Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 13, 1977 News From The NurserySchoot The last three months were busy ones at the Bowmanville Nursery School. The extreme cold at the beginning of the year curtailed outside activ- ities, but many interesting things happened inside. Several students from the Home Economics Class at the Bowmanville High Sehool visited the Nursery Sehool. Some of the students tested the toys they had made as class pro jeet by presenting them to the children in a play session. The Parent Night on the 24th of February was a very sucessful evening, with about V. 50 parents and friends attend- ing. The panel of three guest speakers discussed- differen't aspects of early childhood, and a lively question and answer period followed. In the beginning of March the morning and afternoon classes visited the Junior and Senior Bands at the Bowman- ville High School. Mr. Trem- eep explained the instruments and his students demonstrated them individually. The Band then played several pieces. The highlight for the Nursery Sehool children came when they were allowed to play the drums, the different horns and the xylophone. At the end they joined the band playing along with rhythm instrum- ents. We all enjoyed this visit very much and we want to thank Mr. Tremeer and his students again for sharing their music with us. A special thank you also to Chris Stonehouse, the father of one of our childrea, who brought bis trumpet and flugelhorn to Nursery School. Not to be outdone Mrs. Killeen came to school with an accordion one day. All these activities were preceded by the building of musical instruments by the childrea such as drums, shakers, strings, and clop blocks, and they culminated in the Nursery School Band's St. Patrick's, Day Parade. The Dental Health Nurse paid us a visit recently, and she talked about dental care and what food we should eat to stay happy and healthy. Each child was also given a toothbrush and literature to take home. Our first walks of the season were adventure hikes looking for the first signs of spring in the neighbourhood. The chîld- ren discovered crocus and snowdrops, dwarf hyacinth and saw a robin sitting in a tree. O)BTUARY NEIL ARTHUR SMITH A former reeve of East Whitby Township Neil Arthur Smith died Thursday in Osh- awa General Hospital follow- ing a short illness. A farmer in the Oshawa area all his life, he was also associated for 25 years with his brother in the operation of Smithlands Ltd. Trucking Ltd. In addition to his service on the township council, where he also served as councillor and duptuy reeve, Smith was a member of the board of governors of Durham College, of Brooklin 100F, and of Mount Zion Lodge 39, AF and AM. He was also a miember of the Oshawa Scottish Rite Club, the Toronto Lodge of Per- fection, and Columbus United Church. A son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith, he was born in Bowmanville on March 30, 1925. Hie is survived by his wife, the former Ruby Griffin, three daughters, Mrs. Richard Church and served la al church offices. He was a farmer and also wvorked at the Oshawa Wood Products in his later years. Hle was a member of the Bowmaaville Canadian Club. lie was a leader in the com-munity and gave a gift of park land in memory of iliam and Dean Courtice. Hlis wife, the former Gerda M.L Pickell, died March 24, 1975, also a son, Dean and a brother Howard died before hî m. Mr. Courtice rested at the Armistrong Funeral Home. Interp-ent-later in Ebenezer Cemetery. Rev. David Burns and Rev. Cifford Smith wil] officiate. ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THRU SAT., APRIL 16th, 1977. Im INTRODUCTORY OFFER! REGULAR SIZE, REINFORCED SAVE 20c ~ Z A&P ITHTHIS PNTY HOSE P Gy Limit one coupon per customer. Valid until Saturday, April 16tIi, 1977, with a minimum $5.DO purchase, excludin9 cigarettes. This 20c coupon also valid on any A&P Panty Hose. 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