The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 11, 1977 FERGUSON - Dennis end Wendy (nee Wilson), are pleased-ta announce the sate arrivai of their baby daughter, Kelli Wylene, 8 lbs. 13/2 ozs. ~'-~r May 1, 1977. A preciaus v, sister for Marc. Proud 'ýà nd parents are Mr. and rs. T. Wilson, Newcastle and Mrs. Hazel Ferguson, Bow- maniville. Speciai thanks to Dr. H. B. Rundie and materni- ty staff at Memorial1 Hospital. 19-1 x COLLACUTT - Mildred (Lera)'. Suddenly at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanviiie, an Wednesday, May 4, 1977, Mildred Westiake of R. R. 6, in her 87th year. Beloved wife of Leslie Cllacutt. Dear mather of Mrs. R. Johnson (Pearl) and Mrs. G. E. Hoa r (Lenore). Rested at the Northcutt Elliott Funeérai Home tram Friday afternoan. General service Saturday morning. Interment Bethesda Cemetery. 19-1 HERRON - At Hillsdaie Mahor, OshaWa, Saturday, May 7th, 1977, James Herran, in his 84th year, dear brother of Bruce, Fiorida, Harry, Bowmanvilie, Elsie (Mrs. Robert Fowler), Peterbor- oug h, and the late Mossom, Oshawa. Private service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvilie, on Mon- day afternoon. Interment Ver- ulam Cemetery, Bobcaygeon. KELLY - Ronald Lewis., At Toronto Western Hospital on Mariday, May 9th, 1977, RonalId L . Kelly of Blackstock, Ont. Dearly loved husband of Beatrice Brown. Dear father of James, Keith, Jean, Joan, and Sandra and grandfather of Janet. Son of Lewis Kelly and1 Hilda Johnson. Dear brother of Roy, Ra y, Charles, and Lorna (Mrs. E. Thamp- son), in his 44th year. Resting at the chapel of McDermott- Panabaker, Part Perry for service on -Thursday at 2 o.m. Interment Pine Grave Cerne- tery. Donations may be made ta the Ontario Heart Founda- 19-1 MARK - Wilbert, at Mem- anial Hospital, Bawmanvilie on Wednesday, May 4, 1977, Wilbert.Mark of Tyrone, in his 87th year. Dear frienid of Clarenice Wv'oodley. Rested at the Northcutt El liat Funerai Home. Funieral service, complete in the chapel 1:ý30 Saturday affern-oanýr. inter- ment Bawmlanviile Cem-etery. 19-1 MARTYN - At Memariai Hospital, Bowmanville, Sun- day May 8th, 1977, Glen L. Martyn, 33 Cale Ave., Bow- manville, belaved tather of James E. and Robert G. Martyrn, in his 73rd year. Servicewas held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville, on Wednesday after- noon. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. FLOWERS BY JACKMAN Bowmanville Mall 623-3365 PROMPT, COURTEOUS, SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR FLORAL N E EDS 14-tf HICKS - Wayne and Darla (Sellers) are tankfui ta God for the sate arrivai of their son, Dwayne Gardon Lamne, born May 9, 1977, weighing 7 Ibs. 2/4azs. Proud grand- parenis are Mr. and Mrs. Gord Sel lers and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hasuik. Great Grand- C arents are Mr. and Mrs. orne Haynes, Mrs. Lillian Sellers and Mr. and Mrs. Elgin romeil. Special thanks to Dr, Anfossi, Dr. Ewert and the maternity staff. 19-1 NOBLE - At Memorial Hos- pifai, Bowmanviile on Satur-, day, May 7, 1977, Florence Noble of 264 King- Street East, in her 92nd year. Rested at the Narthcutt Elliott Funerai Home. Private funerai service was held Monday. Interment Bowmanviile Cemetery. 19-1 ROGERSON - At Elgin, Ontario, Sunday, May 8th, 1977, Charles Rogerson, form- eriy of Newcastle, in his 9th year, dear father of Charles, Ottawa, Lionel, Aylmer, Que- bec, Harold, Prescott,, Mrs. Ida Yurkawsky, Elgin, Keith, Newcastle, pre-deceased by daughters Velma and Eileen. Service was heid in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- vil le on Wednesday atternoon. Interment Bond Head Cerne- tery, Newcastle. TAYLOR - At Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanville, Thursday, May 5th, 1977, Thompsan Taylor, R.R. 4, Bowmanville, aged 62 years, beioved husband of Ileen Johnsfon, dear father of Donna (Mrs. Raiph Whyte), Faye (Mrs. Merle Pape), Murray, Carol (Mrs. Taylor)' and Wayne. Service was heid in the Marris Funerai Chapel on -Saturday afternoon. Inter- ment Bawmanviile Cemetery. TERRY - At Oshawa Gen- erai Hospital, Saturday, May lth, 1977, Ann Terry, aged 46 yebeloved wife of Periey Tedear mother of Leslie, Hugh, Sheila, Jackie, Tim, Juy, Robert and Ruth. Ser- vice was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville on Tuesday afternoon. Interment Bowmanviile' VANSON -- rrnest. At the Oshawa Generai Hospital an Monda Y'May 9' 1977 Ernest Vanson in his 69th year. Husband of Lillian Clarke. Fat her of Gregory, Portland, Oregon, David, Bowmanville, Gilbert, Thunder Bay, Bern- ard, Vancouver B.C. Brother of Mrs. Peter Chopee (Bar- bara) Oshawa. Remembered by six grandchildren. Rested at the Mcintosh -Anderson Funenai Home, 152 King St. E., Oshawa. Service was heid in the Chapel Wednesday, May 11, at 1:30 p.m. Inter- ment Mount Lawn Cemefery Whitby. Donations ta the Canadian Cancer Society will be gratefully acknawledged. 19-1 MY, "Flowers Say it onw VAN BELLE DAI LY DeIivery m ot:I ta. Oshawa - Bawmanvilie Ai Phone 623-4441 rea 43-tf Funeral Home THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN - SERVJCE Concern for the demnands UPOfl you ... our f irsf consideration. To ensure yotu the heîpfulniess you need. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 Durhamn County's Oldest Funeral Servi MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Night -Serving thîs district for 96 years. SIMPSON MEMORIALS 885-6434 49 Lavinia Street Part Hope Monuments - Markers - Inscriptions - Wrought iron Fîower Stands.- Home Appoint ments Gladly Arranged RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED, Estbîihed1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street Port Hape, Ontario LiA 3W3 WORKMANSHIP*QuALITY9 High Quality at Reaso nable Prices Phone 885-5216 j Home 685-5222 L ice BALLANTINE- John and Bill wish to announce the birth of their daug hfer Sara Alicia on April 29th, 1977 in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, weiahina 4 Ibs. 131/2 ozs. A littie sister for' Kevin. Grandparents are Toots Wise- man and Hector Ballantine. Special thanks to Dr. H. B. Rundle and staff on maferni- ty. 19-1 MOORES - Gary and Diane (Dobbs) are pleased to an- nounce the safe arrivai of their first son, Andrew Walter Eugene an May 5th, 1977 at 1: 20 a.m. at Memorial Hospi- tal, Bowmanville. 19-1ix SHACKELTON - Ron and Brenda (Terrili) are proud to announce the arrivai of their son, Kyle Richard, on May 5, 1977 at Oshawa General Hospital. A brother for Cindy. Happy grand- parents are Mr: and Mrs. Elwood Shackelton, Bowman- ville and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Terrîli, Newcastle. Special thanks f0 Drs. Spear and Mosienko. 19-ix ROBINSON - Gary and She rry (nee Johnsfon)-Thank God f4r the safe arrivai of their daughter, Heather Elaine, 5 bs, l0ozs. on Ma 2, 1977 at Civic Hospital, PeÏer- borough. Proud g randiparents are Leslie and Velma John- ston and Howard and Beulah Robinson ail of Cavan. S19-ix WHITE - Ford ana Caroi (Elston), Deep River, On- tario, announce the arrivai of a dau ghter, as ordered, Andrea Dawn, born April 25th, 8 lbs. 2 ozs., a sister for Gregory. 19-1 The family of Joe and Kathleen Molenaar invite friends and relatives ta help them celebrate their parent's 25 Weddinq Anniversary on Monday, May 23rd beginning at 7:30 p.m. at Knox Christian School. 19-2x Z=s ARMSTEAD and JONES - In lovin g memory of Dad, Mother, b rothers and sister. A tender cord in memory's heart, is saftly touched today. 1 will remember you. -Remembered by Annie. 19-1 x BEST - in loving memary of a dear son and brother Bob, who passed away May 16, 1965. Beautiful memories are wonderfui things,. They iast 'fil the langesf day, They neyer wear out, they neyerget last, And can neyer be given away, To some you may be for- gotten, To others a part of the past, But ta us who loved and lost you, Your memary wiil always iast. -Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by his family. 19-1 x CARD-In loving memory of a dear husband, John wha passed away May 14, 1970. This manth cames with sad 1regrets if brings back a day, i wili neyer forget. You feli asieep without goodbye, But memomies of yau wili neyer die. I miss you mare than anyane knows As each day passes, emptiness .grows. The years and days pass away, But the ache in my heant wili always stay. -Lavingiy remembered and sadly missed by wife. Evelyn. 19-1ix FIRTH -Margaret. In loving memary of a dear mot hem and grandmother who passed 3way May l2th, 1967. We treasure you, wîth love sincere Our thoughts of you are stili so dear. Your memomy is here ta stay With us forever and a day. - Lavingly remembered by son Jim, daughter-in-law Jean and gmandchiidmen Doug and Terry. 19-lx Fi1RTH - In ioving memaryaof tf a dean mothen and grand- mothen, Margaret, who passed away May 12, 1967. The gafes of memory wiiI 1neyer close, We miss y ou1 more than anyone k nows Wilh tender love and deep regret, We who loved you wiII neyer torget. -Always remembered by daughier Winnie and grand daughier Peggy. 19-1 MARTIN - In memony of a dean brother- n-law and onicle, Gordon, who passed away May 15, 1976. He is gone but not forgolien And as dawns anothen year, ln our Ionely heanis ot thînking Thoughis of him are always dean. -Loving rememhered by AI, 24-ff Darne and John. 1 KILGANNON l n iaving memory of a dear father, David, who passed away April 27, 1969. Our hearts are like memory books Its pages, dear Dad, Hold ai l the ioving thoughts of you Recorded year after year. A book of wonderful yesterdays, Bound with love and care A rare editin, dear Dad, Because you're treasured there. -Sadly missed, yet ever remembered by chiidren Bon- nie, Valerie, Rebecca and David. 19-1 MARCHANT -In ioving memory of a dear son, Richard James Marchant who passed away May 15, 1952. Tenderly we freasure the past, With memories that wiil always last. -Ever remembered by mother and ail the family. 19- lx MARTIN- In ioving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Gardon, who passed away May 15, 1976. Your presence we miss, Your memary we treasure, Loving you always, Forgetting you neyer. -Sadiv missed by wife, Beryl, daughter and family Lyn- da, Harry and Shawn. 19-1 Thank You ta all aur customers in Bowmanville, Orono, New- castle and surrounding areas who made our Mother's Day such a success. Thanks again. Alan- and Bey Bev's F loral1 Art 19-1 Carence Waadiey.and fami- y would like ta express their thanks and appreciatian ta all Wilberf's many friends during his illness and death. Specia i thanks ta Drs. Ferguson and Rundie and the nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, aiso Club 21 and Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home. 19-1 The Women's Auxiliary ta Memrorial Hospital would lîke ta take this oppartunity ta express their sincere than ks ta the Mem bers of the Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church and fa the Ladies of the Eidad Church U.C.W. for their most generous gift of Baby Layettes which are donated ta the Mafernity Department ta be given, ta Math ers in need.ý 19-1 We wauld like ta thank Hamoton Communitv for the elecfric frying pan, mix mas- fer and reiish dish. They are truiy appreciated.' Tha nk yau Rick and Starr Smale. Many thanks ta friends and family who sent lowers, cards and gifts and visited me while in hospital. Special thanks ta Drs. McKenzie, Long and Mosienko and nurses on first floor for their efficient care. Gladys M. Moffat. 19- lx The famiiy of the late Stanley Therteli1 wish ta thank their relatives, friends and neighbors, for flawers, cards, phone callk and visits ta funerai home at the time of the ioss of a dear husband and brother, The Therteil Famiiy 19-1 i would like ta thank my relatives and friends for gifts, cards, tiawers, letters, visits while i was a patient in Memorial Hospital Bowan- ville. A special thanks ta Rev. Arthur Amacher, Dr. Murphy, Dr. Stephenson and ail the nurses and staff. Harvey A. Hardy HOUSE TOUR sponsored by BOWMANVILLE KINETTES May l4th 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tickets are $3.00, availabie at McGregor Dugs, The Style Shappe, Carnegie's Pro Hardware or phone 623-5194. 17-3 Dance in Kendal Orange Hall, Satunday, May 14. Spon- sored by Orange Lodge. Music by Audrey Gi imour's arches- tra . Everyone weicome. 19-1 GARAGE SALE Saturday, May 14 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. 44 CHURCH STREET Proceeds to 3rd Bowmanviîîe Cub Pack Nurses are concerned about healih cane-in Durhamr Reg ion. Heir the govomr'ne and nurses' views. Special p~e sis: Doug Mottali, MPP, Dr. Charles Godfrey, MPP, and Mike Breaugh, MPP- Central Collegiale. Simne Si. S., Wednesday, May i l tr 8 îOp.M. 182 SPECIAL SALE i weil-known brand name Blue Jeans Haîf Price or Less f Ail Sizes - Popular styles Tuesday, May 17 1: 00 P.mni 144 King Street East Oshawa HADASSAH BAZAAR 1- Variety supper (ham, hot veg etables, saiads, desserts) at N estieton Community Cen- tre, Friday, May 20, sponsared by United Church Womerî. 1Adults $3. - Chiidren $1. 19-lx Enniskillen S.S. ANNIVERSARY SERVICE WILL BE HELD Sunday, May 22 2 p.m. Guest speaker Rev, H. Kemnp-, ling. Annual buffet supper, Wednesday, May 25 frorn4:30 to 6:30 p.m. ADULTS $3.50 CHILDREN under 12 $1.50 19-2 PUBLIC MEETING Energy & the Election Sean Casey, Director of Ener- gy Probe, will discuss the energy issue. Candidates in the upcoming Provincial Election have been invited. Plan to attend! Bring your questions! Monday, May 16 8P. M. in the Council Chambers Bowmanville Spansored by T.O.N.RA. 19-1 Dance in Pontypool Com- munity Centre on Saturday, May l4th, 9 p-.- 1 ar. Proceeds for Pontypool Gen- erals (formerly Cathmar Weil Drillers). $6.00 couple - Lunch - Refreshments. Teen Dance, Friday, May 13th, 8:30 - 12.30, $1.50 -,admission. D.Ron- Lawrence, D. J. for both dances. 19-1ix Zion Park Spring dance, Tyrone Community Hall, Sat- urday, May 14, 1977. $6.00 per couple . For further informa- tion 728-4011 and 728-8540. 19-1 Cartwright Boy Scouts are holding an Auction Sale at 1 S.m. Saturday, May 21st esid Caesarea Fire Hall. Any articles donated to the sale can be brought to the Scout Hall in Nestieton on May 14th or contact Ivan Bradburn 1-986-4892. Proceeds for Prince Edward Island Jamboree. 19-1 Bake Sale and Sa lad Buffet Thursday, May 19 11la.m. -1: 3'0p.m. at TRINITY CHURCH HALL Tickets $2.00 Available from Mrs. A. W. Harris - 623-2638. 18-2 Club Annrene Scugog Island Dance Band Schedu le May 14 - Lockerbie May 21 - Columbia Recording Artîsts "Bond" May 28 - Par Four June 4 - Positive Outlook June il - Little Caesar and the Consuls June 18 - Lockerbie June 25 - Somnething Blue July 2 - Little Caesar and the 1Consuls JuIy 9 - Lockerbie. JuIy 16 - Little Caesar and the Consuls JuIy 23 - Par Four Ju ly 30 - Little Caesar and the Consuls DURHAM REGION'S LARGEST SINGLES DANCE Fri. and Sat. May 13 - 14 Dancinq 9 i Ilear a lecture entitled "The Hcaling Method of Christian Science' Sunday, May 15, 3: 00 p.m. . Durham Coilege, Oshawa. Child care provided. 19-1 Social Planning Council next meeting is at Orono Town Hall, Orono (downstairsmeet- inq rooms), Thursday, May 19, 1977 at 8 p.m. AIl welcame. 19-1 THE BOWMANVILLE DISTRICT HORTICULTURAL SOC IETY wili hold a PLANT SALE on May 18 atthe Public Library Startîng 6:30 COME RAIN OR SHINE. 191-2 MONSTER BINGO New Starting Time THURSDAY -7:30 p.m, Spunsored by Oshawa Minor Softbail JUB,-ILEE PAVILlON OS HA WA 48-tf CEzRTIF lED S-D GRAIN READîY TO SOW Oats, Baniey, Beans and Corn. CUSTOM., CLEANING AND TREATING CERESMORE FARMS LTD. _2-5S2 and 623-7233 10-13 ANTIQUE CLOCKS --REPAIRED- Parts aîvalabie for most an- tique clocks, -pocket watche. and modern walches and 'clocks. Our repairs are done with mnodemr up -to-date equipment ard qu'ilified Swiss trained watchmaker. HOPRSJEWELLERS LTD. 295 King St. East Phone 623-5747 10 tt G 1RL['S bcclhi rise, $20, ~boy's10. Mn's ift handedi antiqu bathtub.Phone63 5632. 19_1 10 SPEED blender, electric sieam iron, electric can open- er, 25 cup electric coffee urn, two lawn sprinklers, water can, quantity of good books, two large waterproof flower container s, three electric automatic. heaters, hairdryer, Polaroiri Camera, ail the above articles in first class condition. Steel dock approx- imately 25 long on 6' diameter wheels, Phone 623-6279. 19-1 1915 3RAVEL-mate hardtap tnailer, fully equipped, excel- lent conditior. $2400 firm. Phone 623-3823. 19-1 SIM PL 1ICIT Y wringer washer. Phone 723-5456. 19-1 16' AIUMINiUM Lund bow rider, 65 h.p Merc. motor, storage covers, many extras, $3700 623-2144. 19-1 TREASURES, Trash, Tnin- kets, including Ceramic Col- lection by "Geri". Sale May 21, 22, 23, 248 Lib'erty N. More detail1s next week. 19 STRAWBERRY plants (Red- coat>, fresh rhu arb, peren- niais, tall phlox (mauve), dwarf asters (pink), taîl Iris (blue, pompIe), peony roots, Oriental ooppy. 623-7490. 19-1 SAVE $100. or new top grade cedar for 94 t ff fence. Less than $3. per foot. 623-7490. 19-1 MAHOGANY buffet $80., mahogany linen buffet $70., mahogany table $75. or the three pieces for $200. Phone 705-277-2501. 19-I FUPNA,-E, oul, used, $50 Phone 623-7731 mornings. 19" DAHLIAS, 2 or 3 varieties. 4 for $1.00. Phone 623-5898. 19-1 40' FARM elevator, one h.p. elertrîr nirtor, exceilen shape. Wîlliiamis Grove Or chards t td. Newcastle 987-4563. 19- ONE tank, 250 gallons, $20 Phone 261-8169- 19-1 > MASSF-- Harris 44 tractor Cockshuil No. 4 spreader or ruhber. Phone 983-5853. 19- i SCRE iNED SAND GRAVEL &S7TONE LIMES I E ALL SESFOR .- DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS 1OP OIL~& DIRT F ILLt 75-0232 SOL I' F)N. i~~~~ t6 rtldHwy. 2 ON E big trailer load'of wood, 2 x 4's, 2 x 2's, 2 x 10's. Phone 263-2940. 19-1 LARGE cook-stove in- fair condition. $150.00. Cali 983-9485. 19-1 CHEAP, large ingraund steel1 pool and ail equipment inciud- ing heater. Phone 623-3872 af ter 7p. m. 19-1 1974 STARCRAFT hardtap camper. Sleeps 6, stove, icebox, sink, closet. mnci. spare and caniopy. Asking $1,975. Phone 623-4793. 19-1 TABLE potatoes ana oat straw. Phone 1-983-5170. 19-1 x COU NTY BROADLOOM Whitby An old-fashioned family busi- ness that offers you persona! s'ervice, sellectilon, and quaiity workmanship with very competitive prices. Corne in and ta lk or phone 1-668-8895. "OVER 25 YEARS' EXPERI ENCE." 17-4 TOP soul, sand, gravel, de- livered by truck load. Call 579-5299. 174 2 GOODYEAR G60-14 tires on Keystane Dîamond spoke mags. $140. Phone 263-8041. 19-1 LIONEL 80 hard top trailer, sieeps six, ice box, two burner stove, sink, one year aid. Also vinyl rocking chair. Phone 623-6737. 19-ix SHRUBS AND E VE RGRE ENS Bagged topsoil. Phone 623-3412 19-4 SIDING, caiaured steel, garages, barns and fencing. Discount priced.. .27c square foot. E venings phoane 1-786-2865. 19-4 ELECTRICguitarwith ampli- fier, in excellent condition. Phone 623-7785. 19-1 'TWO western, hacrse and pony sadidles, one used oniy fwo months, 2 English riding-hats and ampglifier for eiectric guitar. Phone 987-5205. 19- THREE sets of 6 pressback chairs, $150 and up. Four glass front and side china cabinets $150 and up. Gunstock chairs, chickencaop chairs etc. Wooden Shoe Antiques, 330 Church St., Newcastle. Open 1 - 5 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays. 19-1 1971 MERCURY 4 h.p. out- board with 12 ft. aluminum boat, complete with oars, gaad condition, $425. Phone 987-4516. 119 lx TEAKWOOD and Rasewoad Scandinavian turniture, bed- roomn suite complete - 8 pc., diningroomn suite - 9 pc., chestertield and chair, wali unit, coftee, 2 end tables. Ail brand new, reasonabie, 1-247-4377. 10-tf CAR PETSoatali kinds, custom made drapes and sheers, hard-surface floorin g, protes- sionally instalied. F ree est!- mates. Your one-stop shop- ping. F.A. Kramp, 37-41 King St. E., Bowrnanvilie. Furni- ture, Carpet and Drapes. 13-tf 6000 BALES of hay. Newton- vil1le 786-2927.- 3-tf VACUUM cleaners and polishers repaired at Reid's Small Appliance Repair Ser- vice, 164 Base Line Road East, Unit 7, Bowmanviile. Phone 623-6244. 7-tf Lots of Used Pianos in Stock, Organs Too! Lowrey, Hammondi, Heintzman OSHAWA ORGAN CENTRE 16 Simncoe N. <at King) 728-1675 : 3-tf During the month of May buy a Conn or Farfisa organ and we wiII include an externai Leslie speaker at no charge. We have a rentai te purchase plan on pianos too. Petersen A 382 King SI Oshawi 723-2251 SAND & GRAVEL SI ANTIQUE student's desK, pine, fiat top'- $300 or besi affer, diamond ring, solitaire, 2 shoulder stones, 14 k. gold $200 or best of fer. Kenmore sewing machine, table model, caver, attachments, owner and instruction manual - $10C or best offer. 3 white dresÉ uniforms, sîze 18, 20, $10 each or ail 3 - $25. Floor length evening dress, size 18, $20. Ail in good condition. Cash on iy Cai 623-2687 after 6 p.m. 1 84 TRAVEL trailer, Golden Fal- con, 21' tandem wheeis, fuîly equipped. Phone 987-5045. 1 3-8x WHITE"$ -T.V.. TOWERS Towers, UHF, VHF Aerials, Rotors& Repairs Apartment & Homes Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guarantee Phone 576-5606 MILKING and young goats. Aisa Labrador pups. Phone Newtonvii le 786-2671. 18-2x SIDES of beef. 69c lb. cut, wrapped and frazen. Cali 1-983-5445, or affer 5 cail 623-5540. 9-tf USED Furniture and Appli- ýances. Paddy's- Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre, 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf PADDY'S Market now has new furniture, appliances, ,T.V.'s and stereas and- aiso used furniture and applilances. Wil11 accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hamptan, phone 263- 2241.1 33-fft. ASPARAGU S roots, thimble berry canes and a variety of, perenniais. Phone 623-4238. 18-3 TOP sou, sand and gravel and cedar posts. Leland Payne 1-786-2512. 18-tf MINi Flea Market, naw open daiiy on Base Line Road, 21/2 miles west of Waverley Road, third place on sauth side affer tracks. Antique furniture, glassware, coilectibies, house- hoid furnishings etc. 623-7490. 18-2 ATTENTION: Garage Sale, Saturday, May 14 at 9:30 a.m. Truil's Road _N., Caurtice. Househoid items, raund oak pedestai base fable, mac- rame, chesterfieid, treadie sewing machine, TV, bar, pictures, etc. Watch for signs. 18-2 Min SMALL black pony, good for riding and harness. Phane 1-277-2403. 19-ix m 'r~ LI ~TI - FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CA LL MARGWI LL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 30-tf TE N manth aid brown female hound $20. Phone 263-8137 after 6 p.m. 19-1 FREE ta gaod homes, kittens and cats. CI 623-7094. 19-1 RABBITS for sale, also guin- nea towl and pheasants. Phone 623-7257. 19-1 HUSKY puppies, 7-weeks-old, $40. Phone 623-2652., 19-1 ,lusic DOG GROOMING t.W. Big and Small la We do them all1. ;9 Phone 623-7764. 18-4 16-tf ;UPPLY The Oshawa Obedience Association is offening a Novice Class starting May 3lst. Advanced registration only. Calil623-7382 or 623-5686. 18-4 RESULTS COUNT! S Multiple Listing Service S Oshawa &Districi Real Estate Board Il- tf 1974 GR EMLI N, radio stick, 6 cylinder.,Gaod condition, was cerf if led 623-6383. 19-1 1~I R ID E ta downtown Toronto Monday ta Friday ta arrive ait 8:30 a.m. and leave 4:30 - 5:00 -.m.r ride ta Go Train, Pickeri ng. Telephone 623-3835 after :O00p.m. 19-1ix WANTED, vacation lots and acreages. 416-267-9301. Harris- Land, 2625 Eglinton Ave. E. Scarborough, Ont. 43-tf PAIR man-s, bifocal, oark rimmed glasses, between Car- ters Bakery and 98 Church St., Tues., May 3 - il a.m. J.W. Moore, Sr. Citizen, 623-7116. 19-ix TENDERS Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 4:00 p.m., Monday, May 16, 1977, for the foliawinci items: EXTERIOR P4INTING: Burnham Public School, Burnham Street, COBOURG. Coiborne Public Schaol, 8 Aitfred Street, COLBORNE. Hillcrest Public Schoai, CAMPB ELLFORD. Mit- cheil's Corners Public School, R.R. 1, HAMPTON. Merwin Greer Public Schoal, 457 King Street, East, COBOURG. Bowmanville Hi gh Schoai, 49 Liberty Street, N orth, 80W- MAN VILLE. INSPECTION and TESTING 0F FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Ail Schools.' V.A. FLOORING, Courtice Seconda y School, R.R. 3, BOWMANV ILLE. Specificafions 'may be ob- iained froni the Office of: M. A. Mac Leod, Business Administrator and Treasurer,, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educat ion, Box 470, COBOURG. K9A 4L? J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radiai centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf VITALIZINGI Phone 723-,1155 for Rustproofing on new or used vehicles. Written war- ranty. Durham Vitaiizing, phone 723-1155.' 47-tf 1974 VEGA hatchback, 4 speed sfick-shift, excellent condi- tion, new radiais. Phone 728-0791. 18-tf 1972 MARQUIS Brougham, power steering, brakes and windows, air conditioning, 8 frack. Asking $1400. Phone 623-5427. 19-lx MUSTANG, 1969, V-8 auto- matic, fastback, radio, dlean. Lic. BJR259. Chevrolet, 1971, V-8, automatic, 2 door hard- top, radio, excellent auto. Lic. DWO 106. Phone Graham's Garage 263-8172. 19-1 1973 CHEV., heavy d uty Y/2 ton, 350, V-8, automatic, power steering and brakes. Lic. E7978. 1970 International, heavy duty, 1/2 ton, 304, V-8, 4 speed. Lic. E8277. 1972 Inter- national, 11/2 ton, V-8, 4 speed, 750x17 tires, 9 f. contractor box wifh caver. Lic. A45851. Phone Graham's Garage 263- 8172. 19-1 1972 CHEV., Impala, air con- ditioned, fully automnafic, steel belted radiais, $1900. 1971 Oldsmobiie 88, Custom, Mich- elin tires, $1500. Both cars certif ied. Phone 579-7002. 19-1ix 1976 GRAND Prix, f irethorn red, white vinyl roof, white trim, 12,000 miles, immacu- late, rust praofed. Cali 576- 0634. :19-1 1970 GMC van, V-8, automatic, camplefely finished inside. Phone 623-7470. 19-1 168 PONTIAC, $200. as is or besf affer. Phone 1-786-2741. 1974 CHEVROLET Caprice station wagon, 9 passenger, p.b., p.s., automatic, air conditioning, plus many other extras. Phone 987-4707. 19-1 '69 MUSTANG,, 390 motor c.i.d., like, new, 3 speed aufomatic transmission and positraction and tires. Da- maged driver's door and quarter panel. Best offer, Phone 987-5288 after 5. 19-2 '74 PLYMOUTH Fury Il1, 360 engine, automatic, $1600 or best offer. Phone- 623-43ý04. 19-1ix '71 MUSTANG Mach 1, many options, best offer over $400, uncertified. Phone 623-4319. 19-1 1970 FORD wagon, 351 engine, 990od condition, $675 firm. Phone 623-6932. 19-1 1971 CHEV. 1/2 ton, custom cab, V-8, power brakes and radio, radial tires, good condi- tion. Phone 1-983-9290. 19-1 1