16 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Maqy 11, 1977, I The-NewcastleIdpedn Editiors: Jack and Hazel- Crago Telephone 987-4201 1Don't forget your May 24th, instalment of taxes. Mn. and Mrs. Lamne Johnson have returned from a sunny holiday in Portugal. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Stephenson were Mr. and Mrs. Alex Moffatt, Dundas. How is this for postal speed? A birthday card anived from a Toronto suburb post office ten days later in Newcastle! Patients in hospital include Mrs. Marjorie Cunningham, Mr. Eric Clarke, Mr. Jack Nesbîitt, Mrs. iiàuna belby. Mother's Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs Samuel Powell, Lake Shore, were' Mr. and Mrs. Russell Powell and Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Powell and Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Craga, Mr.. and Mrs. Harley Sherman,, Lisa' and, Donald and Mrs. D. Coulter, Downsview. Visiting on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell were Mr. Harold Powell and Mr. Art Van Dolder, Toronto, Miss Judy Powell, Cobourg and Miss Barbara Bowman, Sarnia., Mther's Day visitars with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce were Mr. and Mrs. Ted, Walton, Brampton, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Peance, Michael and Jeffrey, Mn. and Mrs. Rick Pearce and Kevin and Mn. and Mns. Wayne Pearce, Vicki and Kirk, Bethany. SMr. and Mrs. R.B. Rickard attended the Lions Effective Speaking Contest in Peterbor- ough Saturday evening. In the afternoon, from the forty-four English and French speaking contestants, twelve were chosen- ta deliver their final speeches in the evening, one speech a five-minute pnepared oration plus a two- minute impromptu one. Mr. and William Storks is enjoying a business holiday in Puerto Rico. Mrs. Pauline Storks and Miss Candy Storks enjoyed the Blue Jay-Minnesata Twins baîl game in Toronto on Sunday. Mns. Emma Petch, Ottawa, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mns. Harry Wade. Mns. Petch and Mrs. Wade spent Saturday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley spent the weekend in Bracebridge, visiting with Mrs. Winnifred Couchman. 1Mrs, Gladys Wood enter- tained the ladies of the Euchre Club last Monday. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Johnson visited with his mather, Mrs. Jahnson, Belle- ville. On Mother's Day, Miss Glenda Johnson, Belleville and hen mother, Mrs. Wilda Johnson visited with grand- mother, Mrs.- A.E. Cale, Agincourt. Birthday greetings ta Mrs. Majorie Gray. Mn. Thompsan Taylor, Bow- manville pýassed away last week with funeral on Satur- day. Sympathy is extended ta friends and relatives, espec- ially his aunt, Mrs. Rachel Dennis. Supper guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wood were Mr. and Mrs. G. Felgate, Unionville, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wood, Oranfo and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wood, Oshawa. Evening guests were Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood, Newtonville. Mrs. Helen Jase, Belleville, visited last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bern- ard and Tara. Flesherton and Mr. and Mns. Ray Bennett, Omemee, were Mother's Day Cel,-.ebrates First Birthdoy :This young fellow is Edward Michael Porte who celebrated his first birthday on April 9, 1977. He is the son of Joanne and Edward Porte, Oshawa. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Bromley, Newcastle. His aunt and uncle are Jim and Doreen Winter of Pontypool. visitons with their mother, Mrs. Nellie Spencer. Mns. Isabel Rappapant, San Jase, Calîfornia is visiting with hen brother and sîster-in- law, Mn. and Mns. George Stephenson. A receptian was held in hier honour on Sunday at the Stephenson home. Weekend visitors with Mns. Gladys Pacey and the Hooey Family were Mn. and Mrs. John Pacey and daughtens Debbîe and Mrs. French, Peterborough on Satunday evening, Mn. and Ms. Ray Pacey, Pontypool and Mn. and Mns. Ralph Norton, Toronto on Friday evening Mn. and Mrs. Wayne Gondon and girls, Grandville and Mrs. Hughi Aiken and Aaron on Sunday. After the baptismal of Kelly Wyllene Ferguson, family dinner was enjoyed at the home of hier grandparents, Mn. and Mrs. Thomas Wilson., Those present included Mn. and Mrs. Bradley Wilson, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Leigh Wilson and Jeffrey, Mr. and Mns. Doug Rahme and boys and Kelly's parents, Mn. and Mns. Dennis Fenguson and little brother. Sympathy is extended ta friends 'and relatives - of Mn. Charles Rogerson Sr. whose funenal was Tuesday aften naon. Misses Frances and Heather Hoan have finished classes at the Faculty of Education. Heathen is en- rolled in a summer course which begins next week. Mn. and Mns. Donald Holmes entetained friends and relatives on Sunday in hanour of daughter Shannon Leigh's christening. In attendance were Mn. and Mrs. John Henry, Ennismore, Mn. and Mns. Richard Simp- son, Oshawa, Mrs. Evelyn Henry, Oshawa, Mn. Douglas Simpson, Oshawa, Mn. and Mns. Jack Holmes, Mr. and Mns. Ted Waltan, Brampton, Mn. and Mns. Eric Bernard, Part Hope and Miss Kay MacDonald and friend, Oshawa. Special guests were g9d-panents Eric Bernard and Kay MacDonald. The ninth anniversany dinnen of Hastel Services (Oshawa) Inc. was held last Thunsday evening, May 5th at the Canadian Legion Hall, Oshawa. Representiaîg New- castle United Chunch Women at this dinner wene Mns. Marilyn Martin, Mrs. Kay Powell,, Mrs. Marion Alun, Mrs. Eileen Alun and Mrs. Bertha Fishen. Many sur- rounding churches and service arganizations support the work of the hostel. During the programme the wonk of the hostel was explained by President Gardon White and Director Ken Drudge. Dr. Richard Joneswas the guest speaker. Yoà0ur help> can be spread world wide, through RED CROSS 1WE'RE GR O WING FORA YOU OUR HANGING BASKETS can be used indoors now and put out later in the season. We have Ivy Geraniums, Bridaiý Wreath, German Ivy, Swedish Ivy, WaxlIvy, Fuchsia, Wandering Yew, Trailing Begonias - Jinca, Lips tick Plant, English Ivy. OUR SPRING GAIRDEN NEEDS WILL INCL UDE: ALYSS UM, IMPA TIENS, MARIG OLDS, PETUN4S, PORDTULAcA, SNAP DRAGON, ZINNIA, DRACAENAS, GERANIUMS, MUMS, CABBA CE, LETTUCE, ONIONS, PEPPERS, TOMA TOES, PLUS MOS TPOPULAR OTHER GARDEN PLANTS %.*i- open week days u ntî 9.00 Saturdays until 6:00 closed Sundays. ô23-2300 j*2mileswei - -o!Bowrnanville 4*- Congratulations ta Miss Chrîstena Selby, who has completed her nursing course at Sir Sandford Fleming College. Graduation exencises were held at the Memorial Centre, Peterborough, on Saturday, May 7th. Mrs. Jackie. DeJong has returned home after surgeny in Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville. Anglican Chiurch News On Sunday, May 8th, One Big Happy Family -was the subject of the Rector's sermon. This was apphied ta the Church as Jesus cneated it and ta modern parents on Mther's Day. >Mrs. Gnace Haldenby repre- sented the Anglican Church Women of St. George's and St. Saviou's at the annual meet- ing in Tononto on May 3rd and 4th. Site also attended the Girls' Auxiliany Rally at Burnt River on Satunday. Rev. and Mns. Haldenby attended the Deaneny Service. at St. John's Church, Port Hope on Sunday. On May lth at St. George's Par ish Hall, Rev. Grant Schwartz Dinector of Psychia- tric Services will be guest speaker at the ACW meeting. United Church News On Mother's Day or Family Life Sunday at Newcastle United Church, two infants were baptized. All the mothers of the congregation were given a flower by the children. Mrs. Mary Keon and daugh- ter, Sandra, rend the Scrip- tures. The little childnen of the congregation were invited to the front pews to watch the baptismal of Shannon Leigh Holmes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Holmes and Kelly 'Wyllene Ferguson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ferguson. Mr. Charles Cowan presented the certifi- cates to the parents. Rev. David Spivey titled his ser- mon, It's a Famly Affair. Total family attendance has kept the Church alive. The most important gifts ta child- nen are commitment and example. .The plant in the church was placed by the Enwright family in memory of their mothen. Next'Sunday, May l5th will be Sunday School Annivers- ary. The Prayer for this week is: Love is youn gift, Lord, ta share with aîl your children. Help mie ta love as you have loved me. Amen. A.C.W. Unit Two of the United Chunch Women met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Louise Jase. Miss Susan Simpson spoke on her recent trip to South Amenica. ELIZABETH VILLE Church services wene held on Sunday. Mrs. Dorothy Mundle of Trinity, Cobourg was our guest speaker for Mother's Day services. Our soloist was Miss Julie Mc- Gillis, and organist was Mr. Bob Grandy, Port Hope. The Wizand of Oz show put on by Canton in Apnil will be given again May 28th. Pro- ceeds to go to play equipment for Geo. Hamilton School grounds. On Tuesday afternoon the Women's Institute met at Mr. and Mrs. J. Morris's home. The new president, Mrs. B. Wheeler presided. The rol cati was "Name a plant used for medicinal purposes.- 'ln minutes of the last meeting wene read by Mrs. R. Beatty in the absence of Mrs. H. Thickson who was attending the Officer's conference at Waterloo. Plans for the Dis- trict Annual were made. Mns. H. Thickson had presented the Institute with a new flag which was put up last week. Mrs. Clarence Mencen was in charge of the program, which consisted of papers which were connected with Agricul- ture. The ladies sang the songs thevz ffln for the District annual and had a contest. Lunch was served. Next meeting is at Miss E. Car- ruther's home. On Wednesday the ladies of the U.C.W. sold lunch at the Parker sale north of here at Mr. and Mrs. Dew's and realized a nice profit for the organization. On Saturday evening the local bowling teams held their annual banquet at- the Bewd- ley Arena. Mrs. Doris Gumby, Toronto, spent the weekend at home with Mr., and Mrs. Beatty. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Trew had Mr. and Mrs. W. Boyko and Michael, Baltimore, Mr. and Mrs. A. Trew and Richard, Cobourg, Mr. and IMrs. W. Deremo and Ben, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. G. Fowler and the new baby, Christopher James, Toronto at various times on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. H. Quantrill had Mr. and Mrs. J. Quantrill and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Currier and family, Port Hope, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Thickson had Mr. and Mrs. John DeKoker, Sunderland, Mrs. R. Westheuser and Alyson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mercer have had Mrs. R. Prevost and family, Lindsay from Thurs- day until Monday while Mr., Prevost is on a fishing trip. They aîl went to Mr.'and Mrs. J. Fajt's Sunday for supper. Mr, Bob Mercer is working in Port Hope now and he is home ail week with Mr. and Mrs. O, Mercer. Mrs. Bob Mercer came down from Toronto for the weekend. Mr. Philip Mercer is con- valescing after a small opera- tion last week. 1Mrs. C. Beatty is, slowly improving. Mrs. V. Peacock isn't quite so well as usual. Mrs. H. Thickson spent a couple of days visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. Staats, Brantford and seeing littie Mark. She also went on to Waterloo and attended the W.I. Officer's Conference. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mercer had Mr. and Mrs. W. Terbenche and family, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. R. Crombie and boys, Bowmanville on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Mercer and Briancalled in the evening.' Rev. Robt. Bartlett w4ll be with us next Sunday, May 15, 9:15 a.m. for our regular service. Mr. H. Thickson visited with Mr. and Mrs. S. Moore, Stayner, Mr. and Mrs., J. DeKoker, Sunderland while Mrs. Thickson was awav. _ .BURKETON Sorry to hear Mr. Harold Avery is in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. R. Grace, Brantford spent a few days with Mr. and Mns. H. Grâce and family. .Several from this district attended the film of Corrne Ten Boom held at Trinity United Clhurch, Bowmanvi-,i,- on Wednesday evening. It is with regret we report, the, passing of Mr. Wilbur Marks of Haydonl. He will be2 greatly missed. Mrs. S. Grant and Jamnes visited with Mrs. R. Davey during the week. Several parents and child- ren from Burketon attended the Bike-a-thon held in Oshawa last Saturday. Mr., Alan Grant and frîek, Bob were luncheon guests Sr Mrs. R. Davey on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Stone aPd family visited with Mrs. R. Davey on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Tayitr were Sunday supper guests of thein daughter Alice at Lindsay. - -.--. each cash & carry #764 - p9()flus many others e'1i "x6' 1079 ? n u Attractive carved panels ahe g tpe VInygldePai lnsulglaied for yea,1rs of 1service 6' Wide 279' Ail doors 1 3/4", thick. Sakrete Concrete Mix 66 lb. Bog Just add water Dashwood Cottage Window Size about 43" x 33" Covers about 500 31098square feet 1.88 fklerditbue in yovr area. Paick up a, copy at your nearest Henry Buildali Storeý or phone anly store for 7.08 9 detaiïls' 1BOND STREET WEST 223 BROCKST, N. Mon.- Fr1. 8:00 - 9:00 Mon. - Wed. 8: 00 - 6:00O St o5:30 Phone 728-1617 Tus & Fr1. 8:00- 9:00 St o5:30 Phone 668-6821 BUILDCOURTICE BETWEEN OSHAWA AND PORT HOPE Ia BOWMANVILLE 37 ONTARIO10 ST. 885-2423(H R X Mon. -Wed. 8:00 -6:00 Mon. - Fri.8:00 -s30 easier han youl thîink Thurs. & Fri. t: 9: 00 Sat. 8:00 -40 Buildali Driveway Sealer R EKKER L 6ýfPor bedding plants, inc.