Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 2o, 1977 7 Round Bone Shoulder or SHRT ilaRIB ROASânTS L. Cut from Canada "GRADE A" Beef ROASTSQ Cut from Canada "GRADE A" Beef, Boneless ROU ND STEAK ,\ýROASTS -\ BOUTOM CUT LB. M~ Cut from Canada "GRADE A" Beef 1 SAVED $4.54 "You see, we budget a certain amount of money for groceries every week, and we spend it at Miracle. Occas ionall1y, we have 10 shop at another store f or some reason. Every ti me, we f ind we're going over ou r budget. I used to say to my husband, even though, we have 10 drive 8 miles, it's stili cheaper to shop at Miracle Food Mari. But 1 didn't know how much cheaper. When we did the comparison shopping between Miracle and one of their biggest com pet i tors , i t reall1y opened my eyes. I found out how much 1 was saving all along ai Miracle." The King of Roasts' PRIME RIB ROASTS' L'B. m W Cut from Canada "GRADE A" Beet 1Produci of U. S.A. CALI FORNIA STRAWBERRI ES PINT CUP T-Bone, Siroin or PORTERHOUSE LOIN STEAKS LBMMW Cut from Canada "GRADE A" Beef Product af Mexico Eggplant eachsec Ontario GrownA6 Canada No. 1 Grade Table Potatoes 10 lb. bag 9 Fresh from the Trapics Large Size Bananas LB. Mrs. Peari Clair, Hamilton, Ontario Meaty Pork Hocks Pot or Oven Cross Rib. Roasts Cul f rom Canada "GRADE A"'Beef LB.8 Famous for Quality Schneider's Mini Sizzlers,1 1 1 lb. pkg.- beef or park Cut tram the Leg Fresh Pork Cuilts 12 Fresh Ontario Park LB1aL Cul from the Leg Boneless Bottom Round Pork Roasts 8 1 Fresh Ontario Park L lM HA' Cut fra'm the Leg d a@b Boneless Siroiri Tip or I l Pork Roastsd Topk Round j Fresh Ontario Park L B , in. -4 pack oen McCain Be-In7O (ceese & PPPrfizza 81* Braising Ribs Dceluxe& Pepoiza BeM5efB lndlvldually Quick Fraozen Freshwater Whitefish Fillets 14 oz. pk (14 oz. pit fesf1. 8 Whole Frozen North Atlantic M ackerel Fresh Shouideror lade YOUNG- VEAL CHOPS 1LB.j c Bone-In FRESH VEAL CUTLETS LB. M M Fresh Ontario Pork Fry, Broilor 880 PRIME RIB STEAKS LB13.z Cut f rom Canada "GRADE A" Beef FO -O Blade Bone Removed BmeLADuE, LB. Cut f rom Canada "GRADE A" Beef thought weil of sneezes, how- ever, and told his followers ta bless the sneezer as a tribute ta Allah. Many other beliefs surround a sneeze: 'If you hear a sneeze while praying, you certainly must begin again. Some Germans think it's bad luck ta sneeze whiie putting on shoes but a sneeze while making a statement proves it's true. To an Estonian, if two pregnant women sneeze in chorus, they will have girls, if their husbands do, the infants wili be boys. Most people aiso believe- rightiy-that a sneeze is aften the first sign of a respiratary infection. If there are other symptoms, as well, like cough- ing and shortness of breath, better see a doctor. Shank Portion FRESH LEG OF PORK ROASTS LB.n Fresh Ontario Pork Butt Portion FRESH LEG 0F PORK ROASTS LB Bon e 58 Stewing Veal BD Fresh Young Veal Rib Chops1 0 Sliced Side LAZY MAPLE BACON 1 LB. PKG. Durham Region Lung Asaoc. VictimizingChildren This country realiy, cares about its children, right? Well, maybe flot enough. Take the finding of a study made of seven metropolitan centers. This study found that one out of every four chiidren living in sections where traffic is heavy had: higher-than- normal leveis of lead in his or her biood. No wonder. A child playing near traffic can't help breath- ing in dust kicked up by the passing cars and trucks. There's iead in that dust. Lead is a major air pollutant. Long-termn exposure to even low levels of lead is believed ta affect children's normal de- velopment. Most airbonee lead comes from cars. The U.S. Environ- mental Protection Agency has set standards that are intend- ed to take out 60 to 65 per cent of the iead in the: total amount of gasoline refined. The re- duction was to be reached by graduai cuts made every year. The cuts were to begin in 1975 and achieve the 60-65 per cent reduction in 1979. Bu 't not a cut has yet taken place. The iatest delay has came from the EPA itself. Its most recent ruling says that the lead content of gasoline doesn't have to be reduced at ail until next year. And there can be extensions of the 1979 goal for some refiners. .The battie against dirty air is far. from won. To find out how you can heip, contact your local lung association-the "Christmas Seal" people. They Gare About Every Breath You Take. Protecting the Unborn Baby Every year some 200,000- mothers have to face a terrible truth. Their babies have been born defective. One out of every fourteen infants is damaged, physicaiiy or' mentally, whiie still in its mother's womb. It's not much comfort to either the mother or the child to know that the damage may not be the parent's fault. But it's so. About 20 per cent of birth defects are beiieved to' be caused by something in the parent's environment. Some poison in the air. Some drug with unforeseen effects. Some chemical on the job. When an inherited fault is added to the environmental factor, prob- ably another 60 per cent of those birth defects are accounted for. For the'darnaged chiidren, hope must lie in repair. But for their children, the prospects are brighter. A recently passed law could be effectively protecting the environment by then. Manu- facturers have to notify the U.S. Environmental Pro- tection Agency before they begin production of any new chemical substance. If the 'substance is iikely to be hazardous and many people will be exposed to it, the EPA can require that it be tested before it is put into production. If the substance presents an unreasonabie risk of injury to health-the EPA can regulate its manufacture, distribution, use and disposai. And regula- tion can include a total ban of substance. The Act has weaknesses. But it's a big step aiong the way toward protecting ýthe American people, both born and yet-to-be born. To find out more about protecting everybody's iungs against assaults in the air, contact your local iung assoc- iation-the "Christmas Seai" people. They Gare About Miracle!s, Fresh Qualit