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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Apr 1977, p. 12

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BLACKSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. Jim Archer and Kimberly and Mr-. and Mrs. Elmer Archer of Whitby were Friday guests of Mrs. W. Archer. Mr. and Mrs. Don Fleming and family of Oshawa and Mr-. and Mrs. Vincent Archer were Sunday guests of Mrs. W. Archer. Mr-. and Mrs. Bill Shortridge and Mr. and Mrs. Hector Shortridge visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Price and family of Peterborough on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and family, Mrs. C. Graham, Mrs. Reg Boundy, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Toms and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Graham and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe and Mr. and Mrs. Norval Crossman of Oshawa were Sunday guestsof Mx-. and Mrs. Ken Samelîs.' Mr. and Mrs. Ken Samelîs entertained theix- family on Good Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Les Bushfield of London were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Byers. Mr. Eldon Hubbard of Bowmanville was an over- night guest of Mr-. and Mrs. Tom Hodge, and called on other neighbours. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Beckett of Lindsay were Friday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hoskin. Mr. and Mrs. Stuar-t Dorrell of Charlton were Sunday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold McLaughlin. Darcy Dorrell was a Sunday overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Toms. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hoskin and Mr-. and Mrs. 'Frank Hoskin attended the 5th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Wood of Orono on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hoskin enjoyed a holiday in Kentucky last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dickson, Burlington, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wills, Kenora, Heather and Janis Dorreli spent Easter weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorrell. Mx-. and Mrs. Lorne Hoskin visited the Armstrong Funeral Home in Oshawa where the late Mr. Neil Smith of Colum- bus was at rest. Easter Sunday Service at the United Church was filled' to capacity. Both Junior and Senior Choir sang beautifully under the capable direction of Mrs. Bob Kyte at the organ and Miss Caroline Carnaghan at the piano. Mrs. Judi Mountjoy directed the Junior Choir. Both Choirs were adorned in theix- new choir gowns donated by the Black- stock U.C.W. During the service Rev. V. Par-sons dedicated the new gowns and as a special request Janet Parsons sang "The Holy City, in memory of Mrs. W.W. VanCamp. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dowson and Andrew of Port Elgin spent Easter weekend with Mx-. and Mrs. Ivan Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. VanCamp and Paul and Mr. and Mrs. Han-y VanCamp enjoyed Easter dinner at Haugen's Chicken Barbecue at Manchester. Mr. Ray Larmer and Mrs. Glenn Gibson were Friday callers of Mx- . and Mrs. Russell Larmer. Mr-. and Mrs. Stephen Saywell of Oshawa and Mdme. Justice VanCamp were Sun- day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kemp and Jeffery and Mr-. Jack VanCamp. A family gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Perey VanCamp and Aileen on Sunday in honour of Mx-. VanCamp's bixthday. Those enjoying the day with them were Mr-. and Mrs. Merle Van Camp and family and Mx-. and Mrs. Keith VanCamp and family. Best wishes Mr. Van- Camp Kindergax-ten 'registration will be held at C.C.P.S. on Thursday Aprîl 14th for all childx-en eligible for kinder- garten this September. For more information caîl the school at 986-4227. Winners at the weekly Senior Citizen Card Party with 17 tables were: lst. Roy Werry-88, 2nd. Ella Bowers- 84, 3rd. Elva VanCamp-83, 4th. Ruby Txipp-80, 5th. Olive Gimblett-78, 6th. Myrtie Manns-77, Low-George Hea- slip. U.C.w. 'the April meeting of the evening U.C.W. was held at the home of Donna Kyte with ten girls in attendance. Sharon Essery brought the meeting to order and reminded everyone of the Curling Banquet April BOWMANVILLE ORONO 623-3393 983-9547 STARTER HOME BOWMANVILLE Extra room y home with 2 large bedrooms. Ful basement. AI uminumn exterior on 60' wide lot. Asking only $39,900. Terms. Cali Jan Oudshoorn. BOWMANVILLE - LITTLE AVE. Super 4 bdrm. brick twin home. New broadîoom. Separate dining room. Paved drive. Asking $46,500. Terms. Calil Bill Turansky, or Ken Brown. BOWMANVILLE - HOBBS AVE. Beautiful 3 bdrm. brick backsplit. Family room with fireplace and bar. Separate dining room. Large kitchen. Asking $58,900. Terms. Cali Bill Turansky. BOWMANVILLE Stately, older, north end home in magnificent condition. Beautiful large lot 95' x 235'. Income apt. with separate drive and entrance. Must be seen to be appreciated. Asking $79,900. Terms. Cal Allan Frank. BOWMANVILLE AREA - 2.5 ACRES Ideal hobby or horse farmn with a spotless 2 bdrm. bungalow. New central air conditioner. Laundry room on main floor. Newly finished recreation room. Pony barn. Storage sheds. Fencedpasture. Value at $67,900. Terms-can be arranged. Cal i Phylis Mc Robbie. 3 BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW BOWMANVILLE This well bulît brick home Is sltuated on a country lot 70' x 175'. New carpef in living room and halîways. Very dlean and tidy home. Located in a nice quiet area, not a subdivision. Askin $50,900. Terms. Cal Charlie BOWMANVILLE - NORTH END Executive style Tudor home on quiet crescent featuring 3 bdrms., family roomn with fireplace, 11/2 baths, and cedar sundeck. A leasure to show. Asking 576,000. Terms. CalBillIMorrison Sr. BOWMANVILLE - TERRIFIC VALUE 4 bdrm. 2 storey home with 11/2 bathis. Attached garage. Asking only $53,900. Terms. Caîl Kay Brown. BOWMANV ILLE Regal, older 9 room home ln town area on 68' x 145' lot. Ideal for a professional man. Asking $78,000. Terms. Caîl Ken Brown. WAVERLEY ROAD- BOWMANVILLE Marianna Deveopments have several new homes stilI available from $54,900 with $4500 down. Caîl Bill Morrison Sr. Ic Coast toCoast Real Estate Service 9th and the Shorthorn Banquet April l3th.' Each U.C.W. member was asked to take one dozen cookies to the Mason's Church Service. This service will be held in the Blackstock United Church April 24th at 7:30. Lt was motioned by Joanne Lee and seconded by Shirley Gibson that we plan a bazaar and-or a fashion show for the' faîl. The motion ta set up a lunch counter at the tractor pull on August 6th was made by Beth Schryburt and second- ed by Sharon Wilson. Barb Byex-s opened aur worship wîth the poem "One Solitary Life."' She continued with a scripture and lesson based on the Easter theme. Joanne Lee began the program with a short talk about Leprosy. A small brochure publîshed by the Leprosy Mission' stresses that misunderstanding and rejection are almost worse ta experience than the disease. A short story was read and slides wex-e shown to famil- îarize us with the disease and its treatment. Our collection from this meeting is ta be sent to, the Leprosy Mission. Ruby VanCamp showed slides on the topic of "Stewax-dship in the Church. " Men's Curling Banquet The annual Men's Curling Banquet was well attended on Saturday evening, April 9th. The banquet opened with the singing of "O Canada", a toast ta, the Queen and a prayer by Rev. V. Parsons. The dinner was served the U. C.W. and the ladies were thanked by Merle VanCamp for the delicious dinner. The Merlin Suggitt Trophy for first prize in the men's bonspiel was presented by Merlin Suggitt ta the high school team-Paul Larmer, Colin Asseistine, Jack Gunter and Blair Graham. Second prize px-esented by Floyd Argue to Vern Asselstine, Roy Werry, Bill Thompson and Roy Pearson. Merle Van Camp presented thix-d prize to Cam Porter, Keith VanCamp, Roger Porter and Ken Craw- ford. Fourth prize was pxe- sented by Roy MeLaughlin t o Ex-nie Swain, Richard Van Camp, Tedi Kemap and Daltonï Dox-reil. Mixed Bonspiel Trophy donated and presented by Gerald Kelly went to Herb Swain, Elaîne Bailey, Neil Werry and Car-ol Mairs. Roy McLaughlin presented the Crying Towel to, Bob Fletcher: Joyce Kelly thanked Bob Stx-ong for a job well done as caretaker and presented hlm with a gift. Chicken draws wex-e won by, Brian Mountjoy, Floyd Asselstine, Harold Swain, Cam Porter, Floyd Argue and Tex-xy Malcolm. An evening of bingo and cax-ds bx-ought the enjayable evening ta a close. Blackstock W.I. At 12:30 p. m. on Wednesday April 6th- members of the Blackstock Women's Institute gathex-ed in the Community Hall for their meeting which began with an extra good pot luck dinner. About 1:30 the meeting propex-ly opened with the Ode and collection. Mx-s. Shortx-idge x-ead a, poem The Institute Garden. Roll caîl was answex-ed by fees for 77-78 from 16 ladies. Minutes were read and approved, also Treas. report which gave a healthy balance ta begin the new tex-m. The cook books are nearly ali sold and have been a big )005t ta, the bank, balance. Although somewhat belated, a, motion was made and cax-ried .o send $10.00 to the Com- munity Hospital, Port Pe-xy, in memox-y of Mrs. Francis M'ountjoy who fox- many years was a valued member. At this time a caretaker for the Vlemox-ial Park is needed. This is one of the main Camp; Curator-Mx-s. L. Mc- Arthur; Fruit and Flower Committee-Mrs. Shortx-idge and Mrs. J. Bailey; Conven- ors-Mrs. H. McLaughiin, Mx-s. F.Hoskin, Mrs. K. Samelis. MIeeting ciosed with O Canada. H AY DO0N were Mr. and Mrs. Lars Mr. Delbert Potts, Corn- Christensen and Mary Ellan. wall, Miss Mary Potts, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell An- friends, Toronto, spent the derson and Billie, visited Mrs. weekend at the John Pott's Mildred Anderson, Mr. and home. Mrs. Arthur Trewin and Paul Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Black- on Easter Sunday afternoon at bm-n and famnily, Orono, with the Ted Buttery's were Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wlbur Black- John -Sim, Mr. and Mrs. Don burn, and family on Easter Yeo and famnily, Bowmanvllle. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Buttery, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones and Andrea, Brian, Port Hope. family, Port Coîborne, were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Good Friday visitors at Mr. Ronald and Ray, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Jack Jones. Ross Ashton and family were Mrs. Vera Garrard, Beau Friday dinner guests of Mr-. 'Villa Nursing Home, spent, and Mrs. Ivan Sharp and girls, Easter Sundav with Mr. and Enniskillen. Mrs. Alfred Garrard, Ban-y -Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones, Mand MrrsAn . Fe Tom and Sandy, were Easter Laghi. nand m .FalîsMe- Sunday supper guests, of Miss Land Mrs. end ashtMn. Cora Degeer. Oawa Mr. KleGAham, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, Oshaa, M. Kye Grham Susan and Fred, were dinner Miss Linda Leavens,- were guests of r. and Mrs. E.R. Easter Sunday guests Of Mr. alro ase udY and rs. ossAshtn a Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton family. and famnily and Mr. Kyle Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ashton, Graham were Saturday even- Oshawa, Mr. Russell Ormnis- ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. ton, Enniskilen, Mrs. Forsy- Glen Ashton, Oshawa. the, Tox-onto called on Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Read Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, on Sunday. and Rob, Bowmanville, Mr. Miss Grace Trewin, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott and Fred Castie, Miss Alexandra fmlEnsilnwr Morrw, orotoMrs WaterEaster Sunday supper guests Loveridge and Miss Joy of Mrs. Meta Read. Loveridge, Tyrone, were Good Club 21 April meeting will be Fxiday afternoon callers at held at the centre, Monday the Arthux- Trewin's home. night, April l8th. Ladies bring Satux-day evening callers needies for cancer dressings. BOWMANV1 LL E Where y ou can still buy a 3 bedroom home on a large lot with an attached double car garage for on ly $52,500.00. Cal Gord Barnes 623-6622,655-4940. WHERE OUR INFLUENTIAL FAMILlES LIVE 2 storey, 4 bedroom home, quality broadloom, famlly room with fireplace on pool size lot with privacy. Asking $71,000.00. Cal Shirley Hogg 623-3500 or 623-6622. TERRIFIC VALUE - $45,900.00 Spot Iess 3 bedroom, eat in kitchen, bungalow on a 75 x 110 lot. Existing 1sf mortgage of 91/4 per cent. Cal Mary Pi ke, 623-6622 or 986-5355. R. "BU D"9 GVirtue 118 King Street East, BowmanvilIle 623-2967 OSHAWA Just listed, Cadillac Ave. N. Loveîy 2 bedroom brick bungalow, separate dining room, attached garage, air cond ,tioned and A-i condition. Asking $53,900. Calland view today.' VILLAGE HOME $39,500 asking price for this large 3 bedroom home on 66 x 165 lot. Close to store and school, 10 x 20 shed for storage. Only 20 minutes from Oshawa. BUILDING LOT 2 acres overîooking Lake Ontario, 20 minutes f rom Bowmanville, 200 x 400 on good road. Asking $24,500. FARM 110 acres close to Rice Lake, dlay loam soul, most all workable. Large barn and drlvingshed, chlcken coop, aae. Seven room farmhouse, spic &span. Owner's ethforces sale. Asking $120,000. See and buy now for spring planting. KE"nN HOCKIN IlU 1U U'T "A cr LTD. REALToiR DIE,&LTOR BO 1WMAN VILLE 623-4115 10 acre estate. 2 storey executive type home, 4 bedrooms, 3 bâths, family room with fireplace, 2 car garage, sauna, 5 major apoliances and ail draperies .11and broadloom included af $129,500.00. 52 King St. West Bowmanvillo 623-2453 MAPLE GROVE - 6 room immaculate home with a 2 car garage on a lovely 1 acre lot. Has full basement; eîectric heat; 11/2 baths; fireplace and is very nicely landscaped. Priced ta selI at $58,900. Terms cani be arranged. S1LV ER ST. - Between Church St. and King St. 5 room home zoned commercial. Ideal for office or small store. A real rare opportunity for this type of property at $39,900. Terms can be arranged. 165' x 214' with garag e on sewer and water. Ideal for repair work, body shop, club house or subdivision. Priced right. Cali for details. We require listings of properties in this area for the spring market. List with the Iongest esta blished firm in town. AFTER HOURS: Sam Annis P. Kowal Jr. 623-7664 6623-586 JAEVLLE - 3 bedroom brick and aluminumn sespi,11/2 baths, broadloom, rec room and games room, fireplaceand sundeck on lot 105' x 230. NEWCASTLE - we have 3 brick bungalows, each have 3 bedrooms, 2 have finished rec rooms and fireplace, one is new wlth cush ion f loor and broadloomn of your choice, priced f rom $52,900 f0 $59,500. Cali for more information.1 ORONO - 3 income properties on the main street, two are duplexes and 1 is a 4-plex. Cali for more information. OSHAWA - 11/2 store y 3 bedroom brick home with paved drive, new plum bing and H.W. tank, broadloom and cushion f loor. Close to school and shopping. Ideal1 starter home, asking $38,900. OSHAWA - 2 storey 3 bedroom brick semi, close to Oshawa Centre, school and church. Immediate possession, asking $44,900 with $5,000 down. BOWMANVILLE - compîetely renovated 11/2 storey 3 bedroom brick home, with electric heat, 2 f ireplaces, hardwood- and broadloom f loors, very tastefully decorated with rec room and walkout to the patio area. Cali and inspect this beautiful older home todayl APSLEY AREA - new 3 bedroom cedar cottage wîth sundecks and broadloom throughout, electric heat, garage and completely winterized. Overlooking Jack Lake, asking $45,000. Ideal retirement home. DunwoodyLmt Trustee i ak~ 146 Simcoe St. N, Oshawa Phone 576-3430- pct, a~ Prestiglous area. home, 4 d separate dining room, famlly cu patio doors and fireplace, r-~, laundry room, 21/2 baths. Cushinfo broadloom throughout, dgul ' paved drive, central air, eleý h and power humidifier. $,95O, appointment *'rite Advertier Ç Canadian Statesman, P Q 3r, Bowmanvii le. i 44 t -~ k L RALEAT LIMITEn DON'l HOLDYOU RHORS ES -Lettr s 41 acrehorse farm. 3 bedroom home, nwri c Y 2 barns. 12 stalis, tack room, Goodra ir $10,000.00 clown. Newtonville.$8,0 1 ON 3/2 ACRES- This lovejy 7 yr. aid G sdb'~ has many great features. The 3/2acrestalt and the 32 x 49 workshop with concrete floon,-; furnace. Just north 0f Newcastle. $15~o BOWMANVILLE - 3 bedroom 2 IevePhel famiîy roomn with patio doors and 'ecd~ .y Close to school and stores. Asklîrq$0 83/ PER CENT MORTGAGE on thi" r r bedroom semi detached home with a ec r area of Bowmanville. V-,000 8 AMPAEH REAL ESTATELI t REALTOR 623' 9 $3,000.00 DOWN - 3 year oîd 2 storey A er aluminumn home, completeîy fenced rearyrdr toolshed, 83/4 per cent first mortgage Akrr BUNGALOW-3 bedrooms, finished rec run4 111Y paved drive with carport, large kitcher in Bowmanville. STARTER -. or retirement 3 bedroom hr r,' room, fireplace, close fa churches, schoolsar $39,900.00. 5 ACRES - Build your dream home o h wooded, property, building permits avaiable school bus at property. Askir g$2 9 BOWMANVILLE - 8 room older 2 sto!e family home, ravine lot 91' x 259', close b '- r Asking $45,900.00. COUNTRY LIVING - 3 bedroom bni sidesplit, dinfing room, glass doors fo patio, fa c x 150'. Lisfed at $61,900.0(,. 12 ROOM - in this stateiy sol id brick home~o~ ideal for the professional man, only Bowmanvi lie. SEMIS, SEMIS- 4to choose from, 3, and 4'bdo b priced from $43,900.00. See them ail and mi "ai~ ~Pobêit tc~aug1Mit ~3~e~ght~. c.~4~e ~cJu 080 o~ the ~ew? qk)ok out [il the O k0tm0 koomhep k,& ithe oua8, oh Page akouiid tkeho o top guAdeck gtpptitg os a cooP o080. For your personal viewing appointment, please cali Julius F.-Ke* es' Power Realty Limited 576-1911 - New Developments Division57 Q? mm 7-1 put, VU

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