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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Apr 1977, Section 2, p. 5

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Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvjlle. April 20. 1977 5 A Happy Easter Greeting by o Lu-sy Spe lier on Easer Sunday at Jacksonville, Florida, artist took a stick and made this greeting in the __where the,,ýditor and his Wife were spending a feW sand in front of the Ramada Hotel. It Was Well days re1a&Ing on the beach, an enterprising young done, except his spelling could be improved a bit. Mrs. Ernly Ogden was a weekerid vlitor with Mîr. and Mrs. J ackicgden and familyT, a week apo, andl is n-ow in residence at Nel-Gor Castle Nursing Frme. Friday afternploni visitors with MrslMary Jones, inciud- ed Mrs. Leone Lane, Mrs. Helen O'Neil, Mrs. Ruth Rosser, Mrs. Ethel Crowhurst and Mrs. Olive Lenty of Port Hope, the occasion being a littie birthdny celebration for the latter. Remember the Fun Fair at Newcastle Town Hall, next Saturday il a.m. to 4 p.m. Newtonville U.C.W. and Girl Guide and Brownie mothers wili operate booths. Baked goods and white elephant articles are needed. "Open House" will be held at Newtonville School, this Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher attended the Golden Wedding Anniversary celebration, in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woolley, heid in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, on Saturday afternoon. Members of the Sundny School class bowiers who were busy at the Liberty Bowi Saturday night, were Bonny Stapleton, Charlene Zeitsma, Shelly Tompkins, Kim Gil- mer, Tim Gardner and Michael Tizzard, the' latter hnving the high score for the evening. Local people among those attending the Mnsonic Ladies Night, in Orono United OWASCO VOLKSWAGEN LTD. Whitby - Oshawa 1425 Dundas St. E. Whitby Telephone 668-9383 Church, Satujrday, 'included Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lan- caster, Mrs. and Mrs. Aif Perrin, Mr. and Mrs. John Scott. They were entertained by the General Motors' choir, of Oshawa, among whose members are Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Redknap and a most enjoyable musical evening is reported. Mrs. Mary Wnde of Barrie, was a weekend visitor with Mrs. Leone Lane, and was joined, inter, by son, Grant who came to drive ber home. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer, the past weekend, included Mrs. Lena Clysdale, Mrs. Ben Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gilmer, of Islington, and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer, Kim and Ken, ail helping celebrate Frank's birthdny on Sunday, (his 39th of course!) Other members of the "Birthdny Gang", included Mrs. Marie Merry and Mrs. Olive Lenty of Port Hope, Mrs. Kay Ormiston of Bowmanville and Mrs. Olive Henderson. Our felicitations to ail! Mr. and Mrs. Melville Jones are in Montreal for a few days, attending the Annual Bell Telephone Con- vention. Betty and Frank Stapleton were the Sunday morning Greeters at our church door, and the theme of Rev. Tizzard's sermon was "Fulfil- ling Requirements". Marlene Stncey, Mary Vinkie, Myrtle Kioster, and Philip Gilmer sang the old favorite "At Calvary" with Carole Gardner at' the piano. The lovely flowers at the altar were in memory of Gordon Trim, whose sudden death occurred, early iast week. Sympathy of this community is expressed to his relatives and friends. 1Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wray Soules, in Toronto. Among those visiting the Sugar Bush Outing Sunday at Allan Downe's, Orono, spon- sored by Durham Masonic Lodge, were Mr. and Mrs. Ned Macannis, Mr. Wally Kiers and daïighter Mr. and Mrs. Maurice O'Neill, accompan- ied by Miss Cleo Johnston of Port Hope who was a dinner guest with the O'Neills. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith and Stevie, of Oshawa were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Boughen were among those attending the Grand Masters' Banquet of the Odd Fellows' Lodge in Bowmanville, Satur- day night. Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer were Sunday dinner guests in Port Hope, with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmer and family. We understand Newtonvîlle was well represented, Sunday night at the Kendal Hyma Sing. Those attending from here included Mr. and Mrs. W. Boughen, Rev. and Mrs. Tizzard, Mrs. Mary Vinkie, Mtrs. Marlene Stacey, Mrs. Myrtie Kioster, Mr. and Mrs. S. Lancaster, Mrs. Dora DeSmit, Miss B. Milligan, Mrs. Bea Jones, Mr. and Mrs. M. Jones, Mrs. Lena Ciysdale, Charlene Zeitsmn, Kim Gil- mer, and Mr. and Mrs. Pat Gardner. With an attendance of twenty-six, the Annual Meet- ing of Newtonville Women's Instîtute was held at the home of Mrs. Mary Jones, on Wednesday, April 13, after a delicious Pot Luck dinner at 12:30. President Amelia Lancaster opened with the Ode, and the Mary Stewart Colleet, f ollow- ed by the Roli-Caîl and payment of d(ues. Minutes of the last annual meeting, held at the home of Mrs. Madeline Buckley, were rend and approved. Auditors Bea Jones and Violet Gilmer confirmed the various finan- cial reports, and Standing Committees reported as fol- lows: Mrs. Iva Farrow Agri- culture and Canadian Indust- ries, Mrs. May Burley-Educa- tion and Cultural Activities, Mrs. Mary Jones-Citizenship and Worid Affairs, Mrs. Jean O'Neill-Family and Consumer Affairs. These were al accepted, ns rend, on motion. The President expressed hier appreciation to Convenors and al those- helping' with Festival of Foods. Demonstra- tions, Card Parties, etc. and also for the fact this is our 65th Brnnch Anniversary. In honor of the latter an attractive cake, made and decorated by Mrs. Dorelîn Chard, of New- castle, 'was on display, and SWIMMING POOL SACRIFICE! Leadling Canadian manufacturer, and distributor has aluminum pools Ieft over from,1976 season. HALF PRICE! Guaranteed installation and terms. Cali collect days or evenings. 1-416-221-4840. We're Having a Automobile Refinishing Now Only $195,00 Reg. Value $250.00 PRICE UN EFFECT UNTIL MAY 31,1977 Incudes: Painting of inside doors, iams, removal of mouldings where necessary. (Extra cost if body work is required) -Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed - Base Line Auto Body, 165 Base Line Rd. E. East of the Flying Dutchman Telephone 623-9131 ""We Believe in Craftsmanship.. Not Speed" Open 8«00a.m. to 5:00 p.m.I Monday teFridayI Sat. 8: 00 a. m. te 12 Noon Glorious sunshine greeted everyone on Sunday morning whether attending church service or not. Many did at Weicome for the very special, service when Heather Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Dinner, and Elizabeth, baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Groeneveid were received into the church through the sacra- ment of Baptism. They were baptized by the Rev. Robert Bartiett who spoke of the significance of the rite for the child, its parents and the congregation. Heather and Elizabeth were weicomed on behaîf of the congregation by eider Russell Baker. The junior, choir was in charge of the music and their anthem, sung SO joyously was, "Twas on a Sunday morning, about included in pictures taken, inter, of life membêrs and al present. Achievement Days for 4H clubs, will be held at Bowm- manvilie, this weekend, April 16 and 17. The 8th Anniversary of the Federated Women's Institute celebration wiil be held on July 13 at Bingeman Park, Kitchener. The District Convention is to be heid nt Hampton on May loth and four delegates are to attend from each Branch. Our representatives wili be Bernice Milligan, Jean O'Neill, Madeline Buckley and Sharon Buttery or alternate, Bea Jones. The motion was passed to puchase an Ontario Fiag for our Cenotaph and President Lancaster wiil attendto that. Mrs. Anna Hughes rend the list of Officers ail nominated for another year, and the motion was passed that they be re-installed. After the taking of pictures and sharing of the annivers- ary cake, appreciation was expressed to the hostess and two members not able to be present were visited, namely Mrs. Agnes Burley, in her home and Mrs. Ethel Jones in Marnwood Rest Home, Bow- manvîlle. Pictures and cake were shared, also, with them. Newtonville-Starkville Bowling League Tenm standings-Andrews 52, Supremes 51, Goid Diggers 42, Lennons 41. SHigh single-Donna Morris 266. High triple-Bernice Hen- derson 672. 200 games-Donna Morris 266, 241, Jean O'Neill 256, Cindy Milison 248, 212, Pat Milîson 246, 226, Bernice Henderson 243, 217, 212, Peggy 'Milîson 219, 213, 1208, Dian Scîuk 203, Marlene Stacey 200. Newtonville-Starkville Bowling League April l4th, Team standings-Supremes 52, Andrews 52, Lennons 44, Gold Diggers 44. SHigh single-Gail Milîson 264. High triple-Bernîce Hender- son 676. 200 games-Gail Milison 264, 203, Sandra Mclnnes 249, Bernice Henderson 243, 236, Peggy Milison 243, Marlene Stacey 240, Joyce Stacey 234, 205, 201, Jean Arnold 233, 210, 229, Marilyn Baker 233, Cindy Millson 230, 221, 209, Alberta Johnson 225, Lînda Farrow 209, Mary Topple 207, Donna Morris 206, Pat Milîson 202, 201. the break of day. " The Sunday Schooi children and their teachers remained for the special part of -the service before singing, "Joy is like the main" and going to their classes. Rev. Bartlett's morning message was an nnswer to the question, "What does the church expect of you?" Among expectations were: presence at worship, involvement in ail around you that works for the fulfiliment of God's purpose, and out- reach to the rest of the world for the same reason. The influence of family life is feit ail tbrough the growing and mature years, a fitting mes- sage for this day. Next Sunday will see new members being confirmed, and will be the iast Sundny of regular service for Rev. R. Bartiett who has been àppoînted to another office in the church with his head- quarters in Toronto. Ushers were Messrs. Roly Bowman, David Kellogg, Albert Wood- ruff and Glen Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Best greeted the congregation at the door. The regular meeting of the, Wesleyville unit .of the UCW was held at Welcome church on Wednesday, April 13, with leader Dora Nichols conduct- ing it. Plans were discussed concerning Golden Plow birth- day party with committee members Marie Dinner and Margaret Gouid, also assist- ance to be given for the cancer tea in Port Hope inater in the month. The roll caîl of used stamps and spectacles had an excellent response, both of these items are used to help many projects, by raising cash and relîeving poor sight among the poor of other countries. The group for the month led by Mrs. T. Wilson presented the last part of the play, "A man born to be king", by Dorothy L. Sayers which had been prepared for radio. Each member of the group Mrs.R. Reeve, Mrs. K. Ashby, with the leader, rend the several parts. Mrs. R. Best has not been well for a week or so, and a card sîgned by al told how she was missed and sent best wishes for a speedy recovery. On Frîday evening a group including Mrs. Reeve and Mrs. T. Wilson were ready to leave for the "Wizard of Oz" WESLEY VILLE 39 King Street West, Bowmanville, Ontario To our customers and friends and District: April 20, 1977 in Bowmanville Having been in business on the main street of Bowmanville for the past 40 years, it is, with a feeling'of. regret that we realize the time has corne for us t0 retire from the fielId, and f0 sit on the "side lines" of life, and watch good oki Bowmanville, (or'should we say The Town of, Newcastle), progress. We cannot, however, retire without f irst thanking our many customers and friends in this town, and the surrounding area, who have, over the years, returned again and again f0 deal with us. We have enjoyed the friendships we have made and this is the one thing we wi Il really miss the most; however we will continue to reside in Bowmanville, "which is home to us"', and wiI be Iooking forward f0 seeing you on the, street f0 pass on a ý"hello" ^and a little chat. My business is being sold f0 Mr. Cy. Churchley, who formerly owned a jewellery store in Port Hope and, in Collingwood, and we hope you wilI give him the same co-operation and support you have given us in the past. presentation at Canton,. when a fire was discovered racing across a grassy field toward Willow Beach. Lt was dis- covered by a passerby just as it crossed the fence into the field fromn the roadside where it started, and gained wide- spread coverage in seconds. The Hope firefighters brought it under control before it reached buildings and the planted area of Willow Beach nature sanctuary. Dry weather and the great acreage of dried grass has caused at least six calîs this past week, with at least one requiring more than one machine to control it. Sympathy is extended to Marsha Groeneveld and her famîly for the loss of ber mother whose death occurred in Holland last week after some months îllness. Aileen Wilson, Lane Beatty and Margaret Harness were in Toronto this past weekend for the second re-union of the CGIT Camp Council, which they had shared two years ago. Mrs. Dora Nichols with her sîster Grace was in West- meath iast week to visit brother John and famiiy and their mother, Mrs. Anderson. Fields have been drying rapidiy and considerable seed- ing has been already. NE WTON VILLE SEEDS Sain Seed Cleaners and Dealers Ltd. 5.,. Cert. Canada No. 1 Oats and Barley Top Qui ity Canada No. 1 Barley -$5.50 per bushel Lavn, Hay and Pasture Seed in Good Supply Alfalfa - $60 ta $100 per 50-lb. Bag Seed Always In Good Supply Telephone Blackstock 986-4331 WeddÎng fPlans with from fle ~Anà~ r ej» Ask to See Our Announcement Books by Rainbow

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