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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 May 1977, p. 14

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DEADLINE i FOR CLASSUFUEDI L' 1~N e * -, s%*Fo M.% TYRONE Tig- .Welding Steel-Cast lron-Aluminum Small Engines Repaired & Lathe Work 263-8849 20-tf A-i CARPENTRY, Specializing in finishing and remodelling 27 Years Carpentry Experience FREE ESTIMATES PHONE JAMIE VOLLENHOVEN 623-6358 after 6 p.m. 21-tf Ron's Floor Ca re Commercial and household cleaning. Dry foam rug and carpet shampooing. Wax re- moval, wall washing. Ron Turcotte 623-7966 33-tf C & C JANITOR SERVICE. Carpet - Upholstery Professiana lly Cleaned FRZEE ESTIMATES Phon e 623-3624 BOWMANV ILL E 45-tf D. Beers &sons COr4STRUCTION New Homnes- Renovating Rec Roomns Repairsof ali types. P HON E 623-2263 20-tf MINE R'S EXCAVATING FOR TRENCHING, EXCAVATION AND SEPTIC TANKS. PHONE NEWCASTLE! 987-4995 No Sunday CalIls 16-tf OXFORD< L Brick layers and Stonema sons Mt. (Our fireplaces do not smoke) Orono Ref rigeration and 983-5606 AppIlance Service 1 8-tf INSTALL an Esso furnace, boiler, humidifier, heater or air cleaner. Combination wood and oul. Financitg avait- able. Furnaces cleaned. Parts and service palicy. Cail Harvey Partner, y aur Esso service dealer. F ree. esti- mates. Orono 983-5206 or Zenith 14620. 24 hour service. 36-tf BiIl's GLASSandMIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanville Ontario. Phone 623-5187 Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Glazing. 17ff J.'A. HAYES (SMOKEY) MEATS Custom Cutting FREEZER ORDERS 174 Ritson, Rd. S. Oshawa Phone 579-8011 or 623-7056 36-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS - FURNACES 1CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 - Bowmanville 30-tf INSTALLING or renovating a bathroom, kitchen, laundry room, etc. Pipes, valves and fittings from Havey Partner. We service ail makes. Cail Orono 983-5206 or Zenith 14620. 36-tf BOOKKEEPING SERVICES Typing and Financial Statements, FOR APPOINTMENT 1-983-5480 20-2x ALLIN COLE'S MOBLE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE MECHANICAL REPAIRS (Tune-ups-Brakes-Etc.) AI l work done by Licensed Class "A" Mechanic SAt home or place of business. Ail parts and labor guaranteed. Terms cash. PHONE 623-5045 BOWMANVILLE REGISTRATION DAY Wednesday, May 25th 6-8p.m. Monday, May 3th - 6 - 8 p.m. To sign up as- a volunteer working with the retarded at day camp. Ages 14 and up - a Cam p Certif icate Course is offered. Durham Centre for the Developmentally Handica pped, Whitby,j 668-7745, Ext. 4354 located south of Dr. J. O. Ruddy Hospital.) ý- Mary Brown's Friéd Chicken is iooking, for a Manager. For information Please caI 623-7051 between 10 am. and 5 p.m. Monday to Friday 21-2 EXPERIENCED hairdresser wanted, full time or part time. Phone 623-5455. HI THERE! We are interested in you. We need people ta volunteer with the retarded. Day and Evening programs. CaîIl 668-7745, Ext. 435 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Babysitting available! 19-4 Are yau sick of looking for summer work? Then do Volunteer Work with the retarded! Workshops and Training. Practical experience and fun. Apply now at Durham Centre for the DeveîopmentaîIly Handicapped, 668-7745, Ext. 435, between 8:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m. Camp Certif icate Course. 19-4 HAIRDRESSER wanted, for Bowmanviiie full or part time. Steady job. Good g uarantee plus commission. Verypgaod working conditions. Pone f725-8710. 21-2 NEWCASTLE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD SENI OR CLERICAL ASSISTANT Bowmanville Branch 20 hours per week including several d ays and evenings per week and alternate Saturdays. Duties ta commence July 1, 1977. Duties: reader service, typing and filing, book processing, assist with crafts and other library programs. Qualifications: Grade 12, ability ta type, pleasant personality. This is a permanent position and students will not be considered. Please apply in writing by June 1, 1977 ta: D. M. Dineen, Chief Librarian Newcastle Public Library System 62 Temnperance St. Bowmanville, Ontario Li C 3A8 21-1 USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 3t VACANT land, 20 acres up, preter mostly bush, some water. Road frontage not necessary, if access by ease- ment. Private party. Adverti- ser 689, c-o Canadian States- mari, Box 190, Bowmanville, Ontario. Li C 3K9. 20-1 CASH for goid, silver, coins, guns, docks, jeweiiery, dish- es, furnifure, cracks, paint- ings, seaiers, appliances. Friendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783.1 Cars, Trucks, Tractors-f Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wreckîng Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTUO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 45-tf Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Mi1k Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days ............. .623-5774 Nights .............623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2-tf Jîi's Body Shop located at Pete's Esso on Scugog. Paint and repair, cars and trucks. 623-3122 GORD SIMPSON Phone 983-5808 Orono, Ontario Paint ing Paperhanging Ca rpentry Remodelling General Repairs Interior Exterfor 14-tf G. VAN LONDEN MASON RY BRICK, BLOCK, STONE AND FIREPLACES, Phone 623-5114 13-1 2x TYRONE AUTO BODY Light Collision and rust repairs, fibreglass repairs, paint ing and body restarat ions. FREE ESTIMATES TYRONE, ONTARIO 263-8088 18-4 ALL-TYPE ,ROOFING Shingles new or Reroof ing. Flats hot or cold Process. Ail roof and chimney repairs. FREE ESTIMATES 623-5038 14 tf MALE student, 14, Wil cut prass etc. Ï1.50- pe, Kevin - 623-5050. ,M. Brooks CARPE NTRY fR EMOD EL LI N( CUPBOARDS - VANI GENERAL REPAII Phone 623-556 LAWN mower and mater repairs. Reasc Phone 623-5274. Gîoria's Canva! Upholstery Custom Made Awnir Trailer - Boat -Sail Co AIl Types of Canvas Re Baat.- Skidoa - Motorc Seats Recovered BOWMA NVILLE 623-4654 Peter Sutherlai Alumninum Prai Bawm anviîlle Siding - Soffit Fascia - Trouc Shutters - Windc Doors - Awning 623-4398 FOR FREE ESTIMAI NOW'HANDLING VINYL SIDING MOU NTJOY BACKHOE SERVICE SEPTIC TANK AN[ TILE BED INSTALLAT TRENCH ING, 13ASEMEI WATERLINES, SCREEI STONE, CRUSHED GRAVEL, SAND, TOP PHONE BLAC:KSTQCI NEED a pressure sys, Water Softeners? Repal ail makes. Harvey Par Orono 983-5206 or Zenith1 DARLI NOTOI Brick, Block, St( CHIMNEY & FIREPLAC CHIMNEY CLEANUN Phone 623-2176 Durham Masonr Contra Ctors Lt Bricks - Logs Field Stonework Specializing in Fii-epîac( Ph-one 839-2431 Lloyd BarnE Plumbing Carpentry, Renova- Ail General Repai REASONIABLE RA 263-2288 Ail kinds of BRICKWORK, CHIN P. LOUW5 CON STRU CTI 149 Scugog S BowmanvilI 623-2756 A nderson Insul, 579-2060 Blown, Cellulose fil City and country hot Lawn and Gari Ca re Grass cutting, roto tillii Iawn rolling with a co cial machine. Seedinq -new lawns and oldi cutting, painting, and oc cleaning Up. Robert Jone 987-5222 987-4098 WATER Wells bored, Y Ward's Weil Boring. phone 342-2030. Repre! tive Harry L. Wade. phone 987-4531. Western Canag School of Auctioneering L Canada's first, and the campletely Canadianc offered anywhere. Lic under the Trade Sý Licensing Act, R. S. A. C.366. For particularsd next course write: Bo: Lacambe, Alberta or1 728-6215. iiling fa Thursday Evening, JL r hour.' 6:30 p.m. Auction sale of Fur and Machinery, Truck, inciuding 1976 GMC 21-1 Wagon 1 ton 12 passi - power brakes and Ste excellent condition. oni y miies-certified, NewH No. 273 Hay baier thrower-this baier like I1TIES oni y used one season, Y IRS with baie thrnwer racks Holland Stackliner (pic 66 loads, transports and5 10-tf baies), Ford Feguson Tr - with sedore loader,, N-I smalîl Conditioner, New Idea other hay equipmeî 21-2x Aiso furniture and n laneous, a 1973 Johnson mobile, Electrohome 6C is & conditionier, Knotty Pli table with 2 chairs and b Love Seat and chair, ings coffee table and foot stai overs other items. Selling a aaaijr. Lloyd Wilson Auction Yé ,cycle mile north of Uxbridc d Townline then east lst E Sale managed and saf Lloyd Wilson Auctions Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 184 Auct ion sale Grist Mill Auction Bat ind Newtanviîle, Friday, Mal )d., 7:00 p.m. Small cook stove, di spool bed, washstand, dire t Boston rocker, odd ci- Shpantry cupboard, srnalli [)ws Captain's chair, tri mantie cdock, country tr g5 bench, dishes, glass wli mirrors, anvils, spool cr T. copper kettie, extension i TE. 2 p c. settee suite, s tri dge, clathes, waý l amps, tables, 5 PC. 3-f kitchen set, LTV.'s, sý rocker, air conditioner (E BBQ, prssure cooker, cuumb ikes, electric mo crib, playpen, electric brg hdlwe. toals, blow tc shovels, rakes, water pt O etc. Terms cash. Stapl TION Bras. Auctioneers, 786-: :NTS, Bowmanvilie. :NED Estate Auct ion SOI Saturday, June 41h, 1: 00; SCL The estate of the late and Gertrude Brooks a Scugog St., BowmanK Antiques, 12 ft. steel lathe, Complete iist next w 17-1 Stapieton Bras. AuctionE 786-2244. stem? Saturday Morning irs ta May 28, 9:30 a. m. rtner, Car - Furniture 14620. 'Aucfion sale includinci 36-tt Ford Maverick car - 4c vinyl roof, this car bought by Mr. and Mrs. Sorice 18,500 miles '- certified. Gi N 8 tt. freezer, chestertield chair, bedroom suite, Sý Queen portable washer- ýone dryer, Kenmore e CES machine, ail electrical G pliances, Fleetwood 1 Lloyds Sfereo, oul paintii a5t il painting supplies, chestertield, table witl- sw/ivei chairs, china cabi Iry dilhes. Limoges ch d. camera, lawn chairs, fi etc. The properiy ot Mr. Mrs. Frank Sorice, 233 Mé Streel, Uxbridge. (Owr es lc'avi ng counIrynon reser, Sale mnagcd and sold loyd Wilson AuciionsL 44tft Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. o0i5, laundry hamper, sel ot, dishes, and, rug,- color TV, elecirical ýaple appliances, dishes, pois and ,ners pans, plus many more iiems "ve). - oo numerous Io menlion. 1by Terms cash. Myles King, 1Id., Auciioneer, 725 5751. 21-1 Saturday, May 28th. Fai es sold. Auction Sale off ai machinery and househo furniture. The property ý ting Morley Bulmer, Lot 24 Con. irs Verulam Twp. 3/ miles ea TES of Fenelon Falls on Cour Road 8 and 1 mile north ar miles west of Bobcaygeon ar 27-tf 1 mile north. Allis Chalme B. tractor. D. Case tracta M.H. 3 furrow 'plough, Ir AN EYS cultivator, M.H. 13 disc seE drill, Int. manure spreade 1968 Int. side rake like neý ION M.H. 6' mower. Waterloo threshing machine. Hay 3. Matic 24' hay elevafor, 6 tc le rafler baig wagon wi rack aw mahine,3 sets( sleighs, turnip seeder, fannin 13-tf miii, scales, water frougK cradle, whiffle frees, elr plank, lumber, new 14' wir lation gate, antique hand tools, ,fi line of machinery. Hay, stram bre. Dininq room suite, sîdeboarc mnes. dishes, antique coal ail heater 1tf antique glass, 4 cast iran palý - candie holders, vases, antîqu -den po bed, Ianterns, grarn Terms Cash, no reservE igand Furniture Sale at 1:00 p.rr rngrer Machine Sale at 2: 00 p.m. Car idown and Greg Hickson Auctiar !re eers, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324 dd lobs 95.20- Wednesday, June 1st. Gi, ing up farming. Auction sal of livestock and implemeniý The properf y of Max, Parker 1tf west haîf Lot 7 Con. 3, Feneli 1-fTwp .1/2 mile east of Cambra, - and 1/2 mile north or 7 miie north-west of Lindsay. 30 heai 10" file. of Hereford cattie. 15 matui Tele- cows with 15 caives by side ýsentat- 1975 John Deere 1830 tractor Tele- 370 hrs. heat houser - like new 16-tf Int. W400 tractor live power good. 1976 Int. 440 baier PTC aled only 8000 bales. 1975Int 990 mower - conditioner excellent. Allied 36 hay eleva da for with motor, tandem ha) trailer 22' platform. Int. sic( rake, Cockshutt 315 trai Ltd. mower, Cockshutt 1' pull typi blower, 3 pt. cemenf mixei ie only PTO - new. 1964 GMC 5 tcr course stock truck, 1964 Ford van censed elecfric g enerator, radial arrr ýchools saw, fuili une of machinerî '1970, Terms cash. No reserve. SalE of the at 1:00 p.m. Carl Hickson 'x 687, aucfioneer, Reaboro, Ont Phone 705-324-9959. 20, 21-9 AU CTION a nd une St.Andrw'sUnited Church Bsret-Corner of Bruce rnitre ad SincoeSt.S., Oshawa ;enger, lam eering,10am 17,000 Auctioneer - Myles King olland Sponsored by St. Andrew's with Couples Club. enew Snack Bar, Home Baking, Wagcion Books, Dishes, Hundreds of . New articles fao numerous ta :ks up, mention, antique and ather- stacks wise. ractor 20-2 -H Hay iHay Wednesday, June , 11a.m. Baler, Machinery nf etc. Harvestare Silo and Feeder niscel- Hosteins - Dairy Equipment Snow- Large farm auction Jnclud- Jo0 air i ng complete Brenayler !ne 5' Hoi stein DisperaL. 60 head ench, Registered, R.O. P. Tested and large Classified. 30 milking age 1o and females 30 Bred anad open t the heifers. 1976 Herd Averaae in ard, 1 305d., 14478m., 5638f., 3.89 per, ;e ta cent (129-137). Features in- place. ilde a 2 yr. aid b y Starlife d by pro jecfed ta 200 BCA. A Very Lfd., Good Perseus with 305d.. 17934m., 733f.,> 4 per cent 21-2 (147-165). Aiso ail dairy equi- - ment, Mueller 3650 lb. b)ulk tank, Delavai pipeline milker ýrn with 3 units, 1974 20 x 70 y' 27th Harvestore silo, dlay beit feeder, Clay conveyor, M-F Jouble 1100 diesel tractor (good), J-D esser, 35 forage harvester with hairs, pick-up and 2 row corn head, drap- J-D 7000 4 row corn planter, hiles, J-D 214 covered forage wagon, *unks, J-D 56 forage blower, 40' ýram P biower pipes, J-D 1209-9' indow haybine <new - only cut 50 adie, acres), J-D heavy duty culti- able, vator (3 pt. hitch), chain. tove, harrows, J-D 34 manure isher, spreader, J-D sprayer, fertili- Wood zer spreader- 3 pt. hit ch, J-DÈ)3 ,ivel furrow 14" plow, 30' auger and 800), 2 h.p. motor, 20' auger, Farm ,va- King hammermili,, 3 h.*p., ower, motor, 1970 Jeep. Note: This is "00m, an excellent uine of ma-, ýorch, chinery, nearly ail new in the A e - le :a Is Auction Sale Friday, May 27th at 6:30 p. m. The property of Mrs. Bush- by of P ickering ta be held in the Brougham Community Hall. Webster piano, bedroom suite, dlocks, coal ail lamps, fridge, number of pictures, aid boaks, aId quilts, number of dishes, numerous, other articles. Terms cash. No reserve. Property sold. Earl Gauslin, auctioneer. 21-1 Saturday, May 28, 1 p.m. property of Mrs . Elizabeth Lambert, 64 St. Patrick St.,' Lindsay. Some. antiques, diningroom suite, good con- sole sterea, console calor television, goad copperfone refrigerator and 24" auto- matic eiectric range, dutch avens, cracks, wicker chair, aid cupbaard, pressback chairs, wardrobes, captain chair, washstand, ox yoke, other furniture, tools, dishes. No reserve. Orval McLean auctioneer. 324-2791 or 324-2783 Lindsay. 21-1 M Saturday, May 28,-11:30 a.m. 'n Exclusively Antiques id and Canadiana >1' Museum quality includes: 4~ Solid cherry 'banquet table t (ateleg plus 2 D ends - 1830), ýY(ier maple empire sota 7 (840),l Pine grandfather cloci id _ workitig, rimitive Windsor rs cradie, hked rug - 1888, book r, (1673), pr. whale ail lamps. t. Aiso 2 corner cupboards ýd (chestnut and pine), 1 pine , fiatback (18 Panes), 70 pc. v, Mass Roseteasef, rare Ste-, ?4 vens 22 gun, sitar, 1 pc. Geor- 0 glan silver, caramel slag (4, ni pc. set), Royal Copenhagen h figurines, large collections of )f Coffin plates , Victorian mot- g toes, medical books, also2 spool beds, commode, birdsý neye and cherry chest, wine echest, wall dlocks, assortec Il chairs and other furniture. Oic botties, books, linens, hookec, rugs, folk art, primitive paint. ings, string instruments, iran, brass and copper, pressed glass, crystal, art glass, e sterling, pewter, fine china,. flow blue, ail lamps, aid dolis, jacquard spreads, quilts, ioriental rugs and many more Iitems.- The praperty ai i-Catherine Christie, 1/2 mile ieast of Manchester on Region Rd. 21 (formeriy IA) 2 miles 2southwest of Port Perry. Sale -at 11:30 a.m. Sale managed -and soid by Lloyd Wilson eAuctions Ltd., Uxbridge, i416-852-3524. 20-2 Saturday, May 28th Auction sale of Implements sand furniture, the property of Alan and Marg Wilson. Lot 17 Con. 7 Cartwright twp. 114 mile north Nestieton (turn north at the cou ntry store an 7 A Hwy.) J.D. Tractor no. 920 diesel with power steering, manure 10 ft double disc 3 pt (good) M.F. Manure spreader 130 bu (good) . Double disc 8 f (good) 3 pf, Farm Hand side rake. I.H.C. plow ace bottom, cul- tivator, harrows, 2 hay eleva- tors, 200 ciai molasses feeder tank I.H.C. mawer, etc., Qu of barley and corn. Eiectric frig, dryer, washer, chrome set, circular chesterfield, swivel rocker, Leather studded bar (nearly new) studded coffee table, pool table and acces- sories (good) ping pong table, Granny swivel rocker, rust leather swivei rocker, 2 bed- roomn suites (iight and dark aak) large qu of cups and saucers, dishes, terrarium, patio furniture, wooden tele- Phonle, gossip benchl (new), desk type table, hundreds of other articles, ail in excellent condition, plan fa attend this sale. Owner moving, terms cash, sale at 11 a.m. Note furniture seils first. Reg and Larry Johnson Auctioneers. Phone (705) 357-3270. 20-2 Thursday night, Mav 26. 6:45 p.m. at McLean Auction- Center, Lindsay, enter park- ing lot off Little Britain highway. Good consigniments from 4 Lindsay Estates. Excellent furniture, antiques, appl iances, store couniters and accessories, dining room suite, provincial chesterfieid, frunks, crocks, dishes, Quebec heater, and good assortment of antique furni- ture. No reserve, terms cash, or approved cheques. Don't miss this sale. Orval McLean auctianeer 324-2791 or 324-2783 Lindsay. 21-1 Saturday, June 4 12:-30 p.m. Byron Hamilton Estate Large auction sale of tools and shop equipment includîng drill presses, power hack saw, Metal Lathe with ail attach- ments, Band saw, Wood lathe, planer, lointer, portable over- headh oist, several sets of dies, motors, Acetylene weld- er and supplies, air cooled engine, Moto Ski motar, Moto Ski parts, Snap-on chest full of tools, Chain lift, Model 1 egn,2 rear ends, 4 Model T hes,'64 Chev truck, hund- reds of wrenches, tools, gauges, etc., sockets, large number of hand tools, many boxes full of tools-parts, etc. Oak desk, cash register, ad- ding machine, filing drawers, this is a large sale of quality tools, The property of the' estate of the late Byron (Bun) Hamilton, Uxbridge, 1/ milç south west of Uxbrid9eo Hwy. 47. Lunch available. Lloyd Wilson and W. D. Atkin- son, Sale Manager and. Auctioneers, 416-852-3524. 21-2- COTTAGE for sale. Furnished two bedroom cottage fully insulated. 1/2 acre on. lovely lake ouf of Minden. Boat and motor optional1. Phone 987-5302 for turth er information. 21-ix 3 BEDROOM Townhouseý, finîshed family room, garage and broadloom. $3,620 down. 10 per cent mortgage. $42,000 firm. Phone 623-6498. 21-1 PRIVATE SALE. Brand new 3 bedroom winterized cottage. Wired for electric heat. Ennis- more area on right-of-way ta Lake Chemong. $36,500. Phone 1-705 ý652-8768. 21-ix $450-00 MONTHLY income- could be yours. lnvest in real good incarne home, double garage attached. Try your low down pa yment. Ask in g $42,000.00. Caîl Doroth y Rat- cliffe ut Schofield-Aker Limit- ed Realtor at 723-0045. 21-1 LUXURY HOME on large lot-Country Village, close ta bank, stores, schools and post office and park. Home has walkout from recreation room, balcony and many -extras. Cail Dorothy,\ Ratcliffe of Schofield-Aker Limited Realtor at 723-0045. 21-1 LOTS FOR SALE 75' x 208' LOT-Ideal. for building that new dream homne on. Blackstock. Cali Dorothy Ratcliffe of Schofield-Aker Limited Realtor at 723-0045. __________21-1 f Saturday, June 4, il a.m. 1 .,Icuî aTeceorge Hockiey, Victoria Road at McLear ;Auction Center-Lindsay. 1974 ?G.M.C. pick up truck, P.S. 1P.B. automatic 18000 miles, certified, excellent conaîTion. high quality furniture, some antiques, rail top desk,, ex- cellent assortment of carpen- fer tools, mechanics tools, power tools, lawn mi-ower, fdi1shes, etc. Don't miss il 1preview 6-9 pm. June 3. Nc reserve. &val McLean auctioneer. 324-2783 Lindsay. 21-2 Auction Sale, June 8th, 1977 af 6:30 p.m., at Prince Abert Hall, 2 miles soufh of Port Perry. Antique and modemn furniture. Band saw, chain saw, washer-spin-dryer, trunks, many small items. Lunch availale. Came early and register. No reserve. Terms cash. John T. Pearce, auctioneer. 416.985.7492. 21-2 Auct ion Sale of Antiques and Furniture and Dishes Canadiana Furnifure and Dishes Mrs. Berina Tauchburn, Orono, Saturday, May 28 at 1 p.m. North end ai Orono. Partial iist of articles: spinning wheel, woi-winder, melodion (rosewood), parlour tables, canie rocking cha-,ý cane dining raom chairs, birds' eye maple chest, brass bed, spool bed, oak bed, sideboard with beveiled mir- rar, wicker chairs, waii tele- phone, gingerbread dlock - 2 Keywind wafches, candie mould, waoden "dasher" churn and cracks, broadaxe, child's racking chair, cutter beils, appie peeler, sterea- scope and views, several pine articles (tables, cupboards, chests, dry sink), wooden planes, ail lamps, 2 foulet sets, large assortment of antique dishes, giassware and fiat- ware, epergne, silver tea service, - quiits, aid and new, inciuding Log Cabin, aiso biankets, large number of other coilectibles. Remarks: Concerning this sale Mrs. Touchburn is going ta give up the big house and is seiuing by auction the above named articles and more. Some of the antiques have been in the famiiy for three generations. No reserve. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. L. Harris, clerk. Ciiff Pethick, auctioneer. 21-1, Friday, May 27, il a.m. Machinery - Hoî'steins Dairy Equipment Cearing farm auction for Charles Sutter, R. R. 2, Oshawa at the farm, corner of Harmony and Taunton Rds. From Hwy. 401 take Exit 72 (Harmony Rd.) north 4 miles ta farm. il a.m. - M-F 150 tractor with loader (good), Ford Jubiiee tracta r, M-F3 furrow piow, M-F double disc - 3 pt. hitch, M-h hay mower - 3p t. hîtch, M-F No. 12 baier, M-PF6 bar side rake, Cunningham hay conditioner, spring tooth harrow - 3 pt. hifch, New Idea manure spreader, M-F seed drill on rubber, M-Hitiller 3 pf. hitch, Mayrath hay el evator, chain harrows, baie stocker, steel rouler, grain aucier, aat rouler.' Patz silo unloader - 14 ft., Patz stable cleaner - over 200 teet of chain and chute, Delaval ppeline miiker - 4 units, Del aval '4300 bulk tank wîth washer. 1 p.m. - 50 Haîsteins, 1976, herd average 17114 m., 642 fL, 3.75 per cent- (155-159). A herd with great depth of pedigree. Daughters of "Telstar", "Emperor", "Ned", "IR Mapie" etc. A fine group of young cows selling. Lunch availabie. Sale manag- ed and soid by Lloyd Wilson Auct ions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 20-2 AOBI[TUARY GARFIELD BARI{ETT ment at the White Rose Service Station in Bowman- A resideni of Bowmanville ville. f'or most of his life, Garfield He is survived by a brother Barrett, aged 77, passed away John, and four sisters, Celia peacefulîy, on Friday, April (Mrs. Percy Mutton), Lena 151h, 1977, in Oshawa General (Mrs.- John Geddes), Anne, Hlospitail. and Violet (Mrs. Robert E'ldest son of the fllIe Flou>). Wiiliaiîi anîd Anniie Biiiretlllie Ho was predeceased by two was'bor lin Clai (irke Tlownship l)rothers and two sisters. ,Ii(l &~l inLl 'I iiiowIlniille. MVr. Barrett rested at the As a vouîig Iiil ie<' as Northcul I Elliott Funeral empiIloyed yl A.Calo Bus hlome with Reverend John l,illies, 1hie(ý iîive ;Ind Mitli Pelos officiating at the ser- IXloy i ehoî l ( ia iil v(i ii ice fie(Shl d on Monday. lIid , andu ri re ~centl Y I niormont Bowmanville Ce- aeI lOia yeL iN\ars o<f ' elipIoy fliOlOiy. PROVINCIAL M93,17, 1977 - Judge R.ý B. Baxter presided~ with Assistant Crown Attor' ney A. Sosna and duty counsel D. Halikowski. James W. Lewis, 19, 1G4 Liberty St. N., Bowmarville,'. pleaded 'guilty' ta driving after, consuming over .08 op . observed him driving on' Waverley Road, having trou-i ble controlling his car. Tests were .15. The fine was $250 and costs, in default 10 days. His . license was suspended fer ore year. Given 30 days ta pay. - Rory Erwin, 17, 66 Ontario' St., Bowmanville, pleaded' 'guilty' ta taking a 8 track tape from. a pickup truck. The tape had a value of $8. Duty counsl asked for a conditional dis- charge but the crawn dis- agreed. He said breaking into a car was the samne as breaking into a house. He was fîned $250 and costs, in default 15 days. There will flot be a conditional discharge. Th~e purpose is ta impress and discourge this sort of conduct, they are going ta pay the penalty. He was given two months ta pay the fine. Mrs. Ann Koîl, 48, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, pleaded 'guilty' ta making six telephone calîs that were abusive on. April 13. They were made without excuse. She was place on probation for two years, to keep the peace and be of good behaviour, especially toward Andrew Bergsma. Followiig probation a conditional dis- charge will be given. A bench warrant1 was issued for Norman Bain. Bencfr' warrants in discretion were issued for William White and - Marina Scanja. Don Lucyk, 19, Wilhelmn Haas, 19 and Kenneth Wil-: kens, 20, aIl of Orono, pleaded. 'guilty',ta a charge laid April 4 of having in their possession plumbing tools belonging toaa Mr. Martin. The tools were recovered and cash restitution, made ta Mr., Martin. Each , were fined $100 and costs, in default Stlayýs. Donald Cowle, 17 of 176 ' Simpson Ave., Bowmanvîlle ýwas charged March 27 ýwith failîng ta negutiate a curve on highway 35, Const. Bender investigated. Blood tests were .16. The fine was $100 and costs, in default 5 days. License suspension 3 months. The judge toid him ta stop his drinking before it gets sta rted. Jas. Naden, 16, 190 Waver- ley Rd., Oshawa, pleaded 'guilty' ta committing mis-. chief ta autos at Domi's Auto- Parts on January 22. He rammed three cars. A friend Y wvith him paid $110 ta Dom's as his share of the damageè. He Y vas given a conditional dis-,- charge. Christian Byrd, 18, 154 William St. E., Oshawa was ~ charged December l8th wîth having a marijuana cigarette. He was walking on King St., and was abserved passing a cigarette ta another youth . He vas further charged Marceh 30 vith failing ta appear for identification, He pleaded 'guilty' ta bath charges. On the first charge the fine was $100 and costs, in default 5 days.: For failing ta appear the fine vas $100 and costs, in default 5 [ays. Given 2 months ta pay.: David V. Parker, George- town, pleaded 'guilty' ta taking an 8 track tape April 30: from J. Mathews, Orono. iHe was a passenger in a car that- topped at a garage. The Mathews icar was on the parking lot. The fine was $250' nd costs, in default 15 days. One manth ta pay. Feder-al Crown Prosecutor ýR. Lovekin had five youths ùead 'guilty' ta taking fish in- clased area during the early )art of April. Scott B. Currie, Look for this seal. l*ý t's yaur OF1. guarantee of oK permanence. 45 V BROS. LT O. Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED BOX 133 318 Dundas St. E. - Whitby Phone Whitby 668-3552> 1969 ACAD IAN, 4 radial tires, some rust. 68,000 miles. Phone 623-58 41. 21-1 HAYDON NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Degeer, Ajax, Mrs. Meta Kellar, Oshawa, visited Miss Cora Degeer, an Sunday, and also called an Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Potts and Barbra, Cornwall, spent the weekend with Delbert's parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts. Miss Mary Potts, Toronto at her home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mar- tyn, Toronto, Mrs. Jim Nick- erson, and Janie, Bowman- ville were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin's. Little Maureen Jones spent the weekend with her grand- paents Mr. and Mrs. Jack .Jnnes. Miss May Tabb, Mrs. M. Sears, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Stan.Cawling, Salem, Shirley Tabb, Chuck Giddes, Bow- manfville, Mr. Russell Tabb, Hampton were Sunday supper guests of Mrs. Irene Tabb and family, celehrating Mr. Stan Cowling's bîrthday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Black- burn and family spent Sunday atternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Blackburn and family, Orono, the occasion celebrat- ing littie Jeremy Blackburn's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham, were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, Enniskillen. Thursday, June 2, 12:30 p.m. Farm Sold Pigs - Machinery Auction sale inciuding 60 young sows. These sows are excellent quaiity, many due ta farrow, some wifh ias. 19,; top quality chunks, 17 farrow- ing crates. Mach inery - Cock- shutt 7600 combine compiete with 4 row corn head and 14' grain head witl. , ( up reel (combine has done no dustomi work - excellent condition), 1974 Dadge 1 ton Iruck, 12' piattorm racks and roof (oniy 11,000 miles - certified), power brakes and steering - excellent condition, M- F 175 tractor - 400 hirs. (like new), M-F 2200 Industriai tractor and loader, Int. 624 fractor, lot. 4 furrow super chief plaw, M-F 10' disc, K cuitivator wîth depfh wheeis (3 pt. hitch). M-F 124 baier (like new), M-F 37 side rake (oniy done 10 acres), M-F mixer grinder, McCormick No. 10 seed drill on rubber - q ramn, tert. and grass seed, Case 7' mower - 3 pt. hitch, wagon and rack, wagon with Trunco gravity box, hay elevator, grain auger on carnlage, i nt. 155 manure spreader, Lely fertilizer s preader, bale buncher. Note: T'his is a quaiity sale - bath pigs and machinery. The properfy of B i 1 Sta ck, R. R. 2, Oshawa on Con. 6, 7 miles straight east of Brookuin or 8 miles west of Tyrone. Sale at 12:30. (Note: Big machinery will. seil af 12:30). Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Ux- bridge, 416-852-3524. 20-2 Auction sale, Saturday evening, May 28fh at Pefhicks Auction Shed in Haydon, one mile east of Enniskiiien at 7 p.m. for the estate of Mrs. Rab Roy tram Tyrone. Ail her fu rn iture and smali articles. spinning wheei, wooi winder, aid round table, beds, chairs, Victorian cauch, eight hard waod chairs (like new),. Bow manville wicker rocker, fwo old dlocks, oîl lamps, piano and bench. This is only a tew of the articles. We have ioads more, We have a large quaniiiy ot dishes. You ca n't attord Io miss'this sale. Many antique pieces. Another sale on thec wdy for nexi week. Clitt Pethick auctioneer.

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