DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tues., 12 noon Peter Sutherland Aluminum Prod. Bowmanviite Siding - Soff it Fa scia - Trough Shutters - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 FOR FREE ESTIMATE. NOW HANDLING VINYL SIDING 3-tf J. A. HAYES (SMOKEYt) MEATS Custom Cutting FREEZER ORDERS 174 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa Phone 579-8011 or 623-7056 36-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS - FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box43 - Bowmanville 30-tf Im Lander- Hardlware and ELECTRIC 2-tf INSTALL an Esso furnace, bolier, humidifier, heater or air cleaner. Combination wood and oui. Financing ava il- able. Furnaces leaned. Parts and service poiicy. Cali Harvey Partner, your Esso service dealer. F ree est!- mates. Oronio 983-5206 or Zenfith 14620. 24 hour service. S36-tf GLA$SSand MIRRORýS LTD. 7 Dision St., BOw'manvilie Ontaýrio. Phone 623ý-5187 Sheet and Float Gêss SealdUnt - Strm Wýindows Stor-e Frontfs - Float Mifrrors patIterned aInd Coiored Glass and Glazing. 17 tf TY RONliE AUTO BODY Light colision and rust repairs, fibreglass repýairs, paintiing and body restorations. FREE ESTIMATES TYRONE .ONTARIO 263-8088 12-4 CUSTOM tree removal. Free estimates. Calil 1-983-9648 after 7 p.m. 13-4x NEED a pressure system? Water Softeriers? Repairs to ai makes. Harvey Partner, Orono 983-5206 or Zen ith 14620. 36-tf WATER Wells bored, 30" tule. Ward's WeII Boring. Tele- ~ihone 342-2030. Representat- five Harry L. Wade. Tele- tf phone 987-4531. 16-tf INSTALLING or renovating a bathroom, kitchen, laundry oom, etc. Pipes, valves and fittings from Harvey Partner. We service ail makes. Cali Orono 983-5206 or Zenith 14620. 36-tf C & C JANITOR SERVICE Carpet - Upholstery Professionaliy Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMANVILLE D. Beers & Soi CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovatii Roc Rooms ing cleanmng. Dry foam rug ana carpet shampooing. Wax re, moval, wal washing. Ron Turcotte, 623-7966 TYRONE Tig- WelIding -Mîg Steel -Cast Ilon -AlumÎnum SmaIl En mes Repaired a& uno-ups Lathe Work 263-8849 15-4 OXFORD Brick layers and Stonemnasonsr (Our fireplacosdo not smoke) 1-983-5606 25-tf Lloyd Barnes Plumbhing Carpentry, Renovatingi Ail General Repairs REASONABLE RATES 27-tf MALE student. 14. WilIing to help with spring dlean-up. GO RD SI MPSON Kevin 623-5050. 15-1 Phoino 983-5808 Orono, Ontario Genera I Repa irs Painting Odd Jobs. Reasonable Rates. PapehaningPHON E - Carpentry 623-7259 Remodïelling q5b General Repairs înterior Exterior AIU kinds of 14-tf BRICKWORK, CHIMNEYS P. LOUWS DARLINGION CONSTRUCTION MASONRY 149 SCUgog St. Brick, Block, Stone Bowm,,anvillîe CHIMNEY &FIREPLACES 6325 CflIIINEY CLEAINIIG Phone 623-2176 45-tf Durham Masonry Contractors Mt. Bricks - Legs Field Sonework Speciaiizing in irepiacos Phione 8,39-241 44-tf ALL-TYPE ROOFING Shinglos new or Roroofing. Flats hot or cold Process. Ail roof and chimney repaiirs. FREE ESTIMATES 6 23-5038 ALLIN COLE'S MOBILE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE MECHANICAL REPAIRS <Tune-ups-Brakes-Etc.) AIl workdo n e by Licensod Class "A" Mechanic At home or pliace of busness. Ail parts and labor guarantood. Terms cash. PH ON E 623-5045 BOWMANV ILLE e ** S s UJSED Furfiture, and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 33-tf WANTED old Bisque dolîs and doîl carniages, f ifty years and older, for ladyi who really 1preciates themn. Please cal fIs.Hope 576-7969. 14-2 PA IR of French doors, 6' 10" x 2' 10". Phono 987-5080. 15-ix CASH for gId, silvor, coins, guns, dlocks, jewellery, dish- os, funituré, crocks, paint- ings,, sealors, appliances. Frilendly Flea Market, 23 Kn West, 725-9783. Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAV'ýN AUTO WRÎECKERS Yard 623-YI526 Re si d "enrlce% 623-7112 M. Brooks CARPENTRY RE'MODELLING CUPBOARDS - VAN ITIES GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 623-5566 Anderson Insulation 579-2060 Blown Cellulose fibre. City and country homes. 1 -tf G. VAN LONDEN MASON RY BRICK, BLOCK, STONE AND FIREPLACES. Phone 623-5114 13-1 2x A-1 CARPENTRY Specializing in finishing and remodelling. 27 years carpentry experience FREE ESTIMA TES Phone Jamie 623-6358 after 7 pm. 15-2 Gloria's Canvas & UDholstery Custom Made Awnings Trauilor - Boat - Sail1 Covors AIl Types of Canvas Ropairs Boat - Skidoo - Motorcycle Seats Rocovemed BOWMANVILLE - 623-4654 1 fQAl GARAGE, south end of Bow- manvilie, for year round storage of oid dam. Phono 623-6884. 15-2x RELIABLE adults wouid like country house Io ment. Within commuting distance of Oshawa, 1-705-292-7121. 97 2 nd andî3'rd MORTGAGE 7 MONEY AVAILABLE 5- year term -Open Mortgages -No payments for three months --- No bonuses - No Credit Checks - No inquiry from neighbors - Confîdential arrangements made in y ur home, - Borrow as low as $1,600 - Fast service Cal l Mr. Wilks Mortgages bought and sold (.Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax) 683-2611 FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CALI MARGWI LL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 30 tf LOTS for sale. Saunders Court, Bowmianville. For information cail 723-5225 dur- ing business hours. 9-tf COUNTRY estate in Kendiai HuIs. 5 bedroom brick bunga- low. Fireplace and a million dollar view. Only $300.00 per month. Caîl Alian Frank 623-3393. W, Frank- Real Estate Lt., Realtor. Toronto 923-9174. 15-1 RAVINE SETTI NG for iovely executive home in Blackstock. Patio walkout, from 12 x 40 ft. mec room. Balcony above fmom duning area. Landscaped lot with beautiful white birch and shrubs, 75 x 208. Caîl Dorothyý Ratcliffe of Schofieid-Aker Ltd., Realtor at 723-0045. 15-1 RESULTS COUNT! Multiple Lsig Servic( Oshawia & District Real Estate Board Stf-- OPEN HOUSE On Aprîil l7th, we hope, the Lord wulling, to celebrate the 25th wedding annivemsary of our parents Bill and Betty Vanderbyi. Open house wil11 be held on that day, from 2-5 p.m. at our home. (Corner Gmocemy Store, Bailieboro). Ed and îSharon (fiancee) and Liz. 15-1 IAM cý Saturday, Aprii116, 1: 00 p.m. Machinery and Feed and Antiques Auction sale including Adventure tent.trailer - _sieeps 6, M-F 65g as tractor, 3 pt. hitch (good); Int. 3 furrow plow, 3 pt. hitch, Owantonna 29 self propelled 10' swather (good), New Idea 1-row corn gicker, Harvest Handier 16' elt elevator, baie elevator, McCormick 6' combine with pick-up and reel head with motor, J -B & D Sprayer, 1 h.p. motor - good, Gehi grînd ail hammer miii, 3 sets of harrows, cultivator, single plow. double disc 8', fertilizer spreader, Kangaroo plow, steel roller, hay rake, steel wheels, snow plow blade, pratform scales, potato cutter, potato duster, compressor from walk-in freeer, 10 tons mixed grain, Qu. of baled hay,, cutter, cast iron seat, antique pot beily stove, coke cooler, oul space heater, sau- sage press, meat g rinders, milk cans, antique Esso Gas Bowser, many, many small items. The property of Hlarry Harper, Goodwood, farm at the west end of Goodwood at intersection of Hwy. 47 and Durham Rd. 21. Sale at 1 p.m. Lunch availabie. Sale manag- ed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Aucf ions Ltd., Uxbridge. 416-852-3524. 14-2 Holstein Dispersai Sale Selling Thursday, April 28th at 7:30 p.m. at Durham County Sales Arena, Orono. Compiete dispersai of 27 good Holstein milkîng cows. More details next week, Charlie Reid, auctioneer. 15-1 Auc tion sale, property of Mm. Robert Schoonau, and Mrs. Barbara Schoenau to be heid at Stitevant's Auction Hall, 27 Hall St. Oshawa, Thursday evening, April 14 at 6 p.m. 2 door coppertone refrigerator, bedroomn suite (queen sizo bed, box spring and mattress, triple dresser, night tables, high boy), old En glish rocker, 2 armn chairs ,and settee ý(wino, old English), automatic portable dish- washer, turquoise founfain and two umns, sewing ma- chine, games table and four chairs, Lowemy organ and music (over $5,000 new price), brown chesterfield, matching loveseat, chair and ottoman in chocolate cordumoy, console model coloured> television, antique what-not, antique hand carved table, coffee table (drop leaf, dark pîne), aur conditioner, octagon goid fish tank, pump and fulter, fireplace and accessories, marbie sink, green velvet rocker and footstool, Electro- home coloured portable T.V., two green velvet lovoseats, large stereo, octagon coffee table with matching end tables, dmum table, chande- lier, cuckoo dlock, wine swag lamp, large green mug, 22 bone china cups and saucors, radio, lawn mowem, card table, six chairs, sait water aquarium, ?old plate' sot of siivemware Rodgers), Limoge sot of dushes, goid Colonial lamps, cmanborry glass, Royal Doul. ton dushes, antique dlock, candiehoidors, tea service, Italian marbie statue, plus large number of articles not on list. This is a large înterestîng sale, sales roomn wiil be open one hour before sale timo., Terms cash. No resorve. Ali furniture to be soid in one evening. Mylos King, auctioneer. 725-5751 or 723-0501. 15-1 Auction Sale Satu rday, April123, 1977 12:30 p. m. The estafe of the late Ray Anderson, just off Brock Rd. be$Ide new town of Pickering Works Depot, between 3rd and 4th concession of Pickering. Watch for signs from Brock Road a pproximateiy 13/ miles north of no. 2 highway. Sale of fumniture, appliances, 4 dra- wer f iling cabinet, R.C.A. co- lour T.V., bedroom suite, Wes- tinghouse fridgo, G.E. range, ingîis auiomatic washîng machine, 308 rifle, 12 gauge pump shot gun, 12 g auge single shotgun, AI lis Chai mers tractor, (approx. 25 h.p.), 12' tandem trailer,.side delivery rake, Case mower, fuel tanks, 12' fibre glas boat, 51/2 h.p. Johnson boatý motor (needs repair) hydraulic jack, step ladders, filood lights, quantity of scrap imon, tools, lus numerous other articl1es. temms cas h, no reserve. John Annis, auctioneer. 985-3477. 15-1 POLAOID DIýSTRIBUTOR WESTINGHOUSE WANMT ED Qualified individuai Maie or Femnale needed to distribute worid famous Kodak film and othor photo products through comnyM estahlished locations. "NO SELLING OR SOLICITING REQUIRED." Make thids year your year for Independonco. $5495,00 Investmont. Guaranteed 12 month repurchase agree- ment. CALL MR. MRI COLLECT A614-228-1751 ,Monday to Fri, eA,9 a.m. to 6p.m. ES.T. Or write Firostone Phioto Co-. Firostone Building since 1946- 162 N. 3rd St., Columbus, Ohio 43215 * a g * a, g Cg chains, biade and mower. Auctioneer's Note: Again we will be offering over 100 units 0f qua"iY farm and industrial machinery. So loin us and fi your rmcInery needs for the coming year. Terms cas h or cheq ue. No reserve. Seiiing by numbers. Regîster. Lunch and refreshments avaîlable. Machîneryon display Fridýy, April 22nd. Henry Kahn and Bill Waiker Auctioneers (416) 985-8161.' 15-2' 0_A' Saturday, Apr il 23rd Farm sold. Auction sale of farm machinery. The proper- ty of Wayne Mdlmoyle, Lot 24, Con. 10, Smith Twp., 3 miles north of Lakefield on Hwy. 507 and 1/4 mile west or 12 miles north of Peter- borough. 1972 Case 970 diesel tractor, dual wheels, cab 93 h.p., power shift, chains, 1900, hrs. 1972 Int. 666 diesel tractor ROP cab, 2400 hrs. 65 h.p. complete 1971 Int. 454 diesel tractor, power steering with Int. 1550 manure loader, 5' hydraulic bucket. 1975 Int. Big Roll baler PTO, 1971 New Holland Super 717, 2 row forage harvester- PTO, 1971 New Holland model 8 self unloading forage wagon. 1974 New Idea, 2 row corn picker PTO. Fox-O-Wick 360 propane corn drJyer, like new. 1973 New Holland 419 hay bine, 1973 Int. Cycdo 4 row air corn planter PTO. 1975 Kiwanee 18'6" tandem disc with wings. AIllied 14'6" cultivator 3 p t. Allied Il' cultivator 3 pt. Degelman 5' rock picker ground drive. Degelman hydraulic swing rear blade 3pt. Degelman pot hole digger, M-F 35 comb ine PTO. New Hol land510 manure spreader 175 bus PTO. 1976 Surge PTO hydro plant 15 KWH 60, to 120 amps. Tandem 500 golden f ield spray er, 1974 Int. 8' snow blower, an exceptional row of modemn power machinery. See p osters for complete listing. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Carl and Greg Hickson, auctioneers, Rea- boro, Ontario. 705-324-9959. >14-3 Thursday, April 21st. Giving up Farming-Auction Sale of Livestock and Implements. The property of Elwood Little Lot 3 Con. 10 North Monaghan Twp. mile.south of Peterbor- ough lBy-Pass on Hw y No. 28 and 1/4 mile east. 81 head of Hereford Cattie. 40 Hereford cows with 40 calves by side. Purebred Hereford Bull 1976 M.F. 255 diesel tractor cali- brated to 265-300 hrs. 1974 M.F. 165 diesel tractor 1000 hrs with 1975 M.F. 32 ndust- rial loader. 1976 vibra Shank 12' cultivator 3 pt. with depth wheel. 1976 M.F. 7' power mower 3 pt cut 50 Acres, 1975 M.F. 124 Baler PTO f loatation tires, 1973 George White field sprayer, 200 gallon tank, double nozzle. M.F. 16 run seed drill, power lift, sown 40 acres. Little Grant hay eleva- tor wîth grain spout 2 H.P. motor. Allied 10' cultivator. New Holland side rake, wagon and hay rack, 1975 M.F. 160 manure, spreader PTO, George White snow blower PTO, 14' Cullopai Int. 3-14%s plough 3pt. nearly new, M.F. 4 furrow piough 3 pt. John Deere 10' tandem disc and hy- draulic ram. 10' chain har- rows. 200 bushel grain box and wagon, Allied 75' barn hay conveyor. Cement Mixer PTý full uine of modemn farm ma- chinery. Approx. 1000 bales of mixed hay.i Terms cash. No reserve.Saleat 1:00 p.m. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, 'Reabo- ro, Ontario. 705-324-9959. 15-2 Saturday, April 23rd, 10-.30 a.m. The 9th annuai Brooklin and District new and used farm machinery auction- located 1/2 mile east of Brooklin, corner of Thickson Rd. (Heron's Lot); or Hwy. no. 401 to interchange 68 (between Whitby Oshawa), then 5 miles north on Thickson Rd. featurîng mainly quality tractors, and other farm machinery. Partial lîst oniy: tractors: Belarus 400 (1975); Belarus 500 W-Harris Cab __Demo); Cockshutt 1950 T W-Cab (105 H.P.); M-F 1100 Diesel (100 H. P.): M-F 1085 diesel (Demo-640 hrs.); M-F 200 Crawler W-Drot Loader 4 in 1 bucket and backhoe; D-B 880 diesel; D-B 990 -diesel; .H.C. B 414 diesel W-lH. loader; M-F 1080 diesel; M-F 165 diesel (2) Hyd. Lift Etc.; M-F 65 diesel (M-P.); M-F 3165 W-200 Industrial Loader and Backhoe; case 410 B gas L.P.T.O.; case 400 diesel Wi-Power and Hyd.; case 830 diesel W-power and remnote; Ford Jubilee W-Ford Loader and Hyd. Bucket; Ford 8N (rebuilt); M-F,35 4 cyl diesel As 1830 -kid-steer Ae M.F. No. 39-28 Plate disc hamrow. Kong skiide 3 fummowý pioug h, M.F. 130- manume spreader, Int. 175 self-propel- led' swather, M.F. 124 baier,' M.F. 12 baler, M.F. 9 baler, A.C.B. 208 ýgardon tractor, ma"y ot e uces of farm mach inery. Terms cash. No resorve. Sale at 12:30 p.m. sharp. Carl and Greg Hckson, auctioneers, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 13-3 Tuosday, April -19,12:30 p.m. Machinery and Hoisteins Auction sale inciuding 60 hoisteins, 2 tractors and hay equipment for Russell Bax, R.R. 4, Cobourg. Farm is on the noth side of Hwy. 401 between Port Hope and Co- boumg Lot 29, Con. 2, Hamil- ton Twp. Fmom 401 take exit 81 or 82 noth to Telephone Rd., farm is 3 miles east of Hwy. 28 on Telephone, Rd. M- F 165 diesel tractor (good); M-F mobile mixer miii (excellent), M- F 160 bu. manure spreader; N-H 67 baler; N-H 3 pt. hitch mower; A-C hay conditioner; J-D 4 furmow plow- 16"; J-D side ake; J-D 7' dîsc; Case D tractor; Case cultivator; Surge miiking machine; pails, strainier. 60 Hoisteins - D.H. I.A. tested, 30 Registemed, 30 Grade, large number of bred and open heifers both registered and grade. An excellent opportunity to buy good heifers for Pasture. Also severai cows and heifers due now f0 mid summer. Sale at 12:30, Lunch available. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uýx - bridge, 416-852-3524. 1- Gigantic farm machinemy, implement, and indlustriai equipment sale. Thursday, April 21, at the Liptay Auction Centre, Hwy. No. 7 and Bensford Road, Peterbo- rough. 15 - 20 Tractors. A.C. 190 x 7 dual wheei cab, John Deere 350 crawler front end loader, MF 165 tractor, 8N Ford tractor, 1971 Case 580 backhoe modol 33 tractor, Satoh 5650 tractor, Boiens 20 tractor, Bolons 10 tractor, W. D. tractor, MF 35 tractor, manymore yet being consigin- ed Manume speaders, J. O., N.H, Int., corn pianters, foag ha rvesters, 1nt. 230 self poeied 10' swather condi- tioner, balers, akes, tandem trailers (3) A.C.D. 15 loader, backhoe, Morris 18' cultiva- tom, Cockshutt six 16" automa- tic reset piow, 1969 Chev. pick up truck, discs, cuitivators, riding iawnmowers, snow- mobiles, trailers, p iows, many more items. Smai i equipment - complete dispersai of contractors smail equipment - fomks, shovels, Power tools, Skîl saw, heavy duty, wheeibarrows, 7 ouls new snow fende, H. D. extension cords, paint, spayers, etc. etc. etc. Note: This us only a partial listing. Many more items are being consigned right to sale time. Plan to aflend - we will have something for you. Smail items at 11:00 a.m. Large machinory at 1:-.00 p.m. Liptay Auction Centre, R.R. 6 Peter- borough, 705-745-0260. Steve Liptay, auctioneer.. 14-2 Livostock - Hereford Charolais - Beefalo Saturday, Api 3th, auc- tion sale of livestock and impiements. The-property of Steve J. Peconi, 1 mile north of Peterborough city limits on Chemong Rd., 1/2 mile east to Hilliar St., south 114 mile, first tarm east. 61 head of Here- ford, Charolais and Beefaio cattie. 18 mature Hereford and Charolais cows bmed Beefalo Sept. 15 to Dec. 10, 1976. Bred to Georgia Pride H.B.I.-Pat's Pride H.B.13- Kammie's Pride H.B.17. 4 mature Hereford and Charo- lais cows with 4 recordlable Beetalo calves by side - born Sept. to Dec. fmom Joe's Prude. An gus cow with Beefalo bull cal f by side. Charolais Home- ford cow bred. Beefalo due Mar. 5. 8 Hereford-Charolais cows, some with calves by side -,some open. 15 Charolais and Hereford steers and heifers 1-yr. .old, 1975 Zetar Crystal diesel tractor 85 h.p. complote 360 hms., M.F. 135 gas tra ctom with AIllied loader. M.F. No. 12 baier. New Holland 327 manure spreader. 1975 Int. Vibre Shank cultiva- tom, 1975 Hydrien 4 - 16's plough, 1973 New Holland mix ail grîndor, 1916 Aiiied harrows, 2 new Ritchie auto- matlc electric water bowis. Dion self unloading forage wagon, full lino of modemn power machinery. Terms cash. No eserve. Machine sale at 1:00 p.m., cattle at 3:00 p.m. commencing de14' Kongskide cuitivator, 2 wagons wth 18' racks, New Holland 130 bus. manure spreadIer PTO, 2-John Deero 4 furrow ploughs 3pt. very large quantity of items used in the tobacco business. Terms cash. No roserve. sale at 1:00 p.m. Carl Hickson, auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 14-2 IAm fa- Livestock Auction-Notice of Change. Community Live- stock Exchange, Hoards Station. As of April 5, 1977'the New Sale time will be every Tuesday afternoon at 1:00 pm. instead of Monday night. 3 ri ns in operation to serve nyoug et r. Beef and Veal RingSwine Ring, Springer Rig A large competitive market for ail your livestock reqi rements. Last Monday nigh sale on March 28th. Note-Sale every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. beginning April 5th. Roy Williams Auctioneer, Swine, Bob Sullivan Auction- eer, Springers, Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Beef and Veal.- Carl Hickson Proprietor and Auctioneer Reaboro, Ont.. 705- 124-9959. 12-4 A -TZ 2nd Annual Spring Stocker Sale at Lindsay Community Sale Barn, R.R. 2 Lindsay, Ontario, Wednesday, April 27th at 1:00 p.m. and Wednes- day, May llth at 1:00 p.m. Always good quaiity sales of local fammers' cattie. Stocker steers, heifers and calves soid in truckioad lots or to your satifaction. Large Quanitity- Good Quality for consign- ments or futher information contact Carl Huckson _pro- prietor and Auctioneer Rea- boro, Ont. 705-324-9959 or 324-2774. Note-Our regular weekly sales are Mondays and Fridays at 1:00 p.m. 12-5 Auction sale at Pethicks Auctuon Shed, Haydon, one mile east of Enniskiloen on Saturday evening, Apil 16. Fumnitume from Mrs. vance's house, when Hydro tore down hem house, and other articles, Sale at 7 p.m. Cliff Pethick, auctioneer. 15-1 Auction Sale The undersigned auctioneer will seli by public auction on Saturday, April 23rd for Bull Sinclair, al1 his g randmothem's furntureuin Bur keton, 11 miles north of Bowmanville. Small frig, deep freeze (apt. size), smaii cook stove, wrunger washing machine (new), kitchen table and chairs, puilout chesterfueld, bed, table saw, other articles. Sale at 1 p.m L. Harris, , erk. Ciff peý,thck, auctioneer. For sales of any kind cali 623-2313. 15-2 Friday, April 22, 11.30a.m. Machinery - Truck Excellent auction sale of modemn farm machinery in- cluding: White C,105 field boss tractor, 110 h.p. This tractor bought new on the farm, equipped with cab, wuth air, 23 x 34 tires, auxiiiary fuel tank - excellent condition 800 hrs.; A-C 2000 series, 5 furrow 18" piow with trash covers - auto-reset - new last year; White 24' cuitivator with wings - new last yeam; A-C heavy duty KT 14' disc with dual wheels. White 1470 trac- tom (70 h.p.) only 400 hrs. - excellent; White 1270, 4 wheel drive tractor with hydrauiîc loader, this tractor like now oniy 125 hours. Gleaner K combine, cab and heater wuth 3 ow corn head and 10' grain header; GMC 1974 truck - 60' semies; 16' piafform and stock racks - hoïst - 28,000 miles - bought new on the farm; 1972 Dodge 12 ton truck; J-D 710 diesel tractor - power steer- ing; M-F seed drill (grain and fer. and grass seed); M-F 10'. cuitivator (3 pt. hitch); New Holiand 9' haybine; Int. 10' culivator on wheois; JB and D weed sprayer, Ford 4 furrow T-B plow (neamiy new); Ford 8' disc- 3 pt. hitch; Turnco wagon; cattie oiler; Delaval 3200 lb. bulk tank; Sputnik milk porter; garage doors, barn beams, qu. of lumber; piles of scrap metal, steel framed windows, and numerous other tems. The propemty of Murray Meek at Victoria Corners, sellîng at the Lloyd Wilson Auction Yard, Uxbidge, Ont. 1 mile north of Uxbmu 'dge to Townline then east:to first farmi. Mm. Meek wiii be moving his machinery to this location on Aprîl 15. There wiil be additionai mnach inory added to this sale. Note: This is an excellent unre of n'îachinery - much of it nearly new. Sale at 11:30 a.m. Lunch availabie. Sale managed and soid by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 15-2 Wednesday, April 201h ~.Giving u tobacco business. Auction saF of tobacco equip- ment, farm machinery. The- property of Don Frew, and Sons. Lot 18, Con. 9, Scugog Twp. (formerly Cartwright Twp.) 8 miles south fromf jnction of Hwys. 7 and 35 at Lundsa y to l4th con. of Manvers and 9 miles west on County Road 57 or 11/2 miles north of Nestieton on Regionai1 Road No. 57. 1973 John Deere 2120 tractor, 2 De Cloot Tying machines 1974 - 75. 1968 Cadmas priming machine and baskets. 2- 1974 Cadmas Auction Sale -of umpements and other articles on Satur- day, Aprul l6th at 1 p.m. for William Poiak and John Boychyn at Bi1ii<s famm, Lot 17, Concession 3, old Dariington township, 2 miles south of Hobb's Schooi or one road west of 57 and 2 miles north of highway 2. The foliowing articles are ail for sale. 1966 Plymouth, 1971 -Dodge Polamo, 1969 International 1 ton pick- up, 8 wheei 20' f boat, AC W. D. 45 with 1/2 track attachment, Case VA with 2 furrow plows, 2 row corn scufler, 2 AC -3 furrow piows, AC 7ft. hay mower, 7 ft. Cunning ham Crimper AC disc. 8 ft. A C cul- tivator, 10 ft._ridged disc. 2 manure spreaders -w1ëef driven, Case baier, 500 g ai. gas tank, fertilizer sprea dem, tiler, Barn beams, 100 tende posts, large quantity window sash, Bee hives boxes and frames, baskets, 35 pull type, combine with scour clean- and power lift table (auger fed), Otaco ail steel rubber tured wagon (wide wheel based),' Tumnco Gravity Grain Tank Model 165, 32 fine tdoth Alliod' cultivator 'with following harrows 3 pt. Hitch., 16 run rubber tîrod internationali rain, small seed and fertil- izor, druul with power lift. 20 A: H. Grain and fertilizer drill (13 run) 2 Row 3 pt H. Black, Hawk corn planter, 2 row 3 pt. H.M. corn planter with fertilizer, set of 5 section D'îamond drag Harrows. MH 50 tractor with front end loader, 32.ft. bale and grain elevator, 8 MF 3 pt. H. Disc harrow, Alliid cultfiva- tor 3 pt. hitch. Terms cash. Lawrence Harris, cierk, Cliff Pethick, auctionoor. 14-2 Tuesdav, Acril 19 Auction sale of 3 tractors, combine, machinery and corn oquupment of New Delling Farms; on Hwy. No. 45, 6 miles north of No. 401, Cobourg. Con. 5, Lot 31, Haidemand Township. 105 h.p. Cockshutt 1950 tractor, 75 H. P. Ailis Chaimers 180 tractor, 560 International tractor, Industrial loader, Gleaner F combine with 4 row corn head and 13' g ain head, 5 furrow Cockshutt piow, 29 hiade eeze on disk, 18' Vibrashank culti- vator, 6 gravity grain boxes and wagons, 3 grain augers, 41', 36' 27' ail 6", 24' chaîn harrows, International 400 Ccone 4 row corn planter, Century 250 gai. saddie tank sprayer, No. 80 Eeze on loader, 4 grader biades (6', 7', 8') new, 5 new 6 ton wagons. 5' 4" silo hlowem, (new) 3 Pt. 10' fork lift (new), grain cleaner, set of dual tires 18 x 30, 4 mow corn head for 640 Ford combine, two 2 row cultiva- tors, one self propeiied forage wagon. Terms cash. No me- serve. Farm leased. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Auctioneer's Note: This is an exceptionai, lino of famm machinory, ho on tume - no smaii articles. Steve Lip- tay, auctioneer, R.R.6, Peter- borough, 1-705-745-0260. 14-2 Saturday, Apri 1 16 Auction sale of livestock and implements, property of Mrs. Dorothy Star k, Lot 8, Con. 5, Carke Township, Town of Newcastle, 4 miles north of Newtonville on Newtonviiie Rd. to Stamkvilie and 114 mile east or 3 south of Kendal and 114 mile east. 66 head Hereford and Ch-arolais cross cattle, 13 Hereford and Charolais cross cows with calves by side and Hostein cow due time of sale. 20 yearling Hereford and Charolais hoifers and 20 yearling Hereford and Charo- lais steers. 1976 John Deere 1830 diesel tractor 350 hr. with power steeming -î.L.P.T.O. me- mgte control wth 14S loader, hydraulic bucket, excellent condition. 1970 M-F tractor, gas, 1900 hrs., excellent condi- tion. 1952 JD AR tractor, remote control PTO, 1960 International 350 utility trac- tom, gas with, loader and fast hitc with 3 pt. piugs, la te model Cockshutt 520 haler with wagon hitch and baie chute, excellent condition. M-F Dyna balance mower 3 PTH, 7 ft. NeW Holand, 450 mower, 3 pt., 7 ft. boit driven excellent condition, 1976 New Leon blade 7 ft, 3 PTH. Aiiied cuitivator 3 pt. Il ft., 30 teeth, like new, M-F spreador 11é bush Pte., M-F disc 7 ft. 3 PTH, M-F side rako 5 bar 3PTH, Ford post hoie digger, 12" augor, Itaco wagon, 5 ton on rubber, pipe, hay elevator, 40 ft. with motor, hydraulic cylinder with hoses now, Gibson iding iawn mowor, 8 h.p., 1963 GMAC sta ke truck, 1976 M-F 82 piough 3 furrow, 16" trip heam. 500 haies hay. Many othor articles too numerous to mention. Sale 1 p.m. Terms cash. No eserve. Arnot Wotten, auctioneer, Hampton, Ontario. 416- 263-2583. 14-2 Thursday, April 21, 7:00 p.m. Antique cars and furniture etc. Auction Sale of Antiques (3 cars and truck) and Collect- ibles seiiing at Stanley's Antiques, Leaskdale, 7 miles straight north, of Uxbridge. A 1921 Modol T Ford Touring Car-restored in excellent con- dition, 1926 Model T Ford Coupe restored-excol lent con- dition. A 1926 Model T Coupe (as is) and a 1930 Model A A Ford Stake Truck (as is), antique covered Chuck Wagon, plus many antiques and colilectibies. Sale at 7p.m. Lun'ch avaîlable. Sale man- aged and soid by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridgo 416- 852-3524. 14-2 Farm Auction SaturdayApril1l6th, 1:00 p.m. The Property of Robin (Bob) Aildread, R.R. 3 New- castle, (between Newtonviloe and Newcastle, south of No. 2 Highway on Morgans Corners Road at Lakeshore Road). Massey Ferguson 35 diesel tractor (2300 hrs.) MF Baier No. 12, MF Cultivator (3 pt. hitch), MF Ha y Mower (7ft.) MF 3 Furrow P ow 12", John Deere Side Delivery Rake, Baie Buncher, Case Manume Spreader, 3 Drum Land Roi-- ler, Ha y Wagon, 2 wheel trailer, Cutter and Shaves, 2- Delavel Miikers and Wash Tank, Hand separator, appx. 1500 Bales Hay, ¾/ HP motor,- baq scaies, 30 ft. extension iadder, wagon wheeis, wiro fence, forks, tools, wheel- barrel, plastic pipe, sleighs, rope, aiso a number of househoid items, wringer washer, 30 in stove, extension table, odd chairs, bed, dres- ser, redliner, treadle sewer, pine table, power mower, and numerous other items. Terms cash, no reserve, farm soid. Auctioneers Stapleton Bros. Newtonviile, 786-2244. 14-2 Wodnesaay, April 20 1: 00 p.m. Hoîsteins - Dairy Equipment Compiete Fremac Hostein Dispersai owned by Fred McCracken, R. R. 2, Lake- field, Ont. Lot 19 on Con. 3 Dummer Twp. From Lake- field go 7 miles oast on South Stoney Lake Road to Con. Rd. 3 thon south to lst farm. From Hwy. 7 go 12 miles east of Peterborough or 7 miles west of Norwood to Warsaw Rd. - north to Warsaw then 3 miles north and 1 mile east to farm. Farm is 1 mile north of Warsaw Caves. 45 head, 40 Registered 5 Grade cows. 25 miik cows. Balance brod and opený hefers, severai f rsh, 6 due in Juiy. These are young cows with nice tight uddors. Ail home bred. A teature is a "Very Good"' dividend Clipper daughter due in Jun é to Bond Haven Royalstar. Aiso seiiing Delaval,500 tank 4600 lb. This tank oval with washer, only 2 9 s. od - excellent. Aso elaval pipeline miiker with 4 units, lino for 35 cows (2 yrs.), 2 milk meters (now). Also 3 Delaval paîl milkers, 50 lb. pail. Sale at 1 p.m. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Ux- bridge, 416-852-3524. 14-2 BeaRED CROSS Blood Donor Ref rigeration and R PHirON l es Appiance Service 623-2263 Commercial and Domostic 20-tf Refrigeration - Miik Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Ron's F loor Ca re Days-------------...623-5774 Nights------------...623-3177 Commercial and household CE= Grist Mill Auction Barn Newtonvil le, April 1Sth, Friday, 7: 00 p. m. Quantity of new gift items from the close out of a local rota il shop, 3 pc. bodroom suite, beds, single hoad--, boards, chesterfieids and chairs, colonial coffee and end tables, lamps, smaii rugs, set 6 vinyl white, dininq chairs, fridge, Moffatt 30 in. stovo, chests of drawers, single file cabinet, roli-away bed, sump pump, iaundry pump and tubs, exercisor, gun rack, moose (horn) rack, mounted wild animais-Lynx (very life- like). mounted skunk and Sorcupine, and tannod coon ide, rods and meels, also pigsaver (artificiai mothor milk dispenser) and lots more. Terms cash. Auctioneors Staploton Brothers 786-2244. 15-1 Saturday, April 23, 12 Noon Estato Auction Real Estate and Furniture Auction Sale for the estato of the late Annie Rae, 620 Gracé Street un Newmarket, (im- mediately south of Hospital). Real Estate: 11/2 story home in excellent location on largo lot 81.600x232,660. This home has firepiace, full basemont, oul furnace, 2 bedrooms on main f loor, 2 bedrooms in upstairs. Terms on propemty $4000 down day of sale, Balance in 45 days. Sale subject to approval of Executors. F or viewing by appointment cail Ken Taylor, Executor 473-2431. Furnish- ings include Woods Deep Freezer, 9 pc. Dining Room Suite, Bedroom Suite, Double Bmass Bed, Boston Rocker, Oak Dresser with round mir-, rom, Antique Chest of Draw- ers, Siiverware (set), Coal Ou1 Lamps,- Antique Lamnps, Biankets and Quilts, Dressors, Pictumes, Oak drop-f mont dosk with glass bookcase above, Piatform Rocker, 3 Hump- back Trunks, Antique pine table, RCA Refrigerator, Wicker Rocker, iron pots, Crocks, powdem horn, Gardon Tools, plus many many otber articles. Sale at 12 noon. Lunch available. Sale man- aged and soid by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge 416- 852-3524. 14-2