine the states. They es- pecially liked their trip through Texas. Kim Neals and Debbie Fallis attended the perform- ance of The Eagles at Maple Leaf Gardens last Wednesday night.. Keith and Dorothy Dewar attended a birthday party for a friend in Oshawa on Satur- day night. qFzXM- ý Letter to the Dear Editor; Nevertheless Bill Sriley's article of March 3th, in the Statesman in Bowmanville, was a gem to cover ail editonial beefs for al tirne. Every cotton-picking, weighted word was true. Witten in good English-par-, donez rnois-"Canadian" and not in swinging nuclear dial- ect. He wondered what he got fnom Ottawa afterthe allot- trnent from hard eanned wages had been trimmed? His caption "Who Needs Taxes?" He wonders. Everyone won- dens. Wortders about the many unnecessary things, decided by govt. Bureaucrats, whose wages we pay, where THEY feel our sliced dollars should be shovelled. This witer is "one of the lucky people," mentioned by Mn. Smiley, having won thnough to a disability pen- sion. "Won through" by losing everything owned, in an effort to be honest, after years and years of honorable living and work, neyer drawing unem- ployment insurance, though Editor paying whopping unemploy- ment insurance for a life-time" Neyer any illness* then, (thank God, OHIP was flot function- ing then as now). "Neverthe- less", where in the world is there a better place to live, to work, to play, or die? Canada has everything-even Freedom to criticize the manner of government. Admitting the truths of Bill S's beefs, the answer'to his caption is: The Government needs our taxes (maybe flot quite so much or many) to run the country, and keep it as fine a country as it remnains. Mme Henry. Blood Us ne,.ed E V E RY)DPAY -SMIIWTF SI 6161616 THE' REDKEN EXPERIENCE. Put on your Happy, Face and Corne On 1n THE - "YOUR PROFESSIONAL SALON" 37 King St. W. Bowmanville ( SUE CARTER OIJRSPEIALIES is now ot the Style Shoppe, m - Perms and wiII welcome new and - Colors old customers. - Blow Drying Please phone 623-5455 - Facials - Hai Anaysisfor appointment. 40 P.S. Don'tforget to visit our RETAI L CENTRE .Hair and Skin Care Prodiicts . Complet. uine of PH Balance Make-up. NEWELL'S IS HERE 00 OFF Ail Wallpaper Orders E' TT SPaint fi 1..Lj ndWallpaper 72 KIng Street West 623-4778 Bowmanvll.