Eleven Suggestions for Better Men ta1 Health Everyone accepts -the fact that exercise can improve a person's physical healtb. But few people realize that mental exercises can be equally valuable in maintaining their mental health, says the Can- adian Mental Health Associa- tion. "Tension and anxiety are the normal reactions to tbings that upset our safety, well- being or bappiness,"~ says an &ssociation representative. rbreats like accidents, vio- --lence, financial trouble, prob- lems on the job or in family relations are often causes of sucb anxiety and tension. Hlow we deal witb tbem bas a lot to do with maintaining our mental and emotional equili- brium. " During Mental Healtb Week, May 1 to 7 this year, the Association is attempting to educate people about bow to deal with their tensions and anxieties, as well as seeking funds and volunteers to con- tinue its figb.t against Cana- da's most common disease-- mental illness. Following are "tips" from lhe Canadian Mental Health Association about bow to deal witb tension and anxiety in your life. Tip 1. Taiîk it out Wbatever it is tbat's bug- ging you, don't bottie it up. Confide your worries and concerns to a person you can trust--your busband or wife, father or motber, family ddctor, clergyman, teacher or close friend. Talking relieves the strain and belps you put your problems into proper perspective. Tip 2. Escape for awbile Don't spend ail your time in tbe real world,1 worrying about your problems. Lose yourself occasionally in a book, a movie or a game. True, "escapism" can be overdone, but occasional forays outside reality are good for you. Tbey be p you recover your breatb and mental balance. Tip 3, Work off your anger Use your anger in a con- structive, rather than des- tructive, way. Instead of leaving your energy and frustration pent up inside you, pitcb into gardening, dlean out your garage, fix the eaves- trough, or start building that' boat you've always wanted. Tip 4. Give in occasionally If you find yourself getting into frequent quarrels witb people, stand your ground only wben you are certain you are rigbC, and do it calmly. ,Wbere you're not 100 per cent positive about something--and wbo can be very often?--make allowance for the fact that the other person could be rigbt. It's easier on your system to give in once in a wbile. If you yield, you'll usually find that others will, too. Tip 5. Do tbings for others If you find yourself worry- ing about yourown problems ahl the time, try doing somne- tbing 'for somebody else. It, will reduce your worries and give you a feeling of satis- faction and accomplisbment. One suggestion: wby not give some of your time to your local mental healtb associa- tion? Tip 6. Take one thing at a time Sometimes your work load can seern. unhearable. So mucb needs to be done that you bave trouble getting started on any part of it. When that bappens, take a few of tbe CAMSPORT TRAILER SALES R. Rt. 2 Newcastle Hwy. No. 115 and 35 Phone 987-5174 most urgent jobs and pitcb into them, one at a timne, setting aside ahl the rest for the time being. You'll soon find yourself gaining on your jobs and the mountain slowly descending into a'mnole bill. Tip 7. Don't try to be Superman No one can be perfect at everything. Decide wbicb things you do really well and put your major effort into tbem. Almost invariably tbey are the tbings you like to do best, and the tbings that give you the mqLst satisfaction. Give yourself a pat on the back for the things you do well, but don't try to get into the Guinness Book of World Records with everything you do. Superman you're not. Tip 8. Go easy with criticism Some people expect too much of others. Then they feel frustrated, let down, even "trapped" wben other people don't measure up to their standards. Try to remember that each person has bis own virtues, bis own short- comings, bis own values, and bis own right to develop as an individual. T ip 9. Give the other person a break Competition is bealtby, but s0 is cooperation. Wben you give other people a break, you very often make tbings easier, for yourself, too. If they no longer feel threatened by you, b' tbey stop being a threat to you. Tip 10. Make yourself available Many of us sometimes have the feeling that we are being left out, slighted, neglected or rejected by others. Often this is largely in our imaginations, and other people are waiting for us to make the first friendly move. Make yourself available, and make the first wove yourself, more often. Tip il. Have some fun Many people drive them- selves too bard at work and allow too littie time for play. But having fun is essential to good physical' and mental bealth. Healthy people have a hobby or sport that tbey enjoy participating in, sometbing they like doing -that is quite different from their work. Wbat's yours? If you would like to know more about coping with ten- sions and how to achieve better emotional bealtb, contact the branch of the Canadian Mental Health As- socation in your community. Section Two The Canadian Statesman Bowmanville, May il, 1977 MAinistry of Agriculture and Food Growing Geraniums duced by taking cuttings from The versatile geranium is these over-wintered plants. one of the most popular He suggests watering the garden flowers because it will old plants and taking six-inch bloom ail summer long with long cuttings wben the new littie attention.> shoots grow. R.F. Gomme, Ontario Min- Remove the lower leaves istry of Agriculture and Food from the cutting and dip the borticulturist, says it is easy end in a fungicide sucb as to take cuttings from over- Captan. Plant. the cuttings wintered geraniums to replen- about two inches deep and two ish the supply f or this year's inches apart in a six-inch garden. flower pot. The traditional metbod of Mr. Gomme advises using a over-wintering geraniums soil mixture of coarse sand was to bang the plants in a mixed witb peat moss or cool, dark place in the faîl. In vermiculite. Water the soil early spring the plants were mixture tborougbly and place potted, watered and cut back. the container in a clear plastic After the new growth began, bag under a lighting unit or in the plants were replanted in a window protected from the garden. direct sunlight. Mr. Gomme says a more Once the cuttings have vigorous plant can be pro- rooted apply a weak fertilizer. Pro fessor Speaking TEAP at Uof T University of Toronto ried out a wide range of Professor Doug Andrews is studies of Eldorado Nulear scbeduled to speak at a Save Ltd.'s dumping operation in the Environment fromn Atomic Port Granby. Pollution (SEAP) group meet- ing in the Newtonville, Public Althougb ignored in the late School tomorrow nigbt. 1960s, interest bas been sbown As a nuclear pbysicist, recently in bis studies of Professor Andrews bas car- nuclear waste management. The cuttings sbould be ready for transplanting in about one montb.l Geraniums can also be grown from seed. However, if you have a strain of geranium you like, çuttings are best. Geraniums are available in a range of colors including red, pink and white and are attractive in patio pots or window boxes. Steel Belted Radial Size Sale Pmce MWICHELIN IAny size passenger tor light truck May cost you Iess than you think AvoUaoble at 219 King St. E. 623-4481 PrelS -me orecc Have we got-ca soft d nk deal fer you., Siave electricity,- save natural resouites. ~ About a third of Ontario's electricity is gener- ated by bumning fossil fuels... coal, oil, natural gas. The price of ail these natural resources is increasing rapidly. The price of coal, for example, has tripled over the last five ycars. ...........Higher fuel costs inevitably j show up in the price you pay for electricity. Save electricity, and you'll save money. You'll also be helping to conserve dwin- dling natural resources for other important uses... transportation, agriculture, chemicals. Conserve energy. The future depends on it. For twelve 26 oz. bottles (750 MI.) *2,9*à For twenty-four 10 oz. botties (300 MI.) 2,9* For'?weIve 26 oz. bottles (750 mi.) s2.5ý9* Sweet *n' Low Sugar-Free ____ ____ ____ ____ ___-nul * Plus a refuridable $3000 doposit THIS OFFER IS GOOD FOR 8 DAYS STARTINO WEDNESDAY, MAT 11 TO WEDNESDAY, MAY 18. NOW THAT'S A 810 DEALI At your friendly Self Serve Sun 'station 96 King St. East Bowmanvi lie amui SWIMMING'POOL SACRIFIC E! Leading Canadian manufacturer and distributor bas aluminum pools left over froml976season. HALF PRICE! Guaranteed installation and terms. Cal collect days or evenings. 1-416-221-4840. DIRTY DRAPERIES DO N'T COMPLAUN THEY JUST HANG THERE and L00K, BAD Bowmanville Cleaners 84 King St. West Telephone 623-5520 for free Pick-up and Delivery of Draperiesý