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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Apr 1977, p. 13

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Aprfi 20 1977 13 DEADLINE FOR CLASSI FIED Tues., 12 noon .. . . . . . HALE - Jim and Caralyn (nee Grant) take great plea- sure in announcing the birth of their daughter Laurie Alice born April 12 af Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville weigh- ing 6 lbs 101/2 azs. First grandchiid forBili and Betty H aie of Kirby and Jim and Gloria Grant of Bowmanviiie. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Alex Grant, Bow- manville. Mrs. Jeannie Rich- ardson, Orano, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Woddington,, Newtan- ville and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haie Sr. Newtonville. A very special thank you ta Dr. Jim Cunningham and' nurses an the maternity ward. 16-1 READER - Joe and Sharon are happy ta annaunce the arrivai of fheir daughter, Christine Anne, barn March 25,,1977 weighing 7 lbs. 9 oz. A lifte sister for'Janet. Praud g ranclparents are Mr. and Mrs. L. Adams and Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Reader. Special fhanks ta Drs. Ewert and Anfossi, and the mater-nity staff of Memarial Hospital, Bowmanville. 16-1 x RICKARD - Alan Donald, first child of Don and Gail Rickard, weighed in at 8 lbs.,7 ozs. af 12:32 p.m. on Sunday, April l7th, 1977. First grand- child for Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Wiliams, Mississauga, third far Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Rickard, Bowmanviiie and first great grandchild for Mrs. C. T. Wiliams, Otawa. 16-1 RUTHERFORD - Dave and Marilyn (Trim) are thriiied ta annaunce the arrivai of Micheie's baby brother Mark David, 6 lb. 12 oz.; on April 6, 1977. First grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rutherford, Mrs. Isabelle Trim and the late Gardon Trim. Great grandson for Mrs. M. Cle- ClOUgh and Mrs. A. Holli ngs- worth. Speciai fhanks fa Dr. Murphy and Dr. Raufiedge. 16-1 - -s. -ria Relatives and friends of Miss Pearl Leach are invited ta a reception at Satina Hall honoring her on her 65th birthday, on Sunday, May 1 1977 2:00 ta 5:00 p.m. est wishes only. 16-2 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cuddlahee are happy ta announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Mar- lene, ta Donald Gerrard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'Neill, Oshawa, the wedding tu take place Saturday, June 11, in St. Joseph's Roman Cathoiic Church, Bowman- ville. 16-1 x Mrs. Larenia M. Edmonds announces the forthcoming marriage of Nettie Wilson, her daug hter and the late Mr. Ernest W. Edmonds, ta Mr. Thomas Walter Aiken, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Aiken of Pontypool. The marriage ta take place in Toronto May 7th. 16-1 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Green of Bethany, Ontario wish ta announce the forthcoming marriage of their youngest daughter, Heather Christine, ta Michael Gardon, aniy son of Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Leddy, Oshawa. Wedding ta taKe place 4 'ciock, St. Paul's Anglican Church, Bethany, May 2lst. 16-1 Z=s CHAPMAN - In ioving mem- ary of a dear husband and father, Charles,' who passed away April 26, 1971. - Lavingly remembered by wife Ruby and family. 16-1 s-. COLLINSON - At Memorial iospital, Bawmanville, 'ýhursday, April l4th, 1977, Dorthy E. Cllinson, R.R. 2 Newcastle, aged 61 years, belaved wife of J.H. (Harry) Collinsan, dear mather af Paul, Marlene and Ron, oved by six grandchildren. Service was. held in the Marris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville an Safurday afternoan. inter- ment Bowmanville Cemefery. 16-1 HOLROYD - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvillie, Wed-, nesday, April l3th, 1977, Brian George Hlroyd, in his 23rd year, belaved san af Frank and Muriel Holroyd, oved brother of Wayne and Cheryl, dear grandson af Carence and Mildred Edmanson and Doris Hairoyd. Service was held in the Macrris Funerai Chapel, Bowmanvilie an Friday atter- naon. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 16-1 ~ "F lowers ÀSay il Best" VAN BELLE DAI LY Delivery fa ... Oshawa - Bowmanville Area Phone 623-4441 43-tf BARRETT - Garfield. At Oshawa General Hospital on Friday, April 15, 1977 Garf Barret of 42 Liberty St. S., Bowmanville, dear brother-of Mrs. Percy Mutton (Cella), John, Mrs. John Geddes (Lena), Anne, Mrs. Robert Flett (Violet), dear friend of Eileen Crackett, predeceased by two sisters and two brathers. Resfed at the North- cutt Elliotf -Funerai Home, Bowmanville. Funeral service was held in the chapel Manday affernoon. Interment Baw- manville Cemetery. 16-1 WOOD - At Oshawa General Hospital, Sunday, April l7th, 1977. Elizabeth (Bett) Wood, 65 Wellington St., Baowman- ville, aged 77 years, beloved wife of the late Samuel Henry Woad, dear aunt 0f many nieces and nephews. Service was held in the Morris Funerai Chapel, Bawman- ville, an Tuesday atternoon. Interment Bawmanville Cem- etery. 16-1 FLOWERS BY JACKMAN Bowmanville Mail 623-3365 PROMPT, COU RTEOUS, SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR FLORAL N E EDS 14tff Durham County's Oldest Funeral ServiCE MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Night Serving this district for 96 years. tf ronýtbG6tt eLiot~t Funeral Home TI4QUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN - SERVICE Thoughtful selection of cemetery sites, for varlous reasons a concern to many people. ..often far in advance of need. We have available information on ail local cerne- teries, simply on request. This is part of our service to the community. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Estabiished 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Onfario Sftreet Port Hope, Ontario LiA 3W3 High Quality af Reasonable Prices Phone 885-5216 Home 885-5222 0 _ WORKMANSHIP * QUALITY fKING - In laving memory of 1a kind wife and mother, E va 1Margaret King, who passed away April 16, 1976. One sad year has passed since the tire which destroyed aur hause, and the shock that we received 5 days later. Though we cannot touch you or see vour smi le again, we will remember ali the kind things you said and done for US. -Sadly missed by husband 16-1 PROUT - In memory of Thomas Everson Prout who passed away in April, 1943. Dearer stili as the years depart He lives farever in aur hearts. - Lavingly remembered by his famiiy. 16-ix MUL DREW - In loving memory of a dear sister, Viola, who passed away April 24th, 1974. The dlock of lite is wound but once, And no man has the power Ta tell Iust when the hands wiil stop At late or early hour. Now is the oni y time you own Live, love, toi f with a wiil Place no faith in tomarrow For the dlock may then be sti il. -Sadly missed by sister Elva and brother-in-law William. 16-1 RANDLE - Elizabeth Pearl. In ioving memory of wife, mother and grandmother, deceased April 22, 1976. lf's been a year now, since we' ve seen your smile, Or heid your hand just ta talk for a while. But we know that yau're with us thraugh ail of aur days For we feel your presence in s0 many ways. We have memaries of you as we go fhraugh life Memaries of you as a wonder- fui wife, Memories of mather, g -rand- mather and friend ,And knaw in aur hearts kind deeds neyer end. - Sadly missed by husband Alf and famiiy. 16-1lx RANDLE - In iovinq mem- ary of a dear sister, Pearl who passed away April 22, 1976. God saw you getting weary, Sa he did what he thaught best. He came and sfaod beside yau, Andf whispered came and rest. - Sadiy missed and always remembered by sister Ruby,, Earl and familles. 16- lx SHACKLETON - ln 'loving memory af a dear father, John Shackleton, wha passed away April 20, 1973. No farewell was spoken And na time ta say gaodbye, You were gone before we knew it And only Gad knaws why. If brake aur hearts ta lose yau, But yau did not go alone, For part of us went with you The day Gad cailed yau home. - Sadi y missed and lavingiy remem bered by Edna, and Stewart, Mary, Russ and family, Fred and family. -16-1 eR I wauid like ta thank famiiy, friends and noighbours for cards, fiowers, visits and kind- ness ta me whiie I was a pa- tient in Momoriai Hospital. Special fhanks ta Dr. Ram K. Singai, Dr. J. D. Rundie, Dr. H. B. Rundie and nurses of third floor. Vivian Duveil i wouid like ta express my sincere thanks for kindnesses shawn ta me while a patient in Oshawa General Hospital. Russell Ormistan 16-ix The family of the late Doris Williams wish ta express their appreciatian for kindness shown ta them during their recent bereavement. A thank y ou ta Drs. Ewert, Anfassi, Long an d Clark and ta the nurses of the first floor, Bowmanviile Memoriai Hos- pifai, and a special thanks ta aur neighbaurs and friends for food and comforf during recent weeks. We would aiso like ta thank Rev. Schamer- horn and the ladies of St. Paul's U.C.W. for their help and thoughtfuiness. Our sin- cere appreciation for floral tributes and contributions ta the Canadian Cancer S'aciety. Francis Williams and family 16-lx i wauid like ta thank Dr. A. Clàrke, Dr. E. Ewert, surgical nurses, relatives, neighbaurs, f riends, R.C. L. Branch 178 and especially Mr. and Mrs. C. Burton on my recent stay in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Thank You 1rene Whitney 16-1lx i waul1d1li ke ta tha nk f r iends, relatives and neighbours for cards and flowers whiie I was a patient in Memorial Hospit- al, Bawmanville. Special thanks ta Dr. Ewert and nursing staff an first floar. Mary A. Hoskin 16-1 Many fhanks ta Dr,. Cun- ningham, Dr. Singal, nurses and staff an third floor, for their special care, Mrs. Zegil, May Tabb, and friends for flowers, visits and cards whi le 1 was in haspîtai. Marion Sears 1 k\ 16-1 Sin cere thanks ta aur neigh- bors, relatives and many friends who have been so thaughtful and understanding at this sad time in the loss of my dear friend and compan- ion, Garf Barrett. Thanks ta ail who sent flower tributes and those who donated ta the Heart Fund. Special thanks ta Rev. Peters, Robert Flett and Northcutt Elliott Funeral Hm.Eileen Crockett The Execu tive of the Trinity Jack and Jill Club would like ta extend a sincere thanks ta ail the Captains and Canvas- sers who did such a fine job hei pi ng wilh the recent Cancer Drive. Your efforts were greatI y appreciated and you hep ot make aur Club's part in the campaign a reai success. Jack andiiil Cancer Chairmen 16-1 Home baking sale! At CI iff- crest Cleaners, Friday, April 29, starting at 10 a.m., St. Andrews Church Evening Group. 16-2x Country music and square dancing in Nestieton Com- munîty Centre on Saturday, April 23 ta Fay Adams & The Country Hits. $7. couple. Light lunch. Refreshmenfs. 16-1 x Rummage sale, Saturday, April 30, 2-4 p.m. at Knox Christian Schaal Auditorium, Scugag St., Bawmanville. 16-2 -Sounds of Kingsview", yauth' singers and senior choir, Sunday, April 24, 1977 at 7:30 p.m. at ingsview United Church, corner of Adelaide and Wilson St., Oshawa. Adults $1.50, students 75 cents. Tickets may be abtained at dloor.' 16-1 Darlingtan Progressive Conservative Association invites you ta attend their annual meeting and election af off icers, Monday, MAay 2nd Jaf 8 p .m. at the Acres Restaurant, Taunton Rd. (2 miles east of Hampton). 16-2 MONSTER BINGO, New Starfing Time *THURSDAY -7:30 p.m. Sponsared by Oshawa Minar Sot tball JUBILEE PAVILlON OS HA WA Flower Arrangement Demonstrat ion by BEV'S FLORAL ART Sf. John's Church Thursday, April 28fh 8:30 p.m., Door Prizes Rot reshments Collection at Door 16-1 BOWMANVI LLE TENNIS CLUB OPENING SOON Look for details in next week's paper. 16-1 ADVANCE NOTICE Trinity ""Spring Concert" May 29at 8p.m. Music by Senior Choir Guest Soloisfs Golden Legionaires Bowmanville High School Stage Band Presented in Trinity United Church Tickets $2. Students and Sr. Citizens $1. 16-1 HOUSE TOUR sponsored by Bowmanville Kinettes. May- l4th 4p.m. Further details next week. 16-1 PAN CAK E 5th Bowmanville April. 5:00 - 7:0 Admission $1.25 NEW heavy duty trailer, 5'x10' . Phono Orono 983-5786 ask for Wim. 16-ý1x GOOD used trail John Deere cuifivator. Phono 623-2037. 16-1 NURSERY stock, birch, mounitain ash, blue and regu- lar spruce. G. Hartemnink 987-4430. 16-2 VACUUM cleaners and polishers repaired at Reid's SmaIl Appliance Repair Ser- vice, 164 Base Lino Road East, Unit 7, Bowmanville. Phono 623-6244. 7-tf SAIL BOAT 16' Schwyll day sailer, main sali, jib, bow pulpit, encîosed cuddy, will sîoep 2 people. Must seil. Phono 728-6690 anytime. 15-2 EM. Giant Rummage Sa le at SALVATION ARMY April 22, lOa.m. -9 p.m. Apri 23, 10 a.m. -5 p.m. Next Movie Bowmanville Library WALT DISNEY'S "No Deposit, No Returný" SATURDAY, APRIL23rd 3 p.m. Admission: $1.00 Preschoolers 75c Samne Movie Plays in Orona Tawn Hall at 7p.m. 16-1 DANCE AT Solina Hall April123rd, 1977 RAY AVERY'S ORCHESTRA 16-1 aB1NG1QV NEWCASTLE COMMUN ITY HALL Tues., April126, 1977 Early Bird Gamnes,7:30 Rý,gular Bingo 8: 00 1$400 in Prizes PLUS $500 JACKPOT Spansored by NEWCASTLE LIONS Wil1lie and Bob, Country and Western dancinq, Old Tyrone Hall, April 23. $4 couple. Everyone welcome. 16-ix APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel NE WCASTL E WHITE WATER COUNTRY Fr1. and Sat. April122 - 23 Dancing 9 -1 Kendal Wamnen's Institute Annual Penny Sale, Saturday, April 3th, 1977 in Kendal Schaal, at 8: 00 p.m. Admission 50 cents. Lunch wil11 be served. 16-2 Jack and JilI Club Spaghetti Supper Ail you can oat. Saturday, April 30th 5 -7 p.m. Trinify United Church Hall Tickets $350 Under 12 yrs. $1 .25 Phono 623-5483, 623-22 10, or 623-3138. - Advance tickets on ly. 143 The next meeting of the Social Planning Council wiii be held an Apri I 2lst af 8 p.m. at Hampton United -Church. Everybady is wolcome. 15-2 "Dance in Pontypaol Com- munity Centre an Saturday April 23rd, 9 p.m.- 1 a.m. Music by "The Pickups". Daor rece ipts far Manvers Cammunify Centre and Arena Fund. $6.00 couple. Lunch." 16-1 SU PPE R Cub and Scout 30th )0 P. M. Pre-schoolers fi free 16-2 "MAGICAL MUSICAL MOMENTS" Bowmanville and Courfice High Schools are combining ta prosent a musical oxtravaganza. Saturday, April 3th 8: 00 P. M. af B.H.S. Auditorium $2.00 adu Ifs $1.00 students This program foafures: The Bowmanville High School Band Courtice Secondary School Band Napaneeandl District High Schooi Concert Band Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School Band (Sudbury) M. J. Hobbs Senior Public Schooi Choir Tickets available af the door the night 0f performance. No advance sales. Thank you for your support! 16-2 VELOSOLEX moped, one year aid, hardly used. Asking $100. Musf seil. Phone 623- 3722. 16-1ix '76- 19' PROWLER house trailer, fully equipped. $4600. Cal 1623-4546. 16-1ix TRUCK and camper. Phone 623-5318. 16-1 SEARS 10 h.p. iawn tractor, neyer used, has 36" mower and 38" snow blade. ýCost new $1300, sa cr ifi1ce f or $900. Phone 263-2983. 16-ix ONE 2300 Ford engine and one new 360 Ford engine. Phone 623-4481. 16-1 FIVE HR78x14 Uniroyal tires, almost new. Phone 623-4481. 16-1 5000 FOR D tractor, 13' AIIi ed 3 pt. hitch cultivator. Phone evenings 623-7280. 16-2x MINI BIKE for sale, in good condition. Cali 623-7175 after 5 p. M. 16-ix 1968 DODG E Crew Cab 3/ ton; one cap to fit 8 foot box; one truck camper with hydro and gas hookup. Phone 623-2086. 16- lx 16 FOOT wooden boat, 40 h.p. Evinrude motor, tilt trailer plus éxtras. $695. Phone 623- 436after 4p.m. 16-2 6' PU LL type double disc. $90. Phone 987-4243. 16-1 SKI-DOO Olympic, 20 h.p., single bed traiter, blizzard helmet gaod condition, $500, 623-5603 after 5:00 p.m. 16-3 CERTIFIED SEED GRAIN READY TO SOW Oats, Barley, Beans and Corn. CUSTOM CLEANING AND TREATING CERESMORE FARMS LTD. 623-3552 and 623-7233 10-13 ANTIQUE CLOCKS -REPAIRED- Parts availabie for most an- tique dlocks, packet watche., and modern watches and , !cI-ks. Our repairs are done with madern up-to-date equipment and qualified Swiss trained watchmaker. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 10-tf TRAVEL trailer, Golden fal- con, 21' tandem wheels, fully equipped. Phono 987-5045. 13-8x SECOND Mac apples, $2.50 bushel. Phono Feddema Orchards 263-2074. Please come Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. No Sunday sales. 8-10 HELPfthe B. H. S. Band attend the International Bands' Festival in Toronto on May 24fh. Buy Watkins Pepper or pure Vanilla tram M. Killeen. Phone 623-5068. 16-1 COMING soan! An Inter- natianaiiy famous guest will be the after dinner speaker at a dinner at B.H.S. on May l4th. Watch for further infor- mation. Tickets are available fromn B.H.S. Band parents. 16-1 15 FOOT fibreg las boat, motor and trailer. Phone 623-2429. 16-1, END of season clearance, cold storage macs. Phone 263-8430. 16-1 FORD tractor, 3 pt. hitch, 4 cylinder, $795. Fer gusan cuiti- vator 6', 9 toath (spring laaded) madel 9B0-20, $119. Massey Ferguson 10' cultiva- tor, 3 pt. hîtch, 21 toath, madel 140, $225. Drott skid grappel with cylinder (off T5 1H C) $295. 16' ladder (battom haif of 32' iadder) $14. 20 - 5" cedar posts 8 foot, $40. Hoskins, Nestleton 416-986-5517. Cali Wednesday, Thursday and Monday evenings. 16-1 21' CABIN trailer (5th wheel) tandem axle, plumbing and heating, fridge,, propane stave, wired, 12 voit with battery, aisa 110 electric, $4950. Hoskins, Nestieton 416-986-5517. Cail Wednesdlav. Thursday and Monday even- ings. 16-1 22 CUBIC foot freezer. Ideai for farm. Phone 623-4243 atter 5:OO0P. M. 161x TUB, stave and sink set in cauniter tap, spring green. Ideal for summer cottage. 623- 4243 atter 5:00 p.m. 1- O.SHAWA SCREENEO SAND GRAVEI. & STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTS ALL SIZEs FOR DRI VEWAYS &PARKING LTS TOPSOIL & OIRTF FIILL cM-l DEIVEREO OR REMOVED TRUCKS & LOADERS FOR RENT SNOW REMOVAL Phone Oshowo 725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. i Mile North of Hwy. 2 OSHAWA antique Gun Coilec- tors Show and Sale, Kinysmen Cammunity Centre, 109 Coi- borne St. W., Oshawa, April 24th, 1977, 9 a.m. ta 1 p.rn. Ladies' silver dollar draws. Admission $1. Ladies free. 16-1 TENT trailer, spare tire, twa 3" double rrattresses and a as heater. Asking $350. Phone 623-4682. 16-1 ABOVE graund pool, round 18', 6" top rail, 48" deep, complete with sand filter, vacuum,, safety iadder and winter cover, one year aid. $700 or best offer. Phone 623-760.16-1 THE TOVBOX Now open with a large selection of Fischer-Price toys, Richard Scarry books and much more. 67 King St. E. 623-6266 1 16-2 '75 MOPED, Bombardier, gaod condition. Phone 623-2498. 16-ix USED tractar tires, one pair, 16.9x38, ideal for duais, $150. Phone 579-0562 evenings. 16-1 RALEIGH products. 1911 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa 723- 4707. 16-2 30 GALLON, aquarium, 2-10 gallon aquariums, 1-5 galion aquarium. Fuily equipped inciuding fish. Any reasonable affer accepted. Phone 63 7811. 16- lx HAY, speciai for harses. Biackstock 986-4679. 16-1 ELECTRIC adding machine with caver and Poiaroid Land Camera and case. Phone 623-3558 atter 3 p.m. 16-1 MINI Flea Market, now open daily on Base Line Road, 2T/2 miles west of Waveriey Road, third place on south side after tracks. Antique furniture, glassware, coliectibles, house- hold furnishings etc. 623-7490. 16-2 STRAWBERRY plants, rhubarb roats, raspberry canes, Chrysanthemums, iris, peony roats, perennial phlox and-,dwarf astors. 623-7490. 16-2 DELUXE lawn fertilizer s preader, amiy slightiy used. Phone 623-9258. 16-1 WH ITE'S T.V. TOWERS Towers, U HF, VHF Aerials, Rotors& Repairs Apartment & Homes Pre-Wired Ask About Our Gua rantee Phone 576-5606 TEAKWOOD and Rosewood Scandinaviani furniture, bed- room suite compiete - 8 pc., diningroom suite - 9 pc., chesterfield and chair, wal unit, coffee, 2 end tables. All brand new, reasonable, 1-247-4377. 10-tf Pineridge Tire Sales TIR ES AND WHE E L To fit your car or truck. Phone 623-4866 B.OWMANVILLE 23-tf Lots of Used Pianos in Stock, Organs Too! Lowrey, Hammiond, Heintzman OSHAWA ORGAN CENTRE' 16 Simcoe N. (at King) 728-1675 3-tf 5,000 BALES top qualify harse hay, neyer rained an. 85c depending on quantity. Phone 987-4865. 14-3 ASPARAGUS roots. Thimble-, berry canes. C. Verbocht. R.R. 5 Bowmanvilie, 623-4238. 15-3x SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY Wel have gone Bananas this Week NO. 1 CHIQUITA OR DOLE CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES FRESH CRISP Head,.Lettuce Size 24 3each We reserve the rmght ta limit quantifies. BUY A HIND 14 NOW, AND ENJOY YOUR STEAKS THIS SUMMER. AI STEER HINDS cuf, wrapped and quick frozen $1j.19 lb. for orders faken week of April iafh We fake the fi me ta cuf if right. DYKSTRA'S DELICATESSEN FOOD MARKET 73-77 King W. Bowmanvjlle ,623-3541 SEED CORN 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT CASH & CARRY Proven Pioneer Varief les 3975, 3965, 3981, and 3977 in stock Also Stewarts 2501 John Baumçchen Fajrms' R. R. 1, Blackstock Concession 3 at Cartwright, one mile eastaof Caunty Rd. 57. Phone 416-986-4774 14-5 ORGANIC fertilizer (well rot ted sheep manure) ideal for lawns and gardens. Self -serve by bushel, truckload or tract or load. Russ Dow 623-5817. 15 3 SHRUBS and E VE RGR EE NS P HON E 623-3412 SIDES of beef. 69c lb. cut, wrapped and frozen. Cal 1-983-5445 or after 5 cali 623-5540. 9-tf USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial-centre, 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf PADDY'S Market now has new furnitiire, appliances, T.V.'s and stereos and aiso used furniture and appliances. Will accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33-ff. CAR PETS of ail kinds, custom made drapes and sheers, hard-surface floorin g, prafes- sionaliy installed. Free est!- mates. Your one-stop shop- ping. F.A. Kramp, 37-41 King St.' E., Bowmanville. Furni- ture, Carpet and Drapes. 13-f 6000 BALES of hay. Newton- ville 786-2927. 3-tf CASE tractor VCA, wîth impiements. Or trade for riding lawn mower and aach ments. Ph one 263-8328. 16-if POTATOES will deliver in Bowmanvilleare,1. 75-50 or 25 lb., aiso small patatoes for seed. Phone 623-2847. 15-tf MORTGAG E MONEY AVAl LABLE - 5 year-term 11 - Open Martgages - No payments for three mont9hs - No bonuses - Na Credit Checks - No inquiry from neighbars - Confidentiai arrangements made in yaur home - Borrow as low as $1,600 - Fast service Calil Mr. Wilks Mortgages bought and sold. (Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax) 683-2611 DOG GROOMING Big and Smali We do them ail,1 Phone 623-7764. 16-tf OSHAWA Obedience Associa- flan Spring Training Classes, Oshawa Novice Classes, April 27th, Tracking Course, April l7th. Advanced registration only. Caîl 623-5686,or 623-7382. 14-3 FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CA LL MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 30-tf YORKSHIRE boars R.O.P. tested. Law back fat and as law as 135 days ta market weight. Tom Pleasance R.R. 5 Bawmanvill'e, 416-263-27-19. 16-1 STARTER pullets, Swiss Red Hfybrid brown egg layers, due ta lay in J une. J. Gald 623-2730. 13-tf PONY mare, Weish, 7 years, 12 h.h., has been shown Western and started tai drive. Phone 623-5352. 16-1 MARE, gaad riding horse. Colt sixý months aid, standard bred. Equipment. -Phono Orano 983-5673. 14 tf FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Laok for thiss-ai. lt's your guarantee of OF STAF FORD Stafford Brothers Monu ments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas Sf. E. - Whitby Phono Whitby 668-3552 SALVATION ARMY "AIl you can eaf.11

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