12 The Canadian Statesmari, Bowmaný,ille, June 15, 1977 SuDfer o eheld hv nnv-.. . --, - . TT-0 .., Mrs. Tlnr,-nepo1.Tn~T, REALTOR S623-4428 181 Church ~YI~j~J.L~ Street REAL ESTATE LIMITED Bowmanville ORONO- Beautifuî lot wîth this 4 bediroom f rame home. Large living roomn and dining room. Prîced at $48,900.00. HILL TOP view from this attractive 2 bedroom country bungalow on 1 acre wlth lots of trees and lots of prlvacy. Full asment with rec room, double garage. Newcastle area. OnIy $43,900.00. NEED A LARGE 3 bedroomn well kepthome for $37,900.00 on 53 x 170 lot? Then look at this newly aluminumn sided home in Bowmanville. LARGE EAT-IN KITCHEN plus dining roomn in this 4 yr. old brick bungalow with garage, 2 patios, completely fenced yard and view of Lake Ontario. HERE IT IS - $33,900.00 - 3 bedroom bungalow on 66 x 165 ft. lot. Good basement with 3 extra rooms, 3 pc. and 1 pc. bath. ln Newcastle. $49,900.00 - 2 bedroom brick bungalow, large living and dinfing room, beautifully cfcoratedi, garage, Bowmanville. Zoned commercial. $2,000.00 DOWN? Exceptional 3 be droomn semi, dining room with sliding doors, 11/2 baths, attached garage. L - Bowmanville. $43,900.00. 118 King Street Eastm Bowmanvi lie623-2967 COUNTRY LIVING - ten acres with large 3 bedroom, brick bungalow, separate dining room, waf k out basement, double garage. Plenty of bush onp roperi y, creek at rear. Asking $94,900. Try your off er. 10 ACRE building lot, corner property, high and dry, excellent, view, ýonly 15 minutes from Bowmanville. Asking 531,900. SIDE SPLIT - in the country, 3 bedroom separate dn ng room, large family room with stone fireplace, other fine qualifies in this home, Asking $68,000. Terms. Caîl and see ittoday. LISTINGS - needed for homes, lots,'acreage and farms. Thinking of'selling then cal us for a private interview. *OWMANVILLE ORONO 623.-3393 983-9547 BOWMANVILLE OUTSKIRTS Super exetutive home on 70' x 250' lot. Large kitchen with walkouttodeck. Large dining room, sunken living room with fireplace. 4 bedrooms, tinished family room with fireplace. Double garage. Ail for $82,900. Terms. Cali Bull TuransKcy or Ken Brown. BOWMANVILLE 8?/4 pe r cent existing mortgage on this 3 bedroom home wîth family room and Frank in fîreplace. Large bright kitchen. Excellent location. Ail for $49,500. Terms. CalBill Turansky. KENDAL HILLS - 10 acres High, scenic and rolling land. Close to Ganaraska Forest. Perfect homesite on good road. Asking 533,500. Terms. Cal Bill Turansky. NEWCASTLE - SUPER BUNGALOW 3 bedroomswith finished rec room, fireplace, double attached gara ge. Extra large lot. Asking $65,900. T erms. Cal1 Ken Brown. BOWMIANVILLE - NORTH END 4 bedr ooms, 11V2 baths. Attached garage. Asking only $57,500. Terms. Cali Ken Brown. ORONO - e48,900 Attractive 3 bedroom bungalow situated on lot 75' x 110. Yard compîetely fenced. Home is electrically heated and features 4th bedroom in basement and cedar deck at rear of home. Cal Bill Morrison Jr. '275, ACRES - 2 STREAMS Warkworth area. Scenic, rollinc land with 2 fast, flowing trout strêams with good pond sites - about one third wooded. One of the finest retreat properties we have had for sale for some time. Asking only $100,000. with $25,000. dlown. Balance at 9 per cent. CalAllan Frank, BOWMANVILLE - HETHERINGTON DRIVE Lovely 3 bedroom sidesplit situated on large lot 66' x 129'. Features electric heat, family room with fireplace and walkout patio doors. Asking $61,900. Terms. Cali Bill Morrison Sr. BOWMANVIILLE - $2500 DOWN Roomy, 2 storey, 3 bedroom brick semi. Close to schools and shopping. Full price only $35,000. Cali Albert Kerek es. Coast le coam PONTYPOOL Approximately 30 interested citizens were present on Wednesday evening in the Pontypool Community Centre at a meeting arranged by the Planning Board- of the County of Victoria. This was the first of a series of public participa- tion meetings to be held throughout the county. Plan- ning director, Dave Johnston, was chairman for the evening, and explained with the use of maDs. etc. three alternative growth strategies that have been prepared after careful study. by the County of, Victoria Planning Board. When the process of preparing a County Official Plan is completed further meetings will be held. One of these meetings is to be held in Grandview School some time in August, definite date to be announced later. See Coming Events for announcement of Salad PRIVATE SALE Newcastle - 3 bedroomn brick bungalow with carport ohî large 87 x 255 ft. lot, in town. Mature trees, cedar hedge and many other extra s. Asking $"19,900 Cail 987-5468, PRIVATE SALE Two-storey aider homne, 3 bed- rooms, living room and separate dining room, Choice location in country village. School bus at, the door. Lot size 165, x 132". Te lephone 263-2307. uuowrnvuiig -- O3v ii NEWTONVILLE - 3 bedroom brick bungalow with la rge kitchen and family room. Double garage and above ground 16' x 32' pool, situated on nicely landscaped and, hed ged lot with extra surveyed lot beside. C ail for information. APSLEY AREA - new 3 bedroom cedar cottage with gara ge, sundecks, broadloom throughout and com- pletelIy winterized. Ideal retirement home, overlooking Jack Lake, asking $45,000. ,àANETVILLE - 3 bedroom side--spit with 1Il'-2 baths," rec room, fireplace, large sun-deck and attached garage on lot 105' x 230'. Asking $49,500. Vendors anxious. COURTICE AREA - lovely aluminum siding bungalow with carport, separate D.R. and extra large living room, situated on nicely landscaped 88' x 495' lot. Close to school and minutes to downtown Oshawa. Caîl for information. BOWMANVILLE AREA '- 3 bedroom bungalow situated on about 1 acre with beautiful custom-built inground heated pool 16' x 32' ail fenced and landscaped with change house and toîlet, asking $64,000. OSHAWA - IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, 3 bedroomn semi with rec room and hardwood floors. Close ta Oshawa Centre, school and church. Asking $5,000 down to the new mortgage. LOOK AT THIS BEAUTY 3 bedroom backsplit, spacious family kitchen, separate di nin? with sliding glass doors to patio, family room wi!thf ireplace and bar, attached garage, a secluded setting close to Hwy. 401, school and shopping. Asking $58,900.00. Cali1 Ed Jeans 623-7152 or 623-6622. COUNTRY PROPERTY 3 bedroom bungalow, Hollywood kitchen with built-in china cabinet in dining area, finished rec room, verFinda for summer relaxation, lot 75 x 125 plus an extra lot 99 x 159 severed and separately deeded. Listed at $52,500.00. Cal1 Ed Jeans 623-7152 or 623-6622. ANYONE FOR A SAUNA? This four bedroomn two storey has one as wehi as an attached garage, log burning tire place and a terrific location on a quiet Bowmanvil le crescent. Three minutes walking distance from shopping. Asking ,$55,500.00. Caîl Gord Barnes 623-6622 or 655-4940. NEWCASTLE Spacious sidesplit with a distinctive customn quality. Thnis home has 3 bedrooms, main floor family room, 2 fireplaces and 1-4 pc. and 1-2 pc. bath. Recently reduced to $58,500.00. An exceptionally nice home open today for your inspection. Cali Mary Pike 623-6622 or 623-6633. COUNTRY PROPERTY 4 bedroom home set in park-like surroundings, needs fam ly garage large enough for tamily car and bicycles, close to school, church and bus stop. Only $53,000.00. Cali Shirley Hogg 623-3500 or 623-6622. aupper u pe nea oy L on' pool United Church. Announcement of Ballyduff Decoration Service this Sun- day is also in Coming EVents. Rev. and Mrs. Ficko will be leaving the Bethany-Ponty- pooi charge at the end of the month in a move to the Graf ton-Castleton charge. They will be residing in Graf ton. We will miss them both very much. Gordon, not only fulfilled his duties as a minister, but was also often called upon to provide trans- portation for someone requir- ing a lift. Helen was a wonderful help) in our choir and the work of our U.C.W., Our very best wishes accomp- anythem in their move. Weekend visitors with the Laverne Finneys were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ellsworth and family of Kingston. Mr., and Mrs. Don Gliddon and family 'of Gravenhurst spent the weekend with the Barrie Sytnyks'. Sunday callers with the Lloyd Clarks were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Clark and family of Paisley, Laverne and Tony Clark, Mrs. David Lowes,, Winston, Richard, Allan, Kathleen and Laurie Anne Pv'RIVATE SALE BOWMAN VILLE Three bedroom, 1 1/2 baths sidesplit on Parkway Crescent, family room with bar and fireplace. Beautifully Iandscaped lot cedar hedge in bock. Close, to schools. Asking $6 1,000. Phone 623-2802. No Agents., REAL ESTATE LIMITED REALTOR 623-6121 RAVINE LOTS - Cole Avenue, 2 to choose from, a 4 bedroomn sidesplit, with fireplaces, rec roomf, walk-out basement and s'undec k, $66,900.00 and a customn bulît bungalow, broadloomn throughout, sliding glass doors to patio, attached garage, $66,500.K0 COMMERCIAL - on Bowmanville's main street, 2 stores and 3 apartments; also a century home ideal for lawyers, accountants or the small businessman, priced at $165,000.00 and $57,500.00. N EWTONVI LL E - almost 2 acres, 4 bedroomn brick bungalow, barn 40' x 24', ideal for horses or the hobby farmer. Ask ing $69,900.00. 52 King St. West Bowmanville, 623-2453 AFFORDABLE HOME - 4 bedrooms, bright living room, nice dining room, family size kitchen, 3 piece bath, 2 enclosed porches. On a nice lot near, school in a nice neighbourhood. Excellent value at $44,900. Terms aval lable. WANTED FOR CASH BUYER - A junior executive type ýhome. Must be in a good area, have 1 or 2 car garage, dining room, etc. Wanted for faîl occupancy. Please call Mr. Kowal. After Hours Sam Annis 623-7664 Peter Kowaî Jr. 623-5868 137 King St. Phone East 623-7694é Bowmanville I j j 1 623-7661 $49,900 for this 3 bedroom brick and alumin'um bunga- low with large kitchen, rec room, lot 75 x 200. Must be seen. NEWTONVILLE, ONLY $1,500 down for this cozy 2 bedroom brick bungalow, very neat and dlean, no qualifying for mortgage. Asking only 532,900. COUNTRY LIVING, JUST REDUCED TO $53,900, 4 bedroom brick home, living room with fireplace, double garage, large treed lot 75 x 218, make an offer. $69,900 for this 3 bedroom bungalow in Bowmanville, garage, good corner lot, has good potential use as commercial property, lot 66 x 163. Must be seen. now a patient in Extendicare, Peterborough. Harrv and Frances Van- .Wierîn.gen,.Cliff, Yvonne and David Fallis spent the week- end in Kincardine with John and Elaine Vanieringen. A meeting-of the local Fire Department' and interested citizens is to be held on Thursday, June l6th at 8 p.m. in the local Community Centre. A well-attended Teen Dance was heldon Friday evening with proceeds for the Junior Girls bail team. Bert Grant provided good music for dancing. The last dance for the season for the Manvers Com- munity Centre and Arena Fund was held on Saturday night with the "Redwoods" providing excellent music, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bradley were guests over the weekend of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brown at their cottage near Campbellford. Local returns at last Thurs- day's election were: Poili 90-IEakins 59, McLauglllin 24, and Webster 47. Poli 90-A- Eakins 101, McLaughlin 40 and Webster 81. PolI 90 was the rural vote, with Poîl 90-A the village and subdivision. There were 533 eligible voters with 352 voting. Mr. and Mrs. George Van- Dam, Sr. visited with relatives in Brantford over the week- end. We were sorry to hear that Mrs. Fajt, Bessie's mother, had broken an arm in a fail. Bills are up for Pontypool's Fun Fair and Summerf est 1977. Special events scheduled are a cross-country run com- mencing at 6 p.m. on Friday with 2 trophies- being given by Doug Pingle. One is for 15 years and under and the other for 16 years and up. Those wishing to participate must register at Pontypool General Store prior to 6 p.m. on Friday, July lSth. On Satur- day there are to be several special events. Among them are a parade, The Kinsman 500, Tugs of War, Bethany vs Pontypool Generals bail game and special prizes for those in attendance. prizes for those in attendance. The store formerly opera ted,, by Jane and Gerrard Beauliet(. has re-opened and is now known as the "Gifts and Goods Variety." Lt is avery popular place with the girls and boys, as it handles twelve differenti flavours of ice cream cones. Groceries and many gift items may be purchased' A chip truck,, operated by - Mr. and Mrs. 'Jon Fisher, seems to be doing a thriving business especially on the weekends. The truck is parked on the Gaynor garage lot. Results of baîl games over the past week were Pontypool Generals defeated Scugog Is. and Nestleton; Richardson Farms defeated C. and F., Omemee but lost to Millbroolk 7-5; Sr, Girls lost to Bethany and won over Fraserville; Jr. Girls had a win on Tuesday but lost to Blackstock on Friday; Bantams lost a game to Cavan and Pee Wees won both their games, defeating Millbrook and Janetville. Sub- Trinity Church Celebrotes With SundaySchool Members, The congregation of Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, joined with its Sunday School on June l2th in a Sunday School Celebration. Each départment contrib- uted to the service. The children of the Primary, Kindergarten , and Beginners Departments sang and then those who were to remain in the same department were presented with a certificate to mark the completion of their year in Sunday School. Those being promoted marched in a graduation procession to the strains of "The Great Par- ade" sang by the Trinity Choir. The Junior Department, under the leadership of Jack Munday, presented a Living Scripture called "Jesus and the Children." The Intermediats took part in a Thanksgiving Litany assisted by their teacher Howard Anyan. Others taking part in the Service were Audrey Martin, chairperson of the Christian Education Committee; June Brown, superintendent of the Primary Department; Isobel Sweet- man, Superintendent of the Kindergarten Department; JoAnne James, Superintend- ent of the Beginners Depart- ment, Elaine Barber, General Superintendent, and Rev. John Peters. A highlight of the Service was the presentation to nine Trinity Cubs and Brownies of their Religion in Life Em- blems. As part of their project, the children contrib- uted to Participation House. Mrs. R. Campbell was there to receive their contribution, and to present them with pins. The following leaders presented the emblems: Mr. Clare, Mutton, Akela, 5th Bowman- ville Cub Pack, Mrs. Iris Down, Brown Owl, lst Bow- manville Brownie Pack, Mrs. B. Oke, Brown Owl, 2nd Bowmanville Brownie Pack and Mrs. Bey. Bryant, 5th. Bowmanville Brownie Pack., The children honoured were;> Doug Brown, Rob LeCost,, Bruce Cook, Danny Peters,ý. Merrillee Brown, Carolyn.- Hicks, Lee -Aitken, Jenniifer' Bayliss, Trisha Yeo. 'l n~e theme of the service. was the sharing of love within our church family. To symbol- ize this theme, the children of the Sunday School moved among the congregation, dis- tributing gifts that they had made in their classes. The children and the adults ail seemed to enjoy the service immensely. V(Our 1loss is your gain. eu Eveyiimng 0u oeped andihmnSomea WVNfAS H E R - Two Wash, Spin Speeds - Three Cycles - Normal - Permanent Press - Gentle - Easy Clean Filfer - Pump Guard - Variable Water Level Control - Five Position Wafer Temperature Contrat - Funnel-Type Bleach Dispenser -A9ifator-Mounted Fabric Soffener Dispenser -Heavy-Dut y Construction -Porcelaîn Top, Tub and Lid AVAILABLE AT 0 PRO C a--rnegie HARDWARE DRYER - Three Cycles - Custom Automatic Dry - Regular Permanent Press - Timed Dry - Regular - Permanent Press Cool Down Care - Three Position Tem perature Control - No Tumble Drying Rack - Heavy-Duty Construction - Porcelain Top $289.098 36 King St. E. Bowmanvillie R. "6BUD"1 ci-jrtue KEN HOCKIN- It E A V, ET TI LTD. REAUTOR BOWMANVILLE 623-4115 CONDOMINIUM - LOW DOWN PAYMENT 3 bedrooms, separate dining room, completely decorated, paved drive, garage, convenient location. Owner transferred -42,000. mâlzmmnwiummm6l L-- .... .. . ...