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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Apr 1977, p. 13

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7 13 ADAMS - Chris would like to announce the arrivai of Hoi ly- wood Dude weighing 100 lbs. on April 7, 1977 . roud aunts - the staff of emergency at B. M.H. 15-1 PRYBICH - Gene and Kathy (nee Jones) are happy to announce the arrivai of ?,ene Garry Jr., 9 lbs. 2.5 ozs. at the Aemorial Hospital, Bowman- ville et 9:57 a.m. on Tuesday, April 5, 1977. Proud grand- parents are Mrs. Ann Prybich and great grandmother Mrs. Margaret Crosmaz, Many than ks to Dr. H. B. Rundie and to the maternity staff of the Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. 15-1ix STEVE NSON - Clarence and Geyle welcome with love Angela Dawn's new baby brother, Darren Robert Clare, born April 6, 1977 et 11:12 a.m., weighing 7 Ibs. 6 ozs. Special thanks to Dr. Beckett, Dr. Sanderson and ail obste- trîc staff et Oshawa Generai Hospital. 15-1 WEAVING - Ellie and Rick are happy to announce the arrivai of their daughter Charlene Deborah, 9 Ibs. 3 ozs. et Chatham General Hospital, on April 4, 1977. Proud randparents are Mr. and rs. T. Parry, Ottawa and Mr. and Mrs, Reg Weaving, Ancaster, Ontario. 15-1 WOOD - John and Linda (nee Tierney) are happy tb announce the safe arrivai of their son Leigh Jerrid David, 7 lbs. 151/2 ozs, on Tuesday, April 5, 1977. A brother for Donna Marie. Many thanks to Drs. Hubbard and- Sylvester, and ail the nurses on mater- nity ward. 15-1 WALLRAFF - Doreen and Werner are pleased to an nounce the arrivai of their daughter Christina Ann, 8 ibs. 41/2 ozs. born March 24, 1977 et Oshawa General, Hospital. Happy grandiparents are Mrs. Josef Wallraff and Mrs. Mii- ton Bryant. 15-1 Imm BROWN - Ellen Matilda. Suddenly et her residence in Orono on Sunday, April13, 1977. 1iien Tamblyn, wife of the ,'_À John Davey Brown, in her 91sf year. Dear mother of James, deceased, Marion, Oshawa, Everett and Olive (Mrs. E. Milison), Orono and LeRoy, Lindsay. Dear grand- moîher of ten grandchildren and relgan dmother, of 15 great ra ndCh ildren . Rested et the Barlow F unerai Home, Orono. Service was held et Orono United Church, Inter- ment Orono Cemetery. 15-1 FLOWERS BY JACKMAN Bowmanville Mall 623-3365 PROMPT, COU RTEOus, SERVICE F0R ALL VOURs FLORAL N EE DS Mr. and Mirs. J. Ruddy and Mr. and Mrs. J. Fair wish ta announce the forthcoming marriage of their children, Beverly Diana to Williami James on June 3rd at Hamp- ton United Church. 15-1 Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pingle are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daug hter Donna to Bruce Pediar, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Pediar of Cambray. Wedding to teke place in Zion United Church on July 16, 1977. iS-ix TRIM - Suddenly at R.R. 1, Newtonville on Monday, April 11, 1977. Gordon Llewellyn Trim aged 61 years. Beloved husband of lsabelie Cale- clough. Dear father of Bruce, Newmarket and Marilyn (Mrs. Dave Rutherford)1, Orono. Grandfather of three grandchildren. Brother of Herbert, Leura (Mrs. Walter Simpson), Josephine (Mrs. W. Coulson) and Bill. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville for service on Thursday at 1:30 p.m. Interment Orono Ceme- tery. 15-1 PARKINSON - Stephen. Sud- denlry at his residence on F riday, April 8, 1977. Stephen Parkinson of 90 Queen St., Bowmanville, aged 4 months, dear son of Linda Parkinson. Sadly missed by many rela- tives and friends. Rested et Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home. Funeral service was held Monday evening. Inter- ment, Grafton Cemetery. 15-1 DEVANEY - At Northwest- ern Hospital, Chicago, on Wednesdey, April 6, 1977. Olive (Bennett) Devaney. Dear sister of Grant Benne tt, Bowmanville and the lete Harold Bennett, Oshawa. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville on Saturday afternoon. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemetery. 15-1 SMITH - Neil Arthur. At Oshawa General Hospital on Thursday, April 7, 1977. Neil Arthur Smith in his 53rd year, beloved husband of R uby Griff in, father of Mrs. Richard Beare (Joan), Port iPerry, Mrs. Brian Healey (Ruth), Miss Marlene Smith and Brian, brother of Glenn Smith ail of R.R. 1, Oshawa,_prede- ceased by one brother Djonald W. Smith, Rested at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with complete ser- vice in the chapel Monday, April llatl:45p.m. Interment Oshawa Union Cemetery. VAN BELLE DAI LY Deivery ta... Oshawa - Bowmanvilîe Areà Phone 623-4441 Durham County's Oldest Funeral Service MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5489 Day or Night Serving this district for 96 years. t Funeral Home TrHOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN - SERVICE Your thoughtfulness for others is 'our fîrst concern, We wilI arrange for charitable foundation donations (such as Heart or Cancer Society) to be acknow- Iedged anywhere in Canada with the appropriate acknowledgement card pre- sent on the same day, with the other putes. -his is part of' our service to community. 53 DIVISION STRE ET, BOWMANVILLE 623-56U8 SIMPSONS MEMOR lAIS 885-6434 4? LavInie- Street Port Hope Monuments - Merkers - Inscriptions - Wrought iron Fîower Stands - Home Appoinîmonts GIadly Arrenged RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY IIMITED Established 1&46. 1e . 1 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street,~ Port Hope, Onteria LIA 3W3 WORKMANPe * QUAUITY High Quality et Reesonable Prices Phono 885-5216 Ii Home 885-5222 24lf The f ami lies of MVr. and Mrs. Walter Woolley invite ail relatives and friends to the Trinity United Church Hall on Saturday, April 16th from 2 - 5 p.m. on the occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary. Best wishes on ly. 14-2 Mr. and Mrs. William Medland will be pleased to. receive friends, relatives and neighbours, on the occasion of their 5th, wedding anni- versary, on Sunday, April 24th, 1977 from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. et the home of their son and deughter-in-law, Jean and John Medland, 24 Queen Street, Brooklin. Best wishes only, please. z =e COWLING - Richard Mur- ray. In loving memory of a dear brother and uncle, who £passed away April 19, 1976. Lovin g and kind in ail his ways Upright and Ïust tilI the end of his days Sincere and kind in heart and m md Beautiful memories he left behind. - Always remembered by his family. 15-1ix H1L LS - 1In 1ov i ng m emory of a dear husband, father. and grandfather, Albert A. HuIs, who passed away April 17,- 1975. Nothing can ever take awey The love a heart holds dear Fond memories linger every day Remembrance keeps himi near. - Lovingly remembered by his wife, children and grand children. 15-1ix MOU NTJOY - In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Donald, Memories are like threads of gold, They neyer tarnish or grow oldI. - Sadly missed by his mother and step-father, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wood and brothier, Fay and Iva and family. 15-1 I would like to thank friends and neighbors for cards, visits and kindnesses to my family, while I was a patient in Memorial Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Hi. B. Rund ile and nurses on third floor. Jeanne Laurion 15-ix On beheif of the rosi dents, management and steff, I "Thank You- ail, who have sharod yaur time and kindness with us while et Sunset Lodge. This is deeply approcieted. We weicome you ta Nel-Gor Castie Nursing Homo in New- castle. Peuline Foster Activity Director jur ffe in le 't, Ne 10e We want ta thank a' friends and neighbours in tI Shaw and Providence- cor munity that participated1 vnusthe beautiful cer ,.flb.e ndchairs, card tabl caver, card sot and servir platter, lest Saturday nighý April 9, et Shaws School. WA are having an Open Tee et fth apartment May 7th, i - 5 p.rr lett in~ ail aur friends seft- beaut9îful wedding gifts. Barry and Anna FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Look for Ibis sea I. It's your guerantoe of permanence. STAF FORD BROS. LTD. Stafford Brothers Monuments 31 uds S.E Wîb Hard-time Dance in Ponty- pool Community Centre on aturdey, April l6th. Music by Rick Johnston and The County Boys. 53.00 couple. Lunch. Door prizes. 14-2 Fish and ch ips. AIl you cen eat every Saturday, $1.69. Acres Restaurant, Taunton Road. Open Fridey, Saturday, andrSunday. 14-2x Fresh 100 Per Cent Pure Ma pie Syrup just arrived f rom the Ottawa Valley Aiso Spys, Mac 1Intosh and Delicious Apples GIBSON ORCHARDS LIMITED 623-3358 13-3 Pineridge Tire Sales TiR ES AND WHE ELS To fil your car or truck. Phone 623-4866 BOWMANVILLE 3t Lots of Used Pianos in Stock, Organs Too! Lowrey, Hammond, Heîntzman, OS HAWA 0ORGA N, CENTRE 16 Simcoe N. (at King) 728-1675 3-tf WH ITE'S T.V. TOWERS Towers, U HF, VH F Aeriaîs, Rotors& Repairs Apartment & Homes Pre-Wired, Ask About Our Gua rantee Phone 576-56016 - -- E. WHITE COU RTiC E Old Tyme Dance in, Tyrone Old Hall. Music by "The Additions", Aprîl l6th. Admnis- sion $2.50 per person. Every- one weicome. 15-ix MONSTER BINGO New Starting Time THURSDAY - 7:30 p.m. Sponsored by Oshawa Mînor Softbatl JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHAWA CARPETS of aIIkinds, custom made drapes and sheers, hard-surtace flooring, protes- sionally instalîed. Free esti- mates. Your one-stop shap- ig. F.A. Kramp, 37-41 King ft. E., Bowmanviîle. Furni- ture, Carpet and Drapes. 13-tf 6000 BALES of hey. Newton- vil le 786-2927. 3-tf TEAKWOOD and Rosewood Scendinavian furniture, bed- room suitecomplote - 8 ýpc., diningroom suite - 9 PC., chesterfield and chair, wli unit, cotfee, 2 end tables. Ail brand new, reasonable, 1-247-4377. 10-tf SIDES of beef. 69c lb. cut, wrapped and frozen. Cal, 1-983-5445 or atter 5 caîl 623-5540. USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Peddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radiai contre, 299 Dean -Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf PADDY'S Market now has now furniture, appliencos, fT.V.s and stereos and elso used furnituro and appliences. WiIll ccept trede-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phono 26,3- 2241. 33-ff. CERTIF lED SEED GRAIN READY TO SOW Oets, Barîey, Beans and Corn. CUSTOM CLEANING AND TREATING CERESMORE FARMS ILTD. 623-3552 and 623-7233 10-13 ANTIQUE CLOCKS -REPAIRED- ýParts aveileblo for most an- tique dlocks, pocket wetches and modern watches and dlocks. Our ropeirs are dono with modern up-to-date equipmoent and qualiied Swiss trained watchmaker, HOOPER'S JEWELLERS. LTD. 29 King St. East Phono 623-5747 ST. JOHN'S MARTKA GROUP Spring Rummnage Sale Thurs., April l4th 9a.m. to9p.m. Tee and Cookies 14-2x n., APPEARING AT fie The Queen's Hotel NEWCASTLE WHITE WATER COUNTRY Friday - Saturday April115- 16 Dan cing 9 -1 15-1 The next meeting of the Social Planning Council wilI be hold an Apri I 21sf et 8 p.m. et Hampton United Church. Evorybody is weicomne. 15-2 Piyah Art Auction Sun., April 24, 1977 .Genosha Hotel, 70 King St. E., Oshawa. ORIGINAL CANADIAN ART FREE PREVIEW i p.m. ta 7 p.m. Auction: 7:30 p.m. Admission $2.50 per person Includes refreshments and door prizes. Sponsored by Piyeh Chapter of Hadassah-WIZO 1. BUY A HINO 1/4 NOW, AND ENJOY YOUR STEAKS THIS SUMMER. Ai STEER HINDS cul, wra pped and quick frozen $1.19 lb. for.orders laken week of April 111h We lake the time ta cut il right. DY KST RA'S FOOD MARKET 73-77 King W. Bowmanville 623-3541 Jack and Jillî Club Spaghetti Supper SAIl you cen etl. Saturday, April 3th 5 - 7p.m. Trinity Unilted Church Hall Tickets $3.50 Under 12 yrs. $1.25 Phone 623-5483, 623-22 10, or 623-3138. Advence tickets onîy. 14-3 MAPLE GROVE'UNITED CÇHURCý PANCAKE LUNCH 12:30 p.m., April 17, 1977 Voluntary Offering IAST MONTHLY LEGION DANCE 0F THE YEAR, (Easter Dance) Saturday, April'16, 1977 RICK BATTERSBY "Rhythm & Rhyme," $5 PER COUPLE DOOR PRIZE AND PRIZES. ~1 15-1 SEED CORN 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT 115 CASH & CARRY Proven Pioncer Varieties 3975, 3965, 398 1, and 3977 in stock Also Stewarts 2501 John Baumchen Farms R. R. 1, Blacks tock Concession 3 et Cartwright, one mi le oast of County Rd. 57. Phono 416-986-4774 14-2 14-5 LADY'S bicycle, G.E. flbar polisher and electric adding machine. Phone 623-3265., 14-2 5,000 BALES top quality horse hay, neyer reîned on. 85c depending on, quantity. Phone 987-4865. 14-3 TRAVEL trailer, Golden Fal- con, 21' tandem wheels, fuily equipped. Phone 987-5045. 13-8x SECOND Mac apples, $2.50 bushel. Phone Feddema Orcherds 263-2074. Pleaýe came Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. No Sunday sales. 8-10 TACK Shop - The Equestrian Pit Ltd. - English and western, also crafts and gifts, lst Line Darilington - south of Hwy. 2 et Hwy. 401. 623-4558. 9-tf ONE iar e bedpedand drapes (sz 2x42"), green and goid. Two twin quilted bedspreads and 2 pairs of drapes (size 48"x42") cream and gold. Phone 1-983-5807. 15-1 ASPARAGUS roots. Thimble- berry canes. C. Verbacht. R.R. 5 Bowmanville, 623-4238. 15-3x '75 CZ 250 cc MOTOCROSS, excellent* condition, 2 gas tanks, 2 racing, carbs, 2 shocks, and studs for ice. Compiete wlth boots and accessories. Best of fer. Phone 1-983-9517 aflfer. 6 p. m. 15-1 TWO furro w, 3 pt. hitch, Dearbourn plow, aiso Massey Ferguson. 7' cut Dyne balance mower wîth 3 pt,. hitch. Phone Orono 983-5318 efter 4 p.m., 15-1 SAIL BOAT 16' Schwyîl day seiller, mein sail, ib, bow pulpit, encîosed cuddy, wili sIeep 2 'people. Must soul. Phone 728-6690 anytimne. 15-2 CASE tractor VCA, with implements. Or trade for riding lewn mower and et- lachments. Phone 2,63-3828. 15-1 '76 - 19' PROWLER house- traider, 3 way frig, 4 burner stove, aven, pce. bath, furnaçe, double s;iks, double holding tanks, ho and coîd water, rail-up ann.Sleepsý 6, inexeen condition, $4600. Cali 623-4546, 15-1ix GARAGE Sale-57 Park Lene Circle, April 15 and 16, 10-4, mlisceilaneous kitchen and hlousehoîd articles, 623-9176. 15-1 25 cu ft.- VIKIN G freezer, $ 100. Phone 987-5215. .15-1 ORGANIC fertilizer (weil-rot.- ted sheep manure) ideal. for Ilawns and gardens, Self-serve by bushel, truckload or tractor load. Russ Dow 623-58,17. 15-3 15' CITATION trai1ler, sîeeps 6,' good condition, hardly used, $1700. Phone 623-3790. 15-1 D-17 6 cyl. DIESEL trector, p ersteering, pulIy and wel weights, motor com- pleteiyaoverhauled, tires good. Pone 263-2185. 15-lx GOOD quality coid storage Macs. Roy Orchards. Phone 263-8430. 15-1 HiAMMOND organ, Phoenix, exceptional tone, 2 key boards and automatic rhythm unit. In excellent condition. Phone 623-3554. 15-1 TWO girls bicycles. 26" and 28". $20 each. 623-5427. IS-ix TENT trailer, sleeps four, extra wooden compertment, tent and-tires in good condi- tion. Cal] 623-7233 after 6 p.m. 15-1 '76 STARCRAFT hardtop camper, sleeps 6, fully oquip- ped. Phone 623-9229. 15-1 VACUUM cleaners and polishers repalred et Reld's Smail Appliance Repair Ser- vice, 164 Base Lino Roed East, Unit 7, Bowmanvilîe. Phone 623-6244- 7-tf ONE Larsen Glaspar 17' bowrider 140 horsepower Merc Cruiser, inboard out- board. motor complete with Ceikins heavy duty trailer. 30 hours running time. Liko new $7500. Phone .987-4865. 15-i THREE speed girls "Cougar X100" bike, also 50 patio slabs 24 x30, 100 baies of. lst cutting hay, 1000 bales 2nd culting. Phone 723-6258 atter 6. 15-1 TENT trailer, ood condition. Asking $250. Pahono 987-4344., 15-i POTATOES - will doliver in Bowmanvil le area. 75 - 50 or 25 l1b., elso small potatoes for soed. Phono 623-2847. 15-tf APPROXIMATELY 7. tons good quality Herta barley. Phone 263-2082. 15-1 SHRUBS and E VE RGRE ENS PHONE 623-3412 15-4 Z=_ 1972 MARQUI1S, Ai r Condition, power steering, brakes and windows. 8 track, wil certify. Phone 623-5427. 15-i x 71 TOYOTA Corolle station- wagon, perfect running con- dition, needs body work, 4 speed. $375 or best offer. Phone 623-4654. 15-ix 70 SS CHEVELLE, V-8, 4 speed, disc brakes, stereo, new exhaust, new front ernd. Must seli. Phone 623-6002. 15-1 1964 PONTIAC,' 327 3-speed standard. Celi 623-4422 up tIl 4:30 and 623-2392 after 4:30. 15-1 1975 CHEV. Caprice, 2 door, no air, 18 options, mileage 15,700, perfect condition. $4100 or neerest offer. Phone 623-3714. 15-1 1971 COMET, asking $250 or best offer, as is. Phone 987-4344. '15-1 1956 PONTIAC Laurentien, 2 door, coach, ýnot certif ied. 623-4289. 15-lx 1974 VEGA hatchback, 4 speed stick-shift, excellent condi- tion, new radiais. $1800 firm. Phone 728-0791. 14-tf '72 BUICK Skylerk, V-8, auto- matic, power steering and brakes, radio, $1995. Phonc 623-4885. 13-3 1969 FORD Galaxie 500, good condition, 94,000 miles, as is., Best offer. Phone 1-983-9517 af ter 6p. m. 15-1 '76 TRANS Am 400, automatic, excellent condition, Many extras. Asking $5800. John 623-2514. 15-ix '73 1/2 TON Custom 10.pick-up, ail power. Phone 623-2263. 15-2 1975 DATSUN long-box truck, snow tires, plates, certif ied, 28,000 miles, 8 track. Asking. $2850. Phone 623-6518.' 15-1ix 1970 VOLKSWAGEN, one owner, 47,000 miles, new tires, licensed, mechanically A-i. $350. 1972 GMC van 350 4 barrel-, new eutomatic trans- mission, power brakes, roof vent, ¾/ insuiated and paý nelled. $1800. -Cal 1623-7602, 15-1 '76 CHEV, Impala, custom coupe, 350 4 barrel, air conditioned, AM-FM radio. Many more options. Must be seen. Phone 725-7535. '71 Maverick, neods et work, $150 as is. F 1-983-5606. 1972 CHEV. Caprice, automeatic, air, 48,000 m vinyl top. Phono 623-9442. 1976 CHEV.' Impala, 4 sedan, vinyl roof, radio,c extras, excellent candil $4400 or best of fer. Must Phono 725-2681. J and M TIRE Service Michelin tires, your1 one- radial centre. 299 Dean Oshawa. 576-1220. VITALIZINGI Phono 723- for Rustproofing on nev used vehicles. Written renty. Durham Vitali. phono 723-1155. OSHAWA Obedience Asso tion Spring Training Clas! Oshawa Novice Classes, -A 27th, Trecking Course, A' l7th. Advanced registrai only. Caîl 623-5686 or 623-7 nine 'hone 15-tf fuliy niies, 15-1 door other 15-1 - Roberta McCann, C.E. Per- efor maent hair rernova. Free Av. 19 Burk Court, Bawmanville. 46-tf -~ EAR PIERCING wor SERVICE va- Hooper's Jewellers zing, Ltd * 47-tf Rogular Prico $12,00 mNOW $1110 with studs Speciel 10 per cent roduclion on firat purchaso of oarrings with the release form Phone 623-5747 ocia- For Appoint ment sses, 14-tf Senior Citizens, 10 per cent off, wash, sets and cuts. 15 per cent of perms and tints, Monday, Tuesday and Wed- nesday oniy. Open six days a week, Thursday and Friday evenings. Kut'n'Kuri Beauty Shop, 71 King St. E . Phone 623-5019 (appointment not always necessary). 15-3 Harry Voerman Insurance 181 Church St., Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 623-4428 Res. 623-7597 AUTOMOBILE AND FIRE INSURANCE 28-tf NOW OPEN Base Line Auto body (Using the very latesl in oquipmnent.) Specializing in Collision Work and R-finishing. Tolephone 623-9131 164 BASE LUNE RD, E. Information Rape Centre A crisis centre for rape or sexuel assault vidtima, Guerantoed confidonfia I. 24 Hour Answering Service. Vol unteers over 18 neoded. or 623- RAP E. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 0F CHARLES HAROLD POR- TEOUS, DECEASED Ail persans having diaims against the estate of Charles Harold Parteous, late of the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Dur- ham, deceased, who d ied on or about the i7th day of March, 1977 A.D. hereby natif ied ta send their tully certitied statemonts ta the sole execu- tor on or bof are the 25th de y of April, 1977, atter which date the sale exocutor will distri- bute the assoIs, havlng regard anîy ta the dlaims of which it thon shail have had notice, DATED et Bowmanjviie, Onteria, thids dth0day of Apri VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST COMPANY Soie Executar, 85 Kent St. W., Lindsay, Ontario, by their solicitors, Strike, Strike & Van Nest,,, Box 7, Bowmanville, Ontario. LiC 3K8 14-2 ANý1N B RAD LLEY Permanent Hair Removai 136 Simcoe St. N. April tion 7382. MALLARD drakes for sale. Phono 263-2359. 15-1 STARTER pullets, Swiss Red Hfybrid brown egg layers, due ta iey in June. J. Gold 623-2730. 13-tf MARE, showy, 3 yeers aid, will board or pasture if required. Phono 623-4751. 14-2 ONE rogistored quarter horse, two years aid, colour sarrel. For information phono Oshawa 579-4395 after 6 p.m. Sunday ta Thursday. 15-1 MARE, gaod riding horse. Colt six months aid, standard bred. Equipment. Phono Orona 983-5673. ONE outside cloor and one inside door. Phone 728-5984. 15-ix WANTED, vacation lots and acreages. 416-267-9301. Harris- Land, 2625 Eglinton Ave. E. Scarborough, Ont. 43-tf SMALL bench, saw. Phone 723-5817 atter 4. WANTED. Instructor'for self defense sport, Write Adverti- ser 675, c-o Canadien States- man, Box 190, Bowmanville, Ontario. Li C 3K9M 13-3x BOARDand lodging for seven- teen-yeer-old F rench Cana- dien, boy by Brookdae- Kingsway Ltd, Here ta ioarn nursery business and, Ian- guege. Telephone 623-3346, 9 ta 5. 15-i z M COLONIAL STABLESÇ EQUESTRIAN CENTRE, "Leern ta Ride" Spocial1 Courses in Equitetion, Jumping and Dressage. "Horsemanship" and "Showmanship", Opportunity te Compote in Shows, Horses Supplied. WeII Schoobed Horses For Sale. Hunters and Jumpers. Instructor: JACQU ELIN E WlILLIAMS, B.H.*S., F. B. R. S. Tel: 623-7336 1ilth Line, RR. R3, Bo*manvi lie 13-tf FULL or part time work aveilable calling on Fuller, Customers in Bowmanville and Cartwright Township. No investment for information. Write Patrick Wiebe area, sales manager 416 Waiton St. Cobourg or phone 416-372-9969 between 4 and 6 p.m. 12-4x PENSIONER to do light household duties in return for room and board. Lady prefer-, red with, references. Plýase epply to Advertiser 676 care of Te Canadien Statesman P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, LiC 3K9. 14-2 HOUSEKEEPER companion, for eideriy lady. Permanent position, live-_in, Pickering area. Saiery negotiabie. Reply to Advertiser 677, care of Canadian Statesman, Box 190~, Bowmanviiie, Ontario, LIC 3 K9. ATTENTION GAIS SARAH COVENTRýY JEWELLERY- has a new Bowmaniville Branch, We need gaIs tai work,' part time or fulIl imne inand eround the Bowmanviîe Area. -Commissions paid weekl y -No initial outîay requIred -We wiil train For more information and interview please phono 623-9147. f . 15-1 REQUIRED for garden main- tenance work. High schooI, maie student, minimum 15 y ears. Reiable and conscien- tious only need appiy. Cour- tice area. Telephone 725-2987. 15-1 BUILDING materiai' dealer req ui1res sales help, ex- perience an asset. Write Advertiser 680, c-o Canadien- Statesman, Box 190, Bowman- ville, Ontario LIC 3K9.. 15-1 AMBITIOUS couple 'needing more incame, unusual op par- tunity for good earnings. Work together. Part-time or full time, Phone 263-2280. 15-1 Mui andf part-limne 18 yeaè.rs or over <new diningroom fekatuering entertainmenit> Experience flot necessary, but must be wilîing ta learn. CO.ACH and FOUR 983-5560 WANTED-- Legal Secretary preferabiy wlth bookkeeping experience, but rnot essentia [, for generel la practîce in Bowanviile Caîl 623-3305 for appointmeFnt for Interview. THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION Applications will be received by the undersigned until 12 noon, Aprii 19, 1977 for the position of: Tem porary Part Time Key Punch Operator Generai knowiedge of, office procedure, Experie>ced in operati ng I BM 029 or UN IVAC 1800 required. Accuracy and abiiity ta get eiong with people essentiel. The position wiil be in the Port Hope Data Centre. Pl 0eapl nwrtnstlg qalfication s, expreean teiphe uln eriea: an M .A. Mac Leod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, P.O. Box 470, Cobourg, Onlaria K9A 4L2 ROOM for rent. Phone 623- 7750. 14-2 8 ft. TRUCK camper, sioeps 4, Phone 1-983-5974. 15-IX FARMHOUSE, garage, barn, tool shed, about 95 acres, near Port Perry. House needs repair. $250. Phone 1-922-3191. 14-4 TWO bedroom bungalow, garage, dining room, sunroom newlv decorated, central, reference required. Write Box 130, Bowmanviî le. Stale neme and phono' number, elderîy couple preferred, $300 plus utilities. 14-4 BOWMANVILLE, 3 bedroom, brick, centrai, large back yard, garage. Avaieabie May ]St. Apply ta Advertiser 618,' c-o Canadien Statesman, P.O. B3ox 190, Bawmanvilîo, 15-2x BOWMANVI LLE apartmont, two bedrooms, iivingraom, kitchen and bath, reesonebie rent. Immediate possession, centrai location. Phone 623-7523. 15-tf COMMERCIAL plaza for rent, excellent location in down- town Bowmanviile. Ideal for offices, resta ura nt-tevern, bank, trust compeny etc. tram 500 ta 5000 square feet evailable ready b y Juiy ist or sooner. For details phone 723-0575 or 623-4172. 14-4 1 ei A R ai

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