4The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 11, 1977 Section Two A Happy Little One-Yeoar-OId The Ganaraska Fishway: A Valuable Fisheries Management Pool A fishway or "fish ladder" is a man-made structure allowing fish ta by-pass a dam or other obstruction which blocks their upstream migra- tion. The Ganaraska Fishway at Port Hope is operated by the Lindsay District of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resour- ces. For more than 75 years, the Corbett Dam prevented miigratory fish such ns ramn- bow and brown trout from reaching the waters of the upper Ganaraska River. The Fishway, opened in the spring of 1974, allows trout access ta the excellent upstream spawn- ing beds. It also provided a useful means of obtaining valuable biological infoarma- tion and evaluation the status of trout populations. In the spring of the year, primarily during April and early May, rainbow trout travel upstream through the Fishway in large numbers, on, their spawning run. These trout are referred ta as "ýanadromous." They spend part of their life in the stream where they are hatched and part of their life in Lake Ontario where they grow rapidly because of an abun- dance of food in the form of alewife and smelt. As adult fish, they make spawning runs from the lake ta the river ta lay their eggs. Before releasing trout above the dam ta continue their journey upstream, fisheries technicians record the length, weight, sex, condition and sea lamprey marks. A scale sample is taken and through a method similar ta aging trees by counting the number of rings, the age of the fish is determined. Finally, identifi- cation tags are affixed ta the tLrout,, which are returned toaa holding tank ta recuperate before their release into the river above the dam. Fish tag returns provide important information on such factors as fish movement and growth. The kind of biological infor- mation collectèd at, the fish- way assists fisheries mana- gers ta better understanding the status of fish populations and aids in arriving at management decisions for the wise use of the fisheries resource. The fourth year of opera- tions at the Ganaraska Fish- way began on March 29th of this year. Since that time over 1,500 fish have been passed upstream over the Corbett Dam. These have consisted nlmost entirely of rninbow trout, with the exception of two brown trout. In the spring of 1976 a total of 1,285 trout pnssed through the fishway and the 1975 run consisted of 605 fish. t is encouraging that this year' s run of fish has already surpassed previaus seasons, and the run is stili $oing strong. Fisheries managers anticipate that the total numn- ber of fish passing through the fishway this spring will ex- ceed 2,000 rainbow trout! What does the spring run of rainbow trout offer the angler? The Ganaraska River at Port Hope, from the C.N.R. bridge south ta Lake Ontario A celebration was held in the Millbrook Royal Canadian Legion hall on Saturday, April l6th, 1977 ta honor Clifford and Ethel Hudson on their golden wedding anniversary. The wedding of Ethel Patton and Clifford Hudson took place in Peterborough on April 20, 1927. They resided in Toronto for three years while Clifford was a member of the police force, and Teturned ta has an "ail year" open season for rainbow and brown trout. Creel census conducted at the Port Hope harbour by Mini- stry of Natural Resources personnel, indicates that many anglers have made use of the extended season. Late March and early April saw some fine catches of rainbow trout taken, with fish of up ta 16 pounds recorded. The regular open season for rainbow, brown and brook trout began on Saturday, April farm at Pontypool in 1930. He joined the Mimico Correc- tional Centre staff in 1956 and continued there until his retirement in 1971. They are now living in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Hudson have one son, Lawrence of Fraser- ville and three. daughters, Doreen of Ajax, Millie and Roberta of Oshawa. One son, Ken is deceased. They also have seven grandchildren and 3th, on the Ganaraska River north of the C.N.R. bridge in Port Hope. Based on the heavy run of fish in the river this year, prospects for opening day are excellent. Should you catch a tagged fish this spring, please notify either the fishway operators or the Ministry of Natural Resources at Lindsay and provide the following informa- tion: Species, Date Caught, Specific Location of Catch, Length and Weight of Fish. one great-grandson. Congratulatory messages were received from Prime Minister Trudeau, Allan Law- rence MP, Joe Clarke YP;' Ed Broadbent MP, and from friends and relatives in British Columbia, Aberta, Manitoba, Toronto, Florida, Peter- borough, Bowmanville and Oshawa. A bouquet of flowers was received from Oshawa Mayor James Potticary and meinbers of council. I-fi, my name is Shawn Kent Williams and 1 turned one-year-old on March 14th, 1977. My mommy and daddy are Kent and Barb Williams of Bowmanville. My grandparents are Frank and, Kit Smith of Bowmanville and John R. and Bertha Williams of Florida, formerly of Bowmanville. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Accountancy WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm. Chartered Accauntant 361/2 Kng St. E., Oshawa Telephane 725-6539 D. V. SNODDON 212 Liberty St. North Boakkeeping and Tax Service Business: 623-7950 Resîdence: 623-7308 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 67 ;Kin9 St. East, Suite 2 623-6555 JOHN P. WINTERS Chartered Accauntant 20 Coiborne St. W. Oshawa, Ontario Phone 579-5659 or 623-5828 QUALI FUEL ANÏ STOVI, Prompt, Court E Out-of -tovw M please cal * REASONABI * DX<l Accounta ncy WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowmanvilie Phone 623-3612 Chiropractic LAURENCE A. GREY Doctoratf Chiropractic 270 King St. E ast Bowma nvi lie Phone 623-4004 G. EDWIN MANN, D.C, Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin Street Corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment ITYI OILI EQ(IL Rous Service. n calls, 1collect. L.E PROCES 0W1L Dental DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D.D.S. 26 Frank Sf., Bowmanville (near Dominion Store) Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. to9 p.m. including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KENT 0. D. S. 222 King St. E., Suite 106 Professinral Bidg. Bov'awaville Telephone 623-7349 Office Haurs: 8:30 - 5: 00 Weekdays Ciased Friday Afternaans DR. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East Prafessionai Bldg. Office Haurs: Weekdays 9 -5 Telephane 623-7412 If busy - 623-4731 DR. W. M. RUDELL D.D.S. 75 Kin St. E., Bawmanviiie Office Hours: Mon., Tues., and Thurs., 9 'tii 5 Wednesday - 9 'tii 2 Friday - 9 'tii 4 Not open Saturday or Sunday -Offi ce Phane 623-5790 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLI NIC 36 King St. W. Office Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fn. 8:30'tiI15: 00 Wednesda y 8:30'til1 12: 00 Saturday - By appointment oniy Phone 623-4473 James In surance Agency Limited 24 King St. E. Bowmnanville For ail your insu rance needs Nesta Akey or Doug James at 623-4406 FROZEN, CONCENTRATED Welch's Grape Juice OZ. TN 750 FROZEN lzi Downyflake Waffles PKGJ 49~ FROZEN. BONUS PACI< 0F 1 EXTRA LOAF AT NO EXTRA CHARGE 1PýKG. E O I 3f Rhodes White Bread Dough AVS1 9 FARIMERS, BRICK OR COLBY 1-Z$1 0 Schneider's Natural Cheese KG1,29 Blendrite Pure Lard CRN.49~ IGA AI-Purpose Flour Drussels Sprouts "NEWl CRDP" PRODUCE OF U.S.A. Sunkist Valencia ââ Oranges, SIZE 1TS DOL u LB.4,* ONTARIO GROWN CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Hot House 0 Cucumbers Ja~ PRODelj1UCED .SA AAD AC GAE AjU PeaJ 100% PURE VEGETABLE OILS FROM CONCENTRATE 0% Sunny MornlLB. I GA Apple 5-LBI. fl argriePARCHMENT3Juic DM3 , Mrgrn KG uc PRICES EFFECTIVE WEO. MAY 11,10O SAT., MAY 14, 1977. WE RESERVE THE RIGHI TO LIMIT tIUANTITIES. REGUI.AR, RIPPLE, SALT Er VINEGAR OR BARBECUE FLAVOREO HUMpty Dumpty Potato Chipis RKG.791 BASSEiTS Licorice Allsorts PKG 890 CHOCOLATE. OUTCH CHOCOLATE'OR VANILLA 8-FL. Liquid Metrecal OZ lIN55 MRâetrecal Shake ..1.55 SHOPSY'S, FROZEN, BEEFRURGER & MNONS, GRAVY Et ROAST BEEF, SALISBURY STEAqK AND 49c MUSHROOMS OR TURKEY làGRAVY OZ. TINMeat Entrées PG'.3 For ýYour Convenience We Are OPEN SU NDAYS 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p .m. Natural Resources Hon ored on Golden Wedding SmIIAppiances Authorized Sales and Service for HOOVER and PROCTOR-SILEX APPLIANCES Repairs to ail makes of vacuums a specialty. TE LEPHON E 623-6244 IHours: 9: 00a. m. t05: 00p. m. Monday through Frîday Saturday 9: 00 a. m. to 12 Noon 164 Base Line Road Unit 7 Bowmanviclle, Ontarlo --.i