10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 20, 1977 Student Teils 0f Life in New Zealand The Friendship Club of Trinity United Church met at the Church Hall on Friday afternoon, April 15, with a good attendance. Ail were pleased to greet members of the former "Sunset Lodge" who had beendriven to the meeting. Other shut-in mem- bers were présent, also. The worship service, con- ducted by Mrs. Edith Brooks and Mrs. Lena Gilbert con- sisted of a Bible reading, a prayer, inspirational verses and a hymn, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Ernie Smith. Mrs. Muriel Harding called forward a bride and groom, of 50 years, Martha and Walter Woolley,,who have been char- ter members from 1959. In appreciation for their work in the Club through the years, she pinned a pretty corsage on Martha, and a boutonnaire on Walter. Both replied, fittingly. Rev. and Mrs. A. Amacher then entertained with vocal duets and mandolin playing. Walter Woolley led in a sîng-song of requests from Friendship Club memibers, and also played his harmon- ica. Mrs.Ernîe Smith assîsted, at the piano, for the singing. Mrs, Alice Beech called on Miss Jane Morris, one of our Bowmanville girls, who has been a Rotary Club exchange student In New Zealand. Jane's splendid speaking voice and comments on her sldes of this ther land made the "trip to, New Zealand" very real to the pleased viewers. Mrs. Myrtle Morris assisted with the, projector. Jane also showed interesting souvenirs of this fine land "down under." Alice thanked Janel and ail, who had assisted, mentioning especially the delicious food provided by Unit 1. Ail departed feeling the friendliness of thîs club and with gladness that they had been in attendance. Hono Director The Annual Durham County Shorthorn Club Banquet on- April 13th was very success- fui. For several years this club has held'their banquet at the Recreation Centre in Black- stock on the 2nd Wednesday of April. More than 1160 people were in attenldan,,ce for this yrear's event. Mrs. Gloria Philp of Port Hope introduced John Moles, manager of the Royal Agicul- tural Winter Fair in Toronto, guest speaker for the event, who showed colored slides of the Royal Winter Fair, whîch were enjoyed by ail. One of the club's newest members, David Davidson, very ably thanked the speaker for coming and giving the club a delightful look at the inside of the Royal. Leslie Foster provided music during the evening. Ray Philp of Port Hope, a head table guest, spoke a few words indicating we were here to honor one of Our members on retirement as a director. At this time John Rickard of Woodville, introduced Russell Osborne. Mr. Rickard before moving was a close neîghbour and friend of Mr.'Osborne and spoke with great knowledge of Mr. Osborne while, honoring him. George Carson presented Mr. Osborne with a framed picture of Shorthorn cattie. President Bill Slaton called one of the clubs newest breeder of Shorthorn cattle key case, donated by Ted Buttery, in honor of selling the most tickets for the dinner (72). Last year director, Russell Osborne had suggesteda cake auction to raise funds for the club. As last year it was a success, raising $69.00: At the last directors meet- ing, David Davidson suggest- ed the editor be invited to our banquet but it seems by last week's -news, he was in Florida. So, if any errons or omissions are found this is only a pen portrait of what the Shorthorn Banquet looked like to one of the cattlemen the next day. Editors note- We're home again and sorry we missed the big event. WIENERS MARY MILES CI 1 LB. PKG. 'qW ' 'W LIMIT 0F 4 PKGS. PER CUSTOMER. BLADE ROAST CUl FROM CANADA GRADE A BEEF, BLADE BONE REM0VED c CUT FROM CANADA GRADE A BEEF BONE IN, BLADE BONE REMOVED SHORT RIB Meet the Irwin family, Mary, Robert, Roi> and Scott.> "Dormnon has low overail prices ail through the store. Check them. I did. Now I don't pay any more, anymore. I shop Dominion and save. Last, week, around $*OO ASST'D VARIETIES SPECIAL! LANCIA12O.à % EGG NOODLES 39G AUNT JEMIMA FROZEN SPECIAL!, BLUEBERRY OR APPLE a o. 007OZ. J WAFFLES PKG ALMERIA GRAPES PRODUCE 0F CHILI LB. PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. CANADA NO. 1 GRADE CABBAGE SPECIAL! 4 9EACH LIBBY S MIXED V EG ETA BLES PEAS & CARROTS SPECIAL! ST LAWRENCE A 35 FL OZý CORN OIL CONT .4l HIGHLINER FROZEN FISH SPECIAL' PORTIONS, FISH IN BAHTERA61 FISH STICKS 3207 CELERY HEARTS PRODUCE 0F. U.S.A. CANADA NO. 1 GRADE EAC H CALIFORNIA GROWN GARDEN FRESH BUNCH CARROTS SPECIAL! s 3 8 ROAST cB LB. 1.29 CUT FROM CANADA GRAD E 'A' BEEF BONE IN ROUNDRBONE SPECIAL! 581, SHOULDER ROAST LB. CUT FROM CANADA GRADEWABEEF BONE IN, FROM THE CHUCK CROSS RIB ROAST SPECIAL' LB, 88, FEARMANS FULLY COOKED BUTT PORTION1.^e COOKED HAMS SPECIAL! LB. U.08 CUT FROM CANADA GRADE 'A' BEEF BONELESS, FROM THE BRISKET PLATE POT ROAST SPECIAL! LB. 58< CUT FROM CANADA GRADE'A'BEEF BONE IN f8 PLATE BRISKET LB, 38 CUT FROM CANADA GRADE'A' BEEF BON ELESS STEW BEEF LB. 98<- CUT FROM CANADA GRADEABEEF SPECIAL! LB 784 BRAISING RIBSLB FRESH, FORMERLY CHUCK, MEDIUM GROUND BEEF LBD 88< CUT FROM CANADA GRADE'A' BEEF BONELESS TP, TEKSSPECIAL! LB1 .58 LOIN STEAKS CUT FROM CANADA GRADE'A'BEEF. FROM THE LOIN, PORTE RHOUSE & T-BON E LB.- ROUND SbTEAKSý CUT FROM CANADA GRADE'A' BEEF BONELESS, FULL CUT LB,' CUT FROM CANADA GRADEW"BEEF BONE IN SIRLOIN STEAKS LBIm58 BITTNER'S FRESH SPECIAL! TRAY PACK SAUSAGE BPATWURST LB. 1.29 <SPECIAL! BITTNER'S COOKED TURKEY SAUSAGE 4 z.69 CUT FROM CANADA GRADEW"BEEF BONE INa RUMP SPECIAL!II RQAST LB. M18M CUT FROM CANADA GRADE'A' BEEF BONELESS, TOP CUT ROUND STEAKS SPECIAL! LB. 1.38 BITTNER S SKINLESS SEII! WIENERS iLB 88 CUl FROM CANADA GRADE'A'BEEF BONE IN BEEF SHANKS LB, 524" CUT FROM CANADA GRADE 'A' BEEF BONELESS, BOTTOM ICUT RQUND,STEAK ROAST LB .1 MARY MILES SLiCED 6Z 70<- COOKED HAM PG CANA DIAN QUEEN ITALIAN & SMALL LINK79 SAUSAGE LB. 79 MARY MILES FROZEN HAMBURG PAlTIES 2 B 1.49 CANADIAN QUEEN BONELESS 1/4's& 1/2s BETWEEN 2 TO 6 LBS,17 COOKED HAMS LB.7 CANADIAN QUEEN COOKED PORK SHOULDER88 SMOKED PICNICS LB.88 Values effective until closing Tuesday, April 261, 1977 SPECIAL! FROZEN CELLO PAK 14 FL. Oz. COD FILLETS EMS= inum m g [Umm 4