f oInterest Phne623-3303 e~ ar enewly farmed r the I.O.D.E. with f stv-,even members eyasgwamen mainly a aaqegion. We are ilt raising funds for 1r at educational pur- )~tefrm of danated ~ ,etc. We plan a Car s s('arity at Ontario ' ý~4s ia Oshawa, 140 ~I-2-. ~ xt West, an Satur- <, yl4th, 1977, starting £fhe ~îiç~sdQt~ v e COME AMD BRO MOUNTBATTENT Lovey S teeBué-GrenpQ Goldeny Pfitzer Juniper L iN, 3 THE FOUNDATIOkC « S PECILI~- *Aprkt THE 'H * Aspari~~ b e,* Goosel s * Blackb' r * Red Curr 0*Whîte Cr *BIueberr-.e * Horseradish h 0 Rospberries Fresh and juicy fruit from cr -Golden Alyssum -Astilbe (3 colors) -Carnation (4 Colors) -Chrysanthemum (6 colors) -Delphinium (6 colors) -Iris (4 colors) -Poppys (2 variations) -Tail Phlox (6 colors> -Ground Phlox -Lythrum. -Baby's Breath <s ~cxrden!! - ~ ~, i Ca A r h Lily s. bi.~' Isua .Lu r' ~-r -lic "~ f -c-w~' e - ~ ~' r And Many Mr )., Garden Centre - Flower Shop Higtiway No. 2 Between Oshawa Bowmanvillè Open 9 -9 Daily VAN BE!LLE Sat.9-6 CiardenCnm VAN ELL 14.iceSt. N., presents. . . by Ruth Dodier ARIES LMar.21-Apr.201 Your opinions are expressed very well, Aries. However, you must stay away from con- troversial situations. Ven- turesame activities are em- phasized. TAURUS [Apr.21-May 201 The occult and mystical are accented. Your sympathies are aroused as you show a great deal of interest in the prohlerns of your relatives. GEMINI [May 21 - June 211 Your good nature and friend- liness 10 others can only help you reach your goals. A hopeful and enthusiastic pursuit of plans will reward you. CANCER hJune 22-July 221 As progress seems to corne to a stand still, dîscontentment may result. Co-workers can be helpful through their ex- periences. LEO IJuly 23 - Aug.231 Your confidence is strong even over those depressive periods. You may have to sacrifice some lime for your family. VIRGO [Aug.24.Sept.221 You are immnovable on a decision you have made. Analyze the situation especially if others are involved. Try to be as flexible as possible., DRY CLEANING A a n d Steve Ardym of pt 7bli a dinner Party <v .t' t their home for ebar.The get-to-gether ofIla us ta give special o s~ ln Wite wbo Ai~ dect's ail our refuse x 'larence and Harold ao arold's sister A e and Steve Ricb- aidJack and Rainy 'rat.T dd humor to vun Il the guests îg fln and Glady rnved dressed in a - rtment of clotbing v gplastic garbage î iig bats, rubber -Ic ,Tis was ahl done ta, V, - Masian and Steve erd-ssed la formai. 3tîerýainment compiex itea modern dance 311cr ïkating facilities, sximming pool and spear-an-style theatre a jhtbya successful ý ian, Donald G. D~ d_-e as suggested ta, Couacil's cammunity e-_eammittee that Lake- ark, wauld lîke a lese if the city decides s s "t satisfied with the fi ue of Jubilee Pavil- The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May il, 1977 S- TRIi OPTICAL .ouîwQuE 30 KIG STWESTMISS G. ZIEGLER BOWMAN VIL LE PHONE 623-4477 DISPENSING OPTICIANS at 10 a.m. Our next general meeting is on June 6, 1977 in Pontypool. We plan ta have a "Kiddie Korner" booth at the Hampton Fair la June and members, will be bringing craf ts ta the meeting that they have finished for the Fair. If you would like any further information aur Regent is Mrs. Lorrie Willson of Enfield and she may be reached at 263-8052. Congra~tulations ta A. Lymer of Goodyear Canada, Bowmanville plant on cam- pleting 31 years of service with the campany. Ice rental rates in Oshawa Arena will go from $30 per bour ,ta $35 for the 1977-78 seasan. The recent annual meeting of the Oshawa and District branch af the Ontario Associa- tion of Superannuated Women Teachers was held la New- castle United Cburcb, where a deliciaus luncheon was served. The guest speaker was a distinguisbed Canadian author, Grace Irwin. Her absorbing talk presented higb- lights from the reasearch for ber latest book, "The Seventh Eari." The new executive elected at this meeting-Pres. Mrs. Grace Heard, Past Pres. Mrs. Bess Duff, First Vice- Pres. Miss Jean Robinson, Second Vice-Pres. Miss Frances McLeod, Sec. Mrs. Katbryn Hopkins, Treas. Miss Margaret Patterson. Winning bands from 15 regianal competitions held acrass the country will meet May 9-11 at Minkier, and Burton auditoriums la Toronto ta vie for top honors at the national finals of the Canadian Stage Band Festival, begin- ning at 9 a. m. each day until 8 p.m. Now in its fifth year, the non-profit Festival offers young Canadian musicians the apportunity ta demonstrate and compare their skills. Mare than 5,000 hîgh school, college and university students will participate. In conjunctian with Fiftietb Anniversary celebrations,.the Men's Club of Christ Memori- ai Church, Oshawa, is holding an auction la Camp Samac's nortb parking lot (enter off Concession Rond No. 5) on Saturday, May l4tb, beginning at,10:00 a. m. Profits will go toward the restoration of the cburch which suffered $500,000 damage, as the resuit of arson, la '1976. The Hadassah Bazaar wil be beld an Tuesday, May 17 at 144 King Street East, Oshawa. The doors open at 1:00 p.m. Admission is free and ail are invited. Our big attraction is Jewish home baking. A wide variety of upbolstery material and fabrics as well as a nearly new boutique will be available at bargain prices. We are also featuring an excellent selec- tion of hand made pillows and craft items. Numerous fresh growing green plants and flower arrangements will be displayed for sale. The tea room will be open for refresh- ments. A Sklar.Chesterfield is our major raffle and tickets are still available. During the bazaar, mini-raffles will be beld every haîf hour. Have you your tickets for the Wintario Draw which takes place this Thursday, May l2th from the South Grenville District High School, Prescott. Next draw îvilThe May 26th fram George- town. On Thursday, May l2th at Durham College in the Main Lecture Hall, the annual meeting of the 'Ontario Wel- fare Cauncil will be held with the theme "Emerging Trends in Human Services: The Need for Collaboration", starting at 10 a.m. Open College-Ryerson begins a summer lecture series on children and their education May l8th over CJRT-FM radio, 91. 1. The haîf hour programs are broadcast Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m., Jack and Rainy Merchant of "Fore Acres" in Hampton, entertained over the weekend. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Derrick Brigbty from Toronto who in recent months have spent a few week-ends and lent a hand with landscaping the grounds. Recently Jack and Rainy and tbe Brighty's enjoyed a trip to a "Sugar Bush" witb neigh-, bours Ron and Glady Wbite. Another weekend guest was Dr. Stuart Glover from Buck- inghamshire England. Dr. Glover is staying in Toronto for a few days on route to Chicago, Rochester, Virginia, Indianapolis, Washington and New York before returning to England. The weekend was; rouncied out at chnner bunulay witb Ron and Glady at the White bouse. Congratulations to Geargia Todish, of Bowmanville who placed first in the Senior Girls Floor Exercises held at the county-wide finals held on Saturday, April 3th at B3.H, S. Karen Frank and l(erry-An Davidson tîed for third in Senior Girls vaulting while Megan Hurst, Sue Forth, Robin Munro ail from the Kirby-Kendal area took the top tbree spots in Junior Girls Vaulting. Tracy Reynolds of Hampton won two second LIBRA lSept.23-Oct.231 There is a possibility of receiving an unexpected benefit. You' may unin- tentionally turn people off especially if you discourage their actions, SCORPIO Ocet. 24.Nov.221 You maY not agree with authority figure, but il is best to say nothing at this lime. Protect yourself against emotionai situations. SAGIYfARIUS lNnv.23 Dec.2 1] Continue in the same pattern, Sagittarius, Enthusiasm, op. timism, confidence and an element of luck are working for sou. CAPRICORN iDec.22 Jan.20 I You may hav e lu forego sonne of your plans becase of the un- willingness of others. Depression may set-in. Keep your confidence and high ideals. AQIJARIUS Feb. 191 [Jan.21- Unexpected events could make a few changes in your life. However, with continuous ef- forts and experience you can succeed. PISCES [Feb.20.Mar.20] Any financiai involvement should be caret ully looke d imb, an elemen! of deception exists. Do flot involve others, make up your own mind. 1: Cleaners Ltd. King St. W. 623-5520 "We Speciaiîze in Shirt Laundering," places in Elite Vaulting and Elite Floor Exercises. The Consumers' Gas Company's March 31, 1977 Interim Report was released this week. Basic earnings before extraordînary items for the six months ended ýMarch 31, 1977 were $1.51 per common share compareci with $1.16 per common share for the same period last year. The basic earnings before extra- ordinary items for the twelve months ended March 31, 1977 wcre $2.02 per common share compared witb $1.65 for the same period last year. There is going to be an Arts and Craft Festival by the Oshawa Art Association plan- ned for June l2th in thé courtyard bebind Patte's Paint Store. If any artists would like to participate, please contact Jean Mercer,, care of Creative Hands, at 576-9431. John Lempen of Newcastle and Silvia Ruegger of Newton- ville represented Clarke in the Cross Canada Run last week, to raise funds for secondary scbool athletic activities. The many friends of Mrs. Bill Tbiesburger (Madge) will be delighted to learn that she bas returned from St. Lucia, wbere she suffered a massive angina attack, and is regain- ing ber healtb and strength at home under tbe wonderful care of ber husband Bill. A 35tb Wedding Anniversary party was held at the home of Miss Jean Rundle on Satur- day evening May 7tb in bonoiir of Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Wray, Osbawa. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gibson have returned from a visit to Central Butte, Sas- katchean where tbey attended the baptism of their grandson Joshua P5atrick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Keitb Lindquist. Mr. and Mrs. Les Smale arrived home recently after an extensive and enjoyable matar trip in the United States. Evelyn Fayer, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. John Jaspers- Fayer of Bowmanville bas been accepted for admission ta Dordt College for the 1977-78 school year according to a recent announcement by Mr. Howard Hall, Director of Admissions of the college. Evelyn will graduate from Durham Christian H-igb Scbool tbis spring. Dordt College is -a fou-year liberal arts Christian college located in Sioux Center, Iowa. The firs t annual Molson's Folklore Awards for the Best Adult Performing Cultural Dance Group will be pre- sented at the lltb Annual International Picnic, to be beld in Toronto on Centre Island, July 1, 2, 3. Tbe awards go to the dance group best demonstrating their heritage ia music, costume and move- ment. First prize is $1,000, 2nd $600 and '3rd $400. Entries must be made by June 3rd to Molson's Folklore Awards, 637 College St. Toronto, M6G 1B6. Pepsi Cola Canada Ltd. bas just ]auncbed Canada's big- gest ever Bingo Contest witb more than $600,000 in total 30% Off ALL-WEATH ER COATS A selection with 50% Off jeALL Sude Fabrics Now !5 0%Ooff Pant Suifs - Skirt. Suits and a f ew coats THE "FRESHFRI PERENVdU , EASTý "A. Spectal >Shop for Special 'Women"y Carter' of 3monb êttet 3L£tb* OSHAWA, ONTARIO 44 Bond Street West Phone 576-7152 1 prize money. Details will be released through radio, magazines, television and newspaper advertising. Local Pepsi-Cola dealers will be displaying cards and leaflets, outlining details. In last week's Statesman, under the pictures of the Mortgage Burning ceremony at Centennial Hall, there was an unfortunate error. It was stated that the late C.G. Morris held the mortgage on the building. He did not hold the mortgage, he was the person responsible for naming the structure. Somebow our notes were incomplete. Members of the Bowman- ville Drama Workshop will take -part in tbe Durham Sbaestring Performers' first production in Oshawa next mantb. The acting campany's presentation will feature a series of skits along with dining, dancing and other details to create surraundings suitable for a cabaret. 1 -