ANDERSON - Larry and Joan (nee Avery) are pleased ta announce the arrivai of their daughter Julie Lynn, born June 2, 1977, at Oshawa Generai Hospitalweighing 7 lbs. il ozs. Podgrandpar- ents are Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Anderson and Mrs. ladys Avery ail of Oshawa. "ýSpecîal thanks ta Dr. G.C. Fi nch and maternity staff of the 4th and 5th finorr BOTHWELL - Don ana Sherry< are pleased ta an- nounce the birth of their davghter, CassandraJane, 6 lb. 71/2 oz. 'on June 1, 1977. A sister for Adam. Many thanks fa Dr. Hubbard and hospital staff. 24-1 HENDRY - Jim and Sandra (Hall) are pleased to an- nounice the birth of, their daughfer Ailsa-Margaret Lii- lhan, June 3, 1977, a sister for Alexandra. Sroecial thanks ta Dr. Sylvester, Dr. Westgarth and the excellent nursing-care given b y Miss Sparrow and her staff at Memorial Hos- pifaI, Bowmanviiie. Proud g randiparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hendry, Bow- manville and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hall, Picton. 24-1 SAMIS - Albert and Diane are ha ppy ta announce the arriva i of twin daughters Adrienne Marie and Lisa Christine, born May 27, 1977 at Oshawa General Hospital. Special thanks ta Dr. Mar- gai'et Bain and the staff of the foi.4rth and fifth f loors. SCOTT - Robert and Sophia (née van dem Werf) are happy ta 'announice the birtlh of their baby boy, Justin Patrick an June 2, 197, a baby brother for~ Lorraine. Speciai thanks ta Dr. J.A. Assing and maternity staff, Oshawa Generai Hos- pifai. 24-ix RIKE-- Ken and Cathy (nee Butrns) are proud ta announce the birth of their daughter, Karen Christina, born June 11, 1977 weighing 10 lba. 1 oz. at Henderson Hospital, Hamil- ton. Grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. C hris Aibin, Mrs. Jean Rice, Mr. Jack Rice. Great grandpa rents are Mr. and ers. E don Turner, Oshawa; Mrs. Gladys Rice, Kingston; Mrs. Hannah Burns )d Mrs. Muriel Aibin, Bow- k-ýanviIIe. _ 24-1 x BELL - Carman Weatherlit at his home in Campbellcroft, Tuesday, June 14th, 1977. Carman Weatheriit Bell, beloved husband of Dorothy McMulien. Dear father of Jean (Mrs. Lyle Mater), Frankford, Joyce (Mrs. John Fergson) Jon Bell, Port Hop. Aso urvved byeleven ~randhilre. rother of rs.Aim BeiMarguerite (Mrs. Geraid Galbraith), Hilda, (Mrs. Russell Wright), and Clarence Bell. Friends may cail at the Ross Funeral Cha pel, Waitan Sf., Port Hope, Wedýnesday even ing, 7 - 9 p.m. Service in the chapel Thurs- dayt at 2 p.m. Interment Welcome Church Cemetery. In memoriam donations to Welcome Church A.O.T.S. or ta the charity of your criice wauld be appreciated. 24-1 FLOWERS BY JACKMAN Bowmanville Mall 623-3365 'PROMPT, COURTOS SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR FLORAL NEEDS Mr. and Mrs. John O0 Bairstow are pleased ta announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughfer Sharon Ann ta Gar y Norman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bickle of Oshawa. Wedding ta take place July 30, 1977 at 4 p.m. in Orono U nitedl Church. 24-1 x Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hock- aday, Sauina, are pleased ta announce the forthcoming marriage 0ftheir daughter Elizabeth Jean May ta George Allan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant-Franklin, Brooklin. The wedding f0 take place July 23rd, 1977 at 4 p.m. in' Eldad United Church, Solina. 24-1 x Mr. and Mrs. Don Kennedy of Bowmanville are pleased fa announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Rosemary, Yandon ta Peter Mark, son of Mrs. Joyce Dubyk and the, late Mr. Peter Dubyk of Oshawa. Marriage ta take place July 9, 1977 at 3:00 p.m. at S t. Luke's Presbyterian Church, Osh- awa. 24-1 x Mr. and Mrs. J. McFarlane are pleased ta announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, 1rene to Paul, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Gould. The marriage will take place June 18, 1977 at 4 p.m. in Trinity United Church. 24-1, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Smith, Hampton, are p lea sed ta announce the forthcom ing marriage of their eldest daughter, Sheryl Ann, to Alan Glover, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Glover, Bowmanville, Saturday, July 16th at three o'clock in Hampton United Church. 24-1 x The tamily of Lawrence and Elizabeth White invite friends, neighbours and family ta a reception ta celebrate- their 50th wedding anniversary held at the Ebenezer Christian Education Centre, Saturday, June 18, 1:30 - 5:30 p.m. Best wishes only. 23-2x HIGGON - William David. On June lth, 1977, beioved husband of Roberta, father of Berta, David and Heidi. Dave left many beautiful memories ta his fa mîiy and friends and by his awn wish shahl be cremated.- There wiii be no funerai service. For further information friends may cail Norfhcutt Eiliott Funeral Home, 623-5668. 24-1 "Flowers with Feeling' For any Occasion 623-3377 Sundays and Holidays Bey 983-5811 Ruth 623-7 SF lower Say it Best" VAN BELLE RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Established 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street . . Port Hope, Ontario LIA3W3 WORXMANSHIP - QUALITY High Quality atj Phono 885-5216 I Home 885-5222 L 24-tt Miss Anita Truli of Ennis- mare and Robert Hayes af Omemee are announcing their engagement and upcoming marriage. The wedding ta be heid an August l3th at Chemong Lake. Miss Truli is the dau hter of Mr. and Mrs Lewis Truil, the future bride- groom is the son of Mr. James Hayes and the late Betty Hayes. 24-1 Mr. and Mrs. John Welsh are pieased ta announce the engagement of their aniy daughter, Jili Christine ta John Joseph Pearson, son of Mrs. Archie Thornton and the late Leonard Pearson of Tren- tan. 'The marriage ta take place on Saturday, August 6th at 4:30 at Trinity United Church. 24-1 BEAUPRIE - In laving memory of a dear tather and grandfather lrwin, who passed away sa suddeniy on June lSth, 1975. Sad'y missed aiang the way, Quetly remembered every day. No longer in aur lite ta share, But in aur hearts he's aiways there. - Neyer ta be forgotten by daughter Karen, san-in-iaw Rick and grandson's Kevin and Steven. 24-1 BEAUPRIE - In ioving memary of a dear husband irwin who passed away sud- deniy June lSth, 1975. However long my lite may last, Whatever lands I view, Whatever joyor grief be mine, I will always think of you. -Sadly missed by his wife Kay. 24-1 BEAUPRIE - In loving memory of a dear father and grandtather, lrwin who passed away June 15, 1975. Every day in some smail way, Memories of you came aur way, Though absent, you are ever near, Stili missed, loved, always dear. -Always remembered by son Randy, Gail and Melanie. 24-1 MAIRS - Alex. in laving- mrnory f da, vWho psed - Bill, Maily and Bannie. 24-1 THOMPSON - Donald Keith. ln laving memary of a dear son who passed awav June 21, 1976. A year has passed since that sad day When we laid my dear son away. How tresh the memory, stili remains, -Ever remembered by his mather Mrs. Alice Thompson. 24-1 Jahnston: My familyi sincemeiy thank relal friends and neighbourE cards and visitors, durir stay in Oshawa hospifa heip at home. Speciai ti ta Dr. P. Fang and D Mann and nurses. Harvey Johnston and i ives, -s for g My il and han ks r. E. 24-1 x We wauid like ta express aur 259 sincoro thanks ta aur friends, - relatives for dards, gifts, f owers sont ta us on the occasion of aur Sth wedding anniversary. Special thanks ta aur.children for giving us a rs wondertul day. Royal and Doris Hall 24-1 x My sincore -thanks ta rela- tives and friends, Rebekah Ladge, Club 59 for cards, fiowers and gifts eceived duing my stay in Memoriai Hospital. Thanks ta Dr. Syl- ,ea vester and nurses on 3rd floar. Elleen Smale 3-tf 24-1ix i wish ta exp ress my ýe appreciatian and thanks ta all friends and relatives for visits, giffs,/ flowers and loveiy dards during my stay in bath Oshawa Generai Hos- pifai and Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanvilie. A speciai thanks for the came received in bath of, theso fine haspitals respect iveiy.' Sincerely, tf Mrs. (J.D.) Marrie - Cunningham 24-1 We would like ta thank ail aur children, famiiy and friends for ail the fiowers, gifts and cards, we received on aur 25th weddung anniver- sary. Joe and Kathleen Moienaar 24-1ix i would like ta express mny sincero appreciation and many thanks ta the wonderfui friends and relatives who made my surprise party such a great. success on my- retirement tram G.M. Cift Terrili 24-1 We wauld like ta thank ail the people of Tyrone, Long Sa ui1t a nd Bethesda com muni - fies who contributed ta the beautitul dlock which we received for a wedding gitt. We reali appreciate the kindness shown by ail. Thanks again. Sincerely Bruce and Cheryl Gable 24-1 The famil yof the late Fred Partner wis hta express their sincere appreciation ta all theai ei ghbrse fOiAn124 r L'ee, Tyrne LOBA 124 and LoLLBA County No. 5, Peterborough, Onaria, Tyrane Senior Cifizens for their mainy acts of kindness, floral tributes and donations ta the Cancer Fund and Diabetic Fund and expres- sions of sympathy at this, recent bereavement. Man thanks ta Club 50 for the lu=ci and ta Rev. Kem p ing for his kind words and a iso ta Morris Funeral Chapel. 24-lx We wish ta thank the Enf ieid CommunIty for the bathroomn set we received at the presen- tatian. Mariam and AiI an Griff in 24-1 My sincere thanks toalailmy. friend s and neighbors faorail the wonderfui cards, phone messages and the beautiful plants and f iawers that wero sent ta me whie a patient in Oshawa Generai Hospital and since my eturn home. A very s peciai thanks ta Mrs. Myrtie N ichi s, Chatham, for a lIow- ing Bunny and Dada ta share her home. Marian Kiipatrick 24-1 i wouid like ta thank neighbours, friends and rela- tives for dards and fiowers. Speciai thanks ta nurses and staff of. 4G winq, Drs. H. Rawseil, D. E. Smîth and 1. K. Ugray whiie a patient in Oshawa General Hospital. Carence Thertel 24-1ix To ail the ladies of the Sauina Community we say thank you for ail your donations for aur bake sale an June il. It was a great success. Gad Biess yau al1 Eidad U .C.W. i wouid like ta thank my friends, neighbours and rela- tives for their gifts and visiting me whiie I was in Bowmanviile Hospital. Special thanks ta the lst floor nurses and Doctars Sieman and Long. Lela Backburn ,24-1 x The tamily of the late Kathleen Eld a Kiipatrick woLid like ta thank ail their triends, relatives and neigh- boums for their many acts of kindnoss, floral tributes, don- ations ta the Cancer Society and expressions of sympafhy at the time of aur ecent bereavement. Spociai thanks ta Dr. Stephenson and staff an the 1sf and 3rd floors of Memoriai Hospital. Our very special fhanks ta the Brook- ings. Bill Kilpatrick and boys 24-1 i wouid like ta thank my famiiy and frionds for romem- bering me in an y way whiie in the haspitai and since return- ing home. Aiso Drs. Siksay, Manchesk y and Campbell, nurses of flbar 6 G. Oshawa Genemal Hospital. Mms. Wm. Milligan 24-i x I wouîd like ta thank ai my friends and relatives for thoir dards, fiawersgfts and visits whiie i was in haispitai. Aiso thanks ta Drs. Singai and McKenzie and nurses at Momoriai Hospital, Bawman- ville. With approciatian and love. Ar BLUE Spruce sale, nursery groýwn, dug and potted 15 ta 24", $3.99, open seven days a week. Pantypool 1-705-277- 27M5.24-1 TRACTOR, Ford Jubiiee, heat houser, chaàins, new battery, two furrow plough, 7' mower. Asking $1700. Complefe. Phone Welcome 753-2279. 24-ix ARENDS riding lawnmower, 28" cut, and a Wheei Horse ridîng lawnmower, 30" cut. Also horse hay. Phone 263- 2650. 24-tf BOY'S and g irl's bicycle, good condition. Phone 623-2356. 24-1 19 ACRES of standing red claver hay. South Courtice on Bloor St. . near Henry Build- ail Lumber yard. Phone C.J. Gabourie 725-6787. 24-1 COOK stave, Findlay Ovai. Asking $550. or best offer. Phone Orono 983-5190 affer 5 p.m. 24-1 TEXTAN saddie and brîdie, 2 antique plows, set of sleighs, telephane 623-4751. 24-2 HONDA 125, low mileage, good condition. $295. Phone 1-983-5808 affer 5. , 24-1 TEAKWOOD and Rosewood Scandinavian furniture, bed- room suite camplete - 8 pac., diningraom suite - 9 pc., chesterfield and chair, wail unit, caffee, 2 end tables. Ail brand new, reasonable, 1-247-4377. 10O-tf BOAT, 15 foot tri-huil bow- rider, red wAith white trim.. Convertible top, canvas caver. 70 h.p. Evinrude 20 hours. Life .ackets, anchor, 3 gas tanks. TraiIer with spare wheel. 623-3863.124-ix. GARAGE SALE Thurs. - Sat, June16 - 18 Table and chairs, spacemaker cabinet, lamps,,ciathing, etc. Make an Offer. 57 Park Lane Circle off Lawrence Cres. near Spry 623-9176 24-1 LARGE chrome table andi four chairs, single stainless steel sink. Phone 623'50-66, 51l Liberty St. Narth. 1 24-ix ANTIQUE rail top desk. Best offer. Phone 263-8167. 24-1 TOP soul, sand fuI,1 gravel, stone, delivered by truck ioad. Cal 1579-5299. 21-4 T WO giri's bicycles, gaod condition. Phone 623-5427. 24-1 WHITE'S -T.V. TOWERS Towers, UHF, VHF Aerials, Rotors& Repairs APro- edoe APrent&Hoes Ask About Our Guarantee Phone 576-5606 S E. WHITE Tina Hemstra ~ ~ COURT 30-t 24-1 Club Annrene Scugog Island Dance Band Schedule June18 - Lockorbie June 25 - Somnething Blue July 2 - Little Caesar and the Consuls JuIY 9 - Lockerbie July 16 - Little Caesar and the Consuls July 23 - Par Four JuIY 30 - Little Caesar and the Consuls DURHAM REGION'S LARGEST SINGLES DANCE Doors Open 8:30 p.m. Information 576-6599 Shaws Commun ity invites you ta a barboque supper at the schooi, at 6:30, June l8th. Admission $1.50 for aduits, chiidren under 12, 75c. In case of main wiii be held on Sunday. S23-2 The Thertoil famiiy picnic wili be heid at Orono Park, Orano, on Sunday, June 26th. Supper at 4 o.'clock. Sports for chiidmen at 2. 24-ix Kendal Church Orange parade, Sunday', June 19, 10:45 a.m. Everybody weicomo. 24-1 CARPETS of aIl kinds, custom, made drapes and sheers, hard-surface floorin g, protes- sionally installed. F ree esti-, mates. Your one-stop shop- pi1ng. F.A. Kramp, 37-41 King S.EBowmanville. Furni- ture, Carpet and Drapes. 13-tf SHRUBS AND E VE RGRE ENS Bagged topsoil1. Phone 623-3412 23-2 THREE piece chesterfield suite suita ble for caftage$5 or nearest offer. Prhone 623-9236. 24-1 QUEEN size bed set, three pieces, excellent condition, $130. One wringer washing machine $35. Phone Orono 983-5806 atter 5:30 p.m. 24-1 FARMALL cub tractor, with hydraulic snow blade, plow, cultivator, power take-off and pulley. Caîl 986-4706. ANTIQUE CLOCKS -REPAIRED- Parts available for most an- tique dlocks, pocket watches and modemn watches and dlocks, and 400 day dlocks. Our repairs are dane with modern up-to-date equipment and qualified Swiss trained watchmaker. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LT D. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 22-fl GEHL nine foot haybine, like new and Hay Fluffer. Don Metca If, 623-4607. 23-2x SMALL motor repairs. Used lawn mowers for sale. Phone 623-5274. 23-2x STRAWBERRIES, 40 cents quart, drive ight ta field and pick yaur own. Bring standard containers. Rudy Eyman Farm, 5 miles east of Newton- ville, farm just east 0f Momrish Church on hyw. 2. Phone 1-753-2424. 24-tf TWO sleeping bags, used once. $12 pair. Phono 623-3406. 24-1 1973 Hi LO sun camper ta fit an 8 foot truck box. Ice box, stove, etc., sieeps four, like new. $2000. Phono 987-4841. 24-1ix BALED hay for sale. Phone 263-2675. 24-1 VA4CUUM cleaners and palishers repaired at Reid's Smaii Applianco Repair Ser- vice, 164 Base Lino Raad East, Unit 7, Bowmanvilie. Phono 623-6244. 7-tf ANTIQUE dlock coilector requires, in any condition-aId clocks-watches-ar any parts. Phono 983-9634. 22-4 6000 BALES of hay. Newton- ville 786-2927. 3-tf Lots of UJsedPia nos in Stock, Organs Too! Lowrey, Hammnond, H ei ntz ma n OSHAWA ORGAN CENTRE 16 Simncoe N. <at King) 728-1675 St. John's Anglican Church, Biackstock, "Father's Day Supper", Satumday, June 18 at 5:30 p.m. Aduits $3, chidren (under 12) $1.25. Pro schoiers f ree. 24-1 The Town of Newcastle Social Planning Council Meet- ing wiii be heid af Town Hall, VI liage of Newcastle on Thurs- day, June l6th af 7:30. Main subject of the meeting Com- munity Came for Senior Citi- zens, ta start at 8 p.m. All wei came. 24-1 MAPLE GROV E SUNDAY SCHOOL ANN1VERSARY June 19, 1977 2: 30 p. m. Rev. David Bauman Ventrilaquist C. E. Wing 22-3 Sa lad S u pper, Wodnesdlay, June 22nJ commencinc at 4:30 p.m. ta be held in Pontypoal Cammunity Contre. APPEARING AT Aduits - $2.50, Public Schooi - The ueens Hoel $1.00, Peschoaiers - Free. Th NuECAsLoE l2- WHITE LINE Fn. and Sat. June 17 -18 Dancing 9 - 1 LEGION WEEK June 27th - JuIly 2nd 8 P.M. Monday - Son gs of Yostorday Tusday - British Night Wednesday - Bing o Thursday -Songs ofTo-day Friday - Country and Square Dancing Saturday -VarietyMusic Free admittance to aIl music nights. 3-tf Cou ntry Grown Cedars 3 foot ta 12 feet Picked up, del ivered and pianted. Phone 1-655-4448 21-4 PROPANE gas stove, excel- lent condition, propane three burner camping stove, antique bathtub. Phone 623-5632. 24-1 LOCAL swimming pool dealer has a limited number ofsteel inground pools at greatly reduced prices. 16 x 32' inground $3495 installed. Other sizes comparatively f riced. Call Polynesian Pools, aIl free 1-800-261-6121, ask for operator 603. 24-1 ONE Helite tent canvas, gooa condition, 120 Parkway Ave., Bowmanville 623-5067. 23' CORSAIR trailer tandemr on Rice Lake. AIl hook-ups included, water, Hghts, sewage, paid for thîs year. 1-372-3008. 24-1ix '76 YAMAHA motorcycle, XS, 650, A-i condition, 1700 miles. Asking $1900. Phone 623-4996. FINDLAY aval cook stove with reservoir. Best offer. Phone 983-9561. 24-1 TOMATOES are availabie aga in at Mostert's Greenhouses Lambs Rd,, Bowmanville. EIGHT foot Silde-in truck camper. Phone 623-4913. 16 ft. BOAT, plywood-mahog- any f rame construction. 40 HP Johnson motor and trailer included. $800 or best offer. Sanders Egg Farm, Newton- ville, 786-2500. 24-1 x 75 MASSEY Ferguson 340 Whirlwind, made by Scorpion Stinger. Aluminium block engine. 2 sleighs and a heimet included. Will trade for motorcycle or seil for cash. Phone 1-786-2500. 24-1 x USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 6t J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre, 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf PADDY'S Market now has new, furniture, appliances., T.V.'s and stereos and aiso used furniture and appliances. Wiil accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33ft. WATER deiivery, for pools, weils, etc. Cali 263-2013. 23-2 See fhe Magnificent Coleman Camping Trailers at NEWCASTLE TRAILER PARK AND SALES Hwy. 2, Newcastle 987-5131 Open 7 days and evenings. 2:s-rT LIVINGROOM suife indluding 82" sofa and matching chair, accasional chair, iazy boy chair and hassock, in con- tempomary style. Very goad condition. Cal i 623-2997 aftr 7 p. M. --24-1 .s.. . ..... The annuai Prout family picnic wili be held at Haydon Cammunity Centre, Sunday, June 19. Supper at 4:30 p.m. 23-2x BINGO N EWCASTLE CQMMUNITY HALL Tues., June 21, 1977 Eariy Bird Games 7:30 Regular Bingo 8: 00 $400 in Prizes PLUS $500 JACKPOT Sponsored by NEWCASTLE LIONS 24-1 Deco ,ration Day Service at Orano Cemetery in the Lang Memorial Chapel on Sunday, June 26, cammencing at 2 a'ciock. 24-1 Hampton Women's Institute Strawberry Dessert Tea. June 23. C.E. wîng,ý 1: 30 -4:30. Door prizes. Admission 81.25. Chil- dren under 6 free. 23-2x MONSTER BINGO New Starting Time THURSDAY - 7:30 p.m. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor SoftbaIl JUBILEE PAVILlON OS HA WA Baliyduff Prosbyterian Church Decoration - Sunday, June l9th - 2:30 p.m. Rev. Locke, Lindsay, guest t-1 speaker. 24-1 48-ti GOODYEAR RETIREES Bowmanvi île The Goodyear Tire Company has extended an invitation toa al Goodyear rotirees to tour the Goodyear Plant, Bowmanvillo. The tour ta begin at 9 a.m. Tuesday, June 28, 1977 from the cafeteria on the 3r4 f loor of the plant, At the conclusion of the tour, uich willbe se.rved in the cafeteria. ALL GOODYEAR RETIREES WELCOME N. Ail ison, Secretary-Tréasurer of the Goodyear Refirees Association, Bowmanvil le. 24-2 EAR PIERCING SERVICE Hooper's Jeweîlers Ltd. Regular Price $12.00 NOW $10.00 with studs Special 10 per cent reduction on first purchase of earrings with the re lea se form Phone 623-5747 For Appointràt 14 tt NOTICE TO CREDITOIZS IN THE ESTATE 0F MICHAEL FILKERT, of the tawn of Newcastle in the Regional Municipaiity ai Durham. Refired, doceased. who died on the 2th day ai March, 1977. Take note that ail persans, having dlaims against this estate are required ta send tc the undernamed their names and particulars af their dlaims on or befare the 2nd day1 of JuIy, 1977 affer which date the estate wiii be distributed having regard aniy ta the dlaims of which the Executor then has notice. Frank A. Aprile Barrister and Solicitor 2563 Danforth Ave. Toronto, Ontario Solicitor for the Estate 23-3 Day Camp--for g iris 8-12.' Swimming, cratts, horseback riding, music, hikes, sparts, etc. Quaiified instruction and supervision. Phono 263-2665. 23-2x To aur -Bowmanviîîe, Hampton, Oshawa customers, cal 623-2301 for Sales and Service. Harvey Partner Orono, Ont. 24-2 Harry Voerman Insurance 181 Church St., Bowmanviîîo, Ont. Phone 623-4428 Res. 623-7597 AUTOMOBILE AND FIRE INSU RANC E 28-tf SOPER CREEK NURSERY SCHOOL Registration for September is still available. Cali Carol Anderson 623-3613 __ 24-1 THREE year aid quarter horse, noeds work, must be experienced rider. Phone 623-4751. 24-1 REGISTERED purebred Shetland stud, for sale or trade. Broko ta ride and broke ta drive. No papers. Phone 623-9414 aftor 6. 24-1 ONE g ade mare, very goad with h ildren, seven week aid colt by sîde .(hait appy) $350 firm for pair. Phone 579-4395, 24-1 REGISTERED sharthorn bull, dual purpose, roan, Valley Crest Cavalier 15F. Born October 14, 1974. Ted Buttery 263-2511. 24-1 FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CA LL MARGWI LL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 30-tf 1 a= Darlington Auto Centre 19 Silver Street Bowman ile, Ontario' Telephone (416) 623-6900 '74 Hornet, 6 cy i. std., one owner. Lic. JAT6O4, $1995.00 '73 Pontiac 4 dr. sed., 8 auto., p.s., p.b., Lit:. EBB2I8, $1795.00 '73 Maverick 4 dr., 6 auto., Lic. KTF74, $1495.00 '73 Nova 2 dr. hatchback, 6 auto., p.s., p.b., just arrived. Lic. HDW13O, 82195.00 Ail prices include s'afety inspection and 30 day F ~~warranty. 2- 1973 FORD 3/4tan with camper. Ail heavy duty sus-, pension, V8-motar, 39,000 miles, AI condition, askîng $2,800. Will take best offer. Phone 983-5846. 23-tf 1973 VEGA, one aowner, iow mileage, automatic, rust f ree, viny i roof. Phone 623- 3406. 24-1 1977 MONTE Caria, 6,000 miles. Phone 987-4661. 24-1 1968 Beaumont, 350 motor, $300 or besf offer, Orano 983-5295. 24-1 '72 FORD Econaline, 300 supeor van, autamatic, p.s., p.b. Cal Cobourg 372-3008. 24-ix 1973 PONTIAC Astre hatch- back, 4 speed, flbar console, radia, racing stripe. Best offer. Phane 623-6285 atter 5. 24-1 FOR quick sale! 1973 - 750 Honda, excellent condition $1350. Phone 623-2964after 5. - 24-1 '70 FIREBIRD, 350 engine, goýod runnring condition, needs minor bay work, new tires andi chrome rims. $1,000 firm. Phone 623-7692. 24-lx 1975 C H E V. Monza 2 pl us 2, Ps, pb, V-8, radio, spart mirrars, radiai whitewaiis and discs, 21,000 miles, lady driver aniy. $3,100 or best offer. Phone 725-3392 atter f ive. 24-lx SURPLUS, 1973 Pontiac Brougham $1250. and 19731 Dadge Charger $1550. WilI1 certif y. Apply ta L and L Toal,, 240 S mpsan Ave. South, Bowmanvilîe. 24-1 J and M TIRE Service f&A Michelin tires, your one-stap radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-ff VITALIZING! Phone 723-1155 for Rustpraofin g on new or used vehicies. Written war- ranty. Durham, Vitalizing, phone 723-1155. 47-tf Western Canadla Schoolof Auctioneering Ltd. Canada's first, and the only completely Canadian course offered anywhere. Licensed under the Trade Schooîs Licensing Act, R. S. A. 1970, C.366. For particulars of the next course write: Box 687, Lacombe, Alberta or Phono 728-6215. 21-9 FEËMAL E Siamese cat. Phone 623-5704 atter 4:00 p.m. 24- lx ONE lady's shawl found. Phone 623-7845. 24-l' ONE smaiî child's silver cross., Sentimental value. Be- tween Barry's Variety and downtawn. Phono 623-9578. S24-1 USED BOOKS AND MAGAZINES For Sidewalk Sale in JuIy. HELP US TO HELP OTHERS. Please leave books at Cale's Barber Shop or for pick-up phono 623-5990 - 623-3115 - 623-2929 LO L2384. 24-1 iOSHAWA *GRAVEL &STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTS ALL SIZES F0OR DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS TOPSOIL & DIRT FILL Phone Oshawa 725-0232 SOLINA Rb. N. 1 Mile North of Hwy. 2 SAND & GRAVEL SUPP'LY DAI LY Del ivery to ... 14-tf Oshawa - Bowmanville ArE Phone 623-4441 4- Durham County's Oldest Funeral Servic( MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Night Serving this district for 96 years. Funeral Home THQUGHTFULNESS -CONCERN -SER /iCE Concern for the demands upon you ... our f irst consideration, To ensure you the he'lpfulness you need. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 DANCE Saturday, June 18 at8:30 p.rnl. NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL D.J. -Carman Shirk with guest appea rance by The Clarke Stage Band Spansomed by Durham East N. D. P. 24-1 FATHER'S DAY CRAFT Saturday, June l8th 2 -3:30 p.m. approximateiy Age 6 years and up. 'BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 62 Temperance St. 24-1 Pontvool United Church, 1