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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Apr 1977, p. 7

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DUPLICATE BRIDGE WINNERS APRIL 5 1. Dr. and Mrs, H.B. Rundle. 2. Bill Clipperton, David Orme. A Wintario grant of $1,368 will be made to the First Scout Troop Group Committee in Bowmanville, for travel as- sistance to tbe Canadian Boy Scouts Jamboree '77 in Prince Edward Island. The Sunshine Picnic, spon- sored by the Regional New Democratic party will be held Sunday, May 29tb and is open to evéryone, especially child- ren. It will be held at the Knigbts of Columbus Park, on RitsQn Rd., north of Oshawa. And it won't be costly. So keep an eye on tbis paper for more information. Winners' of last week's Rotary Club draw for up- coming Toronto Blue Jays games are Nancy Watson, Ron Reed, Dave Passant, Don Bisbop, ýDon Caldwell, Catby Locke,, K.R. Gibbs, Nancy Wallace, Carl Devitt, Earl Wolff,, Bob Marjerrison, Bob DeBlois and John Gowing. Tbe Town of Newcastle council gave approval of rezoning a site off Park Street on wbich it proposes to construct'a new Orono arena and agricultural building. Tbe tbree readings of the by- law was given Tuesday nigbt and tbe by-law will now be sent to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval and notifi- cation to adjacent property owners. Soccer fever bas bit Orono on registration day last week, in a three bour period 42 registered, witb 15 in tbe Pee Wee league, and 27 in the Atom. Two teams in tbe Atom league are now entered in the Darlington Mînor Soccer League._ William Pilkington, Wbit- by's last police chief, died in Toronto on Thursday, April l4th. H1e was 58. Joining the Toronto police department as acadet in 1939, be served in the R.C.A.F. from 1941-1945. Returning to tbe Toronto Police Force in 1945 be was promoted to inspector and bead of tbe morality squad in 1965. Selected from 63 appli- cants be was chosen as police chief of Witby in 1968, retiring wben Durbam Region was created in 1974. The Ontario Hooking Craft Guild is presenting the "lîth Annual Show." It is being beld at Pickering 'Higb Scbool, Cburch Street, Nortb, in Pickering Village, Sunday April 24tb, 1977 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Pickering Rug Hookers are bosts this year. It is interesting to see wbat is now done witb thîs pioneer craft. The Osbawa Art Association will bold tbe lth Annual Juried Show from May 27th to June tb at Durham College. Categorys are A: for non- pbotographic exbibits- 1. Be- ginner-has not previously been accepted in any juried show. 2. Intermediate-has not won a major award in an OAA or ECOAA Show. 3. Advanced- has won a major award in an OAA or an ECOAA Show OR is an Art Instructor OR is a professional artist. Category B: pbotograpby--open. Entries must be sent in by May l3th. For information contact Miss Bette Compson, 238 Golf St. Oshawa. The aimn of the Piyab Art Auction, which will be beld this Saturday is to promote the works of 'Canadian artists from Durham Region and surrounding areas. A free preview of close to 70 originals can be seen from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 24tb, 1977 in the Piccadilly Room of the Genosha Hotel, 70 King Street, East, Oshawa. The auction begins at 7:30. Artists participating are: Jo 'an-Marie Dean, a mono- printer, water colorists Janet McGhee, Laurine Sage, Bob Chambers, Katherine Me- Holm, Sally Wildman; photo- graphers Earl Keatley, Tom Main, Neil Newton, oîl paint- ers ýJim Kraemer, D'ary Proctor, Arnold Hodgkins, hangings by Hope Muckle, Bey Wlliams, drawings by Bill Micbaud, Berta Avnot, Wilma Foley,,Peter Kolisnyk, Gustav Weisman, Dennis Bur- ton; sculpture by Jean Deblois, Anne Harris, batik by Sharon, Isaacs, Irja Katola. The auction also includes pottery, prints, stitcbery, weaving, experimental art, leather, silk-screen. The price range for the majority of art will sell at a moderate level. An Astronomy Seminar will be beld at Durham College on Saturday, April 23rd. Guest speaker will be R.N. Henrik- Celebratea His Firat Birthday Duncan Brock MacArthur, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don MacArthur of Bowmanville, celebrated his first birthday on March 10, 1977. Grand- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Grant sen, Ph. D., Associate Profes- sor, Department of Pbysics, Queen's University, a recog- nized authonity in Radio Astrophipics. Information may be obtained by pboning 576-0210. Fans of the Bay City Rollers are in for a disappointment. The popular rock group will MacArthur and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bailey both of Lindsay. Mrs. R. M. Bailey of Lindsay is a great- grandmother. not be appearing at the Civic Centre as expected. The group just couldn't fit the appear- ance into their busy schedule. Sorry gals. Oshawa Fair who bas been without a home for two years when a ban was put on their use of Alexandra Park, is in danger of losing their charter, AE The Baha'i Cause "The harmony of religious belief with reason, is a new vista which has been opened to the soul of mfan." - Baha'u'Illah- If interested - Box 36, Bowmanville. Tolay's Bible And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For ye are the temple of the living God; as God said, 1 will dwell in them, and walk in them; and 1 will be their God, and they shal be my people. Il CORINTHIANS CHAPTER 6, VERSE 16 This Sunday Fks t.J o hn's Anglican. 1J Church u (TemperanceatQueen) SUN DAY, APRiIL 24th 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion il :00a.m. Morning Prayer St. Paul's United Minister: S Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M. Div. Organist:. Gerald K. Burgess SUNDAY, APRIL 24, 1977 11:00 a.m. CONFIRMATION and SACRAMENT of HOLY COMMUNION Parents are invited to bring their children to our modern Play and Learn Nursery while they worshup. OSHAWA, FREE METHODIST CHURCH TrulI's Rd. (DarlÎngtonl5) 725-3606 Pastor: DAVID A. DYER 725-3872 Sunday, April 24, 1977 A DAY 0F SPECIAL MUSIC With the Sellwood Singers 10 a. m. -Sunday School il a.m. - Morning Worship Service Music - The Sellwood Singers, "God Gives Gifts for the Church" 7 p.m. -A Special Service of Music and Fellowship For the Whole Family Wednesday -Midweek Family Hour 7 p.m. unless the fair runs tbis year. An effort to use Brooklîn fair grounds bas failed. The fair board would like to bold the fair in August or September. The Bowmanville Higb Scbool Band witb music dir- ector Elliott Tremeer, leaves Tbursday by bus for Sudbury, wbere tbey will be performing under an excbange visit agreement at Sudbury Higb Sehool. Tbey will be returning Sunday. Abe Taylor, president of U.A.W., local 222 and a democratic candidate for a delegates seat, is leading the polis in the international union convention delegates voting. Final results are not in as yet. Susan Dustan, will be one of the performers in the Oshawa Symphony Orchestra Pop con- cert on Sunday, at the Arts Resource Centre. The sym- pbony will play the March of the Toreadors from the opera Carmen by Bizet, and also numbers from Bernstein's West Side Story. Susan, who plays trombone, is a former member of the B.H.S. Band. Sherry Bassin-general manager of the Oshawa Gen- erals Major Jr. A. hockey club will be running a hockey scbool, this summer in Picker- ing at the Art Thompson Arena. The school will stress various aspects of hockey. both in the classroom and on the ice. An off-ice exercise program will be offered. Further information may be obtained by calling 682-2611. In last week's issue of the paper we stated that il Girl Guides from Bowmanville received întroductory first aid certificates from the St. John Ambulance. It sbould bave read the Canadian Red Cross Apologies. In preparation for the In- dustrial Accident Prevention Association Lift Truck Driver Competition in Ajax in May, 1977, employees of General Motors of Canada's Oshawa plants will be holding their own Lift Truck Competition, 8 a.m. Sunday, Apnil 24, 1977 at the Donevan Recreation Com- plex on Harmony Road South in Oshawa. Approximately 50 lift truck drivers from all Oshawa Plants in. General Motors will take part. GM's drivers will be competing for twelve trophies. The bighest trophy will be awarded to the top driver in General Motors. Another tropby will be award- cd to the GM Plant that accumulates the highest average points, won last year by Parts and Service drivers and two trophies to be awarded to the two top drivers ini each of the five General Motors Oshawa Plants (Fab- rication and Export Plants), (Parts and Service Plant), (Chassis Plant), (Body Plant) and (Truck 'Plant). Admission is free to all inleresled. The two top GM drivers fi rn eaeh plaint corn piex wÎ11 ther proceed to ithe l.A.P .A. Ajax ('ompetltion, May 8, 1977. The Grand Oie Opry will Items of Interest Phone 623-3303 r00 ( The Canadian Statesman, ~Bowmanvi11e, April 20, 1977 7 Proposai Dropped From. Capital Funds celebrate Canada's "Victoria Day" next month with a SDCCial Opry performance for Canadians traveling south during the tbree-day holiday weèkend. The "Victoria Day Opry" will be held Sunday afternoon, May 22, at 4 p.m. in the Grand Oie Opry House at Opryland. Cartwrigbt High School in Blackstock bas perhaps the most original project this year that will not only show parents wbat students are doing, but also provide a littie exercise on the side. Tbe school's Outers Club beld an Invitational pro- gram called "trim Orienteer- ing on Sunday April 17 at tbe Ganaraska Conservation Area., The outing was a family affair, and sons, daugbters and tbe parents set out on an outdoor excur- sion equipped with maps, lists of cbeck points, and a route to follow. Tbe Outers Club is an outdoor education group at the sebool interested in a wide range of subjects fromn ecolo- gical concerns to overnigbt camping. On Wednesday, the Grade 8 students at nearby Cartwright Central Public Scbool will be invited to take a look around, a kind of "orien- teering" for, next year's crop of new bigb scboolers. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bates Sr. returned from an extensive two mnontb tour of Florida. Wbile there tbey visited witb four former Bowmanville couples: Mr. and Mrs. Jim Woodwortb, Daytona; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Batbgate, Dayto- na; Mr. and Mrs. J. Williams, Beadingvon; and Mr_ and Mrs. L. Macauley, Boyton Beach. Tbey also enjoyed two games between tbe Blue Jays and Expos in sprîng training. On the return trip tbey went tbrougb New York, Phillidel- phia, Boston to St. John, New, aVerley under review again in the fa for a final decision on tf possibility of including it in ti capital allocation of the mini try, tbe letýer states. Bowmanville trustee Bc Burke urged the board I Imake an appointment immei iately to meet witb Mr. Marti to discuss the issue. Sehool, ill "I don't think we can sit e back and say that's it," Mn. e Burke said. -, ýs Director of Education W. Thom told the board members )b that a "head to head confront- o ation" with the ministry could d- produce a favorable response in to the board's recommenda-, No W The Ontario Ministry of Education bas turned down the proposed Waverley ele- mentary scbool from their 1977 capital building alloca- tion. The proposal, tbe only building project submitted to tbe ministry by-tbe Nortbum- berland and Newcastle Board of Education tbis year, was for a 12 classroom elementary scbool. Tbe $1.1 million project was approved by tbe board last year to acommodate approx- imately 400 stùdents wbo are now eitber in portable class- rooms at a site on Waverley Rd. or at Central Public Scbool. The notice of tbe ministry's rejection of the project was presented in a letter fromn their Eastern Ontario Region office forwarded from tbe Director of tbe Scbool Bus- iness and Finance Brancb. James Martin. The proposal will come Brunswick wbere in River Glade, N.B., tbey visited witb daughter Christine Foster and family. A nice trip but it is lovely to come home to Bowmanville. Tbis winter anotber block for firewood cutting next, spring and faîl will be laid out and marked in tbe Lindsay area. Further information -on bow to obtain next winter's fuelwood may be obtained by calling Mr. G. Ingram at tbe Ganaraska Region Conserva- tion Autbority Forest Head- quarters (Phone 1-416-797-2959 Campbellcroft, Ontario) or by contacting this office. Tbe wood will be sold on a first come basis. FLOWERS, PLANTS and THINGS. by, Len Koenderman Carnation Flori@t It's Spring, and now is the time to select spring flower- inq plants. The great available quantities and 10ow prices make great values. Especially g ood are the tulips, hyacinths and daffodils. Though they don't Iast as long as the azalea or hydrangea, they give a big splash of color and when properly stoned, you can put them in the garden this faîl for spring color next year. The lily too is greatfor future bloom too. And can there be a more stately, elegant plant in April? Remember too the old fashioned snowba Il (hydran gea?> It needs a lot of water but lasts well for weeks. There are dozens of other interesting, long Iasting plants available. Try the cineraria, the gloxinia or the new rieqer begonias. You might look at kalanchoes or African violets. Spr ing time offers so much. This is the week ta put a burst of colom into your home, before moving ta the great outdoors. CAR utN A TIPON FLORIST 623-7141 623-5577 33 Division St., Bowmanvlle M D o Ds Effective WVE RESERVE SUZTHE 'RIGHT "W llWothLokngFo "Until TO LIMIT APRIL 23 QUANT TIES AND STILL MORE ... GREAT SPRING VALUES!, Listerine Dee-Tee Antiseptic Mouthwash ______ 18-ozs. $1 .29 Moth Bails ___________ lb Ladies' Plastic ýW ieQatte at Rain Bonnet WieQuniieCat Flower Pattern in miniature hat box ____ON LY9 Li cht BiiIbs _____ 6 for 99c 40, a or 100 Watt ___ ________ Dee-Tee Moth Killer ________15-oz. 99C Jacquardi Face Cloth _______ 3 for 88 100 Per Cent Cotton Dish Cloths MeGREGOR DRU 5 KING ST. W. 623-5792 15" square-___ 3 for 88C BOWMANVILLE tions. Church at Division St. Office 623 -3138 SUNDAY, APRIL 24, 1977 Sunday School Classes for Ail Ages 10 a.m. - 9years and up and Treasure Hunt Club il a-m. - Toddlers and Nursery Care Il: 15 a.m. - 4to 8-year-olds Il a.m.-WORSH1P SERVICE - Sermon - Imn Sickness and in Healîth"l A Warm Welcome for Everyone Jack & Jill Spaghetti Supper ApriI 3- 5to 7p.m. Advance tickets only. Reserve yours now. Phone 623-5483, 623-2210 or church office 623-3138 Deadine for tickets April 24 Bowmanville Pentecostal Church 75 LIBERTY STREET SOUTH Sunday Services 9:55 a. m ......Sunday School 11:00l a.m ........ Worship Service 7: 00 P. M.. Evangelistic Service MWd Week Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Youth Meeting Wednlesday, 7:30 p.m. Blible Study A Welcome for You in a Friendl1y Church ym "M \4Sý

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