6 The Canadian Statesman, )owmanville, Mav 25- 1977 Section Two HAYDON May loth /ltb 21 met at the Community uentre, with isorma Blackburn in the chair for Group 1. Norma opened the meeting by reading Hymn 393 "Happy the Homne" and then called for Secretary's axidi Treasurer's reports. After the collection was token, the roll caîl was a<swered by your favorite antdoor plant. Thank you çmrds were read and the ladies würe reminded of the bowling at Liberty Bowl, Bowmanville on Saturday night at 7:30, May 1.th. Norma and Blanche agreed to make telephone calîs to those flot present. REveryone agreed, we hold our Jpuly ist supper and this will be discussed at the June meeting. t was agreed to hold a July meeting, to make plans for a Oeinic. Rena Potts demon- strated hier Tupperware. Fol-, kùwing this our plant exchange was enjoyed, each one trying t, get something new. L.unch was served by Group 1. June meeting in charge of Group 2. Ars. G. Potts, Mrs. J. Slemnon, 'Mrs. J. Trewin, Mrs. M. Read. Mr. and Mrs. John Sterrett, grampton, spent the weekend with Mr.. and Mrs. Arthur gfrewin and Paul and Mrs. M Idred Anderson. Mrs. Wayne Blackburn and qildren, Orono, were' Sunday !îupper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wlbur Blackburnl and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashtonr, Ronald and Ray were Sunday Alinner guests of Mrs. Shirley Werry and Jean, Malton, in company. with Mrs. Helen Werry and Miss Lorie Mc- Kinon. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Black- 4urn calIqd on Mr. and Mrs. Farewell Blackburn, Salem -on lhursday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones bvsited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jones and famiÏly, Scarbor- -ugh, on Sunday. SA small group of Haydon ýfolk,,went bowling Saturday night sponsored by club 21. OnSaturday, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Buttery attended the tenth convocation at Sir Sand- ford Fleming College in Lind- say where David Buttery graduated as a Heavy Equip- ment Technician. Mr. and Mrs. Don Ashbridge were Saturday evening callers at the Ted Buttery's.' Sunday supper guests with the Ted Buttery family were Mrs. John Sim, Mrs. Laura Buttery, Mr. and Mrs. Don Yeo, Tom, Trisha and Peter, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Buttery, Brian and Andrea, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Don Anderson were evening callers. The get-to- gether was to congratulate Dave Buttery on his gradua- tions from Sir Sandford Flem- ing, in Lindsay and wish him well on his trip to the Yukon. David left early Monday morning for his trip. 4H Club News By John David Killeen Landscape Gardeners' Club The first meeting of 1977 of the Landscape Gardeners' Club took place on May 4th at Lloyd's Greenhouses at Mtchell's Corners with 20 members present and several parent guests. Lois VanCamp called the meeting to order and led the group in a story with sounds. Everyone particîpated. Mn. Lloyd then took the group on a tour of the gi eenhouses and explained that hie and his famîly specialize in the growing of mitue-f -ea nt n othe Caroline Carnaghant thanked Mr. Lloyd for his fine talk and the tour and Mr. Lloyd gave even'yone present a fine genanium plant. The club members mnen went, to Faye Langmaid's home for refreshments and the leader Mrs. Brenda Met- caîf made a few annouince- ments and the gladiolus 6ulhs were given out to the first year membens. Some bulbs were available to the other mem- bers. Projects and record books were discussed, The next meeting will be on June 7th at -Theresa Wy- gerde's home at Nestieton when the theme will be Diseases and pests of shrubs and thein control. Everyaiô(w martin's 4FLM OZ. TIN Chocoate Nut, Peanut Butter Chip, or 140OZ. PKG. G - [Noti Trosweef Grapefruit Orange Julq 6x6 fi. oz. fins Bye the Sea Chunk Light Tuna 9-114 oz. fin Mira Mari MLAZED )ONUTS PKG.OF 9 Omo available Mondays] or ce M100 prices ~Frozen Concentrated Kent ORANGEut JUICE 12-112 FL. OZ. TIN Assorted Flavours BO0RDuE N'S YOGURT 160Z.CUP' Pink or Clear Concentrated Steinberg FROZEN LEMONADE 12 FL. OZ. TIN Mira Mari Mira Mari TOMATO HOT DOG& KETCHUP HAMBURGER ROLLS 25 FL. OZ. 9TL. PKG.OF 8 Powdered Concenfrafed Ail Detergent 75 oz. box JoIIy Miller Orange Flavour Crysta Is Un3.114 oz. poly bag As ref C r e s0 " 5Mira MarI ASetso kerieisInstant HamburgerID Cfe Helper Cfe 6 oz. pkg. 10 oz. jar Chef Boy Ar Deer St. Lawrence Mini Ravioli Corn Oil 30 f. o. fin 128 fi. oz. fin Welchade O rPringles Grape Drink f~ Potato Chips 48 fi. oz.fin 8.8 oz. pkg. of 2 fllDuncan Hines An gel Food Cake Mix OC Pfus 30e deposif OORed Rose 539 4 z.tiIcdTea Mix Ong Dessert Toppi 4, Top Whip muqi 7 oz. fin 1.00 DO" 2.29" ýing 10W30 Quaker State Oul 1 quart GIad Home & Garden P.0Bags Dec Butter Tarts Pkg. of 6 (Availabie until May 28 only) Mazola No Stick Del Monte Stewed Tomatoes 191 MoZ Ii Gofd Reef Choice Peach Halves or Peach Slices 28fil ozn lin Assorted Flavours Frozen SARA LEE LAYER CAKES 13 OZ. PKG. Assorted Flavours C ARLTON CLUB SOFT DRINKS CASE OF 24x1O FL. OZ. TIN 217 Coca-cola Envir? ,ac 10 Plus 1.50 Deposit Assored Faours of Soft Drinks (except Cola> 6s0 I oz. refurnabie bSf1 HuntsKr Tomato SauceU ~Jc Liquid 57c JOY 85cDetergent 5c24 fl.oz.btl. Dec rday, prices as Iow as, or loe than any, other major food -chain. Plus over 250, weekly specials. ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY 251TO MAY 31,.1977, EXCEPT WHERE INOICATED OTHERWISE, N METRO TORONTO MISSISSAUGA e OAKVILLE e THORNHILL e BRAMPTON e MALTON - WE RESERVF THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. o Pony Tail Wrap Champain WHITE SLICED BREAD 24 OZ. LOAF i 1 1 ýla [SPEC Umm mum - 1 1 1 1 1