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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 May 1977, Section 2, p. 8

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8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. May 25, 1977 Section Two WMS Preshayterial Speaker TelisMeeting min rNorwood About Riverdale Hospital Riverdale Chronic and Con- valescent Hospital in Toronto houses a large number of painswho need love and a iteigear. Miss- Catherine Watson, Hospital Visitor for the Women's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church in Canada (W.D.) is endeavouring to meet these needs. She is being accepted by many with a growing trust and frîendship and opportun- ities ta be of service. If rejected, she respects the wishes of the patient but stands ready ta show love in any way that opens. Visiting rules are those laid down in 1 Peter 3:8,9. Riverdale Hoas- pital has 780 beds and Miss Watson bas been visiting there since November 1975, stated Miss Eva Weir who întroduced the speaker ta the ladies attendingthe Semi-Annual meeting of Peterborough Preshyterial at St. Andrew's Church in Norwood on May 4th, 1977. Miss Watson was thanked by the President, Mrs. A.W. Allan, for her enlightening address. There were 75 ladies present and after the President opened the meeting with prayer, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Larmer, and Mrs. O'Neill of Millbrook led the Worship Service. The theme of the day was "Serving Through Love" and the Scrîpture verse Romans 7:6. The Worship Service pointed up the fact that "Duty does things well, love does it beautifully." Prayer was requested for those who were ili or tempor- arily incapaitated; the Randaîl family, Cobourg: Mr. Roger Roberts, Peterborough, and Mrs. Toombs, Campbell- ford. Minutes of the Annual meeting were read by Eva Weir and reports given. The Youth Secretary, Mrs. J.S. Gilchrist of Bowmanville, pointed out the need for greater effort to reach the youth of the Church. t was requested that il a.m. each day be a time of prayer by al members for the youth, new leaders and ahl W.M.S. work- ers. The Literature Secretary, Mrs. D. Fernhout of Cobourg, recommended a number of books. The Toronto Kingston Synodical meeting was held in Islington April 26th and 27th and was attended by Ann Endicott, Carol Knapper, Ruth Kee, Mr. A. MacKenzie and Mrs. A.W. Allan, each of' whom reported a section of the proceedings. Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Hay'also attended.,, After lunch nicely served by the Norwood ladies, Rev. J.A. Neilson brought Greetings from the Prçsbytery, and Mrs. Fitzsimons from the Councii, Executive. Mrs. Endicott, Regional Chaîrman, enlarged on the duties of the three Secretaries of the newly formed three regions and gave their areas of responsibility. It was decided ta try the new plan for two years instead of one so a fair assessment of the resuits could be made. Mrs. Karen Timbers, Resource Person, outlined some rec- ommendations for Youth work, which was followed by a discussion. Mrs. Glenn Hay presenýted the financial report. An inspirational solo was beautifully rendered by Mrs. Barbara Bitten of Norwood. Members of the Marion Ewart Grouip of Cobourg received the offering. Following Miss Watson's address, the Cour- tesies report was given by Mrs. Glover of Warkworth and the meeting was losed with Prayer offered by Mrs. Thompson of Millbrook. Future meetings«o interest are slated as follows: Ful Executive meeting, June 8th, 1977, 10 a.m. at the home of Mrs. Roger Roberts, Fal Rally, September 28th, 1977, 7:30 p.m. at Hastings; Syno- dical Semi-Annual, October 4th and 5th, 1977 starting 2 p.m. October 4th Saturday at St. Mark's, Toronto, Sunday, Leaside Church. Registration $2500 încluding meals. No overnight accommodation supplied. Theme, "Bridge the Gap." Legion Ladies Aux. Holds Bowling and Dart Banquet The Legion Hall was the setting for the Bowling and Dart League Banquet on Saturday, May 7th. Bowling President, Denise Annaert welcomed everyane and Branch President, Stan Dunn was asked ta propose the Toast to Our Queen. Llew Burton said Grace and Con- venor Dot Richards and her helpers served a tasty ham with pineapple sauce and scalloped potato dinner. Fol- lowing dinner, Dart League President, Linda Downey in- -troduced the Head Table and Maurie Annaert thanked the ladies for the catering. Bowling Awards lst Schedule Winners and Champs for 1976-77 were Joan Sutcliffe, Capt., Lola Wright, Diane Howarth, Jean Burton, Linda Downey and June Saunders, presented by Denise Annaert. 2pd Schedule Ontario MINISTRY 0F CONSUMER AND, COMMERCIAL RELATIONS THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT, 1975 NOTICE 0F SPECIAL ýMEETING TAKE NOTICE THAT a Special Meeting of' The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario wîil be held at THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION HALL,BV~7 MURRAY STREET, PETE R 0R GH, ON TARIO, on THURSDAY, JUNE 9th, 1977, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon, at whicf' time- the Board wilI hear applications for new licences in accordance with The Lîquor Licence Acf, 1975 and Regulationo thereunder. The following establishment han applied for a licenc.e of the type indicated, and the application will be entertained at the aforementîoned location and tîme. King Garden Restaurant 73 King Street East Town of Newcastle Diniag Lounge Licence AND FURTHER T1AKE NOTICE that any par- son who is resîdenitin the munîcipalîty and oblecto to any application rnay file the grounds of object ion in person at the lime and place of the meeting or in wrîtîng f0: Executive Director, Lîquor Licence Board of Ontario, 55 Lakeohore Boulevard East, TORONTO, Ontario. M5E lA4. These are the three new members, of the Bowmanville Country Clubý staff who had their first major workout during Men's Opening Day on Saturday. In the centre is Len Nobleman, the club's professional, somewhat overshadowed here by his two younger and bigger helpers, -Winners and Runner-up 1976- 77 were Mary Gray, Capt., Bernice Terry, Irene Whitney, Jean Burton and Wendy Murdoch, presented by Nina Cowling. Law Team, lst schedule, was Virginia Fairey, Capt., June Baker, Bernice Partner, Nina Cowling, Megg Gibbs, Marg Allen, presented by Nyhi Sheehan. Low Team, 2nd Schedule, was Ann- Plazek,, Capt., Nancy Welsh, Grace Murdoch, Shelly Leddy and Carol Fowler, presented by Joan Sutcliffe. High Average for the ist and 2nd schedule was won by Joan Sutcliffe, with 226 and 230, presentatian by Stan Dunn. High Single for the lst Schedule, Nyhi Sheehan 355, and 2nd Schedule, Joan Sut- cliffe 367, presentatian by Eric Downey.- Llew Burton made the presentatian for, High Triple lst Schedule ta Virginia Fairey 826 and 2nd Schedule, Ann Plazek 810. Low Games for the lst Schedule was June Saunders with- 61 and Marg Allen with 53 for the 2nd Schedule and Maurice An- naert presented their prizes. Tom Zoras at left and Grant Humes, right. Zoras cornes from Toronto Hunt Club and Humes from Bay- view. Ail of them are eager to make Bowmanville CC the outstanding golf course in the area, and are working hard to achieve that goal. Mary Gray had the honour of, presenting the Most Improved, Bowler Award ta Hilda Sim- nick, who had a 170 fromn last year and ended with a 189 average for this year. Llew Burton presented the 275 Club winners, Denise Annaert, Vir-, ginia Fairey, Diane Howarth, Mel McNulty, Bernice Part- ner and Bernice Terry. The 300 Club, memnbers- received their, awards from Maurice Annaert, June Baker, Judy Bragg, Helen Dunn, Mary Gray, Ann Plazek, Nyhl Sheehan, Joan Sutcliffe, Nancy Welsh and Lofa Wright. The 700 Club members were June Baker, Judy Bragg, Helen Dunn, Mary Gray, Virginia Fairey, Bernice Part- ner, Ann Plazek, Nyhl Shee- han, Joan Sutcliffe, Nancy Welsh, Irene Whitney and Lola Wright. Presentations were made by Jean Burton. The last play-off night was for Hdden Scores and these were distributed by Joan Sutcliffe. Perfect Attendance prizes were won by Marg Allen, June Baker, Trixie Brown, Jean Burton, Nina Cowling, Mary Gray, Tessie Howells, Grace Murdoch, Bernice Partner, Hilda Sim- nick, Joan Sutcliffe and Irene Whitney. Stan Dunn was asked ta make the presenta- tians. Our league Treasurer, Jean Burton gave her report for 1976-77. Dart League Awards Team Champions were Nancy Cowles, Irene Whitney, Jane Paedon and Sheila Dad- son, --rresented by in.da Downey. League Runner-ups, were Nance Calmer, Linda Bates, Anne Berry and Bernice Partner, presented by Stan Dunn. Play-off Champs went ta Nance Clmer, Linda Bates, Anne Berry and Ber- nice Partner, presentation by Trixie Brown. Play-off Run- ner-ups were presented by Maurie Annaert ta Marg Perris, Trixie Brown, Grace Murdoch and Audrey Bate. Llew Burton presented the Team Basebaîl ta Nancy Midland Regiment-Reun ion CaIIs for a United 'Canada More than 200 Midland Regiment veterans and their wives Saturday evening drank a toast to a united Canada in an emotional display of soli- darity at the climax of a long day of nostalgie reminiscing with past comrades. It began in the afternoon with a haîf hour church service at St. John's Anglican Church on Pine Street, then the traditional march down- town under bright sunny skies ta the cenotaph on Queen Street for the traditional laying of the wreath for those who gave their lives. This was then followed by the march past on Walton street with Lieut. Col. P.J. Bigelow taking the salute along with Douglas Chesher of Port Hope and Bruce Hogarth of Pickering. Roy Burness, an adjutant in the Midland Regiment, who proposed the toast to a united Canada urged his fellow veterans to remember that this was a time for patience, and not passion. He recalled' that when they were building the Midland Railway in 1871 there was a house built in Port Hope at the time that had these long windows known as French windows. He had lived Clowes, Irene Whitney, Jane Paedon and Sheila Dadson. Linda Bates was presented trophies for High Single, Hîgh Basebal1 Inning, High Base- ball 9 Innings and Most Outs. Most Ins was won by Trixie Brown. Nance Calmer and Grace Murdoch made these presentations. Eric Downey presented Nancy Clowes with a trophy for her Hîgh Basebal Average of 198 (13),. Art Sheehan had the honour of presenting the Skunks to Grace Murdoch, Nance Col- mer, Hilda Simnick, Mel McNulty and Cathy Simm. Stan Dunn ran the nomina- tions and elections for the 1977-78 Executives. The Bowl- ing League Executive is President Denise Annaert, lst Vice-President, Nina Cowling, Secretary Joan Sutcliffe, Treasurer Jean Burton, Ab- sentees Ann Plazek and Social Convenors Nyhi Sheehan and Mary Gray. The Dart League Executive is President Lînda Downey, Past-President Diane Howarth, lst Vice- President Nance Clowes, Treasurer Grace, Murdoch and Statistician Mary Gray. Draw prize winners were Linda Downey, flower ar- rangement .-Marg- Perris, stacking, stool 'Hilda Simnick, stacking s tool Linda Bates, fiower arrangement Virginia Fairey, flower arrangement Jane Paeden, stacking stool and Pat Barrett won a pin holder. Dance Musi9 was provided by The Big SOU of Carmen Shirk. Spot Dances were won by Denise Annaert and Jim Burton, lawn, chairs, Nancy and Roy Clowes, lawn chairs and Trixie and Bob Brown won the patio tables. in this house when he first came ta town. "When you looked outside the view was distorted and when you looked inside it was distorted, " he said. 1 think it is important that we do not pull the blind down on that window." he said, in calling for a toast for a, united Canada. Lieut. Col. P.J. Bigelow spoke about the Midland Regiment at -the Battle of Batoche. "Lt *as the first time in the history of this continent that an alI-Canadian colonel had led an ali-Canadian regi- ment into a campaign, " he said. "Please note that 1 caîl it a campaign," said Bigelow. "Lt was a whole campaign that lasted for months and was waged through Saskatchewan and Manitoba." he said. The speaker explained how Louis Riel, a half-breed had lead the Red River Jiebelliion in 1870, three years after confederation and had At- tacked Fort Garry and murdered many men includ- ing Thomas Scott, the editor of a local paper. Bigelow noted that Riel was pursued and the settlers forced him to fiee to the United States. "Not much was heard about hlm for 15 years," he saîd. Then Rieli organized the Metis Indians and some of the other tribes and they took over the while territory out there and declared himself independent of Canada." said Bigelow. This crisis of unity of the country occurred 92 years ago and brought out the: anger of' Eastern Ontario, he said. The counties of ýHastings,' Prince Edward, Victoria, Durham, Peterborough and the District of Haliburton began raising volunteers. The train started out from Belle- ville to Cobourg and then through Port Hope up the old, Midland railway line. "They had a terrible ordeal of hacking their way through the bush, " said Bigelow. "And portages were somnetimes almost vertical. Once they got out on the Prairie, there was stili the long March to the North. "The rebels infiicted heavy casualties to the regiment," recalled Bigelow. He pointed out this was thé first time the gattling gun was used in a war campaign in Canada. -Port Hope Guide Walk it to me! Automobile Insurance if your premium is high due f0: - Previous Accidents - No Provious Driving Experience -Traffic Violations ... then contact an insurance agency that MilI provide insurance for ail cars and drivers. Contact: LARRY SHANK 623-2527 Reid's SmaII Appiances Aut horized Sales and Service for HOOVER and PROCTOR-SILEX APPLIANCES Repairs to ail makes of vacuums a specialty. Free Pick Up and Delvery on Vacuum Cleaners TELEPHONE 623-6244 Hours: ý9: 00 a. m. to 5: 00 P. M. Monday through Fruday Saturday 9: 00a. 12 Noon 164 Base Line Road Unit 7 Bowmanville, Ontario ARE YOU*ELIGIBLE TO VOTE onThursday, June 9tIi? Qualified voters nmust be on the NEW List c& VOTE RS ini order to vote. t's up to YOU *to get on the lift! DO IT NOW! CHECK NOW- Do YOU have "Form 103"? A new List of Voters is compiled for every Election. By now you should have a receîpt (Form 103-see illustration)- proof that you have been enumerated and therefore are eligible ta vote. Take Form 103 wîth you fa the Polling Place when you go ta vote at the Advance Poli or on Election Day, ( June 9th ). Check Now- dYOU have fora=1P SRECORD YouareForm10 Yuaeeligible ta vote if you are 18 and overý aCanadian citizen or Brtish subject and have resided in Ontario for at Ieast the 12 months preceding Election Day, ( JUNE 9TH )and yaur name is on THE NEW LIST 0F VOTERS. ECHECK AGAIN-YOU HAVE NO "FORM 103"? Possîbly you were nof af home on the two separate 5 D occasions when the officiaI Enumerators cafled. If yo u do flot have a Form 103 (as illustrated), then you are flot on the new List of Voters and, therefore. will be inelîgible to vote on June 9th UNLESS YOU ACT NOW! IT'S YOUR LAST CHANCE. Epq CHECK-IN ORDER IcI VOTE-lT IS YOUR RE- SPONSIBILITYANO NO ONE ELSE'S TO GET YOUR NAME ON THE NEW LIST 0F VOTERS. ECHECK-PHONE the Returning Offîcer in your Electoral District for fhe necessary information of E]how f0 get on the List 0f the number listed below. Lîsten carefully and have a pen and paper ready ta lot down the information. ECHECK- RURAL RESIDENT? f you lve in a rural area, and are qualified ta vote, if wil be much easier for you f0 vote on Election Day, ( June 9f h ), if your name is on the List of Voters. However, qualified rural vof'ers, flot on the lisf before Election Day, may sf Il gel on the list and vote by having a friend or neighbour on the same polling subdivision lisf "vouch' for them on Oath at the polling place. Join Staff at Bowman ville Country Club Vande rgaast Roofing Contractors FOR YOUR FREE ESTIMATE ON NIEW OR RE-ROOFING Cl 623-7400 ý623-7659 1 Over 30 years experience. -WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED - NO Job f00 Big0 - No Job fao SmaII We Like to Do Them Ahiî NORMAN'S Entertainment Centre Zenith SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS TELEVISION - STEREO MODULARS RECORDS and TAPES Bowmanville Mail Oshawa 623-4535 1218 Simcoe N., 579-2411 Hours: Mon. - fi. 9 -9 Saturday 9- 6 "We're Not Big ... Just the Bèest" OPENING "Te Book Mii HARD and SOFT COVER plus YOUR FAVOURITE MAGAZINES Owned and Operated by THE SMITHI BROS. 19 Temperance St. Bowmanville TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE Take Notiïce That: WHEREAS the Old Kirby one room public school buildings and property situated at the junction of High- way 115 and Concession 7 of the former Township of Clarke, now in the, Town of Newcastle, has a very significanti historical and architectural value and inîterest to the Town of Newcastle and its peop le, in that it is of original frame construction, will be 100 years old in 1978 and is one of the Iasf remaining one room school bouses in ifs original stafe in the Town of Newcastle; AND WHEREAS fhe' Local Architectural Conserva- tion Advisory Committee of fthe Town of Newcastle has recommended thaf the OlId Kirby one room public school buildings and properfy be 'designafed properfy' under the ferms of the Ontario Heritage Act; THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcast le intends to designate the Old Kirby School as a 'designafed properfy' under Section 29, subsections 1 - 4 of the Ontario Heritage Act, 1974. Any person may, wif'hin 30 days affer the, date of this Notice, deliver f0 the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle notice of his objection te this intention together with a stafement of bis reasons for objecting and specifically defailing why the property should nlot be designafed. The last day for filing wiIt be the.l7th day of June, 1977. DATED AT THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE thisl8th day of May, 1977. J. -M. McILROY, A.M.C.T. Clerk, 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Onfario. LiC 3A6

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