STeMAYSj UENILES Bownianvihle Ontario 36 Pages WEDNESDAY,,APRIL 13, 1977 Fire Destroys 16 Lane Bowling Center " "ý NY 'M' \7r "17r It was a jubilant St. Marys Cernent Juvenile game on Sunday, Goalie Dan- Wilcox1 was ini fine hockey team that went on to win the last game of form, again allowing only one goal, while the rest of the final seriles against the Ingersoll Lions by a the team continued to provide the disciplined 20c Per Copy Issue 15 score of 6-l on Sunday. St. Marys assumied control two-way play which has given them the Ontarjo of the six game series, winning the 5th game with a Championship. More deuails on the series are found 5 - 1 score last Saturday in Ingersoll. In the final inside on the sports pages. - Photo by Rick James Cancel Two Meetings LOCAL TORI S THE Two local riding associations of the Federal Progressive Conserva- tive Party are right ini the middle of an embarassing dispute between party leader Joe Clark and Crowfoot, Aberta M.P. Jack Horner. Water and Sewer Bill Memorial Hospital is one local institution which seems to have been adversely effected by the changeover to a regional uniform water and sewer rate system. The sewer bill is expected to total between $16,000 and $17,000 accord- ing to forecasted 'estimates for 1977, Memorial Hospital Adminis- trator R. E. Elston announced last week. The bill represents an increase of over 2600 per cent from the 1975 charge of $6009 under the former system. Mr. Horner, nationally-known senior Tory party member, was scheduled to speak at a Founding Committee Dinner for the Oshawa Association on Tuesday, April l9th. The following day, hie was slated as guest speaker at a Bowmanville lunïcheon, hosted by the Durham- Northumberland Association. Widespread' publicity of the disagree ment has ignited discus- sion about a possible defection by Horner to the Liberal Party. The split between the two prominent members of the Tories has widened to the point where Horner has already been wined and dined by Liberal leader Pierre Trudeau? Joe Clarkhas responded by stripping Horner of his role as transport critic in the Tory caucus. Faced with so much uncertainty concerning Mr. Horner's future, the two area associations have both can-elled their scheduled meet- ings. Tory M.P. Jack Horuer Destroys Eastway Lns The O-ntario Pire Marshal's Office has been unable to determine the cause of a fire which burned down Eastway Lanes -in West Courtice late iast Wedn;-esday nighit. Fire enigulfed the building located just east of the Oshawa boundary on Hlighway Two shortly before midnight leaving an estimnated $325,000 in damages. Newcastle Fire Chief Jim Hayman said two of the 16 lanes completely went up in flames after il people in the building heard an explosion. The chief explainied that the hleavy varnish on the bowling laneès was probably one reason that the fire spread so quickly through the building. The explosion blew parts of the building's roof forty feet into a neighboring yard.1;1 The Bowmanville fire hall was notified of the blaze at 11:41, and their first trucks arrived at the scene nine minutes later, despite the rather lengthy distance. It took a crew from the Oshawa Fire Departmnent two minutes to reach the building, located a short distance east of one of their stations. Trucks from Newcastle and Orono were also called in to provide mutual aid under an agreement between the Town of Newcastle and the. Oshawa, fire departments. A fire truck from the Village of Newcastle was brought to the Bowmhanville station, while the Orono truck filled in for Newcastle in the event that a local fire had broken out. JUNIOR SCHEDULE Bowmanville Eagles mieet Essex ifle IifrSt gamelt ai the Ontario Junior C- Chamlpionship at Bowman- vilLe Memorial Arenia on Saturd-ay, April 16th, at 8:00 p.m. The second game wiII also be played at Mem- orial Mrena on Sunday, at 4:00 p.m. The next two games wiII be played in Essex the following week- end, with exactly the same days and tirnes. Wae"7111ýI Shol Decision Word is expected this month on the fate of a $1.1 Monday that hie expects a decision oni the sehool million elementary school proposed for southwest some time this month when the Ontario budget is Bowmanville. brought down. Bowmanville school trustee Bob Burke said Mr. Burke said it is un to provincial authorities to Finance %Com -ttee Holds Fire Protection Decision. Town- officials are discussing approximately $275,000 worth of improvements to fire protection services in the Town of Newcastle. The money would 'purchase equipment, land and buildings for a new fire station in the Courtice community. It would also purchase trucks for the fire stations in Orono and Newcastle. But there's no definite decision yet on whether some, ail, or none of the $275,000 will be spent. In Budget figures pr esented to the town's finance committee Monday afternoon, Newcastle Fire Chief Jim -Hayman estimated that about $249,000 will be needed to build and equip a Courtice fire hall. A new tanker truck for the Orono hall would cost about $28,000, and a Fire Department van for New- castle village would have a price tag of about $3,500. The trucks, and the estimated (Turn to Page Two), decide whether or not the Iloney wil be available this year for the Waverley school. The provincial budget will indicate whether or not funds for the new school will be set aside. 1The Northumberland Newcastle Board of Education approved the school.late last year. The building would be located at the site of the portable classrooms onWaverley Rd. It would accommo- date about 420 students in 13 classrooms. Mr. Burke, who is a resident of the Waverley area, said in an interview Monday he is optimistic that the new school facilities could be used in September 1978 or a few months after. This depends, of course, on a decision fromn the province. The Roman Catholic Separate School Board learned last week that funds would be made available for a separate school in 'the Waverley community. BITS n SPRING AT LAST? - We hope that our Southern-based readers will take note of the wonderful change fro.M last week's weather. Another few days of that miserable stuff, and we might have joined the Florida Faithful. It appears that we are now well on our way, just like the TORONTO BLUE JAYS. Aren't they something? 115,000 in attendance over the first five games is really something to crow about. THE'EDITOR DID WHAT? - For the past two weeks, and for the first time since 1957 when he became Editor and Publisher of the paper, John Sr. climbed into the car and took a holiday. We avoided mention- ing the fact earlier for fear of burglary attempts on his home, but he's been sitting down in Florida, read- ing our beefs about the weather, and having a heck of a time. He says he might even go again. SELL THE SIZZLE - Fire Chief Jim Hayman has obviously been brushing up on his salesmanship. On Monday afternoon, while elected officials were pouring over his new budget requests, trying to save dollars where possible, two separate alarms were rung in right next door at the Firehaîl. That should help along the approval. COME ON, CROWDS - The turnout at Sunday after- noon's St. Marys Juvenile championship-winning game was much better. However, there was stili lots of room for anyone who enjoys good, competitive hockey. This weekend we'Ve got the first two games of the Ontario Junior C championship here at Mem- orial Arena. See the littie box on this page for more details. Our Bowmaniville kîds have been puttîng on1 a fantastic show in al age grouPs, and this could be one of your hast chances this year. PIE CEîS MACDONALD FORD FLEA MARKET - This worthy annual cause will be held on the Bowmanville lot of MacDonald Ford on Saturday, May 7th. Any community organization that wishes to take advantageý of the opportunity shouild contact Bob Hayward at 623-4481. BHS SWAP SHOP - A noveh event takes place in the Bowmanvihle High School Gym this Saturday, April l6th. The Schooh Bands and the Band Parent Association have placed an advertisement on page Il of the second section outlining the details. If you have something you want to swap, bring it to the Gymn between 8 - 10:30 a.m. on Saturday. If you are just looking to purchase or browse, show up between 10:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. WEIRD BIRTH NOTICE - In this week's classified section, you may notice the arrival announcement of a rather portly infant, by most people's standards. Fear not for the poor mother, it turns out that the cuddly wee thing is a horse. The birth notice is a bit of fun aimed at Chris Adams by some of her fellow workers at Memorial Hospital. REVENGE AT LAST - As you wihh recall, hast week Clarence Soper's barn blew down, damaging thiee, antique hearses stored within by poor Carson Ehiott. We at the Statesman have long suffered through count- less terrible jokes, puns and stories courtesy of said individual, and hereby seek vengeance. Carson had insurance, b5ut not for "Barn Blew Down". He now wishes he did, but . . . THATIS CLOSING THE HEARSE DOOR AFTER THE BARN'S GONE! Or is it a hearse of a different colour? Or, flogging a den'd hearse? Or, is it merely i earse-say?