M-iss Karlyn McDonald, Vancouver, B.C. on Monday phoned her mother, Mrs. Hlugh MeDonald a patient at Memorial Hospital. Durhamn College 1977 Convo- cation will take place this Saturday, May 28th, at Osh- awa C ivic Centre, starting at 1 p.m. Some 5,200,000 trees have been lifted and shipped out, during the last four weeks from the Orono Tree Nursery. 75 per cent of these trees are retl pi ne, white pi ne, and white spruce, and wiLl be planted in the Lindsay, Tweed and Na- panee areas. The trees are from two to three years oid when lifted and ready for transplaating on a permanent basis. Radio station CHOO is now operating under new owner- ship. Effective immediately, news reports will be scheduled at the top of the hour, with additional newscasts on the haîf-hour through the morning and evening drive time. New, equipment will be installed in the studio, and the transmit- ting facilities will also be improved to provide a better signal in the Ajax, Pickering, Whitby, Oshawa and sur- r-ouniding areas. The music format at CHOO0 will remain basically unchanged, how- ever, ail foreign language will be discontinued as soon as possible. For additional infor- mation phone 416-683-4131. The 54th Wintario Draw, and the fourth special million dollar bonus draw, will be televised live from the Georgetown Memorial Arena on Thursday, May 26th at 9: 00 p.m. Along with the regular draw for five grand prizes each worth $100,000 and thou- sands of other prizes, an adiinal one million dollars coûnsisting of 100 prizes worth of $10,000 each will be avail- able in the fourth Wîntario Bonus draw. Next draw will be from Penetanguishene on June 9th. Congratulations to "Bud" Rolph of Orono, who celebrat- ed his 89th, recently. Robert Cameron of Tyrone informs us he has found a set of six! keys, -which owner may have b)y phoniing 263-2536. They are on a bMue and yellow key ring. There was mucýh exýcitemnent !;t the Bowmaniviile Zoo on Saturday whna buffalo gave birth to a baby; buffalo. Several visitors to the zoo at the timie witniessed the birth ai-d founîd it quite exciting and thrilliag to see the newborn actually arrive and to toddle around on wobbly legs in a short time. The Otario Humirrane Socle- ty will operate a baby sitting service for pets, "Pet Park", at the Metro Toronto Zoo this summer as a public service to pet owners visitîng thè zoo, starting June 8th. The service, is provided to help prevent the suf focation of pets left ia over- heated parked cars during the summier months. In receat sumrmers, animais have died horrible deaths as a result of being locked in cars. Summer is upon'us and listed are recommended lengths of exposures to ensure against sunburn. Fair skin: lst day - 15 min.; 2nd day - 25 min.; 3rd day - 30 min. Medium skia: lst day - 20 min.; 2nd day - 30 min., 3rd day - 35 min. Dark skia: lst day 25 min., 2ad day - 35 min., 3rd day - 40 min. Give your menu a new twist. Try this recipe for soup on ice. Chilled Broccoli Soup (Makes Six 1/2 Cups) 4 cups (about one pound) chopped fresh broccoli (x) 2 cups water 2 beef bouillon cubes 12 cup chopped celery 1/ cup chopped onion 3 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon sait 1 cup Carnation instant skim milk power 2r/4 cups water Place broccoli, 2 cups wat- er, beef bouillon cubes, celery, onion, butter and sait in large saucepan. Heat to boiling. Cover and cook 10 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Pour haîf of mixture into blender container. Cover and blend untîl smooth. Pour into large bowl. Blead remaiaing mixture and add to bowl. Mix skim milk powder and 21/4 cups water. Gradually stir into soup. Chill thoroughly before serving. (x) Two l-ounce packages thawe4 well-draiaed frozen chopped broccoli may be sub- stituted for the fresh broccoli. The. Town of Newcastle Council has agreed to pay $25,00 for the old Kirby School, and will apply for any grants that will be available. The building will be used for museum purposes by the Clarke Museum Board and for educational purposes. The Newcastle Lions Club has been given permission by the Northumberland and New- castle Board of Education to construct three paved tennis courts at the Newcastle Public School. The cost of the project to be carried by the Lions Club and built to the Board's specifications. The.- Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education announced this week that Mr. Douglas C. D. Sifton has been appointed to its senior staff as an Area Superintendent to replace Mr. J. Walling Reid who will be retiring at the end of August. Mr. Sifton brings a broad background of educa- tional experience to the posi- tion. He has served as a teacher. in both the elemen- tary and secondary panels, as a master in the Hamilton Teachers' Coliege, as an inspector of schoois, and for the past eight years as a suipervisory officer .with The Oxford County Board of Edu- cation. His experience also includes service on the execu- tive of a number of ýprofessio- nal bodies and local organiza- tions. Mr. and Mrs. Sifton and their famiiy will take up residence within Northumber- land and Newcastle THE BAHA'I HU 1 CAUSE i man v CI .A. S g Trul'sRd.(DalintonT5)725360 725-3872 Firs t A nniversary Servùw*es Sunday, May 29th Special Guest Speaker REV. CLAUDE HORTON Choir Singing - Other Special Activities 10Oa.m. - Sunday School 11 a.m. -Morning Service of Praise 7 p.m. - Sunday evening Fellowship Rally Pentecostal Church 75 LIBERTY STREET SOUTH i Sunday Services 9:5 15 a. i 11: 00 a. m. 7: 00 p.mn. >ch( e rvi ervi fi( Mid Week Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Youfh Meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p.mn. Bible Study A Welcome for You in a Friendly Church )0 ce ce Peterborough Music Festival judges gave high marks to Mitchell's Corners Primary Choir, leaving the school with second place in their category of the competition. The students from The Mitchell's Corners Public School Junior Choir showed fine resuits in their performances at the Peterborough and Oshawa music festivals this year. The choir, comprised of students from Tri9nityCurchObs< Christian FamilaS By L.A. MacDougal- The morning service at Trinity United Church, Sun- day, May 8, had an expanded agenda, eacompassing gifts to missions, dedication- of memorial mirrors, Sacraînent of Baptism-a traditional part of the service on Mother's Day. The minister, the Rev. John Peters conducted the service. Groups presenting mission gifts included C.G.I.T., Mrs. Howard Anyan, leader, Mes- sengers, Mrs. Gordon Barrie, Mrs. Len Carlson, leaders; Explorers, Mrs. John Logan, Mrs. Don Austin, leaders.. Music Director John Crook- shank successfully recruited former male> members of the choir, and others to augment the regulars in this section and together, contributed a number, "Lord of Light" and showed the almost capacity congregation that time has not dulled their ability to contrib- St. P'aul's United- Minister: Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M. Div. q. Organist: Gerald K. Burgess Sunday, May 29th, 1977 11:00a.m. Morning Worship "WHY NOT the BEST?" Sunday, June5th Sacra ment of Holy Bapfism Parents are invited to bring their children to our modern Pty and Learn Nursery while they worship. Church at Division St.0 SUNDAY, MAY 29, 1977 Off ice 623-3138 11 arn. - Toddlers and Nursery Care Ill 5 am.-4 to 8year-olds lla.m.-WORSHIP SERVICE -Sermon - "Wind and Fire" A Warm Welcome for Everyone Trinity Spring Concert Sunday, May 29, 8 p.m. Music under dirction of John Crookshank and wilI include selectrions by Trinity Church Choir, guest soloists, 'Golden Legionaires, Bowmanvjlle High Shool Musicians. Items of Interest Phione 623-3303 grades one to three were directed by Mrs. Lois, Yellowýlees (right), Mrs. Rita Klompmaker (left) and Rosemary Merkley. grades four to six, came back from Peterboroug h as second place winners among the other groups competing. The choir is under the direction of Mrs. Lynda Nelson, shown above on the left. ervessented Memorial mirrors for dedication by Rev. John Peters. Two mirrors were donated in memory of Mrs. w da yOrville Osborne by her ute their musical talents. A Mrs. Harold Hammond and number of ladies from the family, Mr. and Mrs. Alex senior choir assisted during Wight and family. They are in singing of the hymns. the west and centre entrances, Rev. John Peters spoke and the U.C.W. donated one briefly on "The Gap That for the east door. Isn't", showing that pol Sacrament of Baptism are more tolerant now thni The folloking ýchildren were the past, both in social and welcomed into the fellowship church activities, and the of Christ's church and Trinity genraionga, hpeull wllcongregation by Baptism: become history. DrrenJamesR.son fMr.and Dedication of Mirrors Ms ae li;Dn Morly Wason on ehal ofAndrews, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morey atsn, n bhaî ofWayne D. Barrett; Rebecca Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J UNE ,John Bothwell; Christian Martin Brownell; Jane Eliza- VOTEbeth, daughter of Mr. and Leigh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joan DoW n evy Martin Brownell; Toa William, son of Mr. and Mrs. L IB ERA L Jeffrey Cookson; Alison Lee, Durham East daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Your alternative f0 Robert enard; Michelle Lyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. NDP'ismn and Robert Denard; Ileather Davis lawyers. Alayne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.Douglas; Timothy TE WIoN N ERPt0F-T H E ZENTHPORTABLE BLCK and WH ITE TV af Ellioff's-Decorating Centre is Numbe 372, The Draw was made by the Merchandisîng Manager of Top Drug Ma rt Elliott's Dcrtn Centre BawmnileMai The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 25, 1977 7 Primary Choir AchievesHigh Marks at Festival You are invited fa meef your Progressive Conservafive Candidafe Sam Cureatz Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs. John HallowelI; Amanda Adelaide, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hancock; Robert John, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harness; Andrea Erin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald MeMullen; Jody Loreen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Richards; Julie Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs., Lyle Wichman; Andrew Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams; Dawn Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Williams. Mrs. Earl Thompson and Jack Munday assisted Rev. Peters. BUCKLE-UP FOR S AF ETY cottage at the lake. EAST ata Wine and CheeseParty Lions Communfity Centre Beech Avenue - Bowmanville I.D.A.e 44th Birthday SPECIALS CLOSE-UP "BETTY-bU" TOOTPASTE COSMETIC BAG 25 ml. 2 FOR 44c 88c While Quantifies Las t Assorted Floral Patterns 1. D. A. 7 PIECE BATHROOM TISSUE BEVERAGE SET White Twin Pack ONLY 44c $3e8-8 GARBAGE BAGS COLGATE PACK 0F 10 26" x 36" TOGTHASTE 44c- Leakproof 150 ml. 4 - Odour Free SPCA99 While Quantities basf While Quantifies bast COOL-RAY POLARIZED OND SUNGLASSES- ALLERGY FORMULA 25OF Sggested List SPANSU LES Latest Fashions and Styles $j ,44 in, Men's, Ladies and for 12's Clip Ons 3 PIECE BARBEQUE TOOL SET FACIAL TISSUES 99C 200 2-PLY Chrome-Plated Tong, F0OR$1e44 Fork and Turner with3 ONLY White Wood Handie TABLE-TOP 1. D.A. BARBEQUE GRILL TOOTHBRUSHES $2@77 44 EACH Soff Medium Hard ALEX MleGREGCO-R DRUGYS 5 Kîng St. W. 623-5792 Bowmanvi lie1 25 Years Ago Thursday, May 22nd, 1952 An overheated oul burner is held responsibie for a chimney fire at Murphy's Appliance Store about 2 p.m. Thursday. Firemen, brought it under control without difficulty. James W. Brown, third year student at O.A.C. Guelph will assist E.A. Summer's in Durham County this summer in the Agricultural Dept. Karlie Ana Palmer and Gail Bagnell staged a duet number in graceful ballet style at the Junior Variety Minstrel Show held la the Opera House last Wednesday. Moonlight Bay was sung by Gwea Kane and Mervin Blight. The Vote on the establish- ment of a liquor store and brewers' warehouse in Bow- manvilie, will be taken Wed- nesday, July 16. Kmn Lionel Parker reported on Tuesday evening at the regular Kinsmen meeting held at the Balmoral Hotel on the 1952 Chevrolets are selling well. In the Dim and Distant Past Thursday, May 24th, 1928 Salemf Sunday School Anni- versary services will, be held on Sunday, June 3rd. Rev. Milton Sanderson, Birch Cliff will preach. Eldad'Sunday School Anai- versary will be held on Sunday, May 27th. Rev. P.L. Jull of Brooklin, will preach. The 23rd Toronto :Troop Leaders and Senior Scouts visited the lst Bowmanville Boy Scouts last Wednesday. At the conclusion of the eveaiag the whole party, numberiag 41, adjourned to Corbett's Parlors, where a delicious lunch was served by Mr. Percy Corbett. Mr. Clarence Ferguson leaves shortly for the United Church Mission Fields in Erafold, Sask., and Mr. Mer- rill Ferguson, to Spriag Val- ley, Sask. for four months. Both are atteading Victoria Coilege. Mr. J.W. Miller bas pur- chased the new brick resi- dence at the head of Carlisle Avenue from Jas. E. Flett, who has taken over the Miller Mitchell's Corners Junior Choir Successful at Festival Bowmanville ......Sunday5 .....Worship SE Evangelisfic SE 9*w&kýýl ýýý