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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jun 1977, p. 14

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TOWNSHIP 0F HOPE Tender for Gasoline, Diesel and Furnace Fuel SEALED tenders, cieariy marked as ta contents wiii be received by the undersigned until 12:00 'ciack noon an. Tuesday, June 28, 1977 for the foliowlng, 1. Grade No. 2 Gasali ne 2. Diesel Fuel 3. No. 2 Furnace Fuel Al tenders must be submitted on Township tender forms. Tender forms and, further information may be obtained from the office of the under- sîgned. The Iowest or any tender nat necessa ril1vYa cc e ted. Russell A. Baker, Road Supt., Township of Hope, R. R. 1, Port Hope, Ont. Li A 3VS Phone: 416-753-2371 24-1 TENDER SEALED TENDERS wiil be received by the undersigned untl1:00 a.m., Mandav, June 27, 1977, for the sup pl y af Fuel oil for the period September 1, 1977 ta June 30, 19781-Heating Season. Tender forms may be obtain- ed from the office of: M.A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Baard of Education Box 470, Cabourg, K9A 4L2. 24-1 scm=. 2nd andi 3rd MORTGAGE .MONEY AVAILABLE - 5 year term - Open Mrtgag9s - No paymen ts for three mont hs - Na bonuses - No Credif Check§ - Na inquiry tram neighbors - Confidentiai arrangements made in yaur home - Borrow as Iaw as $1,600 - Fast service - First Mortgages aisa arranged 1, Cail4 Mr. Wilks Mortgages bought and sold (Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax) 683-2611 CLERK typist requirod for local business, 5 day week. Advertisor 693, c-o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowman- ville, Ontario lAC 3K9. 24-1 x E>PERIENCED hairdresser wanted, full fimo or part time. Phono 623-5455. 21 -tf PAPER boy or girl neededd immediateliy. Lttle Ave.,F Strîke, Waverley, Chapel and Coleman. 57 papers. Also needed for Scucaa Prosoect and Edsaii. Start lst of July. 35 papers. Phono 623-3303 or 623-6995. 24-1 CAR ETAKERneeded immed- iately for St. Andrew's Pros- byterian Church. Generai cieaning and care of grounds. Duties and renumeratian negotiable. Appi yta D.M. Peebles, 22 HilrItop Drive, Bowmanville. 24-1ix FULL or part-time work available, calling on Fuller Brush custamers in Bawman- ville. No investment. Students over 18 also welcome. For information write Patrick Wiebe, 416 Walfan St., Ca- bourg ,Ont., or phone 416-372- 9969b tween 4 and 6 p.m. 22-3x MATURE persan required for p rt fume work at the Subway Pizza and Submarine Shop, 242 King St.E. Na phone calis please. 24-1 FREETRAILER CAMPSITE In return for services as watchman at traut ponds. 7 miles easf of Bawmanville. Orono 983-5682 24-2 I IY '11I s EXPER[ENCED bookkeeper, wishes part timie empioyment in the Bowmanvil1le- Newcastle area. Please write ta Sheilagh Brutan, Box 33, Orono. 24-lx FIREPLACES and chimneys, stone work and small block jobs. Phono 623-2249. 24-1 x IRISH setter pups, 8 weeks, CKC registered, shots, $100. 1-983-9373 Newcastle. 23-2 FR EE to a good home, black iab, 7 months oid. Phone 623-3739 after f ive. 24-1 PUPS, Labrador-Newfoufld- land, ail black, free ta good home. Phone 623-2333. -2- KITTENS to give away ta f oad home, two manths oid, itte r trained. Phone 1-983 9445. 24-1 FREEta gaad home, two year aid female border calle. Very gentie. Cali 623-9277. 24-1 PUPPY, free ta gaad home. Phone 623-7931. 24-1 FREE ta a good home, 7 manth aid miniature iab pup- py, mali black, dag house inciuded. Gaad with chiidren. Phane 623-6219. 24-lx DOG GROOMING Big and Sm'aII We do them ait1. Phone 623-7764. 16-tf ' sm m -9 W OFFI1CE space ta rent. Phone 987-4684. 24-1 FOUR bedraam semi- detached home, references req ui red. Phone 623-7152. 24-tf 8 FT. truck camper and one smaii tent trailer for rent. Phone 1-983-5974. 24-1 YOUNG maie requires twa gentlemen ta share furnished hause. Own raam.2 Garage availabie, centrai Bawman- ville. Avalabie anytime here- affer. Phane 623-5206 after 5 p.m. 24-1 FARM hause, garage and taai shed, one acre af land, six miles north of Bawmanviile. $250. Phane 416-922-3191. 1 24-4 ROOM availabie. Phone 623- 4045. 241ix BOWMANVîLLE apart ment, twa bedraams, stave, fridge, air conditioner, iaundry facilil- ties, eiectric heat, waii ta waii carpeting. $248 inciuding utii- Mtes. Phone 623-5206. 24-1 BOWMANVILLE - quiet court, 4 bedroams, 3-years- aid, 2 baths, famiiy raam, firepiace, compieteiy rugged, attached g arage. Avaliabie June lsth, $375. Phane 725-2431. 24-1 TRAILER RENTAILS Rent new hardtap tent trailers and ight weight travel trailers fuii y equipped bv week or wee kend. Sieeps 4 or 6. Phane 1-986-4264 or 1-986-5373. ,. 24-7 BOWMANVILLE - modern apartment, 4 rooms and bath, heafed, Cable TV, parking dawvnfawn. Available now. Phono 623-7523. 20-tf ea WANTED, small acreages in or near town. We can cut for the hay. Doesn'f mattor if, it is grass or woody as long as if is dlean of debris and reasanably smoafh. Cali Bawmanviiie Zoo. 124-1 RETIRED lady wishes a smali apartment, fiat or housekeeping raoms in a quiet neighbourhood. Please write c-a Box 692, The Canadian Stafesman, Box 190, Bawman- ville, Onario, LIC 3K9. 24-2 OLIJ post cards and pasi card collectians, aid cameras and aid National Gearg raphics wanted as well. E venings 723-0442. 23-4 ON E apartment size piano in good conditian. Phono 623-7345. 24-1 CASH for g old, silver, coins, guns, dlocks, lewellery, dish- os, furniture, cracks, paint- 2 ings, sealers, appliances. 1, Friendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 9-tf Ron's Floor Care Commercial and househoîd cleaning. Dry foam rug and carpet shampooing. Wax re- moval, wall washing. Ron Turcotte 623-7966 33-tf OXFORD Brick layers and Stonemnasons Ltd. (Our fireplaces do not smoke) Orono 983-5606 18-tf Ail kinds of BRICKWORK,, CHIMNEYS P. LOUWS CONSTRUCTION 149 Scugog St. BowmanvilIle 623-2756 , 13-tf Water Delivery For pools, welîs,etc. Phone 623-2469 24-6 WILL babysit in my home, Enniskillen - Haydon area. Phone 263-2000. 24-1ix BOOKKEEPING SERVICES TYPING and FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For appointment 24-3 Peter Sutherland Alumninum Prod. Bowmanville Sidi ng - Sof fit Fascia - TroUgh Shutters - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 FOR FREE ESTIMATE. NOW HANDLING VINYL SIDING 3-f WATER Wells bored, 30" tule. W,,ard's Weii Boring. Terne- phone 342-2030. Representat- tive Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531. 16-tf BitI-'s GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanviîle Ontario. Phono 623-5187 Sheet and Float Glass Sea led Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Coîored Glass and Glazing. 17 tf MIN ER-'S EXCAVATING FOR TRENCHING, EXCAVATION AND 1SEPTIC TANKS. PHONE NEWCASTLE 987-4995 Na Sunday Calils 16-tf GORD SIMPSON Phone 983-5808 Orono, Ontario Painting Paperhangîng Ca rpentry Remnodelling General Repairs Interior Exterior 14-tf Horseshoei ng and Hoof Trimming PROMPT ATTENTION BERNIE GOTHAM 1-985-2098 USED Funiture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hamptan 263-2241. 33-tf VACANT land, 20 acres up, mastly bush, some wafer, raad trantage nat necessary. Adverfiser 689, c-a Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowman- ville, Ont., L1C3K9. 24-1 Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7 i 12 45-tf C &C JAN ITOR TYRONE SERVICE Tig- Weîding -Mig Carpet - Upholstery Steel-Cast iron-Aluminum Professionaliy Cleaned Smail En i.nes Repaired FREE ESTIMATES &une-ups Phoe 63-324Latheor Phon 6233624263-8849 BOWMANVILLE 45-tf D. Beers & Sons, CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovati ng Roc Raams Repairs of ail types. PHONE 623-2263 20-tf CUSTOM FARMING Mowing, Raking, Baling, Bunching, Plowing BARN DEMOLITION (no charge) PHONE 723-1308 23-3x GIoria's Canvas & Upholstery Custom Made Awnings Tra iler - Boat - Sail1 Covers Al Types of Canvas Repairs Boat - Skidoo - Motorcycie Seats Recovered BOWMANVILLE 623-4654 23-4 ALL-TYPE R OOFING Shing les new or Reroof ing. Flats hot or coîId Process. Alil roof and chimrney repairs. FREE ESTIMATES 623-5038 14-tf Lloyd Barnes Pîumtbing Carp entry, Renovating -AIl General Repairs REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 , 27-tf DARLI NGTON MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANINO Phone 623-2176 45-tf Durham Masonry Contra ctors Ltd. Bricks - Logs Field Sfonework Specializing in Fireplaces Phone 839-2431 44-fl Lawn and Garden -Ca re Grass cutting, roto tilling and lawn roiling with a commer- cial machine. Seeding down new iawns and aid, fre0 cutting, painting, and odd jobs 1cleaning up. Robert Jones 987-5222 987-4098 17-tf TYPING done in my experienced in variou cal duties, invoice order desk and bu communications. Wili and deliver in the Bo ville area. Phono 623-6 ALLIN COLE'S MOBILE AUTOMOTIVE SERVI( MECHANICAL REPAIRS (Tune-ups-Bra kes- Etc.) AI l workdane by Licensed Class "A" Mechani ) At homeoar place of business. Ail parts and labor guaranteed. Torms cash. PHONE 623-5045 BOWMANVILLE JACK BURGE OIL BURNERS - FURI CLE ANED PLUMBIN G REPA PHONE HAMPTC 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box43 -BOWM, M. Brooks CARPENTRY REMODELLIW CUPBOARDS - VAI GENERAL REPA Phone 623-55 G. VAN LON MASON R' BRICK, BLOCK, Sl AND FIREPLACI Phone 623-51 A-i CARPENTRY Speciaiizing in finishing and remodelling, 27 Years Carpentry Experience FREE ESTIMATES PHONE JAMIE VOLLENHOVEN 623-6358 after 6 p.m. 2 t Anderson Insulation 579-2060 Blown Cellulose fibre. City and country homes. 1 -tf Ref rigerat ion and Appt jance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Milk Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days .............. 623-5774 Nights .............623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC A-1 CONDITION, fivE aid brick 3 bedroom bungalow in the Viiia Newcastle. Asking 1 wifh terms. Cail 98 1/2 ACRE building lot 214' with ail permîits ava 2 miles, east of Bla<l $13,900 cash. Phono 263 Thursday Evening June 16 home 6:30 p. m. is donr- Property Sold typing, Auction sale including John usiness Deero Na. 57 riding iawn pick up mower, John Deere Na. 524 >wman- rota tiller, sea snork sailboat, g29 o If clubs and cart, pine 2-ix fiatback cupboard - 18 panes, ____hall rack, daugh box, 3 rockers, washstands, side- baard, pine kneehole desk, Bowmanviile chairs, wickor and bamboo tumniture, display case, aval rosowood table, pine gofhic mirror, pair maho- gany chairs (signed), pair mahogany Chippendale fwin beds, si ngie bed and dresser, 24-4x r air mahogany end tables, - arge t in bath tub, pressed CE glass, gaod dishes, ironstone, silver, iran ware, large and small catalogue rugs, haoked rugs, lots of woodien ware, railings and ballustrades, pic- c ture trames, antique paintings and prints, quantity of con-' temparary painting aInd scul- pture, invaFIid' s eiectric stair chair and track - 17' long (operating), electric stovo and 52tf refrigeratar, 2 TV's, record player, tools, housewares, bedding, skis, plus many, ESS n more articles. The ýES popety of Catherine NACES Christie, 2 miles southwest of Port Perry or 1/2 mile east of AIRS Manchester an Reg ian Rd. 21. 'ON Lunch available. Sale at 6:30 p.m.. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., ianvu île Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 23-2 30-tf 4G N ITI ES AIRS 566 IDEN y< ;TON E 'ES. 114 13-12x Saturda y, June 18, 12 noon Estate of late Mae Waiker ,72 Sherwood St. Bobcaygeon. Good assortment of furniture. Some antiques, appliances, rugs, dishes, tools, including excellent provincial chester- field set, walnut bedroom suite, antique, chesfs, beds, sewing machine, trunks, cracks, antique box stove, (large reg 1876) codar fonce posts, power iawn mower, iadders, etc. full contents af a large home note fume 12 noon. No reserve. Orval McLean autianeer 324-2791 or 324-2783 Lindsay. 24-1 2-tf Thursday, June 23, 6:00 Machinery - Pigs Auction sale includingl12 top quality sows, some with pigs, others due ta farrow at sale time, 10 chunks, no. of fat piçgs pig feeders and troug hs, scales, 6 farrowing crates, 7 brooder lam ps, Int. 434 diesel tractor, 840 h rs. power steer- ing, excellent condition, M-H 44 tractor, 1966 Chev 1 ton truck, dual wheeîs and hoist, 24,000 miles, excellent condi- tion - certifiled; J B & D 24 ft. weed s prayer (new), Ford 3 pt. hitch spring toath harrow (neari y new), J-D R manure spreaer(gaod), Cyclone seeder - P.T.O. driven, 3 furrow plow, M-H spring tooth harraws, Ont. stiff tooth cuitivatar, 6 section harrows, 8 ft. packer, Int. oneway disc, hay wagon, 3 pt. hitch tractor blade, Cockshutt delivery rake, Cockshutt s pring tooth cuitivatar, 200 gai. gas tank with pump, 3 ,rain augers wlth motors, 28' aie elevator with motor, 2 wheel barrows, 250' perforated drain pipe, 32' laddor, fence stretcher, steel ffence posts, 5 gates, tarp 10' x 14', hay and straw, qu. of lumber, 7 - 12' sheets gaiva- nized roofing, 3 - 10' construc- tion jacks, new tire - 750xl6", bags, tools, shovels, scrap iran. The property of Edger Fuller, at Buttonville, (oppo- site feed miii). Sale managed and said by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 24-2 Saturday, June 25, 1: 00 p.m. Furniture and Antiques Auction sale for the praper- ty of the estate of the late Lavinia Harper, Centre St. in Mounit Albert (beside Coopers Nursing Home). Including small F indlay cook stove with reservoir, Tappan stave unit with pull out burner and aven above, refrigerator, Zenith portable T.V., 6 aak chairs, chesterfield and 2 chairs, electricai appliances, ,bod- room suite, brass double bed, wash stand, rockers, chest of drawers, trunk, blanket box, blankets and quilts, jars, cracks, gateieg table, dishes, wicker planter, boiler, power mower, garden tools, hand made rug s, plus many ather items. Sale at 1 p.m. Lunch availabie. Sale managed and soid by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 24-2 iers Tuesday, June 28, 6:00 p.m. s ~Large auction of funiture and antiques, 1oots etc., for the property of the lafe Percy rhtby Thampsan, plus additionai 552 conslgnments, selling at the property of Bruce Thampson, U R1, Newmarket on Sharon Rd., 2 miles west of Sharon (beside Fiamingo Homes Sub-. division). Antique oak hall table, antique kitc hen cabinet, 7 7wooden office desks, 12 office chairs, 2 metal office desks, - antique picture framne, foulet set, cracks, scaies, wicker plant stand, trunk, wicker ,e-year- chair, no. of wooden chairs, ranch set of antique car tires, 2 lage Of antique bath tubs, riding lawn $47,900 mower, iawn chairs, chu drens 13-5915. siide, portable sowi ng m- 24- 1 chine. lam ps, tables, antque - kitchen utensils, bedroom 1100' x suite, chost of drawers, demo- ailable, crat, 4 wooden car wheeis, ckstock milk cans, copper boiler, 4 J-2124. show cabinets - 8' 250 gai. oul 241tank, 100 gai. ail tank, gardon 241fractor and equipment, bi- cycles, light fixtures, glass ware, coal ail lamps, 1969 Boa-Ski snowmabile, wicker love seat, 2 press back chairs, 7' x8', mefal garage doar, McCulaoch chain saw, plus many ýother items. Sale at 6 p.m.' Lunch availabie. Sale managed and soid by Liayd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Ux- bridge, 416-852-3524. 24-2 Tuesday, June 21, 6 p.m. Auction sale including quantity of horse equiýpment, oriental ruq 11-6x8-6, Diuncan Phyfe table and chairs, ster- ilinsilvor piecos, antique'sofa wifh roiled arms, wing back chair, washstand dresser, chest of drawers, dishes, brass piecos, small table, rocker with cane work, com- plote sot of works of Rudyard Kipling, Telefunken sterea, The'Times Volumes of Warid War il, many other items. The crpe rty of Mr. and Mrs. J. enny /2 mile east of Durham Rd. 23 on Rd. 21 (IA) or 4 miles east of Manchester. Sale at 6 p.m. Sale managod and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 23-2 Sale at Pothick's Auction Shed, Haydon, one mile east of Ennikillen on bath Sa turday nights of June l8th and 25th at 7 p.m. A fine list of gaad furniture with ather goodies and rugs. Cliff Pethick, auc- tioneer. 24-1 Monday, June 20, 5:30 p.m. Furniture and Antiques Auction sale including re- frigerator, Viking eiectric stove, Simplicity washer with wringer, Hoover washer-spin dry, 2 washstands, chests of drawers, 2 metai cupboards, 2 dressers, beds, bedroom suite, antique rocker, several antique trunks, Findlay ail stove, antique wood stove, childs wagon, tricycles, bicy- cles, woad lathe, wooden ioom, small wood stave, tools, stop iadder, work bench, plus many other articles. The property of Rager Corbett at Sjfoam . beside S'ilaam Unit- eo (.hurch) 5 miles west of Uxbridge. Sale at 5:30 p.m. Lunch avallable. Sale manag- ed and saîd by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 23-2 Corneil's Auction Barn Friday, June 17th 7 p.m. 3 miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay-Little Britain Rd. Quantity of wicker chairs, pine corner cupboards (re- productions), washstands, dressers, mantie cdocks, coal ail Iamps, 14' aiuminum boat, piano, partial follet sets, chesterfield suites, mapie table and matching chairs, quantity of wooden chairs, rocking chairs, bedroom, suites, quantity of china and glassware, plus many mare antiques, furniture and hause- hold items. Terms cash. Don Comneil, auctianeer at R. R. 1, Little Britain. 705-786-2183. 24-1 Auction sale Wednesday June 22nd at 6: 15 p.m. for P. R. Bishop, Trinity Coliege Schoi, Part Hope. Single maple bed, maple book- shelves, maple buffet, china cabinet, arm chair, two bod- room chairs, two chests of drawers, smali tables, bevel- led stiriing framed mirrar, quantity of sterling silver r ieces s ilver ebony and ivory adi e, air of Syrocco consoles and mrrars, Pewter candie holders, copper foot warmor, brass sundiai, brass telescape, Buhder oriented f igure, partial set of Caledon china, Bavaria f iguri ne, easei. Chinese brass tray, dishes, crystal and glassware includ- ing antiques. Sheridan type swivel mirror, 11.5 x 18 Axminister rug, hooked scat- fer mats, divan, intercom, kitchenware, electrical appli- ancos, linons, table lamps, hand tools and many more good items. Terms cash. No reserve. Paul Lean, auctian- eer, 416-352-2403. 1 24-1 Household Auction Sale, Friday night, June 24, 7:00 p.m. from the home of Milton Lacey, R.R. 2 Peterborough, at the Li ptay Auction Centre, Hwy. 7 a nd Benstort Road, Peterborough. Beds, dressers, tables, antique catfee table, hall free, dining raom suite, desk, rofrigerator, chester- field, space heater, belis, mower, gardon tools, antique file cabinet, dining chairs, oak side board, several farm antiques, cutter, shaf ts, harness, sleighs, buffala robes, tools, etc. A large sale. Absoiutely no reserve. Prap- erfy sold. Sale et 7:00 p.m. at Liptay Auction Centre. Auc- tionèer, Steve Liptay, 745-0260. 24-2 Auction Sa le Saturday, June 25 at 12:30 p.m., Clearing auction of house- hoid contents, for Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mac Duff, af their home, 110 Baldwin St. (corner of Baldwin &Colsfon Ave.) Brookiin. Sellii: 9 pc. walnut dining suite (a beauty), 4 pc. walnuf bedroam suite; 5 pc. kitchen set; 3 pc. chesterfield set; antique country flafback; oid ty me wood stave;' toilet set; laddin ail lam ps; dame trunk; cracks; pîaiform roc- ker; mahogany dinfing table; occ. tables and chairs; 78 records; 20 aauae shotaun; Westinghouse fridge; Easy dryer; Easy wash machine; Fleetwood T.V., radio; rugs; power lawn mower; eieci. saw; some toals; f irewood; and ather misc. items. Terms casn. No reserve. mouse soid. Kahn auctian services. Phone 985-8161. 24-2 Auction Sale, Saturday, Juno 18 at 12:30 p.m. for Mrs. R. J. Scultharoe. Penrvn Park, Victoria St., Port Hope. Victorian chest 0f drawers, oak chest of drawers, antique rocker, round mahagany table, iibrary type table, antique pedestal table, walnut table, pino chesf of drawers, oak what-not, maple bunk beds, spool beds, mahogany, glass top baokcase, wash- stands, chest of drawers, Lindsay piano, antique piano stool, two wicker chairs, school desk, dressing table, pine drawers and shel f com bi nation, white enamel caak stove rugs, 'dresser, odd chairs, fwo piece chesterfieid suite, trunk, lawn chairs, pictures and trames, partial foulet sets, ail ramps, serve. i-aui Lean auciioneer, 416-352-2403. 24-1 Ontario. Complote dispersai of Registered Herefords. Cata- logues availabie. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Lunch caunter open. For mare information contact the Auctioneer Steve Lipfay, R.R. 6 Peterborough, 705-745-0260. 23-3 Saturday, June lSth Farm Soid Auction sale of llvestack, implements, samo furnituro. The property of Tony Stiege, Lot 18, Con. 2, Otonabee Twp., 6 miles east of Keene on County Road and 1 mile north or 12 miles easf of Peter- borough on Hwy. 7 and 3 mi les south on f irst li!neofot Oonabee. 62 Head of Charolais and Hereford cattie. Purebred poiled Charolais bull1, 20 mature Charolais and Here- fard cows with 20 Charolais calvos by sicle. 7 Heretord and Charolais heifers due time of sale. 1 Simmenta1- Hereford heifer wifh caîf by side. 12 Charolais and Hereford steers 1 yr. old. An outstanding herd of 'cattle. Case 801 high, arch diesel tractor - hydraulic. Case 400 super diesel tractor. Case S row crop tractor. Cockshutt 30 tractor with manure loader and blade. New Holland power mower. Int. 45 Baier P TO. Cunning- ham hay conditioner, San- derum cultivator, A.C. side rake, A.C. 2 row corn planter, John Deere 17 run seed drill. tnt, 64 combine Ford 612 forage harvester, 3 wagons wihforaýe boxes, 30 hae elevator. eLaval 21 can bul milk tank, full lino of machi- nery. Admirai heavy duty stove, Int. rot rigerator, Broc k cook stave, good, many other Items. Terms cash. No resorve. Sale at 1: 00 p.m. Carl and Grog Hickson, Auc- tioneors, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 23-2 Saturday Evening - June 1eth at 6:30 p.m. Sharp Twllight auction sale of hausehoid furnituro, antiques and miscelianeous articles. The property of St. Andrew's Presbyteri an Church Choir,, William St. N., Lindsay, Ont. Sale wiii be held on Church Lawn. Large church pew, piano and bench, grama- phono, daven port, 2 blenders, ketties, toasters, small erec- trical appliances, new sink, new inside door and hard- ware, pictures and trames, 2 treadie sowing machines, 2 - 4' x 6' Axminstor ruqgs and underiay, lamps, cribs and mattresses, piaypon, stroller, platform rocker, chairs, 1ibrary table, dishes, ctic racing car set, 2 studio couches, 24" eloctric range,. clothes lino and stoop com- p lote, drapes, canister set, televisions, toys, bicycles, very largo quantity of saleableý items. Bake sale wviIl be held by chair members. Refresh- monts availale. Terms cash. No reserve. Cari and Greg Hickson, Auctioneers, Rea- iro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 23-2 Auction sale for Roy Tru- deau' Bowmanviile, g o oast of town on No. 2 Hwy. ta Lambs Road and north, f îrst tarm on Ieff. Selling on Saturday, June leth, farm machinery and turniture. Ford 4 row corn 9 lanter, two wagons and grain axes, bush hog_, Allis Chai- mers. CA tractor with cultiva- for, Allis Chalmers W.D. 45 and snaw plow, Fork lift, two furrow plough, AC 3 furrow Slaugh, 3 point hitch, 16" gottoms, tractor chains, sido rake, six sections of harrows, M.C. grain drill, two wheel trailer, land packer, double disc, MC 17 tooth cuitivator, John Deere Modol 43 corn sheller, cement mixer, saw trame, weed spra yer, 42' hay or grain levafor, apple boxes (20 bushel size), new Lawn Boy lawnmawer, Lawn Boy riding lawn mower, cider press, one ton fork lift, fridge, chesterfield, pots and pans, dryer, washer, other articles. Mr. and Mrs. Trudeau are maving toa apartment and wili have more things than listed ta soul. Sale af 1 p.m. Terms cash. Lawrence Harris cierk, Cliff Pethick, auctioneer. 24-1 Seiling by Public Auction for George Thoriby, 849 Cochrane St. N., Whitby on J une 25th at 1 p.m. Ail his turniture, tridge, 4 b urner stove, air conditioner, oal table, and gardon tools. Muse sold .N o reserve. Terms cash. Lawrence Harris, clerk . Ciiff Peýhlck auctioneer. 24-2 s tF f Ringwood on Hwy. 48 or 5 miles north of Markham. This sale also includes the fur-, niture t ram the home of Mrs. Alox Jones. Lunch available. Sale managed and soid by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 23-2 Auction Sale Grist Mill Auction Barn Newtonvilie, June l7th, Friday, 7:00 p.m. McClary cookstove (gaad), chests of drawvers, round glass china cabinet, trunks, brass top and spool beds, pine chests, drap leaf table, faehall tables, dinfing table with 6 chairs and buffet, 2 pc. chesterfield, Colonial arm chair, kitchen set with buffet cabinet, gald and cap- pertone 30 in. stoves, small electric appliances, dishes, single continental bed, wringer washer, luggage, vacuum, iaundry tubs (ce- ment), electric chord organ (40 bass), typewriters, reel mower, outboard motors, Simplicity gardon tractor with 'olaw and cultivator, space eater, g arden tools, and many ather items. Terms cash. Auctioneers: Stapleton Bras. 786-2244. 24-1 Auction Sale of Reaistered Hackney and Shetland Ponies Saturday, June 18, -at 1.00 p.m. compiete dispersai of- reg. hackney and shetland ponies. The property of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Burton, at their farm i ocated 2 miles west of Brooklin, Ont. on No. 7' highway (just west of Carnam- tion Road). Note: Most of_ these ponios carry showstock bloodîmnes, and many have been ribbon winners. Terms cash. No reserve. Illîness forces sale. Kahn Auction Ser- vices. Phone (416) 985-8161. 23-2 Saturday, June 18 Sale Time 12 Noon Bus is to be sold at 2 p.m. The property of Richard Dubeau, corner of Nash Rd. and Sauina Rd., approximately three miles oast of Oshawa and 1/2 mile north af No. 2. "Watch for Signs." ýHousehold furniture, antiques, type- writers, dishes, tents, two spoal single beds,, pressed back chairs, H. O. Centenniai Eiectric Train, '67 Ford, 40 passenger bus, partially' camperized; '66 Mercury, 2 door, automatic car, plus many other articles. There are quite a few collêctible items in this sale. "Watch for Posters." Ross McLean, auctianeor. 576-7550. 24-1 Survey Indicates Wintario Lottery Retains Popularýity The resuits of a Gallup Poli conducted ip February- -March, 1977, indicate ttiat public support of Wintario has. increased in the past year, with 85.9 per cent of Ontario' households having_ purchased tickets, Harvey McCulloch, Q.C., Chairman of the Board of the Ontario Lottery Corpor- ation announced today. "The study, which was conducted by the Canadian Institute of Public Opinion, îndicated that Ontario resi- dents appear ta be generaliy pleased with both the Wintario and The Provincial games",, Marshall Pollock, Q. C.,< Managing Director of the Ontario Lottery Corporation explained. "Winning is ob- viously a major motivating feature in the purchase of lottery tickets and perhaps part of the reason for the wide spread interest in the game is that with the generation of almost 11/ million winners so far, more than two thirds of the players actually know a prize winner", Mr. Pollock continued. "'While the surveys indicate that participation in Wintario and. The Provincial cuts across every socio-economic group in the province and that no one incomne group partici- pates to a more signîficant degree than any other, a profile of the average Win- tario ticket purchaser (if there is such a thing) would suggest that he or she is between 30-49' years of age, has a high school education, is an hourly _ratedý than -that a moùnt. AÀs-witb Wintario, the majority of ticket purchasers (62.2 per cent) buy only one ticket while the second largest group (21.9 per cent) buy two tickets on each of the bi-monthly draws. m'A'FTfl r~ i r1 :jW~

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